6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (2024)

It can be overwhelming when you are handed a bill at your vet’s office for several thousand dollars. Maybe you see an endless line of zeros on your bill at the emergency vet or perhaps it’s an estimate for future services. Whatever the circ*mstances, there’s most likely a weld in your throat and a knot in your stomach (and that’s on top of your sick pup). Oh, and don’t forget the classic part of your eyes glazing over as your brain tries to comprehend the thought “Who can pay for vet bills?”

Let me put your mind at ease a bit. Today, there are pet parents who are thinking outside the box and coming up with unique ways to pay their bills. Or even create a fund for a future vet bill.

Here are six great ideas currently being used by pet parents to pay for vet bills.

6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (1)
Budget Tip:Yes, it can be a huge stumbling block when you get a vet bill with a string of zeros at the end. But you aren't the first to feel the weight of an overwhelming vet bill. Many other pet parents are paving a creative path. Look to these dog parents for inspiration. You may even have your own creative idea sparked by these pet parents. It's definitely a good thing for your dog budget and your stress level to think outside the box when it comes to paying for your vet bills.

Table of Contents

1. Create an online shop

Britt with Lucifer The Rescue Pup has been very creative with her dog’s unexpected vet bills. Not even a year after adopting Lucifer, Britt discovered that Lucifer suffered serious trauma pre-adoption. The result is that he now needs his front wrists fused. Of course, the surgery is very pricey. But this hasn’t deterred Britt!

The solution by Britt was to create a website, establish a social media presence, and open an online store, with proceeds going to Lucifer’s vet bills. As another great option, with Lucifer’s store, she’s included a donation button. Super idea!

6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (2)

2. Sell DIY

Brittany with the Naked Dog Boutique also has been creative in paying for her vet bills. Brittany is a professional photographer but turned to her love of sewing when she was faced with eye-popping bills for her pup. She created a website, established a social media presence, and very cleverly offered her shoppers personalized options, a monthly subscription box of customized goodies, and even gift cards. Terrific way to think outside the box!

6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (3)

Note: When setting up an online store either for DIY products or traditional products, don’t forget to ask your contacts. Reach out to your family, friends, and even your dog community and ask them to share it on their social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to name a few.

3. Sell unused stuff

I’ve personally used this one for my rescue dog, Henry. Although, I didn’t know it at the time.

Let me tell you people, regardless of what they say, are hoarders of “stuff”. And as we all know one person’s garbage is another person’s treasure. You’ll be shocked at what is lurking around your home or what has value to someone.

As I continue to clean out my mom’s house since she’s passed, I’ve found things many things I could sell. For some reason, mom held onto my old bedroom set. Yep, it was a find in the back of the garage. Amazingly it was in good shape. I sold it for $1500 on Craigslist, which paid for all of Henry’s vet bills for the year. While this wasn’t a critical need at the time, it padded Henry’s savings account for his vet care bills for the year. Basically, it’s his emergency fund account.

However, you can find much smaller items hiding that you can sell at a good price, like old board games or even jewelry.

NOTE: I’ve discovered to search what items are worth by what’s sold on eBay. The amount of what a similar item sold for is a good ballpark value.

6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (4)

4. Side hustle

A great side gig can help tremendously to pay vet bills. For example, a dog parent might find time to pet sit, dog walk, or run errands for homebound neighbors. When you’re at your local dog park, if allowed, you can put up a flier for the services you offer with a contact number. Or you can even make an announcement on social media.

But be aware that it can take a while to get established as a pet service. Additionally, you will most likely want insurance and you may be required to have a business license depending on your state or county. Although, I have learned from a friend who became a dog walker to pay for her dog’s veterinary expenses, that at least in some states, you can get a group insurance policy with two or more dog walkers. This can help with the costs, which, of course, you want to keep minimal since the goal is to raise funds.

6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (5)

5. GoFundMe

While this might not be the most creative anymore, it can still be effective. As such, I would be neglectful if I didn’t include it. However, there are a few tips to create a successful GoFundMe pet page.

1. Include photos

A few great photos of your dog will help engage people.

2. Details are a must

Include details about why your dog needs the surgery. You may want to also include a letter from your veterinary clinic along with an invoice or quote if you’re waiting to get the procedure until you have the funds.

3. Post updates

Share updates on your dog’s care and the progress of achieving the pet fund goal with regular posts. Many donors will feel vested in your dog’s journey and frequent posts will help keep them engaged.

4. Reach out to your local news

This will allow you to reach a larger audience and hopefully legitimize your appeal.

5. Post on social media

When you post your GoFundMe page on your social media account make sure you allow it to be shared by your community. Often I will see help pages posted, but there’s no share link, which makes it much more difficult.

6. Thank your donors

Yep, what your mom always said, “say thank you”. It really does go a long way and it means a lot to folks because it’s often not said much anymore.

NOTE: Different countries will have their own version of GoFundMe. For example, New Zealand has PledgeMe.

6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (6)

6. Charities and grants

Yes, there are specific organizations and even grants that will help when your pet is sick. While they may not be the most creative since a lot of people know of them, they might be a great help to your dog. Although keep in mind some charities have requirements for your dog or you, such as income levels, ailment, or prognosis.

However, it might be worth looking into this angle to see if you or your dog qualify. Here’s what I’ve learned, the worst you’ll get is a no. To me, that’s worth applying if you think there’s a slight possibility of qualifying.

NOTE: Unfortunately, the charities and grants I’ve found thus far are all located in the US. If you need help finding a charity in your location, let me know and I’ll do my best. There are some that are specific to some states and US regions. However, I decided to keep this list as broad as possible.

Bond’s Fund

This fund is focused on eye ailments. Like most funds, it will only help with pending or estimated vet bills. It will not reimburse pet parents. Frankie’s Friends manages this fund.

Bow Wow Buddies Foundation

The focus of this organization is emergency vet situations and illnesses, which can be shockingly pricing and unexpected. You can apply online.

Brown Dog Foundation, Inc.

Another great fund to research. But again, they will generally only help with bills that haven’t been paid.

Frankie’s Friends

Again, this organization will help with pending vet bills for pets with a good prognosis of up to $1500.

Friends & Vets Helping Pets

This organization helps low-income pet parents with vet bills. They even partner with veterinarians to assist pet parents and their pets.


This organization has an income restriction. If you make less than $20K personally, or your household income is less than $40K, then you might qualify for help from this organization. Applications are reviewed by mail.

The Joshua Louis Animal Cancer Fund

To qualify for help from this fund the pet must have a good prognosis for cancer treatment. Additionally, this fund asks veterinary hospitals to provide a 25% discount while also providing funding. Frankie Friends manages this fund.

Paws 4 A Cure

This organization has a goal of helping pet parents with surprise vet bills. You can apply online and submit an estimated vet bill.

My Pet Child

This organization operates a bit differently. While they do have a $200 grant to help with vet bills, that’s not their main focus. Their main goal is to find financial assistance for low-income pet parents.

The Pet Fund

This fund offers help with veterinary bills for cancer, heart disease, and other ailments. They accept applicants online only. Again, they will only help with pending vet bills.

RedRover Relief

This organization’s grants are typically in the range of $200 but they focus on helping pet owners in immediate need. An application can be filled out online and needs to be submitted prior to incurring bills for treatment.

Veterinary Care Charitable Fund

This organization is another different type of fund. Your vet will need to apply for you online and be a partnered vet with the organization. But it’s worth a try, especially since they don’t list any limitations on condition.


This organization uses crowd-funded platforms with partnered veterinarians to provide medical care for pets in need.

NOTE: Most of these funds will only assist in paying for pending vet bills and not reimburse for vet bills paid. Thus, if your dog needs treatment immediately, then get treatment. But if you can plan for a procedure and get an estimate, then take that route, and apply for help. Remember you can use the other creative bill-paying methods listed for vet bills already paid.

6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (7)

Other ways to pay for vet bills

While there are other ways to pay for your dog’s medical care, they aren’t unique, creative, or untraditional. Additionally, there are many charities strictly focused on veterinary assistance for pet parents when spay and neutering their dogs and pets.

Moreover, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the more mainstream methods for paying your dog’s vet expenses. These include:

NOTE: Some pet parents will take out a personal loan when facing mind-numbing veterinary expenses. This should really be a last resort. However, our fur kids are family and I understand doing what you feel is best in your situation.

6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (8)

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Summary of cool ways dog parents pay for vet bills

I love the creativity of people and how when times get tough they get tougher. Today we discovered a few people who have thought outside the traditional lines to pay for vet bills, even the huge, eye-popping, heart-stopping unexpected veterinary expenses. We also looked at a few more mainstream ways to pay those astronomical vet bills like GoFundMe pages and pet charity grants.

If you’re facing a very steep veterinary bill, then you may want to look at a combo of some of these ideas. Like an online store with DIY and traditional products. Or maybe these dog parents have inspired something new in you? Never let what seems daunting at first be a permanent roadblock. Think outside the box for a solution. You got this!

6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (9)

What sort of ways have you used to pay for vet bills in an untraditional way? Would you try anything different now?


6 Cool Ways Dog Parents Pay For Vet Bills - Tail Wag Wisdom (2024)


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Generally, there are three primary ways that you can tell when a dog needs your help: physiological changes, behavioral changes, and signs of pain or discomfort.

What is the lifetime cost of a dog? ›

True Cost of Care

Well, according to the aforementioned Synchrony study, the lifetime cost of care of a dog ranges anywhere from $20,000 to $55,000. For our feline friends, this cost averages between $15,000 and $45,000. These costs include first year expenses, food, health insurance, end-of-life care and more.

What to do if dog surgery is too expensive? ›

There is help available. You can look into government financial assistance programs, animal rescue foundations, resource centers, charity organizations, or crowdfunding platforms that raise funds specifically for pet medical expenses, like Waggle.org.

What is the average cost of a dog per year? ›

According to a Synchrony study, the average annual cost of dog ownership is $1,270 to $2,803. Assuming a 15-year lifespan and including everything from initial purchase to end-of-life care, the total lifetime cost of owning a dog can run anywhere from $19,893 to $55,132.

What is the 3 3 3 method for dogs? ›

The 3-3-3 rule is a guideline for transitioning a rescue dog into its new home and helping it to settle in. It suggests that the first three days should be used for adjusting to its new surroundings, the next three weeks for training and bonding, and the first three months for continued socialization and training.

What are the 5 dog commands? ›

These commands are “come”, “lay down”, “sit”, “stay”, and “leave it.” These commands teach your puppy obedience and self-control at an early age. This allows you to take them outside on adventures and bring guests into your home. Here's how you can teach your puppy the 5 basic commands.

How much is 12 years for a dog? ›

Dog Age Calculator: Dog Years to Human Years
Age of Dog (dog's age according to the calendar)Dog's Age in Human Years (dog's age in equivalent human years, based on average breed size)
13 more rows
Jul 23, 2024

How much is 7 dog years? ›

How old is 7 years in dog years? It depends on the dog's size, but a medium-size 7-year-old dog is about 47 in human years.

Can my dog live for 20 years? ›

Can a dog live 20 years? Some dogs can live as long as 20 years, or even longer, although this is more likely with small and medium breeds than it would be for a large or giant breed.

Will vet treat my dog if I have no money? ›

If your animal requires emergency veterinary care and you can't afford treatment, contact nearby veterinary colleges to see if they have any emergency assistance programs. If you are unsure what qualifies as emergency veterinary care, call your veterinarian and describe the symptoms.

How to lower vet bill? ›

Try these cost-saving tips.
  1. Lay your financial cards on the table when talking to your vet. ...
  2. Kick the once-a-year vaccine habit. ...
  3. Don't neglect preventive health care. ...
  4. Feed your pet the right amount. ...
  5. Investigate options for paying your veterinary bills. ...
  6. Invest in pet insurance. ...
  7. Price shop for your pet's prescriptions.

Can vet bills be negotiated? ›

Try negotiating with your veterinary clinic for a better price or the ability to finance the cost of care over time. Also, consider getting price comparisons from other providers. CareCredit provides financing for veterinary care; check its website to see whether you qualify.

What is the most expensive dog? ›

Tibetan Mastiff

The costliest dog ever sold on this planet was worth a whopping $1.5 million. And this was a 11-month-old, 180-pound Red Tibetan Mastiff named Big Splash. This in itself shows the value of these dogs that someone was willing to pay that much.

What is a realistic monthly cost of a dog? ›

Expect to pay between $30 and $50 per month for relatively healthy adult dogs. Puppies will cost slightly less, though senior dogs (10 or more years old) will likely cost more than $100 per month.

What are the three basic dog commands? ›

Dogs are fast learners, and with your loving guidance, training your dog how to 'come', 'sit', 'stay' and even go to the toilet will nurture your relationship as well as encourage good behaviour.

What are 3 major decisions to be made when choosing a dog? ›

Before choosing a pet, consider initial and recurring costs, home environment, size, temperament, and physical characteristics of the dog. Consider his training, exercising, and grooming needs. Consider your lifestyle. Then consider yourself lucky to have the right dog for your family!

How do dogs tell us they need help? ›

#3: Whimpering and Whining

They also do this when they are feeling stressed, scared, or worse—when they are experiencing pain. Observe your dog and be aware of your surroundings. Look for signs of change or distress. This helps you identify what your dog is trying to tell you, or asking you for.

What are the three questions you can ask about a service dog? ›

How can I tell if an animal is really a service animal and not...
  • Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.