5 Easy Ways To Automate Your Finances And Make Money Management Less Stressful | Go From Broke (2024)

Full disclosure: I’m a bit of a control freak.

I don’t think I’m overbearing or bossy, but I definitely get stressed when I’m affected by something outside of my control.

5 Easy Ways To Automate Your Finances And Make Money Management Less Stressful | Go From Broke (1)

In school, group projects wouldliterallykeep me up at night.

The idea of half my grade being in someone else’s hands gave me stomach pains.

I share this because it helps to underscore the idea that automating things doesn’t come naturally to me.

As much as I love technology, I’m not sure I totally trust it.

But I have to admit,automation is one of the best things I did to take control of our personal finances.

The primary benefit of automating our finances is that it’s forced us to prioritize our goals over our immediate desires.

It’s easy to say “I’ll save whatever’s left at the end of the month,” but when we do that, how often do we actually have anything left?

By forcing ourselves to save first, we limit ourspending, not our savings, and create positive long-term habits.

We’re preventing lifestyle creep and largely automating our path to financial freedom.

Admittedly, this takes some getting used to, so ease yourself in.

But if you’re interested in having more control over yourmoney, here are5 easy steps toautomate your finances.

1 – Setup Automatic Deposits

The first step to automate your finances is the one that gets you yourmoneyfaster –direct deposit.

Not only does it save you time not having to drive to the bank or find an ATM, but it can also save youmoney.

Most banks will waive monthlycheckingaccountfees if you havedirect depositset up.

It’s also more reliable than waiting for a paper check in the mail or having to pick one up at HR.

Withdirect deposit, yourmoneyautomatically shows up in youraccountwhen it’s supposed to, regardless of the mail carrier’s or HR’s schedule.

If you have an irregular income or an unpredictable income, direct deposit may not be an option.

In that case, make sure you find a bank that doesn’t charge you any account fees. Most online banks will offer free checking, regardless of direct deposit.

2 – Automate YourRetirement Contributions

I know it’s hard to picture your future self, but the fact is we’re all living longer.If you don’t want to work forever, you need to start saving forretirement.

Ideally, you should be trying to reach the maximum contribution limit each year, but that’s more of a goal than a starting point.

If you’re not contributing much right now, start small.

You can begin by setting up automatic contributionsof just 1% to yourretirementaccount and gradually increase your monthly contributions over time.

But I’d also suggest checking into your employer’s retirement plans and matching policy.

Many employer-sponsored retirement plans will match yourinvestment contributionsup to a certain percentage.

This is literallyfreemoneyso if your employer plan offers it, definitely consider contributing up to that level.

For example, if your company matches up to 5%, start by setting your contributions to 5%.

It may seem like you can’t possibly afford to save 5% of your salary without taking a massive hit to your take-home pay, but since your contributions come out pre-tax, it may not be as bad as you think.

If you’re worried, run your numbers throughthis calculator at Bankrateto get an idea of how yourpaycheckwill be affected.

As you get your finances under control, definitely consider raising this amount until you’re able to hit your max contribution for the year.

Start by just increasing it by 1% a month.Increasing your investment in small increments will help you gradually adjust to living on less.

3 – Automate Your Savings And Pay Yourself First

You could probably consider yourretirementsavingas paying yourself first, but that’s yourfutureself. Thatmoneyisn’t usually available to you until you reach a certain age.

To make sure you’re building savings you can accessnow, you need to pay your current self too.

The best way to do this is by setting up anautomatic transferinto yoursavingsaccountor aninvestmentaccount.

I useBettermentfor most of our investment accounts and follow the dollar-cost averaging principle (basically making regular investment purchases over time to avoid or compensate for market fluctuations).

I love that I can set afinancial goalin Betterment and it will tell me what my monthly savings goals should be to reach it by a certain date.

For each of our goals, we automatically transfer a set amount from eachpaycheck. The entire process is simplified and tailored to help us reach our money goals.

WhileBettermentis great for long-terminvesting, for youremergency fundand more immediate goals, or to avoid market volatility in general, you’d be better off using ahigh yieldsavingsaccount.

In either case, automating the process will ensure your dollars are put to work making moremoneyfor you and helping you reach yourfinancial goal.

M1 Finance is another tool you can use for automatic investing. If you’d prefer to have more control over what fund options make up your investment plan, look into M1.

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Invest smarter with M1 Finance. Get free investing, high yield checking, low rate borrowing, automation, and optimization. For free!

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Disclosure: This link is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

How to Save Money When You Don’t Think You Can

If you feel like you simply don’t have themoneyto save, try out an app likeDigit.

They use a fancy algorithm that studies yourspendingpatterns and generates automatic withdrawalsfrom yourcheckingaccountinto your Digitsavingsaccount.

By the end of a couple of months, you’ll havemoneysaved you didn’t think you could spare.

4 – SetupAutopay for Your Regular Bills

Setting upautomatic bill paywas one of my biggest hold-ups.

I felt like I would completely lose control and awareness of our spending and discretionary expenses by not tracking and paying everything by hand, directly out of mycheckingaccount.

Boywas I wrong.

Automating ourbill paymentshas been ahugerelief.

I still make sure to budget for the bills, but not having to worry about which ones need to be paid and when has made life so much easier.

Here are a few tips when it comes to automating your bills.

Tip #1 – You Still Need a Budget or Spending Plan

First, make sure you’re still budgeting appropriately.

Just because you haveautomatic bill paymentsetup, doesn’t mean you can ignore the amount you’re paying.

In order to avoid anoverdraft fee, you’ll need to make sure you’ve budgeted the funds to cover thoseexpenses.

Good money management is important if you want to automate your bill payments.

Creating a financial plan and setting up sinking funds and spending goals is the best way to ensure you’ll have the money when you need it.

Make sure you take a look over yourmonthly billstatement to make sure there are no errors or odd billing mistakes, too.

Also, don’t forget to budget for non-monthly bills, like your car registration and insurance.

And consider building up a savings buffer for variable expenses (like your utility bills), unexpected expenses, and non-recurring expenses.

Tip #2 – Take Advantage ofCreditCards

Assuming you have acreditcardwith nodebtthat you pay in full each month, try to use it to pay your other bills on time.

If you don’t trust yourself withcreditcards or have outstanding credit card debt, skip this tip and move on.

But if you don’t have any issues withcredit, this can be a great way to avoidlate paymentsand make sure everything is paid on time.

Plus, plenty of credit cards will still offer you reward points for these types of transactions.

For those who usually time their bills to their paychecks, using acreditcardcan also help avoid potential overdraft fees.

Again,please please pleaseonly do this if you can (and are) paying off this card in full.

Tip #3 – Automate Any Bill That Saves You Money

Some billers will actually give you a discount for setting upautopay.

When I had student debt, my oldstudent loan payments werereduced by a quarter percentage and our current cell phone provider gives us a $10 discount per month when we useautopayfrom ourbankaccount.

It’s not necessarily a lot, but every extra dollar adds up.

Check with your billers and see if you can pay less by automating things.

5 – Automatically Pay YourCreditCard Balances

This has been by far the most difficult automation for me.

We pay for all our typical monthly expenses andlivingexpenseson ourcreditcard accounts, so we have a pretty heftycreditcardpaymenteach month.

But because we also make our purchases across several cards to take advantage of different rewards programs, it can get pretty complicated to keep track of due dates.

I finally bit the bullet and automated ourcreditcardpayments this past year and it has beenamazing.

The trick with automating yourcreditcardpayments is to make sure you’ll have the funds available.If your account balanceis always trending low, get that sorted first.

I had to learn to trust my budget (and live according to it) before I was comfortable with this.

If you don’t have a budget or don’t trust yourself to pay things in full, I’d still suggest setting up anautomatic paymentfor at least the monthly minimum amount due.

This will ensure you don’t get hit with any late fees or penalties. That alone can save you hundreds of dollars a year and give you a little peace of mind.

Plus, there’s nothing preventing you from making additional payments as needed.

Even though I’ve automated the regular payments for my cards, I still manually go in each week and pay my balances down.

I mainly do it to keep my credit score high, but it’s also a way to maintain more awareness of our everyday spending and financial decisions.

If you know you can pay yourcreditcards, but the timing is a bit tricky, use amonthly billcalendarto map out when everything comes due in relation to your pay.

Then, if you need to, give thecreditcardcompany a call and see if they’ll move your billing date.

The vast majority of creditors have no problem doing that.

Time to GoAutomate Your Finances

It’s not always easy to trust the banks or lenders with your data. Or to trust yourself to stay on budget.

But I truly believe automating our finances has been one of the best money decisions I’ve ever made and has been a huge part of ourfinancial success.

I know it can be a big hurdle to automate your finances, but having your money on autopilot is a freeing feeling.

It seems somewhat counter-intuitive, butfinancial automationforced us to takemorecontrol of our money and really assess our spending habits.

We had to make sure there wasenough cashto cover everything being automated so we became more aware of ourspendingand category balances.

Automation has helped us take control of ourspending, trust our budget, pay off ourdebt, build our savings, and maybe most importantly, remove the stress around keeping track of bills and due dates.

Overall, automation has drastically improved our entire financial life.

If you want to automate your finances, start with the ways above and let me know how it goes for you!

Want to work together?

I would love to help you gain clarity and confidence with your money! If you’re ready to stress less, save more, and enjoy your money, click below to learn more about financial coaching.


5 Easy Ways To Automate Your Finances And Make Money Management Less Stressful | Go From Broke (2024)


5 Easy Ways To Automate Your Finances And Make Money Management Less Stressful | Go From Broke? ›

Direct deposit: One of the original ways to automate finances, direct deposit saves many of us a trip to the bank to deposit paychecks. Retirement, brokerage and savings accounts: Many financial institutions allow customers to automatically transfer a set amount of money at regular intervals to different accounts.

How do you automate money management? ›

Direct deposit: One of the original ways to automate finances, direct deposit saves many of us a trip to the bank to deposit paychecks. Retirement, brokerage and savings accounts: Many financial institutions allow customers to automatically transfer a set amount of money at regular intervals to different accounts.

How do you manage money when you are broke? ›

Get started now with these 10 steps to make your financial life less stressful.
  1. Avoid Immediate Disasters. ...
  2. Review Credit Card Payments and Due Dates. ...
  3. Prioritizing Bills. ...
  4. Ignore the 10% Savings Rule, For Now. ...
  5. Review Your Past Month's Spending. ...
  6. Negotiate Credit Card Interest Rates. ...
  7. Eliminate Unnecessary Expenses.

Can you automate your finances? ›

If you're financially stable and comfortably pay your bills each month, automating (at least some) payments is a great way to go. If you don't always have enough money in your account to meet your bills, you're probably not ready yet. Make a list of your monthly bills; include the biller, the amount and due date.

What first step should I take to automate my finances? ›

1. Set Up Automated Savings. Since it is important to have savings, both for emergencies and for the long term for retirement, your first step should be to determine how much you want to save in each “bucket” on a monthly basis. You might want to put $100 into your savings and then contribute more to retirement.

What are the 3 basic steps in money management? ›

3 Basic Money Management Skills
  • Keep track of your spending.
  • Start saving funds now for any future financial situations.
  • Make monthly debt payments.

What is automation of money? ›

Automated finance involves setting up systems and processes to handle your finances automatically. From paying bills to saving for retirement, automation takes the manual effort out of managing your money, freeing up your time and mental energy for more meaningful pursuits.

How do you build wealth when you're broke? ›

We are Sarwa
  1. Educate yourself about money.
  2. Get a regular income source.
  3. Create a budget.
  4. Have enough insurance (but don't over-insure)
  5. Practice extreme savings from your income.
  6. Build an emergency fund.
  7. Improve your skill set.
  8. Explore passive income ideas.

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How do I stop being financially broke? ›

Listed below are some ideas:
  1. Create a budget. Budget your income for essential expenses, debt repayment, and savings.
  2. Reduce expenses. Shopping around lets you find cheaper alternatives to groceries, subscriptions, and entertainment.
  3. Cook more at home. Eating out is expensive. ...
  4. Shop around. ...
  5. Boost your income.
Mar 15, 2024

How do you automate wealth? ›

If you have a workplace sponsored retirement account, like a 401k, set a percentage of your paycheck to be automatically contributed. That way, your money won't even hit your checking account. This removes the obstacle of having to decide each month how much you will contribute.

What is the trick to managing personal finances? ›

Pay your bills on time every month.

Paying bills on time is an easy way to manage your money wisely, and it comes with excellent benefits: It helps you avoid late fees and prioritizes essential spending. A strong on-time payment history can also lift your credit score and improve your interest rates.

How to automate your savings? ›

How to Create an Automated Savings Plan
  1. Determine Your Savings Goals. ...
  2. Make a Budget. ...
  3. Choose a Savings Account. ...
  4. Open a Savings Account (or Two) ...
  5. Set Up Automatic Deposits or Transfers. ...
  6. Decide How Long Your Automatic Savings Plan Will Last. ...
  7. Monitor Your Savings Account. ...
  8. Limit Withdrawals From Your Savings Account.
Jun 11, 2023

How to supercharge savings? ›

Keep tabs on your expenses for a couple months to identify areas where you can cut back. Shop strategically by using coupons, searching for discounts and switching brands to save on everyday purchases. Cooking meals at home, cutting down on takeout and brewing your own coffee can yield remarkable savings over time.

How do I automate paying myself first? ›

1. Set up a split deposit. One way to pay yourself first is to set up a split deposit, which is when a part of your paycheck goes into a savings account and the rest goes into a checking account. If you want to set up a split direct deposit, first check if your employer offers this option.

What is a simple rule for managing your finances? ›

The rule is to split your after-tax income into three categories of spending: 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. 1. This intuitive and straightforward rule can help you draw up a reasonable budget that you can stick to over time in order to meet your financial goals.

What is automated wealth management? ›

With AWM, you can automate your investments and watch your wealth grow. Our team of experts will help you create a personalized investment plan that fits your goals and risk tolerance.

Can financial planning be automated? ›

By reducing manual tasks like data entry and report generation, automation allows you to redirect your focus towards strategic planning, client interactions, and expanding your business. Imagine the hours saved that you can invest in nurturing client relationships or exploring new market opportunities.

How do you automate a payment collection? ›

6 Ways to Automate the Collections Process
  1. Understand your billing software integrations. ...
  2. Invest in electronic invoicing. ...
  3. Provide a self-service experience. ...
  4. Make payment easy. ...
  5. Schedule automated follow-ups. ...
  6. Optimize with refine.
Apr 22, 2022

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.