3DES Encryption Rounds: How Many Rounds Does 3DES Perform? - Newsoftwares.net Blog (2024)

3DES encryption typically performs either 16 or 24 rounds, depending on the variant and desired level of security.

Three Data Encryption Standard (3DES) is a symmetric encryption algorithm widely used in various applications to protect sensitive data. One important aspect of 3DES is the number of rounds it performs during the encryption process.

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Understanding 3DES Encryption

3DES Encryption Rounds: How Many Rounds Does 3DES Perform? - Newsoftwares.net Blog (1)

To comprehend the number of rounds performed by 3DES, it is essential to have a basic understanding of how the algorithm works. 3DES is a block cipher that operates on 64-bit blocks of data. It uses a symmetric key of length 168 bits, which is derived from a 192-bit key. The primary goal of 3DES is to provide a higher level of security compared to its predecessor, the original Data Encryption Standard (DES).

The Basics of 3DES

At its core, 3DES is a type of Feistel cipher. In a Feistel cipher, the block of plaintext is divided into two halves, and a series of rounds are performed on these halves using a subkey derived from the main key. The results of each round are then combined to produce the ciphertext. This process is repeated multiple times to achieve stronger encryption.

Let’s take a closer look at the encryption process of 3DES. The initial step is the initial permutation, where the bits of the plaintext block are rearranged according to a specific permutation table. This step helps to ensure that the data is thoroughly mixed before the actual encryption begins.

After the initial permutation, the block is divided into two halves. The left half is denoted as L0, and the right half as R0. These halves are then subjected to a series of rounds, typically 16 or 24 rounds, depending on the variant of 3DES used.

Each round of 3DES involves three main steps: expansion, XOR, and substitution. In the expansion step, the right half of the block is expanded to match the size of the subkey. This expansion is achieved by duplicating and rearranging certain bits of the right half.

Next, the expanded right half is XORed with the subkey for that round. The subkeys used in each round are derived from the main key using a process called key scheduling. This ensures that each round has a unique subkey, adding an extra layer of security to the encryption process.

Once the XOR operation is complete, the result is passed through a substitution step. This step involves replacing certain bits of the result with others based on predefined substitution tables. The purpose of this step is to further confuse the data and make it harder for an attacker to decipher the encrypted message.

After the substitution step, the left and right halves are swapped, and the process is repeated for the next round. This swapping ensures that the encryption and decryption processes are symmetric, meaning the same algorithm can be used for both operations.

Finally, after completing all rounds, the left and right halves are combined to form the ciphertext. This ciphertext is the encrypted version of the original plaintext, and it can only be decrypted using the same key and the reverse process.

Key Components of 3DES

Before delving further into the details of the encryption process, it is important to understand the key components of 3DES. These components include the initial permutation, the subkeys used in each round, and the Feistel function.

The initial permutation is a crucial step in 3DES as it rearranges the bits of the plaintext block according to a specific permutation table. This permutation helps to ensure that the data is evenly distributed and mixed before the actual encryption begins. It adds an extra layer of misperception to the plaintext, making it harder for an attacker to analyze the data and break the encryption.

The subkeys used in each round of 3DES are derived from the main key using a process called key scheduling. This process involves applying various permutations and transformations to the main key to generate a set of unique subkeys for each round. These subkeys are crucial in the XOR operation, where they are combined with the expanded right half of the block to introduce randomness and strengthen the encryption.

The Feistel function is a fundamental component of 3DES. It performs the expansion, XOR, and substitution steps in each round. The expansion step expands the block’s right half to match the subkey’s size, ensuring compatibility with the XOR operation. The XOR operation combines the expanded right half with the subkey, introducing randomness and complexity to the encryption process. The substitution step further confuses the data by replacing certain bits based on predefined substitution tables.

By understanding these key components of 3DES, one can gain a deeper awareness into the algorithm’s inner workings and appreciate the level of security it provides. Combining the initial permutation, unique subkeys, and the Feistel function contributes to the robustness and effectiveness of 3DES encryption.

The Process of 3DES Encryption

The process of 3DES encryption involves several important steps that work together to ensure the security and confidentiality of data. Understanding these steps is crucial for implementing and utilizing 3DES effectively.

Initial permutation in 3DES

Before the encryption process begins, an initial permutation takes place. This permutation rearranges the bits of the input block, ensuring that the data is shuffled deterministically. By doing so, the initial permutation provides a crucial foundation for the subsequent encryption steps.

During the initial permutation, each bit of the input block is carefully repositioned according to a predefined pattern. This pattern is designed to achieve two important goals: Diffusion and confusion. Diffusion refers to spreading the input data’s influence throughout the entire encryption process, making it difficult for an attacker to analyze and predict the effects of any specific input bit. Confusion, on the other hand, refers to transforming the input data in a way that makes the relationship between the input and output bits complex and non-linear, further enhancing the security of the encryption algorithm.

The Role of Subkeys in 3DES

In each round of 3DES, different subkeys are generated from the main key. These subkeys play a crucial role in transforming the halves of the input block during the encryption process. Generating unique subkeys for each round is a key aspect of 3DES that enhances the overall security of the algorithm.

The subkey generation process involves applying various mathematical operations to the main key, resulting in a set of unique subkeys to each round. These subkeys are then used to modify the input data, adding an additional layer of complexity and security to the encryption process. By using different subkeys in each round, 3DES confirms that even if an attacker manages to compromise one round’s subkey, they cannot use it to decrypt other rounds or gain access to the original data.

The Function of Feistel Function in 3DES

The Feistel function is a key component of the encryption process in 3DES. It is responsible for applying various operations to the input data, transforming it to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the encrypted information.

The Feistel function in 3DES performs a series of operations, including expansion, permutation, substitution, and XOR. Expansion involves increasing the size of the input data, creating additional bits that are used in subsequent operations. Permutation rearranges the bits of the expanded data according to a predefined pattern, further enhancing the diffusion and confusion properties of the encryption algorithm. Substitution replaces certain bits of the permuted data with different bits based on predefined substitution tables. Finally, XOR (exclusive OR) combines the permuted and substituted data with the subkey for that round, producing the final output for that round.

By applying these operations in a carefully designed manner, the Feistel function ensures that the plaintext is mixed and transformed sufficiently to produce ciphertext that is resistant to cryptanalysis attacks. The complexity and non-linearity introduced by the Feistel function make it extremely difficult for an attacker to reverse-engineer the original plaintext from the ciphertext, providing high security for the encrypted data.

The Number of Rounds in 3DES Encryption

Defining a Round in 3DES

A round in 3DES consists of multiple iterations of the encryption process. Each iteration involves applying the Feistel function to the input block using a specific subkey. The number of iterations performed in a round depends on the mode of operation used.

The Importance of Multiple Rounds

3DES Encryption Rounds: How Many Rounds Does 3DES Perform? - Newsoftwares.net Blog (2)

Multiple rounds are vital in 3DES to achieve a higher level of security. Each round adds complexity and Diffusion, making it more difficult for attackers to break the encryption. The number of rounds directly affects the strength of the encryption and the time required to perform the encryption.

Calculating the Number of Rounds in 3DES

The number of rounds performed by 3DES depends on the mode of operation and the desired level of security. The most common combination is the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA), which uses three different keys and performs 48 rounds.

The Impact of Rounds on 3DES Encryption

How Rounds Affect Encryption Strength

Increasing the number of rounds in 3DES enhances the security of the encryption. Each additional round introduces more complexity and Diffusion, making it harder for attackers to break the encryption. However, it is important to strike a balance between security and performance, as adding more rounds also increases the computational overhead.

The Relationship Between Rounds and Processing Time

As the number of rounds increases in 3DES, the processing time required for encryption also increases. This is because each round involves multiple iterations of the Feistel function, which requires additional computational resources. When implementing 3DES in a system, it is crucial to consider the trade-off between security and processing time.

The Security of 3DES Encryption

3DES Encryption Rounds: How Many Rounds Does 3DES Perform? - Newsoftwares.net Blog (3)

Evaluating the Security Level of 3DES

Although 3DES has been widely used for many years, its security level is no longer considered as robust as that of more modern encryption algorithms. Advances in computing power and cryptanalysis techniques have rendered 3DES susceptible to certain attacks. As a result, many organizations have transitioned to more secure encryption algorithms, such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

The Vulnerabilities of 3DES Encryption

3DES has several known vulnerabilities, including the “Sweet32” attack, which exploits the small block size of the algorithm. Additionally, due to the increased processing power available to attackers, brute-force attacks on 3DES have become more feasible. These vulnerabilities highlight the importance of transitioning to more secure encryption algorithms.

Key Takeaways

  1. 3DES encryption operates in rounds, with either 16 or 24 rounds being typical.
  2. Multiple rounds increase encryption strength by adding complexity and diffusion.
  3. TDEA, a variant of 3DES, performs 48 rounds using three different keys.
  4. 3DES has known vulnerabilities, prompting a transition to more secure encryption algorithms.
  5. Balancing security and processing time is crucial when choosing the number of rounds in 3DES encryption.


Q1: How does 3DES encryption work?

A1: 3DES is a block cipher that divides data into halves, applies a series of rounds with subkeys, and uses operations like expansion, XOR, and substitution to create ciphertext.

Q2: What is the purpose of multiple rounds in 3DES?

A2: Multiple rounds in 3DES enhance encryption strength by adding complexity and diffusion, making it more resistant to attacks.

Q3: How many rounds are performed in Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA)?

A3: TDEA, a common 3DES variant, performs 48 rounds, utilizing three different keys.

Q4: Are there any vulnerabilities in 3DES encryption?

A4: Yes, 3DES has vulnerabilities, such as the “Sweet32” attack and susceptibility to brute-force attacks, making it less secure compared to modern encryption algorithms.

Q5: What are the implications of the number of rounds on processing time in 3DES?

A5: Increasing the number of rounds in 3DES also increases processing time, so organizations must balance security and performance when implementing it.


In conclusion, the number of rounds performed by 3DES depends on the mode of operation and the desired level of security. Implementing more rounds increases the complexity and Diffusion, enhancing the strength of the encryption. However, the trade-off between security and processing time must be carefully considered. As advances in cryptanalysis techniques continue, it is essential for organizations to transition to more secure encryption algorithms to protect their sensitive data.

3DES Encryption Rounds: How Many Rounds Does 3DES Perform? - Newsoftwares.net Blog (2024)


3DES Encryption Rounds: How Many Rounds Does 3DES Perform? - Newsoftwares.net Blog? ›

Calculating the Number of Rounds in 3DES

How many times does Triple DES make use of the DES algorithm? ›

In 1998, Triple Data Encryption Algorithm, commonly referred to as Triple DES, TDEA and, informally, 3DES, was introduced. It applies the DES cipher algorithm three times to each data block for more effective key length.

Is 3DES retired? ›

In March of 2019, NIST announced that it was retiring the 3DES encryption algorithm. This was done in stages, where the algorithm was first deprecated and then in December 2023 it will be disallowed. This change may impact customers who adhere to NIST standards.

What is the difference between 3DES and Triple DES? ›

Difference between 3DES and DES

3DES was developed as a more secure alternative because of DES's small key length. 3DES or Triple DES was built upon DES to improve security. In 3DES, the DES algorithm is run three times with three keys; however, it is only considered secure if three separate keys are used.

Is 3DES still considered secure? ›

A CVE released in 2016, CVE-2016-2183, disclosed a major security vulnerability in the DES and 3DES encryption algorithms. This CVE, combined with the inadequate key size of 3DES, led to NIST deprecating 3DES in 2019 and disallowing all uses (except processing already encrypted data) by the end of 2023.

How many rounds of computation does 3DES use? ›

Calculating the Number of Rounds in 3DES

The most common combination is the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA), which uses three different keys and performs 48 rounds.

How many rounds of encryption is used in DES? ›

DES uses 16 rounds of the Feistel structure, using a different key for each round. DES became the approved federal encryption standard in November 1976 and was subsequently reaffirmed as the standard in 1983, 1988, and 1999.

How long does it take to break 3DES? ›

Our results show that 80-bit security can be attacked by distributed GPU clusters. Thus, we recommend Present with 80-bit key and other cryptographic algorithms with 80-bit or shorter keys to be removed from ISO/IEC and other standards. 112-bit security of 3des can be broken in 8 years with RTX 3070 GPUs.

What replaced 3DES? ›

AES, or Advanced Encryption Standard, was established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001 to replace DES and 3DES as the go-to encryption standard. Like 3DES, AES is a symmetric key encryption algorithm that uses the same encryption key for both encrypting and decrypting data.

What is the disadvantage of 3DES? ›

Limitations of 3DES

Slow Speed: The triple-layered encryption process of 3DES makes it slower than other encryption algorithms. Limited Key Size Options: While 3DES supports variable key sizes, the maximum key size is only 192 bits, which may not be enough to meet the security needs of some applications.

What is a downside to using Triple DES? ›

Advantages and disadvantages

While stronger than DES, 3DES's effective key length is limited, especially when using three 56-bit keys. 3DES can be used for a single DES by setting all three keys to the same value, ensuring backward compatibility.

How many keys does Triple DES have? ›

So 3DES always requires 3 keys, each of which are have 56 key bits stretched into 64 bits (8 bytes) because every 7 bits gets a 1 bit parity check. This is frequently expressed as one 192-bit value (24 bytes) value, or an intermediate 128-bit value (16 bytes).

How many rounds does the AES-256 perform? ›

The AES-256 encryption uses 14 such rounds. AES works by having the initial key added to a block using an exclusive or (XOR) cipher. This is an operation that is built into processor hardware. In the block, each byte of data is substituted with another, following a predetermined table.

Can Triple DES be cracked? ›

3DES is about 2^56 times as difficult to crack as DES. (Not 2^112 times because there is an attack that effectively limits it to twice the effective bits of DES, rather than the three times you might expect at first). If you're using 3 different keys, yes, that makes sense.

Is Blowfish better than 3DES? ›

Blowfish is another symmetric-key encryption technique designed by Bruce Schneier in 1993 as an alternative to the DES encryption algorithm. Therefore it is significantly faster than DES and provides a good encryption rate. Its key length is 446 bits, and way better than DES, and 3DES.

What are the vulnerabilities of 3DES? ›

Encryption algorithm Triple DES is a block cipher which is still recognized as secure, but deprecated. It has multiple vulnerabilities (eg: sweet32 attack, meet-in-the-middle attack, brute-force attack) and it is considered as weak and disallowed by National Institute of Standards and Technology after 2023.

How many keys does the Triple DES algorithm use? ›

So 3DES always requires 3 keys, each of which are have 56 key bits stretched into 64 bits (8 bytes) because every 7 bits gets a 1 bit parity check. This is frequently expressed as one 192-bit value (24 bytes) value, or an intermediate 128-bit value (16 bytes).

How does Triple DES improve the security of DES? ›

Through its use of three stages of DES encryption and decryption, 3DES effectively increases the key length and resists meet-in-the-middle attacks. Its widespread adoption in various sectors underscores its importance in ensuring the security of sensitive information in an increasingly digital world.

What are the limitations of 3DES? ›

Limitations of 3DES

Slow Speed: The triple-layered encryption process of 3DES makes it slower than other encryption algorithms. Limited Key Size Options: While 3DES supports variable key sizes, the maximum key size is only 192 bits, which may not be enough to meet the security needs of some applications.

How many iterations are there in DES? ›

DES has 16 rounds; it applies the same combination of techniques on the plaintext block 16 times (see Figure 12.1). The algorithm uses only standard arithmetic and logical operations on numbers of 64 bits at most, so it was easily implemented in late 1970s hardware technology.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.