5 Hair Removal Creams for Men - Mar. 2025 - BestReviews (2025)

Buying guide for Best hair removal creams for men

5 Hair Removal Creams for Men - Mar. 2025 - BestReviews (1)

Written by Jennifer Blair

Updated July 2024

Shaving your facial hair every day may not be that big of a chore, but when removing hair from larger areas like your chest or back, wielding a razor isn’t always best. Hair removal creams for men make it easy to remove hair from many areas of the body without having to worry about nicks or razor burn.

A hair removal cream, also known as a depilatory, contains chemicals that dissolve the protein bonds of hair just under the skin’s surface. Once the bonds dissolve, you can simply wipe away the hair with a damp cloth. Men tend to have coarser body hair than women, so hair removal creams for men are formulated to be stronger and often harsher than those made for women.

With so many hair removal creams for men available, choosing the right one for your grooming routine can be a challenge. You must consider your hair and skin type as well as the cream’s packaging, applicator, ingredients, and other features.

5 Hair Removal Creams for Men - Mar. 2025 - BestReviews (2) 5 Hair Removal Creams for Men - Mar. 2025 - BestReviews (3)

Always do a patch test before using any hair removal cream. Dab a small amount on an area of the body with hair to determine how long to leave it on and whether it will irritate your skin.

Key considerations

Hair type

While men’s body hair is generally coarser than women’s, there is some variation in the thickness of men’s hair, depending on where it grows. Chest and back hair, for example, is usually coarser than arm or leg hair.

The thickness or coarseness of the hair you want to remove is an important factor to consider. Some hair removal creams are less effective on thicker hair. Also, most hair removal creams for men have specific areas of the body where a given formula works best, so be sure to choose a cream that’s designed for the hair type you want to remove. If you opt for a hair removal cream that’s not suited to the texture of hair you’re targeting, you may need two or more applications to get the job done.

Skin type

Because hair removal creams contain chemicals that dissolve hair, they can be fairly harsh and potentially irritating. If you have sensitive skin or a skin condition such as psoriasis or eczema, you should opt for a formula specifically aimed at those with sensitive skin. Choosing a milder formula will make it less likely that you will develop a rash or other skin irritation.



Because a hair removal cream must contain chemicals to dissolve the hair’s protein bonds, you’ll probably want to choose a formula that includes skin-soothing agents. Some hair removal creams contain gentle, calming ingredients like vitamin E and aloe vera to offset their harsh depilatories. Also, if you have allergies, you should be sure to scan product ingredient lists for substances that may cause you problems.


Hair removal creams for men are available in a variety of dispenser types. Many creams come in a squeeze tube to protect the product from air and light, which could undermine the cream’s potency. Other creams are available in bottles with a pump dispenser, which also limits air and light exposure. The least protective style of packaging for hair removal creams is the tub-type container, which can leave these products more vulnerable to air and light contamination.

In addition, both squeeze tubes and pump bottles prevent you from having to touch the cream to apply it. With tub packaging, you must scoop out the product with your fingers, which is not only messy but can also potentially contaminate the rest of your supply. If you’re deciding between a squeeze tube and a pump bottle, a pump usually provides better control over how much cream you actually dispense.

Frequency of use

How long you’re free of hair between applications varies by product. With some creams, you may feel stubble in as little as a day or two. Other formulas can keep you hair-free for seven to ten days. The shorter the interval, the more often you’ll need to use the cream. This is not only time-consuming, but it can also become expensive since you’ll be replacing the cream more frequently.


Some hair removal creams for men include accessories to make it easier to apply the cream to different parts of the body. Some products include a mitt or glove, so you can spread the cream to a large area without dirtying your hands. Other creams include applicators with long handles to make it easier to smooth the depilatory along your back or other hard-to-reach areas. You will also find kits that include a soothing cream to use after you’ve rinsed off the hair removal cream.

Hair removal creamfor men prices

Hair removal creams for men vary in price based on the quality of their ingredients, the size of the bottle, and whether they include accessories.


The most affordable hair removal creams for men usually have lower-quality ingredients, so they are likely to be more irritating, especially for those with sensitive skin. They usually range from $5 to $10.


Hair removal creams for men that cost between $10 and $20 generally have higher quality ingredients, including some soothing, natural items. Hair removal creams for men in this price range tend to be less irritating for sensitive skin.


The most expensive hair removal creams from men usually have higher quality ingredients that aren’t as harsh for men with sensitive skin. These creams usually range in price from $20 to $28, and they are more likely to include accessories such as applicators and soothing post-removal creams.


  • Always read the instructions on the package carefully and completely before use. Never leave the cream on your skin for longer than the recommended time, or you risk a burn or other skin irritation.

  • Your skin should be completely dry before you apply a hair removal cream. If you’ve just gotten out of the shower, dry your skin thoroughly before using the product.

  • When it’s time to remove the cream, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe it away. Always wipe gently in the direction of hair growth. Rubbing too vigorously may irritate the skin.

  • Skin can be extra sensitive after using a hair removal cream, so try to avoid the sun for a day or two after an application. If you must go out, use sunscreen.

5 Hair Removal Creams for Men - Mar. 2025 - BestReviews (4) 5 Hair Removal Creams for Men - Mar. 2025 - BestReviews (5)

Hair removal cream should be applied in a thick, even layer to make sure that you don’t miss any stray hairs.


Q. Is it safe to use hair removal cream?

A. While hair removal creams contain chemicals that dissolve the protein bonds that hold the hair in the skin, they’re safe to use if you follow the product's instructions. You should do a patch test before using a hair removal cream all over, though, to make sure that it won’t irritate your skin.

Q. Will a hair removal cream make my hair grow back thicker?

A. That’s a common myth about hair removal creams. A depilatory doesn’t have any effect on the thickness of your hair when it grows back.

Q. What are the benefits of using a hair removal cream vs. shaving?

A. The main benefit of a hair removal cream is that it’s entirely pain-free, and you never have to worry about cuts or nicks in the skin as you would with a razor. The results from a cream usually last longer than shaving too — several days, rather than just a couple.

5 Hair Removal Creams for Men - Mar. 2025 - BestReviews (2025)
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