5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (2024)

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5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (1)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (2)


With somany Bitcoin investment sites, choosing the right one for you can feel abit overwhelming. Going Bitcoin-only with automatic recurring purchases isthe best business decision you can make asofJuly 18th, 2024.

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (3)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (4)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (5)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (6)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (7)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (8)

Brandon Quittem and Drew

Jul 7, 2024July 7, 202417 min read17 minutes read

In this article

  • Top 6 Bitcoin Investment Sitesin 2024
  • 2. Amber (Australia)
  • 3. Bull Bitcoin (Canada + Costa Rica)
  • 4. Cash App (U.S.)
  • 5. Strike App (U.S. + International)
  • 6. River Financial (U.S.)
  • Why Businesses Should Go Bitcoin-Only
  • Why Set Up Automated Recurring Buys?
  • Top Benefits of Recurring Buys
  • Support Trusted Bitcoin-Only Onramps and Start Buying BitcoinToday

Bitcoin invest­ment sites, also known asexchanges or“onramps,” are animpor­tant part oftheindustry. Onramps allow people toeasily buy and sell Bitcoin with their local currency.

Inthe last year, we’ve seen anew class oftrusted onramps focusing specif­i­cally onBitcoin, the largest and most reputable cryptocurrency.

These "Bitcoin-only" onramps repre­sent anotice­able change from past ICO-mania where question­able exchanges exploded onto thescene. Many ofthese oppor­tunistic 'invest­ment sites' have since been hacked, become insol­vent, orshut down for many other reasons.

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (9)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (10)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (11)

Swan Bitcoin IRA

Bitcoin isthe ultimate asset for your retirement. Create atax shelter for exponential returns! Get started inless than 2 minutes. Book acall with one ofour Bitcoin IRA specialists today!

Inthis article, wewe’ll cover:

  • Why going Bitcoin-only isasmart business decision

  • The benefits ofsetting upautomatic recur­ring Bitcoin purchases

  • Support Bitcoin-only onramps

Top 6 Bitcoin Investment Sitesin2024

Ifyou are short ontime and just want toknow the top 6 Bitcoin investment sites and their rating asofJuly 15th, 2024, here theyare.

  1. Swan Bitcoin— (4.5 / 5— Trustpilot)

  2. Amber— (4.1 / 5— Trustpilot)

  3. Bull Bitcoin— (4.8 / 5— Trustpilot)

  4. Cash App— (1.9 / 5— Trustpilot)

  5. Strike— (345 / 5— Trustpilot)

  6. River— (NoTrustpilot)

Let’s take acloser look ateach Bitcoin investmentsite…

1. SwanBitcoin

Account Minimum: Noaccount minimum
ZERO fees onyour first ornext $10k purchases (0.99%*) thereafter
Custody Provider: BitGo Trust Company
Trustpilot Rating: 4.5 / 5 from +1,135 reviewsApple App Store: 4.8 / 5 from +1.6k reviews
Google Play Store: 4.4 / 5 from 609 reviews, +50,000 downloads

Swan Bitcoin simplifiesthe process ofinvesting inBitcoin with afocus onrecurringpurchases. Below are some detailed insights into what Swan offers:

  • Website: Learn more ontheSwan Bitcoin website.

  • Simple Connection: Users can easily link anymajorU.S. bank account tostart their investmentjourney.

  • Recurring Investment Options: Swan provides options for daily, weekly, ormonthly recurring buys, allowing users tosteadily convertdollarsinto Bitcoinsavings.

  • Bitcoin-Only Focus: Swan prides itself onbeing a“Bitcoin-only” investment company, which they believe gives them acompetitive advantage.

  • User Accessibility:Aimed atbeing the most user-friendly platform for acquiring Bitcoin, Swan caters toabroadaudience.

  • Swan Private:For high net-worth individuals, family offices, orcorporations looking toinvest $100,000 ormore,Swan Privateoffers customizedservices.

  • Educational Commitment: Swan emphasizes education about Bitcoin, offering extensive resources, including +110k subscribers toSwan’sYouTube channel.

  • Security and Custody: Thecompany offers robustcustody servicestoensure the safe storage ofBitcoinassets.

  • Bitcoin IRA Options: Swan provides unique investment options, such asaBitcoin IRA, ideal for younger investors who anticipate higher futureearnings. Italso offers aspecificBitcoin Roth IRA.

  • Platform Support: Available for bothAndroidandiOSdevices.

Swan Bitcoin isdedicated tomaking Bitcoin investment asaccessible and straightforward aspossible. Swan places astrong emphasis oneducation, security, and customerservice.


  • Automatic recur­ring buys
    Users can easily set upautomatic recur­ring Bitcoin buys. Swan believes 'Recurring Buys' isthe most effec­tive way toaccumu­lateBitcoin. Select daily, weekly, ormonthly.

  • Educa­tional content
    Swan focuses oncreating educa­tional content toimprove the entire Bitcoinecosystem. You can read the latest articles from the Swan team and their friends atSwan Signal.

  • Best-in-industry customer service: Swan support

    Swan Support provides industry best customer support and boosts a4.5/5 Trustpilotrating with 78% providing a5-star rating with +1k reviews.

  • Instant buys
    Buy Bitcoin instantly and bebilled for itafterward viaACH.

  • Referral program
    Swan iscurrently offering areferralprogram. When you refer afriend toSwan Bitcoin with Swan Force, they receive $10, and you receive 25% oftheirfees.

  • Auto-withdrawals
    Users can schedule periodic Bitcoin withdrawals tomove acertain amount ofBitcoin toawallet oftheirchoice.

  • Swan Vault

    Swan recently launched Swan Vault, aseamless self-custody solution with:

    • Best-in-class user experience for secure self-custody

    • Secure key backup tominimize the risk ofloss

    • Concierge onboarding available

    • Inheritance planning for Swan Private clients

2. Amber (Australia)

Fees: 0.99% ofBitcoin purchases and sales
Amber Black Members: 0% ofBitcoin purchases and sales
Custody Provider: Concierge Service Self Custody
Trustpilot Rating: 4.1 / 5 from 42 reviews
Apple Store App: 4.5 / 5 from 256 reviews
Google Play Store: 4.4 / 5 from 300 reviews, +10,000 downloads

Amber isastreamlined application designed for recurring Bitcoinpurchases. Here are thekeyaspects ofthe app:

  • Core Function: Amber specializesinfacilitating easy and automatic recurring purchases ofBitcoin, making itaccessible for regularinvestors.

  • Design and Usability: The app isknown for its clean design and user-friendly interface, emphasizing simplicity inacquiringBitcoin.

  • Global Reach: Amber serves awide range ofregions, including the U.K., Europe, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the MENA region, Africa, South and Central America, and Canada, aswell asthe United States with exceptions inConnecticut, Hawaii, New York, New Hampshire, Texas, andVirginia.

  • Venture Support: Amber hasrobust backing from prominent venture firms such asMorgan Creek Digital AssetsandFulgur Ventures.

Amber aims todemocratize Bitcoin investments byoffering aneasy, repetitive buying scheme that caters tobeginners and seasoned investors alike,supported bysignificant venture capital toensure reliability andgrowth.


  • Mobile app
    Amber isavail­able onboth Android andiOS.

  • Automatic recur­ring buys
    Users can set uprecur­ring buys every day, week, ormonth. $5 minimumpurchase. Users can also make one-time purchases asthey desire.

  • Educa­tion
    The Amber team, led byAleks Svetski, produces high-quality Bitcoin content that’s avail­able tothepublic. Werecom­mend checking out Bitcoin Times.

3. Bull Bitcoin (Canada + Costa Rica)

Fees: Nofees for buying Bitcoin, 0.5— 1.25% sell Bitcoin fee
Custody Provider: Non-custodial, Bull Bitcoin self-custody wallet
Trustpilot Rating: 4.8 / 5 from 209 reviews
Apple Store App: NoRating
Google Play Store: 5.0 / 5 from 9 reviews, +1k downloads

Bull Bitcoin isaprominent Bitcoin exchange focusing onthe Canadian and Costa Ricanmarkets. Here are the essential details:

  • Website: Explore more about Bull Bitcoin ontheirofficial website.

  • Exchange Type: Bull Bitcoin operates asafixed-rate exchange, providing astable trading experience forusers.

  • User Demographic: The platform, specifically tailored for Canadians and Costa Ricans, facilitates the buying, selling, and spending ofBitcoinsonline.

  • Philosophy and Leadership: The exchange isled byindividuals who identify asCypherpunks and Bitcoin Maximalists.

  • Privacy and Security: Bull Bitcoin places ahigh emphasis onuser privacy, security, and the ability for users tomaintain full custody oftheirBitcoins.

  • Innovative Development: The team has also createdCyphernode.io, amodular Bitcoin full-node microservices API server architecture. This toolkit helps developers build scalable and secure applications/services without relying onthirdparties.

Bitcoin Jungle Partnership

  • Partnership: Bull Bitcoin has partnered withBitcoin Jungle, enhancing Bitcoin services inCostaRica.

  • Unique Offering: This collaboration marks Bull Bitcoin asthe first andonly exchange inCosta Ricatooffer Bitcoin ↔ Colones conversions.

  • Integration with SNIPE: They utilize SNIPE, the national fiat mobile payment system, allowing transactions tobeprocessed with just aphone number over the LightningNetwork.

This partnership between Bull Bitcoin and Bitcoin Jungle ispioneeringthe way forpractical and accessible Bitcoin transactions inCosta Rica, utilizing advanced technologies for efficiency andsecurity.


  • Non-custo­dial
    Bull Bitcoin never takes control ofusers' Bitcoin. Instead, users are fully sover­eign over their Bitcoin atall times.

  • Instant withdrawal
    Users can withdraw their funds atany time.

  • Buy Bitcoin Directly

    Buy Bitcoin directly toyour own Bitcoin Wallet using Interact E-Transfers and other Canadian bank transferoptions. Non-custodial Instant withdrawal Nowithdrawal fees Privacy and security bydefault Lightning Network compatible Notransactionlimits.

  • Bylls Integra­tion
    Aservice that enables users topay their Canadian bills orfor Costa Rican’s tospend colones byconverting Bitcoins toCanadian dollars orcolones for everyday purchases.

  • Automated recurring buys
    Users can schedule recur­ring buys atthe frequency they desire (daily, weekly, etc.).

  • Bull Bitcoin Prime
    VIP advisory service for high-net-worth individuals and business clients looking totake their Bitcoin journey tothe nextlevel. Apersonalized 1-on-1 service with direct oversight from legendary Bitcoin expert Francis Pouliot.

4. Cash App (U.S.)

Fees: Linked bank account transfer $0, linked debit card 0.5%— 1.75%, minimum of$0.25
Custody Provider: Cash App maintains custody ofall user assets
Trustpilot Rating: 1.9 / 5 from 4,501 reviews
Apple Store App: 4.8 / 5 from +6.5M reviews (#1 inFinance)
Google Play Store: 4.6 / 5 from +3.13M reviews, +100M downloads

Cash App isaversatile financial application available oniOS and Android platforms, designed tostreamline various monetary transactions. Here are somekeypoints about Cash App:

  • Platform Availability: Cash App isavailable foriOSandAndroidand offers auser-friendly experience similar toVenmo andPayPal.

  • Financial Services: Itenables users tobuy stocks and Bitcoin, catering tobothtraditional and cryptocurrencyinvestors.

  • Popularity: Recognized asone ofthe most popular financial apps inthe app store, Cash App stands out for its accessibility and ease ofuse.

  • Founder: The app wasdeveloped byJack Dorsey, the CEO ofSquare (now known asBlock) and former CEO ofTwitter. Dorsey isknown for his strong support ofBitcoin.

  • User Experience (UX): Cash App ispraised for its excellent user interface, makingthe process ofbuying Bitcoin straightforward andappealing.

  • Reception: Despite its popularity, Cash App has received mixed reviews, asevidenced byits 93% 1-star rating onTrustpilot.

  • Pioneering Bitcoin Sales: Square,the companybehind Cash App, was the first publicly-traded company tosellBitcoin. This move has been pivotal inpromoting Bitcoinadoption. Learn more about this from theirpress release.


  • Buy/sell Bitcoin
    Users can buy and sell Bitcoin through Cash App. $10k weekly purchase limit.

  • Purchase stocks
    Users can acquire aslittle as$1 worth ofU.S. stock.

  • Direct deposit paychecks
    Users can elect tohave their paychecks direct deposited into CashApp.

  • Cash card
    Users can receive aVisa debit card attached totheir Cash Appaccount.

  • Inter­na­tional payments
    Users can now send payments between the U.S. and theU.K.

Starting October 20th, 2023, Cash App may charge asmall fee when you buy orsellBitcoin. Ifso, the fee will belisted onthe trade confirmation screen before you complete the transaction.

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (12)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (13)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (14)

Cash App may also include aspread onthe exchange rate weuse toprice Bitcoin buys and sells onourplatform. The spread weapply toour exchange rate may bebetween 0% and 1%, depending onmarketconditions.

5. Strike App (U.S. + International)

Fees: Variable fee structure
Custody Provider: In-House Bitcoin Custody Solution
Trustpilot Rating: 3.8 / 5 from 38 reviews
Apple Store App: 4.7 / 5 from +16.3k reviews
Google Play Store: 4.4 / 5 from +15k reviews, +500,000 downloads

Strike App isdesigned tointegrate Bitcoin seamlessly into everyday financial activities, offering amodern solution for digital transactions. Here’s adetailed look atwhat Strike offers:

  • User Interface: Strike App boasts auser-friendly interface, making iteasy for users tonavigate and execute transactions.

  • Payment Processing: ItfeaturesLightning network-speed payment processing, enhancing the efficiency ofsending and receivingBitcoin. More details can befound ontheirblog about transparent pricing.

  • Instant Transactions: The app allows individuals and businesses tosend and receive Bitcoin instantly, eliminating delays typical oftraditional bankingsystems.

  • Security and Decentralization: Byleveraging Bitcoin’s decentralized network, Strike App offers high security and efficiency, setting anew standard for moneytransfers.

  • Financial Inclusion: Strike App ispart ofabroader movement toward financial inclusion, making banking and financial services accessible toabroaderaudience through the power ofcryptocurrency.

  • Europe Strike: Strike launches buy Bitcoin, global payments, and more tocustomers inEurope

Strike App isrevolutionizing the way wethink about and handle financial transactions, combining ease ofuse with the robust capabilities ofBitcoin’snetwork.


  • Instant Transactions: Strike App enables instant peer-to-peer transactions, allowing users tosend and receive Bitcoin quickly and efficiently.

  • Global Accessibility: With Strike, geographical barriersvanish. Users can transfer Bitcoin across borders seamlessly, facilitating international payments without the need for traditional banking intermediaries.

  • NoFees: Unlike traditional payment methods, Strike App typically charges little tonofees for transactions, making itanattractive option for cost-conscioususers.

  • Seamless Integration: The app integrates effortlessly with existing financial systems and platforms, enabling users toincorporate Bitcoin into their daily transactions withouthassle.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Strike App features anintuitive interface that makes iteasy for both beginners and experienced users tonavigate and utilize its functionalities.

  • Cross-Currency Compatibility: Strike App supports transactions invarious fiat currencies, making itconvenient for users toconvert and transact inBitcoin regardless oftheir localcurrency.

OnApril 24th, 2024, Strike App launched inEurope.

6. River Financial (U.S.)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (15)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (16)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (17)

Fees: 0.8— 1.2%
Custody Provider: 100% full reserve custody, all assets onRiver are held 1:1
Trustpilot Rating: NoRating
Apple Store App: 4.8 / 5 from +2.2k reviews
Google Play Store: 3.5 / 5 from 113 reviews, +10,000 downloads

River Financial isaplatformthat specializes inprovidingfinancial services specifically for Bitcoin enthusiasts andinvestors. Below are key details about what River offers:

  • Focus onBitcoin: River Financial issimilar toaFidelity brokerage account, but itisexclusively forBitcoin. This focus allows ittointegrate advanced Bitcoin technologiesdeeply.

  • Advanced Bitcoin Technologies: River offers access tosophisticated Bitcoin technologies, includingPartially Signed Bitcoin Transactions (PSBTs)and native multi-signature capabilities. Additionally, they utilize ascripting language known asScript Descriptors.

  • Bitcoin-Only Operation: Byfocusing solely onBitcoin, River can allocate more resources towards enhancing features native toBitcointechnology.

  • Availability inthe U.S.: River Financial services are available toclients across the United States, with specificexclusions. Tobeeligible, clients must reside inanapproved state orterritory.

  • Exclusions: River does not currently operate inNew York orNevada.

  • Limited Operations inCertain States: River only serves existing clients inIdaho.

  • Territory Support: The platform isavailable inU.S. territories, including PuertoRico.

More information can befound ontheRiver website.

River Financial stands out bydedicating itself toenhancing the Bitcoin investment experience through cutting-edge technologies and focusing onsecurity and accessibility within the UnitedStates.


  • Zero fees onrecur­ring buy orders
    This feature allows users toset upanautomatic purchase order ofBitcoin atpre-de­ter­mined inter­vals.

  • Perfor­mance tracking
    River provides users with tools totrack how well your Bitcoin invest­ments areperforming.

  • Deposits and withdrawals
    Users can add Bitcoin totheir River wallet and move itfrom River toanother wallet.

  • Insti­tu­tional accounts
    Enables finan­cial insti­tu­tions tobuy, sell, and useBitcoin.

  • Damus integration

    River recently integrated Damus toenable Lightning payments viaNostr. River also provides aBitcoin IRA option. See how itcompares here.

  • River Link

    Facilitates the seamless transfer ofBitcoin through text messages, offering users astraightforward and user-friendly experience that eliminates the complexities often associated with Bitcoin transactions.

Why Businesses Should GoBitcoin-Only

While fans ofalter­na­tive cryptocur­ren­cies might complain that their favorite token isbeing excluded for ideolog­ical reasons, the reality is: going Bitcoin-only isalogical business decision.

Businesses should goBitcoin-only because itisasecure and efficient way tostore and transfervalue. Bitcoin transactions are fast, reliable, and safe, with low fees compared totraditional payments like credit cards orbank transfers.

Why Bitcoin-only?

  • Lower fees
    Byfocusing onasingle asset, compa­nies can maintain lower support costs, leading tobetter service with lower user fees.

  • Bitcoin has the majority ofthe volume
    Focusing onBitcoin-only that attracts high volume makes sense asabusiness.

  • Increased focus
    Ifyou want tobethe best website toinvest inBitcoin, the only way istofocus onBitcoinalone. Going Bitcoin-only means your company will have nodistractions/temptations from penny stock-like altcoins.

  • Domain exper­tise
    Byfocusing onasingle asset, your team will become experts inthatasset. Eventu­ally, your exper­tise will enable you toout-compete compa­nies who took aless focusedapproach. This compounds over time and leads tobetter products/services, attracting long-term customers.

  • Long-term success
    Abusiness built ontrading altcoins might belucra­tive for ashortperiod. These altcoin onramps pop upinbull markets, rise tofame, and quickly crash injust afewmonths. Onthe other hand, Bitcoin-only onramps are more robust and will outlive all the altcoinexchanges.

  • More secure
    Onramps that focus exclu­sively onBitcoin allow for increasedsecurity. Every time you offer another asset, your engineers are forced todevelop increas­ingly complex securitymethods. Focusing onBitcoin exclu­sively allows engineers totake advan­tage ofBitcoin’s native features, such asmulti-sig, which results inamore secure infrastructure.

  • Less Regula­tory Burden
    Bitcoin-only onramps come with fewer regula­tory risks asBitcoin has been given apass bymost regula­tors globally.

  • Aligned incen­tives
    Compa­nies that focus exclu­sively onBitcoin share aligned incen­tives withBitcoiners. Both parties want Bitcoin toremain secure and increase invalue over the longterm.

  • Shared infra­struc­ture
    Asmore compa­nies focus onBitcoin’s native function­ality (multi-sig, partially signed Bitcoin trans­ac­tions, etc.), we’ll see more open-source standardsemerge. For example, Unchained Capital open-sourced amulti-sig protocol called Caravan that anyone canleverage.

Learn more about the benefits ofgoing Bitcoin-only:

How toDelete Your Coinbase Account— the most notorious U.S. company promoting altcoins.

Why Set UpAutomated RecurringBuys?

Here atSwan, webelieve that setting upautomated recur­ring Bitcoin purchases isthe beststrategy. Ininvestingterms. This iscommonly called “dollar cost averaging” (DCA).

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (18)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (19)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (20)

Recurring Buys

Recurring buys or(DCA) isaninvesting strategy that allows you tospread out the risk associated with trying totime the market.

Traders Lose, Stackers Win

Byinvesting aset amount ofmoney regularly, you can continue toincrease your holdings and benefit from asset appreciation over time.

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (21)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (22)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (23)

This helps even out your average purchase price over time, reducing the risk ofsignificant losses due todrastic swings inshareprices. Italso makes iteasier for investors who don’t have enough money tomake asingle big investment atonce.

Top Benefits ofRecurring Buys

  1. Noone can perfectly time the market.

  2. 'Recurring Buys' minimizes the risk ofvolatile price swings.

  3. Set itand forgetit. Noneed tolog ineveryweek.

  4. Remove your cogni­tivebiases. Avoid fear andFOMO. The market and media are constantly trying tomanip­u­lateyou.

  5. Avoid tax burden and fees ofactivetrading.

  6. Get richslowly. Think long-term with alow-time preference investment strategy.

Support Trusted Bitcoin-Only Onramps and Start Buying BitcoinToday

Asbusinesses realize the benefits ofgoing Bitcoin-only, we’ll see more legit Bitcoin invest­ment sites focused exclu­sively onBitcoin. Post FTX collapse, companies will only bewilling tostick their necks out for Bitcoin-only approaches that include holding the private keys themselves orself-custody through acorporate partner like BitGo.

This trend will likely continue asBitcoin-only compa­nies will outcom­pete compa­nies that are spread too thin, supporting 100s ofilliquid tokens.

Wehighly recom­mend three things:

  1. Investing inyour personal Bitcoin educa­tion (werecom­mend ourSwan Signal blogand SwanSignal Live podcast.

  2. Setting upanautomated recur­ring Bitcoinpurchase.

  3. Watching our recently launched free 1-hourWelcome toBitcoin: 101 Series. It’s the best way toorange-pill your friends and familymembers. Check out module one below!

P.S. After you join, pass around your unique referrallink. Both you and your friends will receive $10 worth offree Bitcoin for each person who signsup. Also, make sure tocheck out this article and see where Swan ranks for the topBitcoin IRAs and Crypto IRAs.

Swan isthe easiest way tobuy Bitcoin using your bank account automatically every week ormonth, starting with aslittle as$10.Sign uphere.

For more information, please visitswan.com.

Sign uptostart saving Bitcoin

Buy automatically every day, week, ormonth, starting with aslittle as$10.

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (24)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (25)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (26)

Brandon Quittem

Brandon isanentrepreneur, writer, speaker, and passionate Bitcoiner. His articles have been read bymore than 2 million people online. Most well known for exploring the parallels between bitcoin and mycelium.

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (27)

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (28)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (29)


Drew, aclass of2013 Bitcoiner, isaResearch Analyst for Swan Bitcoin.

Hehas worked ininstitutional VC/PE, FinTech, and DLT consulting for over six years. Healso brings over twelve years ofexperience working with national nonprofits and start-ups ineducation and software development inseveral leadership roles.

In this article

  • Top 6 Bitcoin Investment Sitesin 2024
  • 2. Amber (Australia)
  • 3. Bull Bitcoin (Canada + Costa Rica)
  • 4. Cash App (U.S.)
  • 5. Strike App (U.S. + International)
  • 6. River Financial (U.S.)
  • Why Businesses Should Go Bitcoin-Only
  • Why Set Up Automated Recurring Buys?
  • Top Benefits of Recurring Buys
  • Support Trusted Bitcoin-Only Onramps and Start Buying BitcoinToday



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Why Bitcoin isthe Path toEconomic Stability

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5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (55)5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (56)

By Tomer Strolight

Bitcoin’s reliability isleading the world onapath towards greater economic stability.

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The FTX Fiasco and the Fallout toCome

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By Sam Callahan

Expect the fires from FTX tocontinue toburn and claim more victims along theway. Ifanything, this event has provided atough lesson onwhy Bitcoin isdifferent and why self-custody isvital.

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Bitcoiners, It’s Winning Time

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By Cory Klippsten

Webelieve that aglobal, Nasdaq-listed, Bitcoin-only financial services company will play akey role inwinning the race toavoid the war, sowe’re buildingit.

5 Most Trusted Bitcoin Investment Sites (What to Know in July 2024) (2024)


Which is the best Bitcoin investment site? ›

Best Crypto Exchanges and Apps for September 2024
  • Best for Low Fees and Best for Experienced Traders: Kraken.
  • Best for Beginners: Coinbase.
  • Best Mobile App: Crypto.com.
  • Best For Security: Gemini.
  • Best for Altcoins: BitMart.
  • Best for Bitcoin: Cash App.
  • Best Decentralized Exchange: Bisq.

What is up and coming crypto in 2024? ›

Which Is The Next Big Crypto In 2024? Here's our list of cryptos that will explode in 2024: Pepe Unchained (PEPU) – Iconic meme token built on a layer-two Ethereum blockchain. Memebet Token (MEMEBET) – Next big crypto project with exclusive benefits for token holders.

What is the most used Bitcoin app in the USA? ›

Coinbase is one of the most popular digital currency exchanges, based in the U.S and boasting over 43 million users. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, the platform offers both an all-in-one exchange and a wallet, making it one of the easiest starting points with Bitcoin.

What is most likely to be the next Bitcoin? ›

Ethereum (ETH)

Most cryptocurrency investors are aware of it because it has been the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin for a long time. Even while it's likely past the moment when Ethereum was considered among cryptos with 1000x potential, there's still a lot of potential for growth.

What is the best site for Bitcoin? ›

The largest crypto exchanges by trading volume typically include Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken. Binance leads the pack with its extensive range of cryptocurrencies, advanced trading features, and high liquidity.

What is the safest Bitcoin site? ›

Binance Review

"Binance is one of the largest and most secure cryptocurrency exchanges globally, renowned for its comprehensive features and robust security measures. The platform offers top-tier security, including two-factor authentication (2FA), withdrawal whitelist, and cold storage for the majority of user funds.

Which coin will reach $1 in 2025? ›

More commonly known as Ripple, the XRP (CRYPTO: XRP) cryptocurrency seems to be in dire straits nowadays.

How much will 1 Bitcoin be worth in 2025? ›

Bitcoin Price Prediction Table
YearAverage Price*Percent Increase
8 more rows

Which crypto has 1000x potential? ›

The PEPU token is poised to cater to a massive audience thanks to its viral appeal, and the developers plan to engage the community through social media-driven campaigns. While still in its infancy, PEPU's low entry price makes it a strong contender for those hoping to capture 1000x gains.

Which cryptocurrency wallet is the most trusted one? ›

The best software wallets
  • Coinbase Wallet. Best for Beginners. ...
  • MetaMask. Best for Ethereum. ...
  • Guarda. Best for cryptocurrency selection. ...
  • Crypto.com DeFi Wallet. Best for DeFi staking. ...
  • Trust Wallet. Best for Binance and Binance.US users. ...
  • Exodus. Best for customer support. ...
  • ZenGo. Best for easy account recovery. ...
  • Ledger.

What is the most trusted cryptocurrency? ›

1. Bitcoin (BTC) Since its inception in 2009, bitcoin has become the most popular and valuable cryptocurrency. It was created by an individual, or perhaps a group, operating under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

What is the safest crypto app? ›

Quick Look: Best Cryptocurrency Apps
ExchangeWhy we recommended itCryptocurrencies
GeminiBest for Security and Compliance70+
Crypto.comBest for Credit Card Rewards350+
eToroBest for Social Trading100+ (20+ in the US)
CashAppBest App for Buying and Selling BTC in MinutesBitcoin only
3 more rows

What coin will skyrocket in 2024? ›

Which crypto will boom in 2024? Cryptos that could boom in 2024 include Render Token (a rendering network) and Solana. Bitcoin and Ethereum could also be poised for strong performances in 2024, thanks to the SEC's approval of Bitcoin ETFs and Ethereum ETFs.

Which crypto is best to invest now? ›

  • Bitcoin (BTC) Bitcoin (BTC) ...
  • Ethereum (ETH) Ethereum has established its market presence for quite some time now, reflecting its position as a leading platform for decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. ...
  • Solana (SOL) ...
  • Avalanche (AVAX) ...
  • Chainlink (LINK) ...
  • Cardano (ADA) ...
  • Polygon (POL) ...
  • Binance Coin (BNB)
Sep 11, 2024

What is the prediction for Bitcoin end of 2024? ›

“Based on the current market trend, it is possible that bitcoin may reach up to $100,000 by the end of 2024 and could potentially surpass $200,000 by the end of 2025,” Collins said. Unfortunately, he said it's unlikely bitcoin's momentum in 2023 and 2024 will continue indefinitely.

What is the most trusted Bitcoin trading platform? ›

NerdWallet's Best Crypto Exchanges & Apps of September 2024
  • Coinbase: Best for beginner crypto trading.
  • Robinhood Crypto: Best for traditional brokers.
  • Gemini.
  • Kraken.
  • Crypto.com: Best for overall experience.
  • Fidelity Crypto.
  • Interactive Brokers Crypto.
Sep 3, 2024

Which site is trusted for Bitcoin? ›

Swan Support provides industry best customer support and boosts a 4.5/5 Trustpilot rating with 78% providing a 5-star rating with +1k reviews. Buy Bitcoin instantly and be billed for it afterward via ACH. Swan is currently offering a referral program.

What is the safest way to invest in Bitcoin? ›

Pick a Broker or Cryptocurrency Exchange

Some investors prefer holding coins in crypto wallets offered by these platforms for added security. Cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase, Gemini and Binance.US offer platforms for buying and selling digital currencies.

Which Bitcoin fund is best? ›

  • The Best Bitcoin ETFs of September 2024.
  • Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC)
  • iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF (IBIT)
  • Invesco Galaxy Bitcoin ETF (BTCO)
  • Bitwise Bitcoin ETF (BITB)
  • ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO)
  • Volatility Shares 2x Bitcoin ETF (BITX)
  • ProShares Short Bitcoin ETF (BITI)
Sep 3, 2024

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.