6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started! (2024)

I was born in the 80s so a home business wasn’t really a thing.

In fact, if your parents bought you two new pairs of shoes a year then I looked up to you and figured that your family was rich.

When I was a kid I didn’t know much about money and freedom. I knew that everybody had to get a job. Most people hated theirs and some people liked theirs.

I figured it was just the way of the world.

Even through college, I figured that I would have to pick a career and that’s what I would do for the rest of my life.

Then the Internet really started to happen.

It seemed like every day I was finding out new ways people were making money from home. It was both amazing and overwhelming because I didn’t understand any of it.

When people talked about starting a business online I assumed that they already had a lot of money allowing them to invest in whatever was needed to start a business. Having a home business with no money to start it with couldn’t be possible, could it?

Eventually, I started my own and that’s when I entered the world of home businesses and I never looked back.

6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started! (1)

Advantages of Owning a Home Business

You might already know some of these advantages:

  • Choose your hours
  • Work at your own pace
  • Be your own boss
  • No limit to your salary

These are cool advantages but they don’t happen the second you decide to start your own business. It takes a lot of work to get to this point.

There is a saying that entrepreneurs are the only people in the world that will work 80 hours so they don’t have to work 40.

While I understand this I don’t like it. The goal is to get MORE freedom, not less.

Fortunately, not all home businesses require you to spend 80 hours a week on them if you don’t want to. Some don’t even require any type of investment besides time.

6 Home Business You Can Start with No Money

In this post, I am going to share with you 6 home businesses that anyone with a computer and online connection can start. These are home businesses you can start with no money.

I am not promising you untold riches but if you are looking to make some extra money these can be great businesses to get started today.

1. The Professional Survey Taker

Did you know there are companies that will pay you just for answering questions? It sounds crazy, but companies are always doing research for their future products and they need people to help them. This shouldn’t be done for free and so they hire companies to find people to answer some questions.

This is where you come in.

It’s a stretch to call this a business, but it’s a start. You won’t get rich from doing this, but it’s something that can help bring in extra money allowing you to invest in other businesses that will require a little bit of money to get off the ground.

If this sounds interesting to you then check out these 7 awesome survey sites that will pay you cash.

6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started! (2)

2. Creating a Digital Product

People will pay other people to teach them to get better at something.

Back in the day you would take a course at the community college or the town rec center on, say for example, How to Macrame (My mom actually did that one). It was pretty much just a regular lady who just happened to know how to do Macrame who taught the class.

Digitial Products like eBooks or Courses are basically the same concept, except they’re digital instead of in-person.

At Odd Noodle we’ve helped regular people like you create businesses with digital products that help people learn how to save time by freezer meal planning, how to get in amazing shape after 40, how to knit, how to do their small business finances… And on and on.

What’s great about digital products, especially nowadays, is that you can get started without using super complicated or expensive tools so the learning curve is much smaller than it used to be.

And you don’t have to be an expert or anything to create one.

You just have to be able to improve someone’s life in some small way. Whether that’s saving them 30 minutes at night because they don’t have to cook dinner or giving them a specific nutrition plan that will help them get in shape, if it helps them improve upon a problem that frustrates them, they’ll be willing to spend money on it.

If this is the home business (and yes, you CAN start it with no money) for you, then you can learn more about this type of business toward the end of this post.

6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started! (3)

3. Babysitting

I remember when my wife and I moved to LA and she told me that she didn’t want to go back to the corporate world. She had been a Sales Manager at Canon and it simply broke her down.

I am not one to argue against someone’s happiness, but that doesn’t mean you get to stop bringing home the bread. So she went on Care.com and found a great full-time nanny position.

It was great because she got to work with kids (she loves kids) and there was absolutely no overhead involved.’

Of course, you can also look on other sites like Craigslist, Facebook, and any local bulletin boards that might be in your city.

If you want to aim a bit bigger you can set up a mini-daycare. This usually works best when you get clients through word of mouth which usually means families that know each other looking for your services.

If you want to go even bigger then you can set up a simple website and run your own babysitting agency.

4. Freelance Writing

Before you even get started on how you aren’t a professional writer or don’t have the right skill set let me stop you right there. You don’t need to be a professional writer to get paid to write.

There are thousands of sites out there looking for people to write articles for them. Some people are able to make six figures solely from freelance writing.

As you grow as a writer you’ll get more assignments that pay more. Don’t be surprised if after a couple of months you are booking more than $5,000 a month in jobs.

So how do you get started with freelance writing? It’s great if you have a blog so you can showcase your writing abilities.

Then you can hit different writing job boards looking for gigs. Initially, these jobs will be lower-paying than they are worth, but like any other type of freelancing career you will want to build up a portfolio.

Places to look around for gigs are:

To find more writing opportunities check out 67+ online writing opportunities to make money.

5. Virtual Assistant or Digital Business Manager

Virtual Assistants, or VAs as they are called, are people who help others do whatever is needed to help them run their business. For example, if I were to hire a VA to help me with this blog then I would have them run my Twitter and Pinterest account along with vetting emails to decide which ones I need to look at versus which ones they can handle.

As a VA you become a vital component to a person’s business. A huge plus of being a VA is that it gives you the opportunity to learn the ropes from other business people.

If you want to level up the amount of money that you make then becoming a Digital Business Manager will be for you. In fact, one of our students has an amazing program showing you how to become a Digital Business Manager.

6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started! (4)

6. Become an Influencer

Now before you skip past this one, hold on just a moment! Influencing is not just for the stunning 20-something you keep seeing showing up on your Instagram feed.

Pretty much anyone can do it.

Basically, the job of an influencer is to say Hey, I’m like this, if you want to be like me, you can use these tools/products/services. Usually, the influencer will get paid a commission per sale or a lump sum for promoting a product.

And with the rise of User Generated Content, you don’t even have to have a huge social media following anymore. Brands are actively looking for regular people to create content about their products

Brands know people trust the opinions of other people who are like them. People buy products they have trust in. You can help the brand build that trust.

With User Generated Content (UGC) you get paid for creating the piece of content and you will also likely get some free products! It’s a fun extra bonus.

If this is the path you want to try, we have a free bootcamp that will give you the ins and outs of starting with UGC.

How Can I Start a Home Business With No Money? The Gameplan…

Alright, out of the businesses that we discussed above, the 2nd option is definitely our favorite.

Selling digital products.

The reason why? Well, it’s better to list the reasons:

  • Free to start
  • Product creation is free
  • No inventory
  • Infinitely scalable
  • This can be done by a single person
  • You keep most of the money

All of these reasons are great, but they don’t mean anything if you don’t know how to do it yourself so here’s the gameplan.

1. Figure Out Who You’re Going to Help

Instead of trying to jump right into what kind of products you’re going to create, your best bet is understanding who you’re going to help. We like to call this person The Hero.

When you know who you want to help then it becomes a lot easier to figure everything else out.

What are the key requirements to making sure you pick the right kind of person to help? We’ll go over some of this in a bit, but the main thing is that they are willing to spend money to solve a problem.

6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started! (5)

2. Figure Out What They Want

Now that you have an idea of who you want to help it’s important to understand what they want. What is the outcome they are hoping for?

For example, if you say that you want to help busy moms then one of the outcomes they may want is to not have to spend every night cooking dinner. This is where Freezer Meal Plans come in handy.

At Odd Noodle, we want to help Creators create a lifestyle where they can do more of what they want, and to do that they need to make money. So we help Creators learn how to build online businesses that make money.

6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started! (6)

3. Create an eBook to Help Them Get What They Want

Now that you know what they want it’s time to create an offer that helps them get what they want. This isn’t going to be your only offer, but this is the offer that you can start with.

If you’re thinking that the idea of creating an eBook is overwhelming then know that we’ve developed a process to help you create an eBook in 12 hours or less.

We’ve helped 100s of Creators create eBooks to start their digital product empire.

4. Create a Mailing List and Opt-In

Next, you want to create a mailing list and a lead magnet that can help get people to your mailing list. Why is a mailing list so important when you can build an audience on social media?

  1. You don’t own your audience on social media, the algorithm does.
  2. Everyone has email and everyone checks email
  3. You own your mailing list
  4. Email allows you to build a stronger relationship with your audience

The majority of your money is going to be made selling through your email list. And if you’re worried about coming across as too salesy then that’s what social selling helps with.

6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started! (7)

5. Create Content to Help Sell the eBook

Now it’s time to create content. Why?

Because you need to attract people to you so they know that your book exists. But wait, can’t you just put the book up on Amazon or Etsy?

You could, but you still need to figure out ways to drive traffic to your book. Those platforms just won’t hand over an audience to you. Plus, they like to take a decent cut of the money and you can’t charge as much for your book.

When your book is on your own platform you get to control everything.

So where do you create content? This depends on who you’re trying to help and what you’re trying to help them with. If you’re dealing with professionals and helping them get better at salary negotiation then LinkedIn makes perfect sense.

If you’re helping people garden then a visual platform like TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube makes a ton of sense.

But you shouldn’t do social media alone. Blogging is a great complement to social media for building more passive traffic that can build up over time.

So when people ask if blogging is a waste of time then understand that blogging might be the biggest money generator for you if you work on it. It’s all about creating content that attracts the right people to you.

6. Keep Creating Content

What do you do from here? You continue to create content to build up an audience that wants to pay attention to you and then you let them know that your offer exists.

It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.

Over time, as more of your content gets put out into the wild, more of it will do the work for you allowing you to spend more time doing the things that you want.

If this sounds interesting to you then be sure to check out our FREE Playbook breaking all of this down.

Anyone Can Start a Home Business With No Money

It sounds crazy for me to say this but with an online connection, anything is possible.

Some people are intimidated by the thought of starting their own home business but they really shouldn’t be. The gist of any business is that you find a problem that someone is having and who is willing to pay for a solution to that problem.

If you can find enough people that fit this criteria then you have a great shot at succeeding.

6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started! (2024)


6 Simple Home Businesses: No Money Required to Get Started!? ›

As Henry Ford famously said, “A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business”. I have come to understand that Mercury's strengths lie not only in what they do for their clients but also in their ability to create empowered and engaged staff.

What is the easiest business to start with no money? ›

Some popular options for budding small business owners with little to no startup capital include:
  • Freelancing. There are many online marketplaces for freelancers. ...
  • E-commerce. ...
  • Service-area and hybrid businesses. ...
  • Manufacturing.
Jan 16, 2024

What is the cheapest home business to start? ›

That's what makes a cleaning business the cheapest small business to start.
  • #13. Handyman Business.
  • #14. Web Design.
  • #15. Mobile Photography.
  • #16. Nanny or Babysitting Business.
  • #17. Virtual Assistant Business.
  • #18. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking Business.
  • #19. Personal Training Business.
  • #20. Personal Concierge Business.
Jul 19, 2024

What is the simplest type of business to start? ›

Business ideas that are easy to start quickly
  • Freelance services. ...
  • Selling on eBay. ...
  • Pet sitting. ...
  • Cleaning service. ...
  • Delivery service. ...
  • Hauling. ...
  • Tutor. Tutoring is an excellent home-based business idea. ...
  • Entertainer. Got a talent that people enjoy seeing you perform?

How to start a small business at home for free? ›

Start a service-based business
  1. Freelance writing.
  2. Virtual assistant services.
  3. Social media marketing.
  4. Handyman services.
  5. House cleaning.
  6. Dog walking.
  7. Personal shopping.
  8. Bookkeeping services.
Feb 17, 2024

Which business is best to start for beginners? ›

Best Small Business Ideas
  • Handyman. Image Source. ...
  • Woodworker. ...
  • Online Dating Consultant. ...
  • Sewing and Alteration Specialist. ...
  • Freelance Developer. ...
  • Personal Trainer. ...
  • Freelance Graphic Designer. ...
  • Life/Career Coach.
Mar 19, 2024

What is a business that makes nothing but money? ›

As Henry Ford famously said, “A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business”. I have come to understand that Mercury's strengths lie not only in what they do for their clients but also in their ability to create empowered and engaged staff.

What small business makes the most money from home? ›

Top 25 Profitable Home-based Business Ideas to Try [2024]
  • Start a Dropshipping Business.
  • Flip Websites.
  • Sell Homemade/Handmade Products.
  • Start a Print-on-Demand Business.
  • USPP website.
  • Develop Apps.
  • Become an Online Tutor.
  • Sell Pre-owned Items.
Jun 27, 2024

What is the best business to start with low cost? ›

Your guide to creating a digital download.
  • Design and sell low-content books. ...
  • Start a clothes-flipping business. ...
  • Help students as an online tutor. ...
  • Become a personal trainer. ...
  • Illustrate books. ...
  • Offer social media management. ...
  • Edit photos. ...
  • Help with event planning.

What business will boom in 2024? ›

Now, these are the fastest-growing industries in 2024.
  • Ecommerce. ...
  • Online Education. ...
  • The healthcare industry and the fitness sector. ...
  • The home improvement industry. ...
  • The pet care industry. ...
  • Travel and tourism. ...
  • Financial Technology (Fintech) ...
  • Cybersecurity.
Apr 29, 2024

What's the best business to start without money? ›

9 Best Businesses to Start with No Money
  • Podcasting. ...
  • Freelancing & Consulting. ...
  • Blogging. ...
  • Teaching/Instructing/Tutoring. ...
  • Coaching. ...
  • Virtual Assistant. ...
  • Event Planning. ...
  • Online Community Management. Online community management businesses foster and manage digital communities around brands, interests, or causes.
Jun 10, 2024

How can I start a business if I have no money? ›

If you're exploring the idea of entrepreneurship or would like to launch a business with no money, these tips can set you up for success.
  1. Keep Your Day Job. ...
  2. Choose a Business Idea That Doesn't Require Upfront Capital. ...
  3. Perform Market Research. ...
  4. Write a Business Plan. ...
  5. Wear Many Hats. ...
  6. Run a Trial. ...
  7. Scale Up. ...
  8. Use Free Resources.

How to start a new life with no money? ›

  1. Shift Your Mindset: From Scarcity to Abundance. ...
  2. Assess Your Skills and Talents. ...
  3. Set Clear Goals and Prioritize. ...
  4. Create a Budget and Reduce Expenses. ...
  5. Explore Alternative Housing Options. ...
  6. Generate Income with Creative Solutions. ...
  7. Seek Support and Leverage Networks. ...
  8. Invest in Continuous Learning and Personal Growth.
Jul 11, 2023

What is the most profitable easy business to start? ›

Some of the best small businesses to start this year
  • Cleaning services. ...
  • Dog walker. ...
  • Mobile car wash. ...
  • Tutoring. ...
  • Fitness and personal training. ...
  • Social media expert and influencer. ...
  • Digital marketing – copywriting, graphic design, web development, and coding. ...
  • Food trucks and food stands.

What type of business is the easiest and the simplest to start? ›

A sole proprietorship is the easiest and simplest form of business ownership. It is owned by one person. There is no distinction between the person and the business. The owner shares in the business's profits and losses.

Can you start a business with 0 dollars? ›

The reality is that all businesses require some type of investment. But if you don't have money at the moment or have minimal financial funds at your disposal, don't worry. You may still pursue your venture as long as you come up with a solid game plan and plan for hurdles you might come across along the way.

How to start a business from nothing? ›

Starting a business can seem like a lot, but following these steps will help make sure you're successful:
  1. Make a business plan.
  2. Secure funding.
  3. Surround yourself with the right people.
  4. Follow the right legal procedures.
  5. Establish a location.
  6. Develop a marketing plan.
  7. Build your customer base.
  8. Plan to change.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 5724

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.