5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (2024)

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5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (1)Charlotte Hilton Andersen, MS

    Here's why men can't blame their mothers for their receding hairline anymore.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (2)

    Genetic inheritance

    Do you have your mom’s button nose? Did your dad pass on the curse of sneezing in bright sunlight? And where did your baby’s red, curly hair come from when there hasn’t been a redhead in your family for generations? These questions may sound simple but the answers get complicated fast. Why? Because the science of genetic inheritance is complicated, says Dawn Allain, licensed genetic counselor and director of the Genetic Counseling Graduate Program at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “It’s nearly impossible to tease out exactly where each of your traits came from,” she explains. “Most traits are influenced by many different genes and you inherit some from each parent.” Plus, there’s the influence your environment plays; just because you have a gene for a certain trait doesn’t always mean you’ll end up with it, she adds. Then there are traits people often assume are inherited but actually aren’t.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (3)

    How you inherit traits

    Still, it’s fun to ask those questions, and while there aren’t many detailed answers, there are a few basic things genetics can tell you about traits you inherit from your mom and those you got from our dad, Allain says. But first, you need to know how inheritance works.

    “There are three main ways you can inherit traits from your parents,” she explains. First is through a dominant gene—if you inherit a dominant gene, you will develop that trait. Take eye color, for example. If either of your parents has brown eyes, you likely will have brown eyes as this is a dominant trait. Second is through a recessive gene—both parents have to have the recessive gene for you to have that trait. For instance, if you have blue eyes, then both of your parents must carry a gene for blue eyes, even if their eye color isn’t blue. Lastly, there are X-linked traits, which are found only on the X chromosome and are passed on through the mother.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (4)

    Your ability to lose weight

    There are two types of fat in your body: “good” brown fat, which increases your metabolism and helps you maintain a healthy weight, and “bad” white fat, which can cause obesity and disease if you have too much of it. Everyone has some of each type, but how much brown fat you have—and therefore how high your metabolism is—may be inherited from your mom, according to a study published in Nature Communications. Another trait that you get from your mom is your intelligence.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (5)

    How easily you gain weight

    However, while your mom may be helping you out with the brown fat, you can blame your dad for your white fat, the Nature Communications study found. How much fat you store, particularly around your organs, may be partly determined by genes passed down from your father, the researchers said. Genetics aren’t destiny when it comes to your weight; your lifestyle choices play an even bigger part.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (6)

    Your ability to focus

    If your mother has lower levels of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to mood, then you’re more likely to develop attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder later in life, according to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry. The genes, passed down from mom to kid, that impact serotonin production also seem to influence your ability to focus. Sound like you? Check out these common reasons you have trouble focusing and how to fix it.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (7)

    If you hit puberty early

    Puberty, and all the fun milestones that come along with it, like acne, cracking voices or getting your period, is a rite of passage many children go through on their way to becoming an adult. Both parents’ genetics play a part in when exactly you start the big change but if you started puberty early—before age 8 in girls and 9 in boys—that may be due to a gene you inherit from your father, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Specifically, they identified that a genetic mutation leads to a type of premature puberty, meaning that if you have it, you’ll have to deal with all that stuff before any of your friends.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (8)

    Your laugh lines

    How well you age and how much you show it is determined on a cellular level by the accumulation of damage over your lifetime to your mitochondrial DNA—genes you only get from your mom. Environmental factors like sun exposure, smoking and an unhealthy diet can cause mtDNA damage, but some of the damage can be inherited from your mother, according to a study published in Nature. The more mtDNA with mutations you inherit from your mother, the faster you age and the more it will show in traits like wrinkles and gray hair. Check out these surprising facts about at-home DNA test kits.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (9)

    Your mood

    Mothers can influence your mood in many ways, and it’s not just by grounding you or serving broccoli three times a week. The structure of the part of the brain known as the corticolimbic system, which controls emotional regulation and plays a role in mood disorders like depression, is more likely to be passed down from mothers to daughters than from mothers to sons or from fathers to children of either sex, according to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience. This may mean that daughters at least partly inherit their mood from their mothers. Find out things parents of daughters wish they knew sooner.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (10)

    The sex of your children

    Obviously the genes from you and your spouse determine the sex of your children. But did you know that the genes you pass along to your children that determine sex may have been passed down by your father?Here’s how it works: A man with many brothers is more likely to have sons, while a man with many sisters is more likely to have daughters, according to a study published in Evolutionary Biology. Find out the secrets your birth order reveals about you.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (11)

    Your memory

    It’s been known for some time that a family history of Alzheimer’s disease significantly increases the risk for developing the illness, but a new study, published in Biological Psychiatry, found that the genetic risk primarily comes from your mother. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia later in life, affecting nearly six million people in America alone, so it’s important to know what factors increase your risk—including your mother’s medical history—so you can start taking steps to protect your brain health now, the researchers noted. Medical history is only one of the questions you should ask your parents before it’s too late.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (12)

    Your fertility

    A woman’s fertility may be impacted by a gene she inherited from her father, according to a study published in Science. In a normal egg cell, a part of the cell called the centrioles is eliminated as part of the natural development process. However, if the centrioles aren’t eliminated—often due to a genetic dysfunction, passed on by her dad—then the woman is sterile, researchers explained.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (13)

    Your hairline?

    You may have heard that how and when a man loses his hair is due to an inherited trait from his mom’s side. However, a study published in PLoS Genetics, which analyzed more than 55,000 men, has proved this to be a myth. Researchers found 287 independent genetic signals that were linked to male-pattern hair loss, and while 40 were only found on the X chromosome, meaning they were inherited on the maternal side, the rest were scattered throughout DNA inherited from both patterns. Interestingly, some genes associated with hair loss also seem to be associated with an increased risk for heart disease in men. While some traits are inherited, others are learned. Make sure you’re aware of these bad parenting traits you might have—without even knowing it.

    For more wellness updates,subscribe toThe Healthy @Reader’s Digestnewsletterandfollow The Healthy onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitter.Keep reading:

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    • The Ohio State University College of Medicine: “Dawn Allain, MS, LGC”
    • Nature Communications: “LincRNA H19 protects from dietary obesity by constraining expression of monoallelic genes in brown fat”
    • JAMA Network: “Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Offspring of Mothers With Impaired Serotonin Production”
    • The New England Journal of Medicine: “Central Precocious Puberty Caused by Mutations in the Imprinted Gene MKRN3”
    • Nature: “Germline mitochondrial DNA mutations aggravate ageing and can impair brain development”
    • The Journal of Neuroscience: “Female-Specific Intergenerational Transmission Patterns of the Human Corticolimbic Circuitry”
    • Springer Link: “Trends in Population Sex Ratios May be Explained by Changes in the Frequencies of Polymorphic Alleles of a Sex Ratio Gene”
    • Biological Psychiatry: “Oxidative Stress and Amyloid-Beta Pathology in Normal Individuals with A Maternal History of Alzheimer's”
    • Science: “A mechanism for the elimination of the female gamete centrosome in Drosophila melanogaster”
    • PLoS Genetics: “Genetic prediction of male pattern baldness”

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (14)

    Originally Published on Reader's Digest

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (15)

    Charlotte Hilton Andersen, MS

    Charlotte is an award-winning journalist with nearly 20 years of experience in the health and wellness space. A writer for Reader’s Digest since 2015, she also contributes to outlets such as Women’s Health, Redbook, Shape, Cosmopolitan, O, The Oprah Magazine, and many more. Charlotte is also the author of The Great Fitness Experiment: One Year of Trying Everything, a memoir that explores body image, health and wellness trends, and diet crazes.

    5 Traits You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Mom (and 4 You Inherit from Dad) (2024)


    What traits are inherited from mother and father? ›

    Parents pass on traits or characteristics, such as eye colour and blood type, to their children through their genes. Some health conditions and diseases can be passed on genetically too. Sometimes, one characteristic has many different forms. For example, blood type can be A, B, AB or O.

    What trait of your parents did you inherit? ›

    Examples of Inherited Characteristics in Humans

    Some characteristics that are passed down from parent to child in humans include: Eye colour. Hair colour and texture. Skin tone.

    What personality traits are inherited from fathers? ›

    Virtues such as honesty, integrity and tolerance are most likely to come from mothers while courage, laziness and a good sense of direction come from fathers, a study found.

    What traits appear to be inherited from the parent? ›

    Because the science behind inherited traits is complicated. Your hairline, rare hair color, freckles, dimples and even intelligence can be passed down genetically, but it's complex.

    What traits will my kid have? ›

    The bottom line is that there's no specific way to determine your child's appearance, personality, or traits. It's not, however, entirely a game of chance. Some genetics are passed down and can't be changed, while the expression of others can be influenced by other factors.

    Do you get traits from both your biological mom and dad? ›

    Although an individual gene may code for a specific physical trait, that gene can exist in different forms, or alleles. One allele for every gene in an organism is inherited from each of that organism's parents.

    What are inherited traits? ›

    Inherited traits are coded in our DNA and hence can be passed on to the next generation. Example: eye colour, height, complexion, hair colour etc. The variations that emerge as a result of reproduction may be inherited which causes an increase in the survival rate of entities.

    What is an example of a trait that you inherited? ›

    Inherited traits are the characteristics that we receive from our parents. Inherited traits are controlled by specific genes and are passed on from one generation to another. Skin color, eye color, and form of hair are three examples of inherited traits in human beings.

    What are family traits? ›

    What is a family trait? Family traits refer to the way that family members are alike or similar due to the genes they inherited from their parents. So, how about inherited traits, what are they? Inherited traits are genetically determined traits that are “passed down” from parents to the offspring they create.

    What do I inherit from my mother? ›

    7 Traits That Babies Get From Their Mother Only
    • Genetic inheritance is more complicated than mixing 50% of mom's genes with 50% of dad's. ...
    • #2 Signs of Aging. ...
    • #3 Intelligence: X-Linked & Mitochondrial. ...
    • #4 Mental Health and Disorders. ...
    • #5 Sleeping Style. ...
    • #6 Metabolism. ...
    • #7 Height.
    Nov 24, 2020

    What genes will my child inherit? ›

    Many gene combinations are possible. Biological children share 50% of their DNA with each of their birth parents and siblings from the same parents, so there's plenty of room for variation. If blood-related siblings end up looking alike, the mix of genes they inherited from their parents were similar.

    What are personal traits? ›

    Personality traits reflect people's characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Personality traits imply consistency and stability—someone who scores high on a specific trait like Extraversion is expected to be sociable in different situations and over time.

    What are 5 examples of acquired traits? ›

    Examples of Acquired Trait
    • Learning to ride a bike is a learned skill.
    • Acquired qualities include reading books and gaining abilities.
    • Acquired behavioural characteristics are frequently observed in tasks such as musical instrument playing and dog training (teaching him tricks).

    What are 5 examples of genotypes? ›

    Examples of Genotype
    ggyellow pea plant
    AOA blood type in humans
    AAA blood type in humans
    ABAB blood type in humans
    8 more rows

    What traits are not inherited? ›

    For example:
    • A scar on his/her face. Scars are not inherited.
    • The person's age. ...
    • Height. ...
    • Weight. ...
    • A place the person was last seen or is often seen, like a local bar. ...
    • Some criminals have the characteristic of being armed and dangerous. ...
    • Whether the person wears glasses. ...
    • If the person is old enough, they may have gray hair.
    Nov 16, 2016

    What do all females inherit from their father? ›

    Chromosomes: Since females are hom*ogametic (having two X-chromosomes, XX), they inherit one from their mother and one from their father. For instance, the gene for an insulin-like growth factor (IGFD) is inherited from the X-chromosome of the father.

    Do daughters inherit more from mother or father? ›

    We inherit more genes from our maternal side. That's because it's the egg, not the sperm, that hands down all of the mitochondrial DNA.

    Which parent determines eye color? ›

    A child's eye color depends on the pairing of genes passed on from each parent, which is thought to involve at least three gene pairs. The two main gene pairs geneticists have focused on are EYCL1 (also called the gey gene) and EYCL3 (also called the bey2 gene).

    Which parent determines height? ›

    According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, people may wish to try the following formula for predicting how tall a child will be: Measure the height of both biological parents. For male children, add 5 inches (in) to the father's height, add the mother's height, then divide by 2.

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    Name: Jerrold Considine

    Birthday: 1993-11-03

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    Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.