45 good money habits that make huge difference - Aimingthedreams (2024)

Table of Contents
Good money habits really make a huge difference in your overall financial condition 1. Change your mindset 2. Say positive money affirmations daily 3.Visualise yourself to be rich 4. Pay gratitude for whatever you have Even if you feel like you don’t have enough to meet your both ends meet, you have to save. 5. Create Money Goals 6. Classify them into Long term, short term and mid-term goals Stay with me and take your next action towards saving. 7. Track your spending 8. Make a budget 9. Cancel unused subscriptions 10. Look for hidden fees everywhere 11. Save first even if it is a small amount 12. Meal plan and cut your grocery spending 14. Make a grocery list and stick to it 15. Eat frugally but healthy 16. Start couponing 17.Saving each and every penny 18. Save on utility bills 19. Stop spending as a hobby 20. Save on shopping 21. A manageable mortgage is one of the good money habits you need 22. Forget about expensive cars 23. Not spending too much on entertainment 24. Expensive gifts 25. Build your emergency fund 26. Review your finances regularly 27. Review your bills every few months 28.Using credit cards wisely or not at all Start earning more to build wealth 29. Spend time not money 30. Earn money instead of spending 31. Start some side job to earn extra money Start investing and reap the benefits of compounded interest 32. Invest money 33. Start with micro-investing app Acorns 34. Read personal finance articles daily 35. Increase your superannuation contribution every time you get a raise 36. Build your retirement fund ⭐ Paying off debt is as important as saving and investing 37.Track your debt and grow your wealth Some more money habits you need to build wealth 38. Avoid lottery tickets 39. Shop only after a comparison 40. Regularly checking your accounts 41. Reward yourself occasionally 42. Avoid smoking and alcohol 43. Pay bills on time 44. Properly maintaining your car and home 45. Reading contracts before signing FAQs

Having good money habits makes a huge difference in your financial future. There is an old saying that says ‘old habits die hard. But the best part is that science has proved that there is a cure for old bad habits, ‘replace them’ with good habits ?. As with other habits, good money habits are required to build wealth.

45 good money habits that make huge difference - Aimingthedreams (1)

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Getting good money habits is not always avoiding spending, it is much more than that. For me, it was changing the mindset about money. I am sure you are with me on this one. Changing your mindset leads to taking required action to change the present situation.

I am raised in a family where we had enough to meet our basic needs but never had too much to spend on whatever we liked and whenever we wanted. It was always like not spending money on clothes and toys too much. Finally, I understood that I need to change my mindset about money.

Good money habits really make a huge difference in your overall financial condition

1. Change your mindset

This one is the real gold and will have a huge impact on your wealth growth. Never ever think money to be evil. It is the most beautiful thing because it can help you buy those things which you need. It is an old saying that money cannot buy you happiness. I agree but the lack of money can’t either. I always argued with my mother on this one. If the lack of money cannot buy happiness then why not have it. At least you don’t have to think about money always.

2. Say positive money affirmations daily

Positive affirmations are really important if you want to succeed in your wealth-building efforts. Saying positive affirmations release negativity from your mind.

How to attract money with law of attraction

3.Visualise yourself to be rich

Visualization is a powerul technique to attract the things you want in your life. Visualize yourself to be rich and and happy and it will help your mind to see the positivity.

You may not be rich at the moment, but things may start changing gradually. Ofcourse, you have to take actions to match the visualization.

4. Pay gratitude for whatever you have

Even if you feel like you don’t have enough but your basic needs are met, be thankful for that. And pay gratitude for whatever you have. Paying gratitude will help you in minimising the effects of scarcity thoughts. Gradually you will start building the thoughts of abundance and you will learn that you don’t want a huge amount of money to be happy.

Now as you have changed your mindset, it gets better from here. You are more receptive to the beautiful money thoughts and it will really help you in growing your wealth. I know it is a lot to read but bear with me. Building wealth will become much easier and fun after changing your mindset. Now the next part is creating financial goals.

Even if you feel like you don’t have enough to meet your both ends meet, you have to save.

5. Create Money Goals

Money goals will make you focus on how much you want to save. And when you have a goal, you work hard to achieve it. Same as with any other goal, when you focus on a savings goal, you will be able to identify the ideas to save.

6. Classify them into Long term, short term and mid-term goals

Create money goals and divide them into Long term, midterm and short term goals. Breaking big goals into smaller goals helps them make attainable.

Stay with me and take your next action towards saving.

Beware of little expenses. A little leak will sink a great ship.” Benjamin Franklin

7. Track your spending

First of all, start tracking your spending as it will help you where your money is going on. Budgeting becomes easy after you know how much you need to spend.

8. Make a budget

Budget is required to save money. If you will not create a budget, you will loose money by spending on unnecessary things.

Budget helps you in sticking to the required expenses to live a comfortable life.

9. Cancel unused subscriptions

Unused subscriptions are of no use. If you have a magazine subscription, gym membership or other memberships which you never use, just cancel them. If you cannot find time to use those subscriptions today, it is highly that you will not have time for them tomorrow. Better, cancel them.

10. Look for hidden fees everywhere

You have to look for things that may be recurring fees. always read the documents before signing up for any services.

11. Save first even if it is a small amount

Whatever you are earning, make a habit of saving some money. Keep some percentage for saving then start your budget. This way, you will have that money set aside even if you earn less. The saved money will not be available immediately for expenses.

12. Meal plan and cut your grocery spending

Meal planning is necessary because this will save you from buying those ingredients which will just lye in your pantry or fridge and get deteriorated. It is really difficult to think every day about what to cook.

Get meal plans to be delivered to your email. Sign up with meal plans and get your meal plans. You know what, you don’t have to think always what to cook.

Check here to get a $5 meal plan in your inbox.

14. Make a grocery list and stick to it

Grocery is a big expenditure. Ultimately food or basic necessities are very important. And believe me, without a list, most of us have a tendency of buying everything else but not the necessary stuff. If you don’t have a list, you just go and look on supermarket aisles for inspiration “what to buy”.

The mind gets confused and buys those things which you even don’t need.

21 tips to save money on very tight budget

15. Eat frugally but healthy

Maintaining health is required for a happy life. But you don’t need to spend a lot on food. Just eat mindfully, simple seasonal food and you are done. Wherever possible, cook your food at home. When you cook your food from scratch, you know which ingredients you are using and how much.

You and your wallet, both will be healthy.

How to eat healthy on tight budget

16. Start couponing

If you haven’t used coupons, this is the time to start using coupons for saving money. Couponing is a great way to save on shopping. It is important to save with coupons as well as make use of sales. Don’t buy things on a whim. Wait for sales. Use coupons along with sales and you would have saved really a lot.

17.Saving each and every penny

Without saving any money you will not be able to grow your wealth. Always save a set amount of money. Automate your savings and you don’t have to think about saving anymore.


Automate your savings and pay your self first.

18. Save on utility bills

Try to cut your utility spending. Not paying any attention towards your bills, and usage of utilities will take a big chunk of money from your wallet. Keeping lights on when you don’t need and washing a very small load of clothes in a big washing machine will let you spend a lot on water and electricity. Be mindful of these things. You will see the impact of your choices on your bills.

19. Stop spending as a hobby

If you feel like you are a shopaholic, please change this habit. You will not be able to save any money along with shopping love. I have seen people who can spend all the money before their next paycheck. They don’t realise, these paychecks can stop anytime. Anything may happen. For them, spending becomes a habit which eats up all the money. They feel enjoyment in spending money on the stuff even if they don’t need it.

20. Save on shopping

Online shopping has made it possible to buy everything with a click. It is easy to spend money but if you will exercise caution, you can get some cash back with sites like Ebates.

Sign up for Ebates here and get your $10 bonus

21. A manageable mortgage is one of the good money habits you need

Housing, whether it is a mortgage or renting, takes a big chunk of your income. If you really want to save money for your self, it is in your best interest to downsize your house. Saving enough money for a down payment before buying also saves money on the mortgage.

22. Forget about expensive cars

Everybody loves big fast expensive cars. But the actual thing is they cost a lot. The only reason for having a car is to transport you to and fro. It can be done in an inexpensive car also. So why to spend on big cars. Big cars need more fuel and also you have to shell out more money on their maintenance.

23. Not spending too much on entertainment

Entertainment is classified into TV, outings, leisure travel and many more things. Don’t stop entertaining yourself but keep your spending under control. Spending too much on entertainment can make you broke. Go for free/low-cost entertainment wherever possible.

24. Expensive gifts

Always go for affordable gifts for your family and friends. Gifts are making everybody happy. Gifting very expensive things can make a big hole in your wallet. Always gift according to your budget. Those gifts which are gifted with love are the best.

25. Build your emergency fund

Having an emergency fund will give you a cushion for any emergencies. Start with a small amount of money stashing in your savings account and don’t touch that money. Keep it strictly for emergencies.

26. Review your finances regularly

The most effective way to control your finances is to review them frequently. A beautiful phrase I read on developgooodhabits, “what get measured get managed”. It will help you in tracking your spending and purchases. And also your saving.

27. Review your bills every few months

Energy rates change every now and then. Always keep an eye out for any changes and if you see any changes in rates, talk to the providers or change providers.

28.Using credit cards wisely or not at all

I have seen some people who go on holidays on credit cards. They spend money from their credit cards and then they work twice to pay that credit card debt. I think they should save money for their holidays and save themselves from the stress of credit card debt.

Buying anything big or travelling on credit money is not a wise thing. It is better to hate credit cards instead of loving them.

45 good money habits that make huge difference - Aimingthedreams (2)

Start earning more to build wealth

If you have a few hours every week which you can spend to earn some side income, go for it. There are many ways to spend your time earning money.

29. Spend time not money

It is wise to spend time with your loved ones instead of money in shopping centres. Play with your kids or talk with your family members, play some sport together.

30. Earn money instead of spending

If you spend a lot of time on your smartphones checking social media, it is better to use that time to make money. The easiest way is to make some money from surveys.

Here are a few survey sites you can sign up to start doing surveys and earn money

Survey Junkie


Inbox dollars

31. Start some side job to earn extra money

If you have stretched the dollar to the fullest, it is better to start a side hustle. Here are some ideas to start some side job if you are serious about it.

If you are good at finding errors then you can start proofreading. These 25 sites will help you find proofreading work.

Here is a list of some side hustles to start today and earn money.

Start investing and reap the benefits of compounded interest

If you haven’t started investing, start it now. It will take you on a better financial future.

32. Invest money

Investing is considered a bit risky. I myself was averse to investing but once I got into the habit of investing, it feels better and it is not that scary as it was. Read how to start investing as a beginner here.

33. Start with micro-investing app Acorns

Acorns will round up your purchase and will let you save cents and invest for you. You can read my full review here. And start investing your change now.

Start saving your change and investing it with Acorns ( Raiz )

34. Read personal finance articles daily

There is a plethora of information on personal finance nowadays. Personal finance is not taught in schools or colleges. It is important to teach it yourself. Read some blogs to teach about how to invest.

35. Increase your superannuation contribution every time you get a raise

In Australia, we have superannuation which is same as 401k in America. Each time you get a raise, increase your contribution.

36. Build your retirement fund

Get ready for retirement as you cannot rely on social security.

⭐ Paying off debt is as important as saving and investing

Whatever way you chose to pay off your debt, just pay it. Whether you use debt snowball or debt avalanche, start tackling your debt in small steps.

37.Track your debt and grow your wealth

  • Housing: Housing is the biggest expense, if you haven’t paid your mortgage or if you are renting. It is huge. Start paying a little extra each month
  • Car loans:
  • Credit cards:Credit cards charge a big amount of late fees. Pay any debt on credit cards as soon as possible.
  • Any other loans:Make a list of any other personal or other loans and pay first with the biggest interest rate.

Some more money habits you need to build wealth

38. Avoid lottery tickets

Don’t waste your precious money on lottery tickets. There is always a very minute chance of winning a lottery. Instead, invest that money and reap the benefits of compounded interest.

39. Shop only after a comparison

Compare the prices before buying anything. If you are going for a big purchase, it is important to ‘comparison shop’.

40. Regularly checking your accounts

Check regularly your credit card reports and bank statements for any extra payments or fraudulent activities.

41. Reward yourself occasionally

It is beneficial for you and your family to reward by splurging in activities which otherwise you avoid saving money. Pampering yourself is required for your better well-being.

42. Avoid smoking and alcohol

Avoid these health deteriorating activities as much as possible. Smoking is an expensive habit.

43. Pay bills on time

This will save you a late fee and some money.

44. Properly maintaining your car and home

When you take care of your car and home, you save yourself from emergency repairs (which are quite expensive) as well as these last longer.

45. Reading contracts before signing

Read carefully your contracts before signing because they may have some hidden cost stated in the contract.

All these money habits will definitely help you in growing your wealth.

45 good money habits that make huge difference - Aimingthedreams (3)

If you want to start making money online right now, start doing surveys. You will not become rich but you can increase your emergency fund or your build retirement fund with this extra money. Here is one of my favourite survey companies

  • Survey Junkie: I personally use Survey Junkie to make some money in free time. It is easy to find high paying surveys at Survey Junkie and you can make good money as a side income from the comfort of your home. You can redeem the points as money or as free gifts.

Sign up for Survey junkie and start earning money right away

23 money making ideas to grow wealth this year

25 companies that pay to proofread from home


45 good money habits that make huge difference - Aimingthedreams (2024)


What is one money habit you would like to start? ›

Pay bills on time or early

This way you won't forget a payment. Just remember to include any of these payments in your budget planning. If you prefer making manual payments, set regular calendar entries for your bills. You might decide to pay all your bills once or twice a month.

What are bad money habits keeping you broke? ›

But bad money habits (overspending, racking up debt and not saving) can hurt your financial health, turning small missteps into costly mistakes over time. With some awareness and knowledge on how to break these habits, you can improve your finances—now and well into the future.

What is a bad money habit? ›

Relying on Lines of Credit

Credit cards and other “buy now, pay later” schemes can get you into financial trouble if you aren't careful. Credit card debt can be one of the most expensive bad money habits—and if you're frequently living above your means, it can be a tough habit to break.

Why is it important to have good money habits? ›

Importance of financial habits and norms

These skills help a person decide what's desirable and possible financially and guide their day-to-day behaviors. This could range from decisions about splurging on a treat to how much to save in a retirement account.

What are healthy money habits? ›

Save early and consistently, and create a budget to manage spending effectively. Pay off high-interest debts first and consider consolidation or refinancing for better terms. Regularly check accounts, apply the 24-hour rule to avoid impulse buys, and use expert resources to learn how to be better with money.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

What is money dysmorphia? ›

Money dysmorphia is a negative but unrealistic assessment of your personal finance position. Symptoms of money dysmorphia include obsessive earning, money hoarding and negative shopping habits. Younger people are most at risk of money dysmorphia, but traumatic events can also trigger it.

What three things you would never spend your money on? ›

Here are 7 things that smart people never spend their money on.
  • Late fees. Smart people absolutely refuse to throw their hard earned money away. ...
  • Paper products. ...
  • Brand new car. ...
  • Services they can do themselves. ...
  • Snack size convenience foods. ...
  • Full price clothing and accessories. ...
  • Unsatisfactory tax preparation.

What are big money wasters? ›

Shopping at convenience stores, wasting money on magazines, and high credit card and bank fees are easy ways to waste money. Taking some time to go over your spending habits could be well worth your time.

How to stop wasting money? ›

How to Stop Spending: 7 Strategies to Try
  1. Discover your “why” Curbing your spending means saying no to purchases from time to time. ...
  2. Review your spending habits. ...
  3. Redirect your behavior. ...
  4. Build a budget. ...
  5. Pay with debit or cash. ...
  6. Make the most of your mobile banking app. ...
  7. Try a no-buy.

What are old money habits? ›

One of the most iconic hallmarks of old money is a preference for high-quality fashion brands, often reflecting classic, enduring designs that stand the test of time. "The old money lifestyle is defined by sophistication, understated elegance, and an appreciation for the finer things in life."

How to be smart financially? ›

5 steps for getting smarter about everyday finances
  1. Get a clear picture of your financials—now and down the road. ...
  2. Tomorrow's plans start with today's budget. ...
  3. Make your money work smarter, not harder. ...
  4. Remember that monthly bills can impact future goals. ...
  5. Use a banking app to save time and stay on top of your finances, 24/7.

What are the three biggest strategies for paying down debt? ›

Common strategies for paying off debt
  • The debt avalanche method: paying your high-interest debt first. The avalanche method focuses your repayment efforts on high-interest debt. ...
  • The debt snowball method: paying your smallest debts first. ...
  • The consolidation method: combining your debts to help simplify payments.

How to get better financially? ›

These 8 simple steps can help better your finances in less than a...
  1. Start an emergency fund. Time to open a savings account: 15 minutes. ...
  2. Use a budgeting app. ...
  3. Check your credit score. ...
  4. Set goals. ...
  5. Automate your savings. ...
  6. Contribute to your retirement account. ...
  7. Start using your credit card like a debit card. ...
  8. Begin investing.

What habit would you most like to start? ›

Healthy Habits: 8 Good Habits to Have in Life
  • Drinking Water. ...
  • Meditation or Mindful Breathing. ...
  • Getting Active. ...
  • Eating Fresh. ...
  • Use Nature as Therapy. ...
  • Learn Something New. ...
  • Connection with Loved Ones. ...
  • Sleep Hygiene. Sleep is probably the single most important way for your body to reset, detox, and heal.
Jan 1, 2024

What is the first money mindset? ›

A money mindset refers to our beliefs and attitudes about money that we learn in childhood that can be influenced by family, culture, and life experiences. Financial psychologist Brad Klontz identifies four common money mindsets, which he calls scripts: money avoidance, money worship, money status, and money vigilance.

What is the habit of saving money? ›

Consider saving regularly

And by definition, a habit is something you do on a regular basis. So, if you want to boost your financial future, it could pay off to put money aside every day, every week, or every month –it's all up to you.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.