5 Spring Cleaning Tips from a Certified Professional Organizer (2024)

As the seasons change that can only mean one thing, it’s time to start spring cleaning! My name is Samantha, I’m a Certified Professional Organizer and Founder of Simply Organized Home, and I have a passion for helping others discover practical home organization solutions. Nothing says spring cleaning quite like Junk Removal, so I’ve partnered with 1-800-GOT-JUNK? to share my methodology behind organization as well as my top spring cleaning tips for the five main areas of your home!

Spring Cleaning Tips with the HOW TO method

Before I share the specific tips for spring cleaning the five main areas of your home,it’s important to begin with knowing the HOW TO method we use in every home we organize. The most important element of my job isn’t necessarily the beautiful, organized “after” result. Instead, it’s how I can transfer the organizational skills needed foryou to maintain it. Throughout my tips in this post, refer back to these easy steps:

  • Take everything out of the space.
  • Sort and categorize.
  • Purge unwanted items.
  • Clean the space thoroughly.
  • Measure your space for any new containment or organizing solutions.
  • Set items back in place or put items away in the areas where they belong.
  • Only at this point can you begin to source containment ideas because you will know what’s living here and have your measurements.
  • Drop your unwanted items at the donation center or dispose of trash / recycling, sell any items to friends or family, or call 1-800-GOT-JUNK? to set up your junk removal appointment.

Five focus areas for spring cleaning

Before you begin spring cleaning efforts, make a list of all the spaces or areas you want to focus on. Highlight the real pain points on this list as you may want to tackle those first. It’s always best to start small. If you have a few kitchen drawers that have been bugging you, begin there. Most importantly, don’t move on to the next space until you’ve completely finished the first space. Here are my top spring cleaning tips for the five main areas of your home!


5 Spring Cleaning Tips from a Certified Professional Organizer (1)

Tip 1: Kitchen & Pantry

The most loved and lived-in room of any home = the kitchen! And it shows! It’s where we gather to eat, where homework assignments are completed at the counter or table, where mail lands when we walk in the door, where meals are prepped, lunches made…the list goes on. We truly live in this room and it’s generally a great space to hit first during spring cleaning efforts.

Focusing on the method I referred to in the beginning of this blog, go cabinet to cabinet, drawer to drawer. Depending on how much space you have to work within your kitchen, this will vary for everyone. If you have a smaller kitchen, you can simply declutter drawer by drawer. If you have a large kitchen, maybe focus on one wall or area at a time. Most of us have a lot stored in the kitchen and it can be unsettling to see it all out on the counters at one time.

This is a great opportunity to take a close look at your pots, pans or baking items to see if you need a new set, donate small appliances you aren’t using and don’t forget to look at that food storage collection.

By now, most of us have been through the New Year’s food purge where we ridded our kitchen of indulgent holiday foods and snacks, but it’s been a few months. Take a look at your pantry items and get rid of any expired foods or spices, and donate anything you don’t plan on eating.

This is the chance to rearrange placement of items too. For example, if you’ve been making lunches on one side of the kitchen, yet your lunch making accessories are on the other side, move them.

You’ll be surprised just how much you may want to part with or what needs updating. Of course, a good deep clean of the kitchen brings it home. Nothing better than an organized, clean and fresh kitchen! If you have a pile of unwanted items once you’re finished with the kitchen, call 1-800-GOT-JUNK? to help donate the donateables and recycle the recyclables!


5 Spring Cleaning Tips from a Certified Professional Organizer (2)

Tip 2: Laundry Room

Not as exciting a space as the kitchen, but it sure can be when it’s decluttered and clean! What’s key to this space is having a routine for getting the laundry done. Well, I should say, staying on top of the laundry because we all know it’s never truly “done”. Having a schedule for when you do laundry is a great starting point. It will keep the laundry clutter under control.

Take a look at your hampers to see if they are working for you. Do you need a better system with more space? Are items overflowing because the baskets are too small? Do you need a system for gathering loose items you find in pockets? I view my laundry room as a processing center. Because all clothing comes through this room at some point, it’s my opportunity to remove items with holes, stains, things that don’t fit the kids anymore, general items you don’t want to wear again, and so on. Culling items from this space just makes sense.

Most of us store cleaning supplies in the laundry room as well. This is a great opportunity to look at your supplies for an update. Everything from sponges to sprays or cleaning rags. I transitioned to microfiber several years ago and never looked back. There’s a variety of microfiber cloths for every type of surface and many of them only require water for cleaning, making them easier to use and a cheaper, more sustainable option compared to disposable wipes.


5 Spring Cleaning Tips from a Certified Professional Organizer (3)

Tip 3: Closets

At some point, we can’t continue to close the door to hide the clutter. Spring is a great time to roll up those sleeves, open those closet doors and take a hard look at everything inside. This includes clothing closets, hall closets, coat closets and linen closets.

In most clothing closets we declutter and organize, we see where spaces can be improved to make more space. But there’s also simple fixes too that require NO money. I generally see closets with a high volume of empty or bulky hangers. Both take up valuable, usable space. Simply removing your empty hangers from the closet will help with more space. Spring is also the perfect time to move fall and winter clothing up higher or into bins in order to make room for spring and summer clothing.

Linen closets hold a wide variety of items. It’s a great time to check those linens and towels. Have they seen better days and it’s time for a refresh? There could be medicines in these closets as well - check the expiration dates. And don’t forget to add sunblock to your shopping list!


5 Spring Cleaning Tips from a Certified Professional Organizer (4)

Tip 4: Home Office

This is a biggie, I know! There’s always a lot of categories to handle in a home office. Offices contain papers, files, electronics, supplies, books and so much more.

Spring is a great time to declutter papers, old magazines or mailings, and school documents as we head into the end of a school year. And it’s an even better time to take a hard look at your system for processing paper or really anything that comes into your home. Where is it landing or where should it be landing? I find hitting this point before it is allowed to enter your house is the best.

If you tend to find paper accumulating on the kitchen counter, which is normal for families, a good rule of thumb is to add a basket to the counter that you can sweep everything into. Then weekly or bi-weekly you can thumb through to see if anything is outdated and ready to go.

A home office can also collect a lot of electronic waste, from extra cables to old or broken computer accessories. When clearing out these items, it’s important to make sure they are being properly disposed of. 1-800-GOT-JUNK? can help youget rid of these itemsresponsibly, ensuring that they are donated, refurbished, or recycled where possible.


5 Spring Cleaning Tips from a Certified Professional Organizer (5)

Tip 5: The Garage

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home’s interior - don’t forget about the garage! In my professional opinion, your garage SHOULD be considered interior space. These spaces offer so much storage and opportunity. But they typically aren’t treated with the same love and respect as inside the house.

Spring is a great time to pull out everything (I mean everything!), sort, categorize, purge and refresh your storage. I know this tends to be more than a one-day project so be sure to plan in advance for a few days to get through it - having extra hands to help is great too.

Once everything is out, categorized and purged, take a look at your available or existing storage. Is it enough? Can you add more function or space somewhere? Do you need better bins to fit within cabinets, on shelves, or see the need to update broken or cracked bins?


5 Spring Cleaning Tips from a Certified Professional Organizer (6)

Decluttering can be a great way to fall in love with any space again and is a great way to welcome yourself home! Once you’ve created all your donation and junk piles, don’t forget the final step of our HOW TO method - say goodbye! Calling 1-800-GOT-JUNK? is the easiest way to say farewell to your unwanted items, and hello to a freshly spring-cleaned home!

Are you ready to make spring cleaning a breeze?

5 Spring Cleaning Tips from a Certified Professional Organizer (2024)


What should be on my spring cleaning list? ›

Spring Cleaning Checklist
  • Wash Baseboards, door ceilings, window sills, doors, and walls.
  • Vacuum and wash vents.
  • Wash window treatments (drapes, etc.).
  • Dust blinds.
  • Wash Windows - inside and out.
  • Dust and shine overhead lights - replace burnt light bulbs.
  • Dust and/or vacuum light fixtures and lamp shades.

How do you organize spring cleaning? ›

Spring Cleaning and Organization Tips
  1. Make a plan and gather your cleaning gear. I've found that planning which rooms need deep cleaning and which need decluttering leads to a more organized start. ...
  2. Take it one room at a time. ...
  3. Sort, sort, sort. ...
  4. Organize what you keep. ...
  5. Time to clean.
Apr 12, 2024

How to do a good spring clean? ›

General spring cleaning throughout the home
  1. Vacuum and mop all floors. ...
  2. Go through cupboards and storage spaces to get rid of clutter that has accumulated throughout the year. ...
  3. Dust surfaces. ...
  4. Clean windows. ...
  5. Wipe down walls. ...
  6. Replace lightbulbs and batteries. ...
  7. Check safety devices. ...
  8. Clean your washing machine.
Jan 26, 2024

What is the tradition of spring cleaning? ›

Spring cleaning, a deep cleanse of one's home, is a tradition ingrained in societies worldwide, with roots tracing back to ancient times. It also holds symbolic significance. Viewed as a fresh start, the tradition symbolizes the transition from the dormant winter season to the vibrant growth of spring.

What is the best month to spring clean? ›

Spring cleaning can sound like a chore, but the more people you get to help you, the quicker the cleaning goes! A good time to start is March 20, the first day of spring! But if you're reading this after March 20, the rest of March, April or May can still be the perfect time to begin the cleaning process.

What is spring cleaning procedure? ›

Simply put, spring cleaning is the tradition of an annual 'deep clean' of your home. This means completing tasks that aren't covered as part of your standard cleaning routine, such as cleaning kitchen appliances or removing limescale deposits.

How to declutter tips? ›

Here's a 10-step guide for the easiest and quickest decluttering process your home badly needs:
  1. Create A Fool-Proof Plan. ...
  2. Create A Decluttering Schedule. ...
  3. Decide The Areas That Need To Be Decluttered. ...
  4. Organise The Clutter Into 3 Categories. ...
  5. Know What You Want To Keep. ...
  6. It's Time To Move On From Old Items.
Feb 8, 2024

How do I organize my cleaning? ›

How to organize cleaning supplies
  1. Start by decluttering.
  2. Use a caddy.
  3. Consider a shoe holder.
  4. Add hooks to the inside of doors.
  5. Add a cleaning schedule.
  6. Give purpose to the space under your sink.
  7. Use an expanding rail to hang sprays in cabinets.
  8. Make baskets for each room.
Mar 15, 2023

How do you spring clean without getting overwhelmed? ›

Tips for Spring Cleaning
  1. Make a List. Write down what needs to be done and prioritize tasks so you can focus on the most important things first. ...
  2. Break it Down. Break large cleaning projects into smaller tasks that can be done in five to 15-minute increments. ...
  3. Set a Schedule. ...
  4. Get Help.

How to spring clean in one day? ›

Spring Clean in a Day Checklist
  1. Clean your closet. ...
  2. Clean out your fridge and freezer. ...
  3. Organize your pantry and cupboards. ...
  4. Throw your sheets in the wash and clean your mattresses. ...
  5. Eliminate clutter. ...
  6. Clean the inside of your microwave. ...
  7. Sort through your purse. ...
  8. Hire a Housecleaning Company.

What is the 3 day deep clean schedule? ›

The trick is to use each day to work on a different level of each room. Day one is centered on cleaning things at the top of your rooms like your ceilings and lights. On day two, it's everything at the mid-level such as furniture and counters, and day three focuses on your floors.

How do you clean professionally fast? ›

Here a process to follow for efficient cleaning:
  1. Start by picking up. Work from one corner to the next, around the room. ...
  2. Work from the top down. ...
  3. Prioritize the kitchen and bathroom. ...
  4. Disinfect where needed. ...
  5. Practice makes perfect.

How do I get motivated to spring clean? ›

Here are some tips on how to stay motivated during spring cleaning.
  1. Set specific goals. ...
  2. Visualize what your home will look like when you complete your goals. ...
  3. Separate spring cleaning with everyday cleaning. ...
  4. Set deadlines. ...
  5. Take pictures.

What should a cleaning schedule include? ›

  • CLEANING SCHEDULES. For cleaning to be effective it should be well planned. ...
  • Items to be Cleaned. The cleaning schedule should ensure that all food preparation areas and all items of equipment are included. ...
  • Frequency. ...
  • Product/Materials to use. ...
  • Method. ...
  • Protective Clothing/Equipment. ...
  • To be Cleaned by. ...
  • Checked.

What order to clean your house checklist? ›

General Checklist for Cleaning the House
  1. Declutter. Clearing out clutter means you'll have less to manage and clean. ...
  2. Dust and Damp-Wipe. Start high and move your way down. ...
  3. Vacuum. ...
  4. Sweep and Mop. ...
  5. Tidying up the Kitchen. ...
  6. Make Your Bathroom Shine. ...
  7. Refresh the Bedroom. ...
  8. Living Room Cleaning.

What item of clothing should people dump during spring clean? ›

Stained/damaged/misshapen garments

Go through every single item of clothing you own (yes even socks and undies) and bin anything in bad shape. First and foremost this means clothes with stains or rips that can't be mended and anything that's a bit misshapen or stretched.

What is the difference between spring cleaning and general cleaning? ›

It involves reaching areas that are often overlooked during routine cleaning sessions. The goal is to give your space a fresh start by eliminating accumulated dust, dirt, and clutter. Spring cleaning services go beyond surface-level tidying and delve deep into your home or office's nooks and crannies.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.