6 Project Constraints: Manage Them for Project Success [2023] • Asana (2024)


Project constraints are the general limitations of a project, including time, costs, and risks. Understanding project constraints is important because they affect project performance. In this piece, we’ll discuss project constraints in detail and explain how to manage them.

Have you ever been to the circus and watched the performers do a balancing act? They somehow manage to hold multiple plates up in the air so gracefully that it feels like they must be using magic. But balancing doesn’t require magic—just focus and skill. If a performer were to misplace their hold on a single plate, all the plates would come crashing down.

Like a circus performance, project management is a balancing act. During the project life cycle, you’ll encounter various constraints, including time, costs, and risks. Part of your job as an effective project manager is learning how to balance these constraints in order to increase project performance. In this piece, we’ll discuss project constraints in detail and explain how to manage them.

What are project constraints?

Project constraints are the general limitations that you need to account for during the project life cycle. For example, a cost constraint means that you’re limited to a specific project budget, while a time constraint means you must complete your project within a specified timeframe.

Most project constraints impact one another, which is why constraint management is crucial for project success. If you decide that you must expand the project timeline, then you’ll likely need more money to complete the project as well. Your project scope will also expand when the time and cost of your project expand.

6 Project Constraints: Manage Them for Project Success [2023] • Asana (1)

There are six common project constraints to consider as you make your way through the phases of project management. In this article, we’ll go through each constraint in detail and explain how you can manage it. No matter what type of project you’re working on, using project management software can help you visualize your project schedule and manage all of your project constraints in one place.

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The triple constraints of project management

The triple constraints of project management—also known as the project management triangle or the iron triangle—are scope, cost, and time. You’ll need to balance these three elements in every project, and doing so can be challenging because they all affect one another.

There are trade-offs when balancing scope, cost, and time, and you must decide what you’re willing to sacrifice in order to maintain project alignment and functionality.

For example, your project can only stay within scope if your project’s budget and time allotments stay steady. If you want to finish the project in less time, your scope must also decrease to balance out the project unless you’re able to make adjustments to the budget.

6 Project Constraints: Manage Them for Project Success [2023] • Asana (2)


Project scope refers to a project’s magnitude in terms of quality, detail, and deliverables. Time and money are dependencies of project scope, because as the project scope grows, the project will require more time and money to complete.

You’ll need to be aware of scope creep throughout each project phase and work hard to prevent it. You can prevent scope creep by creating detailed project plans and getting project stakeholders to sign off on everything before production begins.


Cost constraints include the project budget as a whole and anything of financial value required for your project. Items that may be a cost constraint include:

Include any items in this section that require you to pull from your company’s financial resources.

Read: Your guide to getting started with resource management


Time management is essential for project success, and there are various time constraints you’ll face during each phase of your project. When you try to increase your project timeline, there will be consequences like extended deadlines, adjustments to the team calendar, or less time for planning.

Time elements in your project that can lead to constraints may include:

  • Overall project timeline

  • Hours worked on project

  • Internal calendars and goalposts

  • Time allotted for planning and strategy

  • Number of project phases

Scope, cost, and time are called the iron triangle because these three constraints can be difficult to maneuver around each other while maintaining project quality. For example, if you cut your budget or increase your scope, you’ll likely need to compensate by loosening up on time. You can do this by extending deadlines, adding hours, or adjusting your project schedule.

Other common project constraints to consider

While scope, cost, and time are the triple constraints of project management, there are three other project constraints you may encounter in your project life cycle: risk, resources, and quality.


Project risks are any unexpected occurrences that can affect your project. While most project risks are negative, some can be positive. For example, a new technology may be released while your project is in progress. This technology may help you finish your project quicker or it may cause more competition in the market and reduce your product value.

You can determine project risks using risk analysis and risk management strategies to keep them at bay. Some risks you may face include:

Use a risk register to assess the likelihood and severity for each project risk, then mitigate the most likely and severe risks first.


Resources tie closely with cost constraints on your project because these project requirements cost money. Without proper resource allocation, can experience lower project quality, an increased budget, and timeline delays.

Some resources to consider include:

  • People

  • Equipment or materials

  • Facilities

  • Software

Use a resource management plan to ensure you have the resources you need for every element of your project so that this constraint doesn’t negatively affect other project areas.


Project quality is the measure of how well your project deliverables meet initial expectations. Every project constraint affects project quality because project quality is the ultimate result of your project. However, project quality is also its own constraint because there are aspects of the project that can result in poor quality that aren’t necessarily related to cost, time, resources, risk, or scope. These include:

  • Lack of communication

  • Poor design or development skills

  • Too many project changes

You must manage project quality as its own entity while also balancing the other five project constraints if you hope to achieve high project performance. If you fail to manage your constraints, the result can be low project quality and low customer satisfaction.

How to manage project constraints

There are strategies you can use to manage and balance project constraints as they arise. Using project management methodologies like the PMBOK Guide’s phases of project management and Agile practices, which encourage flexibility and collaboration, are a few ways to control project constraints.

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You can also use the following tips to strengthen your project management plan:

6 Project Constraints: Manage Them for Project Success [2023] • Asana (3)

  1. Understand your constraints: You can’t manage your project constraints unless you understand what they are. Once you know your project constraints, you can plan around them. For example, during project planning, assess what risks you might face as well as what resources you’ll need and what those resources will cost.

  2. Plan and strategize: When you consider all six of the most common constraints in your project plan, you can move forward with a better perspective for what’s ahead. Your project plan should include strategies to mitigate constraints and balance the triple constraints of scope, cost, and time. You can also implement strategies to address additional project constraints , like trying to prevent project risks from occurring.

  3. Control project quality: You can control project quality by regularly monitoring your project plan and processes. As your team handles various tasks throughout project execution, use work management software to ensure everyone is staying on track. Establish a change control process so that if changes occur, you can prevent scope creep.

  4. Manage risk: Use risk analysis to identify, assess, and prepare for potential project risks. With a strong risk management plan in place, you can keep the most damaging project risks at bay and prepare for any unexpected risks that may occur.

  5. Communicate effectively: Team communication is essential for successful management of project constraints. Without strong communication, you may think you’re balancing your constraints while another team member is unknowingly disrupting your hard work. When you discuss every aspect of the project with your team, you can work together to reach project goals.

  6. Embrace flexibility: You must embrace flexibility in order to effectively balance project constraints. There will be times when you’ll need to compromise on project elements in order to stay within scope. If you aren’t flexible, you’ll end up sacrificing project quality. Keeping your customers or stakeholders satisfied should be your top priority, which means accepting trade-offs when necessary.

Read: What is change management? 6 steps to build a successful change management process

Keep track of your project constraints through every phase of the project life cycle in order to ensure the project quality meets stakeholder expectations. When you encounter a situation where you must adjust one project constraint, like the project schedule, consider how that will affect other project areas—like cost and scope—and balance your constraints as necessary.

Project management software can help you visualize project constraints in real time. When you need an efficient way to control elements of your project and share the information with others, the various tools available within a project management system like Asana make it easy.

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I'm a seasoned project management professional with a wealth of experience in successfully navigating the complexities of various projects. My expertise is grounded in a robust understanding of project constraints and their nuanced interplay. Over the years, I've demonstrated firsthand the ability to manage constraints effectively, ensuring projects are delivered on time, within budget, and with high-quality outcomes.

Now, delving into the article on project constraints, it adeptly captures the essence of project management as a delicate balancing act akin to a circus performance. The analogy of a juggler maintaining equilibrium with multiple plates resonates well with the challenges faced by project managers in handling constraints such as time, costs, and risks. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts involved:

  1. Project Constraints Overview:

    • Constraints are the inherent limitations of a project, encompassing time, costs, and risks.
    • Understanding these constraints is pivotal, as they significantly impact project performance.
  2. Triple Constraints of Project Management:

    • The triple constraints, also known as the project management triangle or iron triangle, comprise scope, cost, and time.
    • Balancing these three elements is crucial, recognizing that adjustments in one constraint affect the others.
  3. Scope:

    • Project scope relates to the scale of a project in terms of quality, detail, and deliverables.
    • As scope expands, it necessitates more time and money for completion.
    • Managing scope creep is vital, achieved through detailed project plans and stakeholder sign-offs.
  4. Cost:

    • Cost constraints include the overall project budget and financial aspects like team salaries, equipment costs, and facility expenses.
    • Proper resource allocation is essential to prevent budget overruns and maintain project quality.
  5. Time:

    • Time management is critical, involving considerations such as project timeline, hours worked, and time allotted for planning.
    • Trade-offs may be necessary when adjusting project timelines, impacting deadlines, team calendars, or planning time.
  6. Other Project Constraints:

    • Risk: Unforeseen events that can impact the project, requiring risk analysis and management.
    • Resources: Proper allocation of people, equipment, facilities, and software to avoid compromising project quality.
    • Quality: The ultimate measure of project success, influenced by communication, design, development skills, and other factors.
  7. Strategies for Managing Project Constraints:

    • Understanding Constraints: Awareness is key; effective management starts with a clear understanding of project constraints.
    • Planning and Strategizing: Comprehensive project plans with strategies to mitigate constraints and balance the triple constraints.
    • Control Project Quality: Regular monitoring, work management software, and change control processes to ensure quality.
    • Risk Management: Identifying, assessing, and preparing for potential project risks.
    • Effective Communication: Strong team communication to ensure everyone is aligned and disruptions are minimized.
    • Embrace Flexibility: Being flexible to adapt to changes and compromises while prioritizing customer satisfaction.
  8. Project Management Software:

    • Tools like Asana are recommended for visualizing project constraints in real-time, aiding in efficient project control and information sharing.

In essence, the article provides a holistic understanding of project constraints and offers practical strategies to navigate these challenges, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and effective communication throughout the project life cycle.

6 Project Constraints: Manage Them for Project Success [2023] • Asana (2024)


6 Project Constraints: Manage Them for Project Success [2023] • Asana? ›

What Are Project Constraints? Project constraints are the limits within which a project must operate. The six main project constraints are time, cost, scope, quality, resources, and risks. Managers must balance these constraints in order to ensure successful project completion.

What are the 6 types of constraints in project management? ›

What Are Project Constraints? Project constraints are the limits within which a project must operate. The six main project constraints are time, cost, scope, quality, resources, and risks. Managers must balance these constraints in order to ensure successful project completion.

What are the 6 constraints of a project PDF? ›

Think, then, about how a clear discussion of these six constraints would allow better control of the project's key elements from all perspectives. Then think about how you can use them to manage your projects better. To remember the Six Constraints, think “CRaB QueST” (Cost, Risk, Benefits, Quality, Scope and Time).

How the constraints in project management would affect the success of a project? ›

For example, a cost constraint means that you're limited to a specific project budget, while a time constraint means you must complete your project within a specified timeframe. Most project constraints impact one another, which is why constraint management is crucial for project success.

Which one of the six project constraints is the most important? ›

Time is a critical project constraint because if it's not managed properly, it might affect other constraints such as scope and quality. Failing to keep track of time could result in missed deadlines and reduced project scope.

What are the 6 project variables? ›

There are 6 variables (performance targets) to control in a project and these are: Timescales, Costs, Quality, Scope, Benefits, and Risk.

What is the six star constraint model? ›

The Six Star Constraint Model

The model is illustrated as a six-pointed star, maintaining the triangle analogy. The star also represents the relationship between project input/output factors on one triangle and the project process-factors on the other.

What are the 5 steps for managing constraints? ›

Well, the theory of constraints is split into five key steps:
  • Identify the constraint.
  • Exploit the constraint.
  • Subordinate everything else to the constraint.
  • Elevate the constraint.
  • Avoid inertia and repeat the process.
Jun 10, 2022

What are the 4 main constraints of a project? ›

Every project has to manage four basic constraints: scope, schedule, budget and quality. The success of a project depends on the skills and knowledge of the project manager to take into consideration all these constraints and develop the plans and processes to keep them in balance.

What is the most important constraint in project management? ›

The three primary constraints that project managers should be familiar with are time, scope, and cost. These are frequently referred to as the triple constraints or the project management triangle.

What is constraint example in project management? ›

Project constraint examples

The project manager can ask for a budget increase, which could allow the team to purchase additional resources to help them deliver the entire project on time. They could also ask for a scope decrease, for example, holding off a proposed bathroom update to focus on the stands instead.

What are project constraints in project management? ›

A constraint in project management is any restriction that defines a project's limitations. For example, a project's scope is the limit of what the project is expected to accomplish. The three most significant project planning and management constraints are time, cost and scope.

Why is managing project constraints important? ›

These pesky limitations affect how you approach your projects, what you can deliver, when you can deliver them by, and what quality the deliverables will be. Managing project constraints is essential to planning a successful project.

What are constraints to successful implementation? ›

Each of these causes a specific type of problem – and has a specific solution.
  • Overcommitment. Overcommitment is one of the most common implementation pitfalls in strategic planning. ...
  • Poorly defined objectives. ...
  • Poorly crafted implementation plans. ...
  • Hidden resistance. ...
  • Poor follow through. ...
  • Distraction.

How do you balance project constraints? ›

Balancing scope, time, and cost constraints in project management requires clear objectives, prioritizing requirements, realistic scheduling, accurate cost estimation, regular progress monitoring, managing scope changes, optimizing resource allocation, identifying and managing risks, effective communication, and ...

What are the 4 main constraints? ›

Every project has to manage four basic constraints: scope, schedule, budget and quality. The success of a project depends on the skills and knowledge of the project manager to take into consideration all these constraints and develop the plans and processes to keep them in balance.

What are the 3 types of project constraints? ›

The three primary constraints that project managers should be familiar with are time, scope, and cost. These are frequently referred to as the triple constraints or the project management triangle. In this article, we will take a close look at this triangle and show how interconnected each of these constraints are.

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.