40 With No Savings? How to Catch Up on Retirement (2024)


Retirement Planning

Saving for Retirement

8 Min Read | Aug 29, 2024

40 With No Savings? How to Catch Up on Retirement (1)

By Ramsey Solutions

40 With No Savings? How to Catch Up on Retirement (2)

40 With No Savings? How to Catch Up on Retirement (3)

By Ramsey Solutions

Key Takeaways

  • Even if you’re just starting at 40 years old, it’s very possible to build a $1 million nest egg by the time you retire, but it will take dedication and consistency.
  • Taking advantage of your workplace 401(k), getting out of debt for good, prioritizing saving, and working with a financial advisor are all great ways to catch up on retirement savings.
  • Good news: If you’re like most Americans, your 40s and 50s are prime earning years. With commitment and careful planning, you can use these years to build a solid foundation for your nest egg.

Here’s something you may not have thought about when you celebrated your 40th birthday: You’re about as close to traditional retirement age as you are to your high school graduation. Feeling old yet?

If that thought stirs a bit of fear in your heart, you’re not alone. The Employee Benefits Research Institute of America reports that 14% of workers have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.1 To make matters worse, 18% of adults ages 50 and older have no retirement savings and 61% worry about not having enough to support themselves post-retirement.2 Yikes!

If you’re one of those folks (or heading that way), there should be all kinds of alarms going off in your head.This is your wake-up call!

We’re not going to beat around the bush here: You’ve got your work cut out for you if you want to become a millionaire.But don’t give up hope! Even if you’re 40 years old with nothing saved for retirement, not only is itpossible to build a $1 million nest eggby the time you reach your golden years—it might not be as hard as you think to get there.

How You Can Get Back on Track With Retirement Savings

So now that you know it’s possible to reach your$1 million retirement goal,you’re probably wondering if you can afford to invest that much of your income each month to reach that goal. The real question is:

Can you afford not to?

Here are some tips that will help get you back in the game and on track for a million-dollar nest egg. Will it be easy? No! It’s going to take hard work. It’s going to take some sacrifices. But guess what? The peace that comes with having a nest egg that will allow you to retire with dignity is worth it every single time.

1. Take advantage of your prime earning years.

Here’s the best news about being in your 40s: You’re smack dab in the middle of your prime earning years, which is when most workers earn their highest annual incomes. All that hard work you did in your 20s and 30s to get your career off the ground is starting to pay off—literally!

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income for those between ages 35–44 is $96,630. The only age group with a higher household income is for folks who are 45 to 54 years old ($101,500).3So, if you’ve dug yourself into a hole when it comes to saving for retirement, you at least have a larger shovel to dig yourself out!

Let’s say you just turned 40 and realized,Oh crap! I have nothing saved for retirement!What do you do? Whether you’re 24 or 42, the Baby Steps are still the quickest right way to build wealth andbecome a millionaire.

2. Get debt out of your life—forever!

Trying to save for retirement while you’re juggling credit card, student loan, and car payments is like trying to climb Mount Everest with a backpack full of bricks—you’re not going to get very far!

How much will you need for retirement? Find out with this free tool!

A recent study shows that about 30% of Americans’ monthly income goes to paying off consumer debt.4How in the world are you supposed to save for retirement whenabout one-thirdof your incomeis going to banks and lenders every month? Spoiler alert:You can’t!

Do you know what you’ll have if you don’t have any debt payments?Money!If you have debt, your top priority is to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Set retirement saving aside for now. Budget for the basics,thentackle your debt usingthe debt snowball method.

Once you’re out of debt except for your home and havea fully funded emergency fund(3–6 months of expenses), it’s time to put the pedal to the metal and start investing for retirement (Baby Step 4).

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3. Make saving for retirement a priority in your budget.

If you don’t plan your spending each month, it’s easy to feel like you’re broke all the time. Isn’t that why you’re behind on retirement savings now? A budget allows you to set your spending priorities before the month begins, so youalwaysknow where your money’s going and how it’s working for you.

When you sit down tomake a budget, you should plan in this order:give, save, spend. Here’s what that looks like:

  • First, set aside some of your income for giving. We believe you should give 10% no matter where you are on your financial journey. After all, giving is the most fun you will ever have with money, and you can’t put a price tag on having a spirit of generosity!
  • Second, you should budget for your savings goals. If you’re on Baby Step 4, that means investingat least15% of your gross income for retirement.No exceptions!
  • After that, you can move on to budgeting for monthly expenses. Start with the essentials (like food, shelter, utilities and transportation) before moving on to any nonessentials (like fun money and entertainment).

Pro tip: When you subtract all your expenses (giving, savingandspending) from your income, it should equalzero. That’s what we call azero-based budget, and that’s a good thing! It means you’ve given every dollar an assignment. Good job!

When you regularly make generosity and saving a part of your life, eventually it becomes a habit that gets easier and easier over time. You might have to cut back on some things like eating out or traveling to make room for retirement savings. But making that sacrifice now means you won’t be sweating bullets by the time you want to retire.

4. Invest in your 401(k) or open a Roth IRA.

Whereshould youput your money to get the most bang for your buck?The easiest and often most effective way to get started is through your workplace retirement plan like a401(k). In fact, 8 out of 10 millionaires invested in their company’s 401(k) plan, according toThe National Study of Millionaires.

Most employers who offer a 401(k) will match a portion of your investment, so invest enough to get the full match for an instant and guaranteed 100% return on your money! But quick note: It’s important to be aware of your employer’s vesting period—the amount of time you need to work for them before you fully own those matching contributions (usually around 3-5 years).

If your employer offers a Roth 401(k) option and the plan offers a choice of good growth stock mutual funds, you can invest the entire amount in your workplace plan. If a Roth 401(k) isn’t available, simply invest up to the employer match in your 401(k) and thenopen a separate Roth IRA to invest the remainder. The Roth IRA is also a solid option for you self-employed folks.

5. Work with a financial advisor.

Finding the right financial advisor can make a world of difference when it comes to saving for retirement. These professionals don’t just guide your investments—they help you keep your entire financial strategy on track, covering everything from long-term decisions to rebalancing your portfolio and planning for tax and estate management.

Here's another reason why you need a financial advisor: emotions. Yep, those pesky feelings. Let’s face it, we’re emotional creatures, and when you add money into the mix (especially when you’re playing catch up), it’s tough to make rational, clear-headed decisions. Financial advisors use their expertise to give you a 360-degree view of your retirement plan and can keep you from making drastic choices when the market does its usual roller coaster thing.

If you’re thinking, I can handle this myself, think about this: You haven’t. And you don’t have the time or luxury to make risky financial decisions. Now—maybe more than ever—it’s time to ask for help.

It’s Not Too Late to Get Started

Here’s how it all could play out. Let’s say you’re 40 years old and your household income is $80,000. That means you should be investing $1,000 each month into retirement.Whether it’s cutting out that daily trip to Starbucks or saying goodbye to cable, do whatever you have to do to make room in your budget for those retirement savings. This is your future we’re talking about here!

Now, let’s pop these numbers into our nifty retirement calculator. If you invest that money in good growth stock mutual funds, you could have more than $1.5 million saved in your retirement nest egg by the time you’re 65 years old. And if you held off retirement for another five years after that, you could retire at age 70 with $2.8 million!

You see? It ispossible to retire a millionaire—even making less than the national average and with a late start. But you need to get startedtoday!

You may have let the previous 20 years of your career roll by without getting serious about retirement savings, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend the next 20 years the same way. Change your habits now, get on a plan, and change your future for the better!

Next Steps

  • Use our R:IQ Retirement Assessment to find out how much money you may need to retire based on your situation.
  • Grab a copy of Dave Ramsey’s bookBaby Steps Millionairesand learn how to bust through the barriers preventing you from becoming a millionaire.
  • Talk with a financial advisor who will help you choose your investments, keep an eye on their performance, and keep you focused on your plan.

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Nope! While it might be a challenge, it’s not too late to get started. In fact, there’s a good chance you’re entering your prime earning years, giving you the chance to set a solid foundation and build a nest egg for retirement with gazelle intensity.

The average retirement savings for Americans in their 40s is around $93,000. But in reality, there’s no magic number here. And honestly, if you’re reading this without any retirement savings, let’s focus on what you can do now—not what you should have done. You’ve got this.

You can catch up on your retirement savings by taking advantage of tax-advantaged retirement accounts like your workplace 401(k) and IRAs, getting (and staying) out of debt, prioritizing saving, and working with a financial advisor. You should also consider cutting back on unnecessary spending, like eating out or traveling.

We recommend investing at least 15% of your gross household income. For example, a 40-year-old making $80,000 who invests $1,000 a month in good growth stock mutual funds could retire with a $1.5 million nest egg at 65. Not too shabby, right?

This article provides generalguidelines about investingtopics. Your situation may beunique. To discuss a plan for your situation, connect with aSmartVestorPro.RamseySolutions is a paid, non-clientpromoter ofparticipating Pros.

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Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

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40 With No Savings? How to Catch Up on Retirement (2024)


40 With No Savings? How to Catch Up on Retirement? ›

You can catch up on your retirement savings by taking advantage of tax-advantaged retirement accounts like your workplace 401(k) and IRAs, getting (and staying) out of debt, prioritizing saving, and working with a financial advisor.

What to do if you have no retirement savings at 40? ›

You can catch up on your retirement savings by taking advantage of tax-advantaged retirement accounts like your workplace 401(k) and IRAs, getting (and staying) out of debt, prioritizing saving, and working with a financial advisor.

Is 40 too late to start saving for retirement? ›

Yes, it's very possible to retire comfortably even if you start saving at 40. Regular contributions to your retirement accounts will go a long way toward making that dream a reality. Take advantage of catch-up contributions after the age of 50.

Can I retire at 40 with no money? ›

Retiring with little to no money saved is not impossible, but it can present some challenges to your financial plan. Depending on where you're starting from, you may need to delay Social Security benefits, work longer, or drastically reduce expenses to retire with no money saved.

What happens to retired people with no money? ›

You may have to rely on Social Security

Many retirees with little to no savings rely solely on Social Security as their main source of income. You can claim Social Security benefits as early as age 62, but your benefit amount will depend on when you start filing for the benefit.

How much should a 40 year old have saved for retirement? ›

By the time you reach your 40s, you'll want to have around three times your annual salary saved for retirement. By age 50, you'll want to have around six times your salary saved. If you're behind on saving in your 40s and 50s, aim to pay down your debt to free up funds each month.

What happens if you don't save for retirement? ›

Without savings, it will be difficult to maintain the same lifestyle an individual had in working years. Some retirees make adjustments by: Moving into a smaller home or apartment. Reducing television or streaming services.

Is Retiring at 40 realistic? ›

It is possible to retire at 40, but you have to be proactive—and really good at deferred gratification. So run the numbers and take advantage of every opportunity to save (and earn).

Can I retire at 45 with $1 million dollars? ›

For example, if you have retirement savings of $1 million, the 4% rule says that you can safely withdraw $40,000 per year during the first year — increasing this number for inflation each subsequent year — without running out of money within the next 30 years.

How to retire with no money in Canada? ›

If you qualify for the OAS pension and have low income, you may also get financial support through the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). To learn more about how much income you might need in retirement, check out our page on Planning to save for retirement.

How to be financially free by 40? ›

To reach your financial goals by 40, you need to save enough money to sustain any financial emergencies or unforeseen expenses. You should also save for other goals like buying a home or car, investing and ultimately, retirement. For each of your savings goals, you should have a separate account.

How to start saving for retirement at 40 in Canada? ›

6 tips for saving for retirement in your 40s
  1. Don't panic ... plan! ...
  2. Maximize RRSP contributions in your high-earning years. ...
  3. Take a look at your employer plans. ...
  4. Consider your time horizon. ...
  5. Understand asset allocation. ...
  6. Look into alternative investments for retirement income streams.
Sep 10, 2019

Is 45 too late to save for retirement? ›

Although it's important to start your retirement planning and saving early, you can still fulfill your goals even if you're between 45 and 54. Small business owners may be able to stash extra savings by funding retirement accounts designed for small businesses and the self-employed.

How much does the average Canadian have saved at 40? ›

According to Statistics Canada's 2019 figures (the most recent available), the average person under age 35 had saved $9,905 towards retirement (RRSPs only) and held $27,425 in non-pension financial assets. For Canadians aged 35 to 44, these numbers are $15,993 and $23,743, respectively.

What if I can never retire? ›

You can: Continue working as always. Stay in the same or similar job, maybe part-time instead of full-time. Move to a new job you enjoy more, even if for less money.

How much do you really need to retire at 40? ›

“Take your living expenses for the year and multiply by 25. If you spend $60,000 a year, that's $1.5 million. If you have investable assets of more than that – not including the house you live in – you should theoretically be able to retire at age 40.”

What to do if you haven't saved enough for retirement? ›

Experts say you should have 10 times your income saved to retire by age 67—here's what to do if you aren't yet there
  1. Estimate your retirement savings and income needs. ...
  2. Stay relevant in the employment market. ...
  3. Write out your retirement strategy. ...
  4. Catch up on your savings using tax incentives. ...
  5. Seek professional financial advice.

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