7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (2024)

How can I make money using ChatGPT in 2024?

You can make money using Generative AIs like ChatGPT if you know how to generate good content with the right prompts. If your prompt techniques are good enough for the bot to understand, you can turn your knowledge into profit simply by trying a number of these strategies:

1) Write and Sell eBooks

7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (1)

I used Midjourney, Text-to-image AI image creator to create this 3D Book Cover

Brett Schickler was tired of walking door to door as a salesman day in and day out. He longed to be a published author but couldn’t find the time to work on his craft. That’s when he discovered ChatGPT.

The idea of writing a book finally seemed possible,” said Schickler, a salesman in Rochester, New York. “I thought ‘I can now do this.'”

Using the artificial intelligence program, Schickler generates blocks of text from a few simple & specific prompts. From there, he could create a 30-page illustrated children’s e-book in a matter of hours, offering it for sale in January through Amazon.com Inc’s KDP self-publishing unit.

The Wise Little Squirrel: A Tale of Saving and Investing,” available in the Amazon Kindle store for $2.99 – or $9.99 for a printed version – has netted Schickler less than $100, he said. While that may not sound like much, it is enough to inspire him to compose other books using the software.

Thousands of people have successfully made a whole career out from this. Including myself.

Today there are over 1,000 e-books in Amazon’s Kindle store listing ChatGPT as an author or co-author. And that number is rising daily.

You too can start writing a full-length eBook easily with the help of ChatGPT.

7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (2)

While selling your own content isn’t always easy – you now have ChatGPT on your side (an All-knowing Expert in various fields) to aide you in your research and writing. You can even create book covers and illustrations easily with various book cover maker websites.

If you have trouble choosing a profitable niche, take a look at the Kindle section of Amazon and find out what books are selling well, within your personal interest.

Furthermore, Amazon.com isn’t the only author publishing platform out there. You can use sites like Medium or Substack to publish your articles, stories, poems, or essays, and earn money from subscriptions, tips, or sponsorships.

You also have the option of using platforms like Gumroad to sell your ebooks, courses, or guides and make some money.

2) Copywriting

7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (3)Did you know that The highest paid copywriter on earth is responsible for over a billion dollars in sales and makes over $1,000,000 a month! His name is Gary Halbert and his job revolves around the art of using words to generate sales.

Words are power, words build trust, words build credibility, words are EVERYthing…

Think about it. Almost every decision you make is based on what someone has said to you or because of something you have read.

You can now copywrite with the help of ChatGPT for those who need high-quality and engaging text for their websites, blogs, social media, or newsletters.

ChatGPT is a wordsmith with a vast vocabulary and the ability to craft engaging and informative content on a wide range of topics. From technical manuals to creative writing, ChatGPT has the power to deliver a compelling message with precision and flair.

With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can analyze and understand complex concepts, distilling them into clear and concise language that resonates with readers to get them to take action.

To start, you can use platforms like Textbroker or Fiverr to find clients who need copywriting services, and charge a fee per word or per project.

10x your copywriting with ChatGPT!

Simply write an accurate prompt to generate the ad copy you want.

Here’s an example of a ChatGPT Prompt for Burger King:

”Write a social media hook for getting people to buy burger king.”

7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (4)

Whether or not someone buys your products or services depends on how clever you are at engineering a prompt using ChatGPT.

3) Create a Website

7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (5)You could also create a website using ChatGPT even with zero coding ability.

While this process is much more complicated, you can learn how to create advanced websites and then offer your services on freelancing websites like Upwork. Learn here

The process includes entering a detailed prompt followed by the use of an IDE like Replit.com

Or you can simply use an AI website builder like Durable.co to create and then sell your creations in a matter of minutes.

Build an AI-powered web design agency. Generate and sell unlimited websites for clients with Durable Pro.

They make it super easy to generate websites from concept to reality.

If you pay for ChatGPT Plus, you could do this:

🤯 OpenAI's GPT-4 release is turning heads by turning a messy notebook drawing into a fully-functioning website. This is a game-changer in website building! pic.twitter.com/Szt5R8djre

— AI CHEF 🇫🇷 🇨🇦 Ph.D.🎓 Proud Canadian! (@Neo19890) March 15, 2023

4) Blog Writing

Blogging is one of the best ways to start making money even if you’re a beginner. With the help of ChatGPT, you can choose a niche that aligns with your personal interest. Then, start creating content that targets your audience.

7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (6)

Ultimately, successful blogs are the ones that are both popular and have a personal connection to you (the blogger). Outline a strategy to write and publish at least one blog post once a week. Include your personal story, journey and revelations.

For example: If I need to write an article on how to start blogging, then I will use this prompt command – Write a blog on “How to start blogging in 30 days”.

7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (7)

Once you get into the rhythm of blogging, start capturing the emails of those who visit your blog. You do that by using a landing page. Offer an incentive like an eBook to entice them to leave their emails with you.

After you have built an email list, build a relationship with your readers by connecting with them, then over time you will have a database of loyal followers who will buy into your recommendation.

Each of the steps above are vital, if you want your blog to generate a return – so pay attention and don’t skip any steps.

Start a Blog like this using Hostinger’s AI Tools

Looking to start a website but don’t know how to code or have the time to build one?

Hostinger Website Builder is your solution. It’s the easiest and quickest way to create a website with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and pre-made templates.

Plus, it features a whole suite of free smart AI tools like the Logo Maker, AI Writer, and AI Heatmap to make your website unique and improve visitor experience.

Best of all, it’s included in all annual plans of Shared, WordPress, VPS & Cloud Hosting, so subscribe now and access all features absolutely free!

5) Offer Freelance Services

With ChatGPT, you can now offer services for a fee in hundreds of freelancing platforms. Help solve people’s problems, and you too can make a living out of it.

Solve math problems. ChatGPT’s AI language model is capable of performing various mathematical calculations and solving complex equations.

Help with programming.ChatGPT can help you build a website or app from scratch.

Offer translation services. Since ChatGPT is a machine-learning model, you can use and help people with translating foreign languages.

You could also use ChatGPT to translate manuals, training materials, and product descriptions for your clients. ChatGPT’s neural network will give you an edge over other freelancers.

Here are a few more incredible use cases people have discovered using ChatGPT for the first time…

Learning. Imagine having a world-class expert in every subject available to chat with at any time.

Um… I just had like a 20 minute conversation with ChatGPT about the history of modern physics. If I had this sh*t as a tutor during high school and college…. OMG.

I think we can basically re-invent the concept of education at scale. College as we know it will cease to exist.

— Peter Wang 🦋 (@pwang) December 4, 2022

Debugging code. You can ask it to fix your coding or add any lines you’re unsure of.

ChatGPT could be a good debugging companion; it not only explains the bug but fixes it and explain the fix 🤯 pic.twitter.com/5x9n66pVqj

— Amjad Masad (@amasad) November 30, 2022

A personal assistant. It is way more fun than Google!

ChatGPT has already made it to my iPhone Home Screen.

It genuinely feels like having a personal assistant to ask questions to throughout the day.

— Peter Yang (@petergyang) December 5, 2022

6) Create Professional YouTube Videos

You can now use ChatGPT with other AI-powered tools to create YouTube videos and earn money through advertising.

As an AI language model, ChatGPT cannot directly create videos. However, ChatGPT can assist with generating scripts, captions, and even video descriptions.

You can write YouTube scripts with ChatGPT in minutes. Just pick a topic and type in the prompt. Within seconds, you will have your full-fledged video scripts ready.

7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (10)

Here are some steps on how to create a video using ChatGPT:

Determine the purpose and topic of your video: Before creating your video, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and what your video will be about. This will help guide the writing process with ChatGPT.

Generate a script using ChatGPT: Use ChatGPT to generate a script for your video. You can input prompts such as “Write a script for a video about [topic]” and ChatGPT will generate a text response. You can also edit and refine the script generated by ChatGPT to fit your needs.

Record or source visuals for your video: Once you have your script, you can begin recording or sourcing visuals to accompany your content. You can use a variety of tools to record your video, such as a smartphone, camera, or screen recording software.

Edit and finalize your video: After recording or sourcing visuals, you can use video editing software to put everything together. This can include adding captions generated by ChatGPT, editing the script to fit the visuals, and adding music or sound effects.

Upload and promote your video: Once your video is finalized, you can upload it to a video sharing platform such as YouTube or Vimeo. You can also promote your video through social media or other channels to reach a wider audience.

And that’s not all.

Faceless YouTube channels today can earn up to $10,000/month. Such video content creation used to be incredibly time-consuming and pricey, but with AI tools like HeyGen, it becomes easy, cheap and fun to start one.

Here’s how you can use HeyGenand create professional videos in minutes for free:

→ Go to HeyGen.com and sign up

→ Start creating your first AI spokesperson video for free!

→ Edit your video

→ Add a script (if you have one)

→ Add text, multiple elements, music, or custom assets.

→ Submit

→ Download and Share!

So, if you want to start a YouTube channel today, you shouldn’t have any excuses anymore. You can even use it to create content for your social media!

7) Generate leads and sales

Lastly, you can use ChatGPT to generate leads and sales easily for your own products or services.

In fact, with the right commands, the chatbot can generate convincing stories and overcome difficult objections.

The AI language model is great at identifying and addressing concerns or hesitations a person may have about your product or service in order to convince them to make a purchase.

It knows how to push the right buttons!

I got charged $350 for an online service I was not using. I emailed complaining and they responded they don’t give back refunds. I told ChatGPT to write a response professionally with very strong wording. The reply scared even me so I sent it off. Got a refund in 2 days. 🤩

— Mark Teasdale ★ (@MarksGonePublic) February 7, 2023

Often times, ChatGPT does this by providing additional information, addressing misconceptions, offering solutions to potential problems, and highlighting the benefits of the product or service.

Using messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp, you can input into ChatGPT what your customer’s reply is, and then ask it to try to convince him.

Create a chatbot service: You can now offer a service to clients who need automated customer support, FAQ answering, or conversational marketing.

You can use platforms like Chatfuel or Dialogflow to build and deploy your chatbot, and charge a fee for each conversation or message. You can also customize your chatbot with your own branding and personality, and add features like voice recognition, sentiment analysis, or image generation.

Conclusion: The Best Way to Make Money Using ChatGPT Is…

As I said, with ChatGPT you can now copy the money-making strategies of highly successful content creators.

It levels the playing field dramatically.

There is no longer a valid reason not to learn how to succeed at making money online.

But first, you need to have a sound strategy in place.

Part of that strategy involves content marketing. Far from anything new, content marketing is what everybody has to learn today, in order to make money.

Whether you’re an actor, singer, politician, teacher, salesman; in your job, or in your business, you need to understand content marketing more intimately in order to succeed in life. There are no more excuses.

Don’t get left behind. You need to get on the train for an early mover’s advantage. Because ChatGPT is going to be the standard from here on out.

I hope you consider the steps I’ve outlined here. It might help you take your life to a whole new level – and remind you that you can make money online (and then some).

What have you experienced when it comes to using ChatGPT to make money? Are you using any part of the above currently, and, if so, what has your results been? Let me know in the comments below, I would love to know!

Want to learn more…?

  • What is ChatGPT?
  • How to use ChatGPT to earn $5000/month.
  • 30+ Cool Things you can do with ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT Super Prompts you can’t Live Without

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7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (14)

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7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (15)

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7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick (2024)


7 Best Ways You Can Make Money Using ChatGPT - ThinkMaverick? ›

Create in-depth online courses or tutorials showcasing the effective use of ChatGPT. Convert your course content into a PDF format for easy distribution. Monetize through platforms like Udemy or by selling access to your courses on your website, providing valuable insights to those eager to master ChatGPT's potential.

How to make money with ChatGPT in 2024? ›

11 Ways to Make Money with ChatGPT in 2024
  1. Content Creation Services. At the forefront of leveraging ChatGPT lies content creation. ...
  2. Copywriting Assistance. ...
  3. Consulting in AI Implementation. ...
  4. Online Tutoring or Coaching. ...
  5. Chatbot Development. ...
  6. AI Writing Tools. ...
  7. Custom Chatbots for Websites. ...
  8. AI-Based Social Media Management.
Feb 15, 2024

How to make money with ChatGPT pdf? ›

Create in-depth online courses or tutorials showcasing the effective use of ChatGPT. Convert your course content into a PDF format for easy distribution. Monetize through platforms like Udemy or by selling access to your courses on your website, providing valuable insights to those eager to master ChatGPT's potential.

How to earn passive income using ChatGPT? ›

Here are a few ways how you can earn passive income by using ChatGPT:
  1. Building a Paid Google Chrome Extension. ...
  2. Create a custom AI Chatbot. ...
  3. Writing Children Books. ...
  4. Website Creation. ...
  5. Video Creation. ...
  6. Online Courses. ...
  7. Affiliate Marketing. ...
  8. Refine Existing Content.
Jan 30, 2024

How to use AI to make passive income? ›

Below, let's focus on both usages of AI for making money—generating previously unheard of business ideas, and complementing existing side hustles.
  1. Create An AI Chatbot. ...
  2. Use AI For Course Creation. ...
  3. Develop Your Own AI Product. ...
  4. AI Consulting. ...
  5. Use AI On Canva.
Apr 15, 2024

How to make the most of ChatGPT? ›

10 Tips to Use ChatGPT Effectively
  1. Provide Clear and Concise Instructions. ...
  2. Break Down Complex Problems into Smaller Ones. ...
  3. Feed with Examples. ...
  4. Experiment with Phrasing. ...
  5. Use System-level Instructions. ...
  6. Utilize User-like Behavior. ...
  7. Specify the Format. ...
  8. Iterate and Refine.

How to use ChatGPT for free? ›

How to use ChatGPT on the web or mobile app
  1. Go to chat.openai.com or the mobile app, and log in or sign up (it's free).
  2. Enter your prompt on the ChatGPT home page. If you're using GPT-4o, you can use a text, image, or audio prompt.
  3. Once ChatGPT spits out a response, you have a handful of options:
May 29, 2024

Who owns ChatGPT? ›

Chat GPT is owned by OpenAI LP, an artificial intelligence research lab consisting of the for-profit OpenAI LP and its parent company, the non-profit OpenAI Inc.

What is the best side hustle to make money in 2024? ›

Things like freelancing, social media marketing, answering surveys, and proofreading for other small businesses are pretty easy side jobs from home that can still turn a nice profit.

How can I make over $100000 a year? ›

Jobs with salaries over $100,000
  1. Hardware design engineer. ...
  2. Investment banking analyst. ...
  3. User experience manager. ...
  4. Financial reporting manager. ...
  5. Senior project manager. ...
  6. Physician assistant. ...
  7. Psychiatric nurse. ...
  8. Engineering manager.
Apr 18, 2024

How to earn money using AI? ›

Table of contents
  1. Is it Easy to Make Money Using AI Tools?
  2. Offer Writing Services with AI Writing Tools.
  3. Develop Apps with AI Coding Tools.
  4. Manage Paid Advertising with AI.
  5. Earn as a CRM & Sales Consultant.
  6. Freelance as a Photo Editor.
  7. Consult as a Data Scientist.
  8. Provide AI Chatbots for Businesses.
Jul 12, 2024

How can you use ChatGPT to make money? ›

Some popular methods include offering consulting services, creating and selling chatbot templates, affiliate marketing, and completing tasks for others. Additionally, you can use ChatGPT to research SEO-friendly topics and keywords to improve your website's ranking and increase your profits.

How to make money with ChatGPT eBook? ›

How to Make Money Online by Creating eBooks with ChatGPT?
  1. Step 1: Choose a Niche. ...
  2. Step 2: Research your topic. ...
  3. Step 3: Use ChatGPT to Generate Content. ...
  4. Step 4: Organise Your Content. ...
  5. Step 5: Edit and proofread your eBook. ...
  6. Step 6: Create a Cover. ...
  7. Step 7: Publish your eBook. ...
  8. Step 8: Promote your eBook.
Mar 21, 2024

How to copywrite to make money? ›

This can be done by creating new works of art, writing, or music, and then copyrighting them. Another option is to find someone who has already created something protected by copyright law and license it for use. Finally, you could also try suing people for infringement of your copyrights.

Is it legal to use ChatGPT to make money? ›

According to OpenAI's Content Policy and Terms of Use, users of ChatGPT own all the output they create with the LLM, including text and images. Users are permitted to reuse, reprint, and sell ChatGPT-generated output, regardless of whether it was generated through a free plan, paid plan, or their API.

How are people using ChatGPT for business? ›

ChatGPT can be integrated into a company's website or customer service platform to provide basic legal information to users, such as explaining terms and conditions, privacy policies, or answering frequently asked legal questions.

How are people using AI to make money? ›

How to make money using AI
  • AI software development.
  • AI data analytics.
  • AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants.
  • AI written content.
  • AI graphic design.
  • AI website creation.
  • AI video editing.
  • AI digital marketing.
Mar 11, 2024

Is it legal to use ChatGPT to write a book? ›

Can I use ChatGPT to write a book legally? If you've been wondering: “Can I use ChatGPT to write a book and sell it?” The answer is…also yes.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.