5 Automatic Disqualifiers for Security Clearances (2024)

Security clearance is a critical aspect of various government and private sector positions, ensuring that individuals in sensitive roles can be trusted with classified information.

While the process is comprehensive, there are specific factors that can automatically disqualify an applicant.

In this article, we’ll dive into 5 automatic disqualifiers for security clearances, exploring the types available, and what one can do to enhance their chances.

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What is Security Clearance?

Security clearance is a designation that provides individuals with authorised access to classified information.

This process is of paramount importance in the United States, particularly for government roles, military positions, and certain positions within the private sector, such as the CIA or FBI.

The level of clearance bestowed upon an individual is contingent on the sensitivity of the information they will be entrusted to handle.

In the U.S, security clearance serves as a comprehensive vetting mechanism, ensuring that only individuals deemed trustworthy and reliable are given access to confidential, secret, or top-secret information.

This process aims to protect national security interests by carefully evaluating the background, character, and integrity of those seeking clearance.

The nature of the clearance required varies depending on the specific responsibilities and the level of confidentiality associated with the role in question.

What Types of Security Clearance are there?

5 Automatic Disqualifiers for Security Clearances (1)

In the United States, security clearances are categorised into three main levels, each indicative of the level of sensitivity and potential damage to national security associated with the information accessible.

These clearance levels are meticulously assigned based on the specific requirements of a position and the potential impact of the information handled.

The classification system ensures that individuals have access only to the level of information necessary for their roles, preventing unnecessary exposure of sensitive data and safeguarding national security interests.


Confidential clearance is the lowest level and is essential for positions where unauthorised disclosure could result in damage to national security.

Individuals with this clearance can access information deemed confidential but not necessarily critical enough to warrant higher levels of clearance.


Secret clearance is a mid-level designation, allowing individuals access to information that, if disclosed without authorization, may cause serious damage to national security.

Those with Secret clearance have access to sensitive information, but not the most critical or highly classified data.

Top Secret

Top Secret clearance is the highest level and grants access to information of the utmost sensitivity.

Unauthorised disclosure of this information could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security.

Individuals with Top Secret clearance can access the most classified and critical information, often reserved for the highest echelons of government and military.

5 Automatic Disqualifiers for Security Clearances

Understanding these automatic disqualifiers is crucial for individuals seeking security clearances.

It emphasises the importance of maintaining a clean record, both in personal conduct and professional responsibilities, to ensure eligibility for roles involving access to classified information.

Criminal Convictions

A history of serious criminal offences, particularly those involving violence or dishonesty, is a significant disqualifier for security clearances.

Criminal convictions raise concerns about an individual’s trustworthiness and may indicate a potential security risk.

Felony offences, in particular, can be grounds for automatic disqualification.

It is essential for individuals seeking security clearances to address any criminal history transparently during the application process.

While not all criminal offences lead to disqualification, the severity and nature of the convictions are crucial factors in the evaluation process.

Drug Use

Regular or recent use of illegal substances, especially if it involves drugs categorised as controlled substances, is a red flag for security clearances.

Drug use, even if it is in the past, can raise concerns about an individual’s judgement, reliability, and susceptibility to coercion.

The application process typically includes questions about an individual’s drug history, and dishonesty in responses can lead to disqualification.

It is essential for applicants to disclose any history of drug use honestly and provide evidence of rehabilitation if applicable.

Financial Issues

Severe financial problems, such as bankruptcy, a history of unpaid debts, or consistent failure to meet financial obligations, can raise concerns about an individual’s reliability.

Financial instability may indicate susceptibility to coercion or bribery, making the person a potential security risk.

During the security clearance process, investigators assess an individual’s financial history to ensure they are not vulnerable to exploitation.

Addressing and resolving financial issues before applying for security clearance can enhance an individual’s eligibility.

Foreign Influence

Close ties with foreign nationals or a failure to disclose foreign contacts can lead to automatic disqualification.

Foreign influence raises concerns about an individual’s loyalty to the United States and the potential for external pressures.

Full disclosure of foreign associations and relationships is crucial during the application process.

Individuals with dual citizenship or extensive connections with foreign entities must be transparent about these ties to navigate the security clearance process successfully.

Security Violations

Previous breaches of security protocols or a demonstrated disregard for classified information can result in automatic disqualification.

Security violations, whether intentional or due to negligence, pose a direct threat to the confidentiality of sensitive information.

Individuals with a history of security lapses, unauthorised disclosures, or mishandling classified materials are likely to face disqualification.

Upholding the highest standards of security practices is imperative for individuals seeking or holding security clearances.

Continuous training and adherence to security protocols are essential components of maintaining eligibility.

How to Improve your Chances at getting Security Clearances

5 Automatic Disqualifiers for Security Clearances (2)

Implementing the following strategies can enhance your chances of obtaining security clearances.

It’s important to recognize that the clearance process is comprehensive, and each individual case is unique.

While there are general guidelines, the specific circ*mstances of your life and experiences will be considered in the evaluation.

Taking proactive steps to address any potential concerns and presenting a strong case for your reliability and trustworthiness are key elements in securing a favourable outcome.

Be Honest

Full disclosure is paramount when applying for security clearances.

Be honest about your background, including any potential disqualifiers such as criminal history, drug use, financial issues, or foreign associations.

Attempting to conceal information or providing false details can lead to automatic disqualification.

The security clearance process prioritises trust, and honesty is a fundamental aspect of demonstrating reliability.

Address Past Issues

If you have a history of issues such as financial troubles or substance use, address them openly and transparently.

The clearance process acknowledges that individuals may have made mistakes in the past.

What’s crucial is showcasing how you’ve learned and grown from those experiences.

Provide evidence of rehabilitation efforts, counselling, or financial restructuring to demonstrate your commitment to positive change.

Build Strong References

Positive references from credible individuals who can vouch for your character and reliability can significantly bolster your case.

Choose references who are well-respected and can speak to your integrity and trustworthiness.

A recommendation from someone with a strong professional reputation can positively influence the clearance adjudicators’ perception of your suitability.

Stay Informed

Understanding the security clearance process and its requirements is crucial.

Stay informed about the specific guidelines and expectations for the level of clearance you are seeking.

This includes being aware of potential disqualifiers and the factors that adjudicators consider.

Being well-informed allows you to approach the application process with a strategic mindset, ensuring that you fulfil all necessary criteria.

What Happens if you are Denied Security Clearance?

If your application for security clearance is denied, it marks a critical juncture in your career, particularly if your role requires access to classified information.

Understanding the process that follows a denial is crucial:

Statement of Reasons (SOR):

Upon denial, you will receive a Statement of Reasons (SOR).

This document outlines the specific reasons for the denial, citing the areas of concern that led to the decision.

It serves as a comprehensive explanation, detailing the issues that raised doubts about your eligibility for security clearance.

Right to Appeal

5 Automatic Disqualifiers for Security Clearances (3)

Importantly, individuals who are denied security clearance have the right to appeal the decision.

The appeal process is an opportunity to present additional information, clarify misconceptions, or address concerns raised in the Statement of Reasons.

It’s a formal procedure where you can provide evidence to counter the reasons for denial.

Appeal Process

The appeal process typically involves submitting a written response to the SOR.

In this response, you can provide a detailed account of your position, addressing each concern individually.

You may also include supporting documentation, character references, or any other evidence that strengthens your case.

Adjudicative Guidelines

Understanding the adjudicative guidelines is crucial during the appeal process.

These guidelines outline the criteria used in evaluating an individual’s eligibility for security clearance.

Addressing the specific concerns raised in the guidelines enhances your chances of a successful appeal.

Personal Appearance

In some cases, individuals have the option to request a personal appearance before the Appeal Board.

This allows you to present your case directly, providing verbal explanations and responding to any questions the board may have.

Final Determination

Following the appeal, a final determination is made. If the appeal is successful, you may be granted security clearance.

If not, you will receive a final denial.

The final decision has a lasting impact on your career prospects, particularly in roles requiring access to classified information.

Seek Legal Advice

Considering the complexity of the security clearance process, seeking legal advice during the appeal process is a prudent step.

Legal professionals with expertise in security clearance matters can guide you through the intricacies of the appeal, increasing your chances of a favourable outcome.

How Long do Security Clearances Last?

Security clearances are not indefinite; they require periodic reassessment to ensure the ongoing eligibility and trustworthiness of individuals with access to classified information.

The duration of security clearances depends on the level of clearance granted:

Confidential Clearance

Confidential clearance is typically re-evaluated every 15 years.

This means that individuals holding confidential clearance undergo a comprehensive review of their background, conduct, and circ*mstances approximately every 15 years to ensure they remain eligible for access to classified information.

Secret Clearance

Secret clearance is subject to re-evaluation every 10 years.

Individuals with secret clearance undergo a thorough review more frequently than those with confidential clearance, ensuring that any changes in their personal or professional life are promptly assessed.

Top Secret Clearance

Top Secret clearance, being the highest level, requires the most frequent reassessment.

Individuals with Top Secret clearance are re-evaluated every 5 years.

This rigorous and regular review ensures that those with access to the most sensitive information maintain the highest standards of trustworthiness and integrity.

Continuous Monitoring

Security clearances involve continuous monitoring, which means that even between formal re-evaluations, any notable changes or red flags may prompt an unscheduled review.

Security personnel and agencies responsible for clearances may receive ongoing updates and alerts regarding individuals under clearance, allowing for a swift response to emerging concerns.


Hopefully this article gives you more of an understanding of 5 automatic disqualifiers for security clearances.

Security clearances are a crucial aspect of ensuring the integrity of classified information.

By understanding the disqualifiers and taking proactive steps to address potential concerns, individuals can navigate the process more effectively, increasing their chances of obtaining and maintaining security clearance.

5 Automatic Disqualifiers for Security Clearances (2024)


What disqualifies you from getting a security clearance? ›

You are not a U.S. citizen. You were dishonorably discharged from the military. You are currently involved in illegal drug use. You have been judged as mentally incompetent or mentally incapacitated by a mental health professional.

What are the red flags for security clearance? ›

Illegal drug use/involvement. Mental incompetency or psychological conditions. Dishonorable discharge from the military or revoked security clearance. A history of financial problems.

Are there automatic disqualifiers for security clearances? ›

Severe financial problems are automatic disqualifiers for security clearances. Issues such as bankruptcy, unresolved debts, or a history of financial irresponsibility can raise concerns about an individual's susceptibility to coercion or corruption.

What percentage of clearances are denied? ›

Statistical Data Overview

We got some numbers for you on that. Between 2015 and 2020, about 2-5% of security clearance applications faced denial each year.

What will get you denied a security clearance? ›

More specific conditions that may endanger your security clearance include: A history of deceptive or illegal financial acts like embezzlement, tax evasion, and fraud; Failure to satisfy your debts; and. Financial problems caused by gambling, drug abuse, or alcohol abuse.

What shows up on a security clearance background check? ›

What information do you evaluate in the security clearance investigation? During the background and security clearance investigation, investigators will review delinquency in paying debts, tax obligations, certain criminal offenses and the illegal use or possession of drugs.

How far back does secret clearance go? ›

The SF-86 form requests information back 7 years for employment and residence; however, to comply with the investigative standards, 10 years is required.

What are my chances of getting a security clearance? ›

The National Security Agency denied the most applicants–9.2 percent. The National Reconnaissance Office and the Central Intelligence Agency had the next greatest number of denials, at 7.4 percent and 6.5 percent, respectively. These numbers might seem relatively low, but there's a reason for that.

How to get Top Secret clearance? ›

Our process
  1. Receive a conditional offer of employment. ...
  2. Complete Standard Form 86 (SF-86) ...
  3. Take a polygraph. ...
  4. Get a psychological or medical evaluation. ...
  5. Perform credit check and National Agency Check (NAC) ...
  6. Conduct background investigation. ...
  7. Adjudicate and final job offer.

Do security clearances check Internet history? ›

While the security clearance process is rigorous and comprehensive, your personal browser history is not typically a factor considered during the investigation.

How many people fail to get a security clearance? ›

Unfortunately, these clearance documents are not quite as easy to get as you might have perceived them to be. Just under 10% of applicants are denied by the National Security Agency. Just under 7% are denied by the CIA and just over 7% are rejected by the National Reconnaissance Office.

What is the Yankee White background check? ›

Yankee White is an administrative nickname for a background check undertaken in the United States of America for Department of Defense personnel and contractor employees working with the president and vice president.

What is the hardest security clearance to get? ›

National Security clearances range from confidential, which is the easiest to attain, to Secret, Top Secret, and SCI, which is the most challenging. Public Trust clearances are either low, moderate, or high risk, and Non-sensitive are the least extensive, requiring only criminal background and credit checks.

What disqualifies you from a clearance? ›

According to the Bond Amendment which became law in 2008, there are technically four disqualifying criteria: criminal conviction resulting in a prison sentence over 1 year; dishonorable discharge from the military, criminal incompetence; or addiction to a controlled substance.

What is the easiest security clearance to get? ›

Confidential level is the easiest to obtain. disclosure of secret information could be expected to cause serious damage to national security. The secret level is reinvestigated every ten years and may have some amount of military involve- ment in the clearance process.

How far back does a security clearance go? ›

The SF-86 form requests information back 7 years for employment and residence; however, to comply with the investigative standards, 10 years is required.

What records does security clearance check? ›

The security clearance process typically includes a FBI reference check of former employers, coworkers, friends, neighbors, landlords, and schools along with a review of credit, tax, and police records.

Is it hard to pass a security clearance? ›

SCI classifications are only cleared for a few people and the background investigation process as well as the continual monitoring is extremely intensive. The amount of time it takes to receive a security clearance is usually between six months to one year, if all goes well.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.