45 Non-Awkward Ways To Text Someone You Haven't Talked To In A While (2024)

Did you move away from a childhood bestie? Lose touch with your favorite coworker? Or forget to text back your college roommate, and now it’s been... 10 years? Whatever the case, there may come a time when you want to reconnect with someone from your past and catch up. Whether the goal is exchanging a few quick stories or reviving the lapsed friendship, the first step is sending an opening text.

But what on earth do you say to someone after a long period of not talking to them? According to licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Holly Schiff, it’s not uncommon to feel awkward or at a loss for words when sending a message to a friend after a long time.

“We naturally drift away from others over time,” Schiff says, so you might worry that they’ve changed, that they won’t want to talk, or that they’re mad at you for ghosting them.

It’s nerve-wracking, but therapist Jennifer Vandegriff, LCSW, says you shouldn’t let awkwardness, pride, nerves, or even guilt stop you from texting an old friend and seeing what’s up. Chances are they’ll be happy to hear from you, or at the very least will be flattered that you reached out.

How To Decide Whether To Text Someone

When you’re deciding whether to message a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, friendship expert and psychologist Dr. Marisa Franco, Ph.D, tells Bustle it’s important to look back and examine the dynamic of the friendship. “Most friendships actually end because they fizzle out and people forget to contact each other,” she says. In this case, she says to go for it and reach out.

“But if it was more sticky endings, like you got into conflict, you know something was wrong, [or] maybe there was a disrespect, violation of boundaries, [or] some sort of betrayal — then I would say there definitely needs to be more intentionality about thinking through why you want to reach out.”

She suggests a few things to reflect on to help you make your decision. Ask yourself how things are going to be different this time, and think about what has changed that would make the friendship work this go-around.

Another question Franco recommends asking yourself: Was this a healthy friendship? “Often we enjoy people’s company, but that doesn’t mean they’re a good friend,” she offers.

Another thing to ponder is why you want to rekindle things. Oftentimes, it’s due to loneliness and feelings of emptiness and lack, Franco explains, “and when we’re feeling lonely, we can be driven to do things that aren’t in our best interest in the long term.” Ultimately, you’ll want to examine whether resurrecting your friendship is going to add to your life or if it’s simply going to be compensating for something else that’s missing.

How To Approach The Message

The kind of message you craft will depend on the nature of your friendship and how it ended. “If it’s just a fizzle out, I think you can anchor it in, ‘I was just thinking about this memory that we shared and wondering how you’re doing,’” offers Franco. “Or you can say, ‘Hey, it’s been a while, I’ve missed you, just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing.’”

Your mindset is what’s important, Franco tells Bustle. “I think often people don’t reach out because they think this other person has moved on, [they think] ‘they don’t care about me,’” she says. Instead, she’s a proponent for optimism — assume they will be ecstatic to hear from you. “That’s the sort of mindset that’s really going to help you move forward and reach out to this person,” she says.

If you didn’t end on such great terms, you’ll want to address the issue head-on. “You can do that in a more subtle way, just acknowledging, ‘Hey, I know that things were really difficult for us for a while, but I totally would be interested in rekindling things if you might be open to it,’” Franco advises. Otherwise, if you just gloss over it and text them as if everything is fine, it can seem like you’re ignoring or denying something.

If you miss someone who used to be in your life, scan through these 30 sample texts to send to old friends, choose the one that feels right, and fire that thing off.

“I know it’s been a while, but I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”

A simple, straightforward text is always a good choice. Because, hey, “if you are missing someone and want to reconnect, you can just be honest and say it,” psychologist Dr. Rebecca Leslie tells Bustle. No need for formal greetings, fancy apologies, or verbose explanations.

“Hey, it’s (insert name). How’ve you been?”

If it’s truly been a minute, go ahead and toss your name into the text just in case they no longer have your info in their phone, says success coach Lisha Davidovits, ACC, CPCC, CPQC. This is a good choice for long lost co-workers, old high school friends, or even an ex.

“I heard you graduated. Congrats! How have you been?”

Sometimes a significant life achievement makes it easier to reach out, so jump at the chance if they’ve had a recent success like a graduation or promotion. In these scenarios, there’s also a natural compliment built right in, Nicole Arzt, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist, tells Bustle, which will be super nice to hear.

“Miss u!”

Depending on the situation, you might want to opt for a text that’s light and playful. This one is casual and fun, while also letting the other person know you’ve been thinking about them and miss their company, Vandegriff says.

“Hey! Just wondering what your life is like these days. I’d love to catch up.”

Quick disclaimer: When reaching out to folks from the past, keep your expectations neutral. You don’t know how their life has changed or if they’ll even want to talk, especially if you had an argument and ended things on a weird note.

But don’t let that stop you from trying. If you’d like to rekindle a friendship, counselor Candice Conroy, MA, LMHC, suggests being clear about your desire to catch up. Hopefully it’ll open the door to more texts, a phone call, or maybe even a coffee date.

“How has it been three months already?! Love you, miss you!”

For closer friends, it might feel right to dive directly back in with a random text and pick back up where you left off. “But even then, it can be helpful to acknowledge that you’re reaching out somewhat out of the blue,” Conroy says.

“Things are looking stressful back at home. Just wanted to make sure you’re OK.”

If a troubling update on social media makes you worry about someone you haven’t talked to in a while, Conroy says it’s only natural to reach out with a text like this one to make sure they’re OK.

“I just saw your IG Story. That pasta looked amazing! How’s everything going?”

Another way to reconnect is by responding to someone’s Instagram Stories, Conroy says. If one of their recent posts happens to catch your eye, use it as your “in” to get a convo going.

“I know I ghosted you and I’m sorry for that.”

To make amends after ghosting someone, whether it was a friend or potential partner, start by sending an apology text. Clinical psychologist Dr. Kimberly M. Martin suggests acknowledging the impact your disappearance might’ve had on the other person. Send it and see if they’re down to clear the air.

“I just saw Twisted Lime Doritos at the store and it made me think of you!”

To make your text feel more personal — and purposeful — look for a specific reason to reach out, says Sulonda Smith, LMFT, CLC, a licensed marriage family therapist and certified life coach. The receiver will enjoy the fact you remembered something specific about them (like their undying love for lime Doritos).

“An alien abducted me but now I’m back. How are you?”

Smith also recommends breaking the ice with a joke. The image of aliens lifting you off the planet as an explanation for why you haven’t texted in a year is A+ and will (hopefully) encourage them to text back.

“This made me think of you!” + a photo

“Photos are a harmless and easy way to try and revive an old connection,” Arzt says, so if you happen upon something that reminds you of the person you’re reaching out to — like a cute dog, favorite restaurant, etc. — don’t hesitate to snap a pic and send it their way.

“lol I just heard (insert song) and thought of you ❤️”

The same is true for songs, Arzt says, since so many people connect through music. If you hear a song that reminds you of a road trip or nights spent working the closing shift, send a text and see how they react.

Reminding them of something specific will help jog their memory, which Davidovits says is important if it’s been ages since you last spoke. It’ll also increase the chance that they respond.

“Was feeling sad that we haven’t connected in a while. Could we talk or catch up soon?”

In all situations, but especially ones that might feel awkward, remember to keep the focus on yourself and how you’ve been feeling, Keith J. Myers, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, ACS, a licensed professional counselor, tells Bustle.

Texting something like “Why haven’t you reached out to me?” points fingers and puts the other person on the defensive. Instead, be vulnerable and show your feelings. Myers says it will have a disarming effect, which will help set the other person at ease.

“Wow, I just had a flashback. Remember when we pulled that all-nighter in college?”

Whether it was an all-nighter in college, a fun party, or a concert you went to last summer, go ahead and reminisce via text in vivid, hilarious detail. “Some humor or a reminder of shared interests or memories foster connection,” therapist Lisa Andresen, LCSW, tells Bustle. “This also makes for an easy conversation starter before you start catching up.”

“Wishing you a happy holiday! I’d love to talk more in the new year.”

When in doubt, wait for the holidays. “This is an opportunity of convenience to reach out and to acknowledge the work that needs to be done moving forward to maintain contact and strengthen the relationship,” Dr. Markesha Miller, a licensed psychotherapist, tells Bustle. (Just make sure you actually follow through, or else you’ll be back at square one all over again.)

“Wanted to say that you’re awesome and I don’t want to lose touch.”

Keep your first text short and honest, in order to make a genuine bid for connection. As Christine Scott-Hudson, MA, MFT, ATR, a licensed marriage and family therapist, says, “Let them know they are important to you and you would like to reconnect.”

“Do you have a minute? I have a question about (insert subject) and thought of you.”

Sometimes folks spring to mind during very specific times, like when your guitar string breaks and you immediately think of that one friend who happens to be the best at restringing guitars. Smith says moments like these are the perfect excuse to reach out, ask for help, and catch up.

“Ugh, I’m so bad at responding.”

Sometimes brutal honesty is the best policy. “Taking accountability for your behavior in losing touch and not prioritizing the friendship goes a long way towards reestablishing trust and connection,” Vandegriff says. Whether you’re “bad” at texting, have a lot going on, or simply shifted priorities, let the other person know your silence has had nothing to do with them.

“Hey! Did you ever read that book we talked about?”

If you recommended a movie, book, or album to them, go ahead and follow up to see if they liked it. It could spark a fun conversation!

“Happy birthday! Let’s not let another year go by without talking.”

Birthdays offer a great reason to reach out. You can always wish them a good one and move on, but if you want to fully rekindle your connection, try to keep chatting afterward and see where things go.

“Want to meet up for my birthday this weekend? I’m meeting a few friends for dinner and would love to have you there!”

Holidays and birthdays are an ideal time to reconnect, and that includes your own. Schiff recommends reaching out to see if they’d be into the idea of meeting up for a small gathering. Knowing other people will be there might take some of the pressure off.

“Hey, how would you feel about catching up?”

If you still aren’t sure what to say, word your text like this. “It’ll acknowledge the long pause in communication while expressing interest and warmth in the other person,” Dorlee Michaeli, MBA, LCSW, a licensed clinical social worker, tells Bustle. “It also takes into account that your friend may not be ready to start texting just because you happened to reach out at this moment in time.”

“Can you believe it’s been 10 years since we graduated?”

According to certified speaking professional Jennifer L. FitzPatrick, MSW, LCSW-C, CSP, anniversaries always make it easier to reach out, so feel free to wait for one to roll around so you have an “excuse” to send a text. To do one better, send along a picture of the two of you together, like that cute one you have from graduation.

“Sorry, I can’t believe I never answered this!”

Life coach Chelsea Austin recommends sending this text if you forgot to reply. If they write back, awesome. If not, that’s OK, too. “A text is a great way to reach out because it’s like dipping your toe in the pool,” she says. “If they don’t answer it feels less personal, and if they do you can gauge where to go from there.”

“I’ve been such a homebody, sorry for not keeping in touch.”

“This type of text is helpful because it’s non-blaming,” Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist and author of Date Smart, tells Bustle. “It’s not oriented towards making excuses,” but instead offers a quick apology without making it a big deal. The last thing you want to do, Manly says, is send a negative, guilt-ridden text.

“These last few months threw me into a tailspin but I’m finally recalibrating. Are you around to get lunch this weekend?”

Here’s another option that takes ownership while also offering a potential catch-up date. As Manly says, “It may appeal to those who are more easygoing and relaxed about timeframes.” You know, like those friends you only see twice a year but somehow pick up right where you left off.

“Wow, things are overwhelming right now, how’s your stress level these days?”

It’s always nice to check in with people, even if you don’t talk every day. Consider sending this text as a way to make sure they’re hanging in there. “It shows you were thinking of them and care about their well-being,” Schiff says.

“Saw this and had to send it to you.” + a TikTok

You know when you see a TikTok that so perfectly expresses an inside joke or someone’s sense of humor? Snag the opportunity and send it. “This is a great ice breaker and no-pressure way to reconnect and laugh with someone,” therapist Tiffany Roe, MA, CMHC tells Bustle.

“My horoscope said I should text you today.”

“I love this one because it can be completely serious or cute and tongue-in-cheek, depending on where you fall on the horoscope-believability scale,” says life coach Jenna Watson. Either way, it’s an intriguing text to send when you want to reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Find the one that feels right to you, and hit send!

“Thinking of you today, hope all is well.”

Relationship coach and text expert Claudia Coxpreviously told Bustle this is a great way to reach out to a non-sentimental person, because it’s a clear and concise message that doesn’t put too much emphasis on emotion.

“Still have that hot sauce you got me in the fridge. I think about you every time I see it.”

Per Cox, another way to reconnect with someone who has an aversion for verbal affirmation is to thank them for a gift or a time they helped you with something. “Some people may have different ways of expressing their feelings through non-verbal or written means,” Cox previously told Bustle. “They express how they feel through physical gestures, thoughtful gifts, or services. Think love languages.”

“I know you’re not one to get super gushy but I think about you often and hope you are doing well.”

When in doubt, reminding the other person that you care about them can make you both feel connected. “Many people mistakenly assume their loved ones know they love them,” Cox previously told Bustle. “A simple text removes question marks and assures them.”

“We need to catch up ASAP, there’s so much tea I need to tell you.”

If you’re nervous about whether or not the other person will respond, you can always lure them in with the promise of gossip. Plus, it guarantees you’ll have something to talk about.

“If you’re coming to town anytime soon, I’d love to see you and catch up.”

Long distance friends who have lost touch have a lot working against them, but a message like this is ideal because it demonstrates a desire to reconnect while also allowing the other person to decide whether or not they’d like to see you.

“I was about to respond to your IG Story, but then I figured I should just text you. How have you been?”

Nothing will remind you how long it’s been since you last spoke to an old friend than a hard launch on Instagram Stories or an engagement announcement. Feel free to use a person’s social media activity as an excuse to reach out, as they will likely appreciate that you’re still keeping up with their life from afar.

“Congrats on getting that promotion! No one deserves it more than you.”

Recognizing an accomplishment is always a good way in with an old friend, especially if they used to vent about their job to you over dinner back in the day.

“I realized I never checked back in after your move. How did it go? Are you liking the new place so far?”

Asking a question presents an opportunity for a real conversation as opposed to a quick check-in. Consider asking something that shows you care about their life, like “how is work going?” or “how are you doing after XYZ?”

“I know it’s been a minute, but if you’re around for a FaceTime call I’d love to catch up soon.”

Sometimes, all it takes to rekindle a friendship is a message that is simple and straight to the point.

“I had a dream about you last night, and I took it as a sign to reach out.”

If you find yourself dreaming about old friends (or even old flings), there may be a reason, so feel free to use your subconscious to justify you’re reaching out.

“I miss your voice! Can I call you soon?”

If you’re dealing with a bad texter, consider meeting them on their territory and proposing a catch up over the phone.

“Are you back from your trip yet? I want to hear all about it!”

An easy way to break the ice after a long period of no communication is to ask about a recent trip, as it demonstrates a genuine interest in the other person’s life.

“I just walked past (insert location) and got so nostalgic for all the good times. How have you been?”

A good rule of thumb for reconnecting with someone from your past is to draw on shared experiences to remind the other person why this relationship is so valuable and worth salvaging.

“I’m sorry I’ve been so M.I.A. recently, but I’m here and ready to talk whenever you are!”

Starting your message with an apology is always encouraged, because it’s an honest and sincere way to acknowledge the past while simultaneously laying the foundation for the future.

“I feel like we’re losing touch, and I don’t want that to happen.”

Reaching out to someone you’ve lost touch with can be a very vulnerable experience, so don’t be afraid to get real with your message to give the other person a better sense of where you’re coming from.


Jennifer Vandegriff, LCSW, therapist

Dr. Marisa Franco, Ph.D., psychologist and friendship expert

Lisha Davidovits, ACC, CPCC, CPQC, success coach

Dr. Rebecca Leslie, licensed psychologist

Nicole Arzt, LMFT, licensed marriage and family therapist

Jennifer Vandegriff, LCSW, therapist

Candice Conroy, MA, LMHC, licensed mental health counselor

Jennifer L. FitzPatrick, MSW, LCSW-C, CSP, certified speaking professional

Dr. Kimberly M. Martin, clinical psychologist

Sulonda Smith, LMFT, CLC, licensed marriage family therapist and certified life coach

Keith J. Myers, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, ACS, licensed professional counselor

Dr. Markesha Miller, licensed psychotherapist

Lisa Andresen, ASW, therapist

Christine Scott-Hudson, MA, MFT, ATR, licensed marriage and family therapist

Dorlee Michaeli, MBA, LCSW, licensed clinical social worker

Dr. Carla Marie Manly, clinical psychologist

Chelsea Austin, life coach

Tiffany Roe, MA, CMHC, therapist

Jenna Watson, life coach

Claudia Cox, relationship coach and text expert

This article was originally published on

45 Non-Awkward Ways To Text Someone You Haven't Talked To In A While (2024)


How do you randomly text someone without it being awkward? ›

How to Text a Girl You Don't Know (Without Feeling Awkward!)
  1. Introduce yourself in your initial text.
  2. Text with a purpose.
  3. Draw her into a conversation.
  4. Pay her a compliment.
  5. Text about common interests.
  6. Ask open-ended questions.
  7. Say something that makes you stand out.

How to start a convo with someone we haven t talked to in a while? ›

Ask questions to show that you remember and care about what was going on in their life. How is your family doing?” “What's been keeping you busy lately?”

How to start a conversation with someone you ve never talked to over text? ›

10 ways to start a conversation
  1. Ask for information. A good way to start a conversation is to ask for information from the person you want to talk to. ...
  2. Comment on something pleasant. ...
  3. Introduce yourself. ...
  4. Mention a shared experience. ...
  5. Ask an opinion. ...
  6. Show genuine interest. ...
  7. Ask about them. ...
  8. Comment on the weather.
Jun 28, 2024

What do you text a guy when you haven't talked in awhile? ›

but It's always nice to add a little more to your message when reaching out to someone you haven't talked to in a while. You can ask how they've been, mention a shared memory, or express that you've been thinking about them. Adding a personal touch shows that you genuinely care about reconnecting.

How do you reconnect with someone you haven't talked to in awhile? ›

Reach out via social media: Connect with them through social media or text message if you're too nervous to make a phone call or to initiate a meet up. Follow up on one of their most recent posts to spark conversation about what they're up to. Slowly build up the relationship in a way that feels natural to you.

What to text her after not talking for a few days? ›

You could start off texting her something simple like "Hey! Long time, no talk." She might respond she doesn't know who you are, and then you can take the conversation from there. If she does know who you are, ask her how she's doing. Consider texting her about something you think she finds interesting.

What to text someone when you're thinking of them? ›

Simple Thinking of You Messages
  • “I've been thinking about you.”
  • “You've been on my mind a lot lately.”
  • “Thinking of you always makes my day.”
  • “Just wanted to send some happy thoughts your way today.”
  • “I just came across an old photo of us, and it got me thinking about how much fun we always have together…”
Aug 22, 2024

Is there a secret way to text? ›

What Is the Most Private Way to Text? The most private way to text is by using secret text apps with hidden chat features. Some of these secret messaging apps look like games (like Hago, Plato, and Yubo). At the same time, some hide private chats, like Signal, line, Viber, etc.

How do you message someone after not talking for awhile? ›

"I've missed you! What have you been up to all these months/years?" This phrase is another straightforward approach with a touch of vulnerability. "By acknowledging that you've missed their presence, you convey a sense of sentiment and the desire to catch up," Burza says.

What should I text him if I haven't heard from him? ›

What should you say when you text him? Send a simple question asking how he's doing. You could start a brand new conversation or you can bring up something that you mentioned in your last text as a reminder. If you really want to grab his attention, mention something he's interested in to hook him back in.

How to reconnect with someone who stopped talking to you? ›

Tell them what you miss about them. If it's a friend who you want to reconnect with, you can say something like, “It's been a while, and I was thinking about you. I miss our chats, laughs, and fill-in-the-blank. I want to see how you're doing.” You can reach out on social media, text, or give them a quick call.

What do you text a friend you haven't texted in a long time? ›

It's been a while.” Call or message them and just ask how they are doing. It's ok to bring to light the time it's been since you've spoken to them and just tell them you thought about them the other day and wanted to know how life was going for them. See if they would like to meet up and stay in touch.

How do I reconnect with someone over text who I haven't talked to in months & not sure if they still like me? ›

Send a quick text

Don't be afraid to send a quick text! Start by saying hello, asking them how they are, letting them know you are thinking about them, and asking to get together. For example, you could say something like, “Hey! This is [name]!

Should I text someone I haven't texted in a while? ›

It's nerve-wracking, but therapist Jennifer Vandegriff, LCSW, says you shouldn't let awkwardness, pride, nerves, or even guilt stop you from texting an old friend and seeing what's up. Chances are they'll be happy to hear from you, or at the very least will be flattered that you reached out.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.