31 Millennial Spending Habits & Income Statistics to Know, 2023 (2024)

Table of Contents
Who Are Millennials? How Many Millennials Are There? How Well-Educated Are Millennials? What Do Millennials Spend Money On? Do Millennials Have Good Money Habits? How Do Millennials Compare to Previous Generations? How Millennials Spend Differently Than Baby Boomers Millennial Spending Habits 1. On average, Millennials will have spent nearly $93,000 on rent by the time they reach 30 2. Millennials spend $164 a month on entertainment, on average 3. 41% of Millennials spend more on coffee than retirement 4. Half of Millennials order take out 2 or 3 times a week 5. Around 54% of Millennial spending happens online 6. 42% of Millennials shop online from their smartphones 7. 52% of Millennials prefer to shop at stores that align with their values 8. Millennials spend an average of $47,112 a year 9. Millennials have an average of $100,906 in debt 10. Millennials had the second-highest debt growth any generation from 2020 to 2021 11. For non-homeowning Millennials, 60% say student loan debt is delaying their ability to buy 10. 60% of Millennial consumers prefer to purchase generic brands if it saves them money 11. 37% of Millennials are willing to purchase and product or service to support a cause they believe in, even if they have to pay more 12. Millennials and Gen Z make up 40% of all luxury spending and 100% of global luxury growth 13. Millennials are willing to pay more for items that are popular or offer a unique experience 14. Millennials make up 21% of consumer discretionary spending 15. Millennials tend to spend less on discretionary items than other generations 16. 83% of Millennials say a brand’s sustainability practices influence their decision to shop with them 17. 25% of Millennials expect a customer service response within 10 minutes on social media, and 30% expect a same-day response via text 18. 90% of Millennials highly value a good work-life balance 19. Millennial men who work at home have spent more online shopping than Millennial women 20. 65% of Millennials improved their finances during the pandemic 21. 29% of Millennials purchase from brands after seeing them on social media 22. 48% of Millennials would make a purchase because of free delivery Millennial Population 23. Millennials are now the largest living generation at 72.26 million 24. Millennials made up nearly 22% of the population distribution in the U.S. in 2020 Millennial Income Statistics 25. Median Millennial pre-tax household income was $71,566 in 2020 26. The average 40-year-old head of household Millennial earns $73,000 annually 27. Millennials earn 20% less than Boomers did even though they’re better educated 28. Half of Millennials have a side hustle 29. Millennials make nearly $11,000 annually from side hustles 30. 19% of Millennials have more than one side hustle 31. 29% of Millennial side hustles are in the personal services sector Millennial Statistics Sources FAQs

Possibly the most talked about and controversial of the generations, Millennials have been accused of everything from killing the economy to being addicted to their screens to being lazy and debt-ridden. While it’s true that the Millennial generation has coincided with several declining industries and other negatives like poor income growth, the reasons for these issues are far more complex than catchy Millennial caricatures indicate.

So, what is the truth about Millennials? Are Millennials simply lazy debt-holders looking for a handout or a generation hindered by rising costs, stagnant wages, and ballooning student debt?

We discuss relevant Millennial spending habits and income statistics to know this year.

Table of Contents

Who Are Millennials?

31 Millennial Spending Habits & Income Statistics to Know, 2023 (1)

Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Gen Y, are the cohort born following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. The generation is typically defined as those born between 1981 and 1996, although sometimes those born into the early 2000s are included.

Millennials are typically the children of Baby Boomers and Early Gen Xers. They have been described as the first generation to grow up in the age of the Internet and technological advances that have led to the widespread use of cell phones and social media.

Unfortunately, the Millennial generation has experienced significant economic disruption since reaching adulthood and starting their working lives.

The Great Recession and the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as stagnant income growth, rising inflation, and significant student debt, have significantly impacted Millennials’ ability to build wealth and achieve the same milestones as those of prior generations.

How Many Millennials Are There?

Believe it or not, Millennials have now surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest adult generation living in the United States.

As of July 1, 2019, estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau showed 72.1 million Millennials compared to 71.6 million Boomers and 65.2 million Gen Xers, who are also expected to outpace Boomers by 2028.

The reasons for this overtaking are twofold. First, the Millennial generation has continued to grow in the United States due to immigration.

Second, Baby Boomers, the generation resulting from the boom in U.S. births following World War II, are continuing to age, and their numbers are shrinking as Boomers begin passing away.

How Well-Educated Are Millennials?

Millennials are known as the generation burdened by student debt, so it would follow that Millennials are generally well-educated.

However, millennials aren’t just well-educated; they are the best-educated generation in history, with fully a third (34%) of Millennials holding at least a bachelor’s degree.

At the same time that the number of those with a college education has grown, the value of that education has also increased.

Unfortunately, the growing economic return of a college degree and an increase in those with them have not resulted in Millennials earning more than earlier generations.

The median earnings of Millennials ($35,000) aren’t much different than that of Boomers ($34,883) or Gen Xers ($32,173).

Despite the stagnation of wages, Millennial college graduates outperform their peers with less education on virtually every measure of economic well-being. The disparity between college graduates and those with a high school education or less has never been more significant.

What Do Millennials Spend Money On?

Millennials have a reputation for spending unnecessarily and splurging on entertainment compared to older generations, but these money habits may be more indicative of the times we’re living in.

Millennials spend more on convenience, online shopping, eating out, experiences and travel, streaming services, debt, and social impact by donating and buying from socially responsible brands.

On the flip side, Millennials spend less on cars, clothes, housing, and retirement than previous generations.

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Do Millennials Have Good Money Habits?

Data on Millennials has shown that, on average, this generation has been slower to reach milestones than prior generations.

However, these delays have not primarily been due to poor money habits but rather a life full of consistent setbacks, which have stalled Millennial spending power.

Contrary to popular belief, Millennials spend their money on the same things that other generations did; they just have less of it and have had to pay more for necessities. Housing is the number one cost, followed by groceries and debt.

Overall, Millennials have started saving earlier for major financial goals like retirement and now represent the largest cohort buying homes.

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How Do Millennials Compare to Previous Generations?

Millennials are different from prior generations in several ways. Millennials are more highly educated than earlier generations but earn less, hold fewer assets, and have less wealth at the same age as Boomers and Gen Xers.

The main reason for this difference is the burden of student loan debt and incomes that have not kept pace with rising costs.

How Millennials Spend Differently Than Baby Boomers

Millennials spend quite differently than Baby Boomers in two significant ways. They spend money based on their values and focus more on health and wellness than prior generations.

Most Millennial consumers (73%) are willing to pay more for products and services that promote social responsibility or are environmentally friendly and are more than twice as likely to make sustainable investments.

Furthermore, 9 out of 10 Millennials believe it’s important to eat healthily and are more concerned about natural and ethical food products. Millennials also account for more than half of organic food consumption.

Millennial Spending Habits

Here are the top Millennial spending habits statistic to know this year.

1. On average, Millennials will have spent nearly $93,000 on rent by the time they reach 30

The reason more Millennials aren’t homeowners is simple; they can’t afford it. Burdened by student loan debt and cost of living, most Millennials choose to wait for significant life events like getting married, having children, and buying a house.

Combined with high rent, these factors mean that Millennials carry a heavier rent burden than prior generations. (Source: RentCafe)1

2. Millennials spend $164 a month on entertainment, on average

Much has been made of Millennial consumers and their spending habits, but overall, Millennials tend to spend more money on experiences rather than things.

However, while Millennials outspend their Boomer and Gen Xer counterparts in the area of entertainment, they do not tend to curb spending in other areas to better afford experiences. (Source: McKinsey)2

3. 41% of Millennials spend more on coffee than retirement

A survey conducted by Acorns found that 41.26% of Millennial respondents said they’d spend more on coffee over the previous year than they had saved for retirement.

While Millennial spending habits have been a source of controversy over the years, there is a tendency to splurge on items like coffee. (Source: Acorns)3

4. Half of Millennials order take out 2 or 3 times a week

The pandemic has encouraged distancing and supporting local businesses, but that has not affected Millennials’ preference for eating out. Millennials have continued to eat out 2 or 3 times a week, even during the pandemic. (Source: The Guardian)4

5. Around 54% of Millennial spending happens online

Millennial shoppers are digital buyers, with over 86% of Millennial consumers making purchases online. Furthermore, 67% of Millennials say they prefer shopping online to in-store. (Source: Invesp)5

6. 42% of Millennials shop online from their smartphones

Not only do Millennials like to shop online, they like to shop on the go. Nearly half of Millennials complete online purchases using their smartphone. (Source: Statista)6

7. 52% of Millennials prefer to shop at stores that align with their values

Millennial consumer behavior is closely aligned with their values and beliefs. As a socially responsible generation, Millennials spend on brands and products that promote sustainability and social justice. (Source: Euclid)7

8. Millennials spend an average of $47,112 a year

On average, Millennial spending totals around $47,000 a year. The highest ticket items for Millennial spending include rent/housing, eating out, and apparel and services. (Source: BLS)8

9. Millennials have an average of $100,906 in debt

The average consumer debt for an individual is $96,371, and for those in the Millennial age group, the number is almost as high.

An analysis by Experian found that the average credit card debt was $5,221, the average student loan debt was $39,487, the average auto loan debt was $20,987, and the average personal loan debt was $17,064. (Source: CNBC)9

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10. Millennials had the second-highest debt growth any generation from 2020 to 2021

Older millennials spending habits have begun shifting toward buying houses and starting families, and thus we’re seeing an increase in their overall debt.

The only age group with a higher debt growth from 2020 to 2021 was Gen Z, which grew 29.7% compared to Millennials at 15.4%. (Source: CNBC)9

11. For non-homeowning Millennials, 60% say student loan debt is delaying their ability to buy

Student loan debt has affected Millennials more than any other age group thus far, and the majority of them are citing student loans as the main reason they can’t buy a house.

Many Millennials must choose between saving for retirement, starting a family, or purchasing a home. (Source: NAR)10

10. 60% of Millennial consumers prefer to purchase generic brands if it saves them money

Millennial spending power is diminished compared to prior generations, and so many Millennial shoppers look to save money by buying generic over name brands. (Source: Adage)11

11. 37% of Millennials are willing to purchase and product or service to support a cause they believe in, even if they have to pay more

While they do look for ways to save money, it’s also true that Millennials spend their money with brands that align with their values.

Thus, Millennials will shop for products and services that help support socially responsible causes even if it costs them more. (Source: Millennial Marketing)12

12. Millennials and Gen Z make up 40% of all luxury spending and 100% of global luxury growth

Despite the financial constraints of the generation, Millennial buying habits are beginning to move toward the luxurious.

Millennials are becoming the most valuable luxury consumer segment, and luxury brands are transforming their traditional business models to accommodate more purchases online and other Millennial spending habits. (Source: Luxe)13

13. Millennials are willing to pay more for items that are popular or offer a unique experience

Millennials surpassed Baby Boomers long ago regarding spending money on experiences.

Charles Schwab found that 60% of Millennials were willing to pay more than $4 for a cup of coffee compared to 29% of Baby Boomers.

Furthermore, 79% of Millennials said they would spend more money to dine at a popular restaurant. (Source: Charles Schwab)14

14. Millennials make up 21% of consumer discretionary spending

Millennials have tremendous spending power estimated to be at over 1 trillion. (Source: Millennial Marketing)12

15. Millennials tend to spend less on discretionary items than other generations

A study by Equifax found that Millennials spent less on wants in 3 out of four categories compared to Gen Xers and Baby Boomers. They found that Millennials spent nearly $1,500 less on average on entertainment than the other two generations. (Source: Equifax)15

16. 83% of Millennials say a brand’s sustainability practices influence their decision to shop with them

Millennials are far more likely to shop according to their values and beliefs than other generations. If a brand targets Millennials, they must have socially responsible and sustainable practices. (Source: Business Wire)16

17. 25% of Millennials expect a customer service response within 10 minutes on social media, and 30% expect a same-day response via text

Millennial buying power is at an all-time high, and brands must be able to attract and retain them. One of the best ways to satisfy Millennials is through quick and helpful customer service. This tech-savvy generation wants answers, and they want them fast. (Source: VocalCom)17

18. 90% of Millennials highly value a good work-life balance

Millennials are motivated primarily by their values and by experiences, and while they are also career-oriented, Millennials understand that work isn’t everything.

Millennials seek success in their careers and personal lives, thus placing a high value on employers that help create a good work-life balance. (Source: Resource Solutions)18

19. Millennial men who work at home have spent more online shopping than Millennial women

One of the more interesting Millennial shopping habits to come out of the pandemic and the trend of working from home is which gender shops online the most.

While one might assume that Millennial women would spend more on online shopping, statistics show that Millennial men actually spend more online. (Source: WYPR)19

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20. 65% of Millennials improved their finances during the pandemic

(Source: WYPR)19

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21. 29% of Millennials purchase from brands after seeing them on social media

(Source: Global Web Index)20

22. 48% of Millennials would make a purchase because of free delivery

(Source: Global Web Index)20

Millennial Population

23. Millennials are now the largest living generation at 72.26 million

Generation Y has now surpassed the Baby Boomer generation as the largest in the U.S. Baby Boomers currently total 70.68 million, Gen Xers total 64.95 million, Generation Z totals 67.06 million, and the Silent Generation totals 21.78 million. (Source: BLS)21

24. Millennials made up nearly 22% of the population distribution in the U.S. in 2020

Gen Y is now the largest generation, largest adult population, and the largest consumer group in the U.S. (Source: Statista)22

Millennial Income Statistics

25. Median Millennial pre-tax household income was $71,566 in 2020

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income for Gen Y was $71,566 in 2020. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau)23

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26. The average 40-year-old head of household Millennial earns $73,000 annually

While Millennials at the age of 40 make around the same money as Baby Boomers ($72,000) and Gen Xers ($68,000) did at the same age, the stagnation of wages means that when adjusted for inflation, Gen Y wages fall far behind the two prior generations. (Source: Bloomberg)24

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27. Millennials earn 20% less than Boomers did even though they’re better educated

Median earnings for those aged 18 to 34 are lower than they were in the 1980s largely due to the Great Recession and the rise of contract positions and freelance positions that may offer fewer hours and pay.

Additionally, nearly 40% of Millennials between 25 and 37 have at least a Bachelor’s degree compared to 25% of Boomers and 30% of Gen Xers at the same age. (Source: CNBC)25

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28. Half of Millennials have a side hustle

Millennials are the most likely generation to have a side hustle, followed by Gen Z at 46%. (Source: SunTrust)26

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29. Millennials make nearly $11,000 annually from side hustles

Millennials make the most on average from side hustles, earning 20% more than Gen Xers and 46% more than Baby Boomers. (Source: SunTrust)26

30. 19% of Millennials have more than one side hustle

Millennials are also more likely to have multiple side hustles than other generations. (Source: SunTrust)26

31. 29% of Millennial side hustles are in the personal services sector

Most Millennial side hustle jobs are personal services like dog walkers and babysitters. Other top gig jobs include professional services, like writing or graphic design, and arts and crafts. (Source: SunTrust)26


Millennial Statistics Sources

  1. RentCafe (https://www.rentcafe.com/blog/apartment-search-2/money/millennials-spend-93000-on-rent-by-the-time-they-hit-30/)
  2. McKinsey (https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/retail/our-insights/cracking-the-code-on-millennial-consumers)
  3. Acorns (https://grow.acorns.com/about-half-of-workers-think-they-dont-earn-enough-to-save-for-retirement/)
  4. The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/25/the-spending-habits-of-avocado-toast-millennials-are-more-complex-than-you-think)
  5. Invesp (https://www.invespcro.com/blog/millennial-online-shopping-habits/)
  6. Statista (https://www.statista.com/statistics/518925/online-shopping-device-share-age/)
  7. Euclid (https://martech.org/report-52-of-millennials-want-retailers-to-mirror-their-values/)
  8. BLS (https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2018/article/fun-facts-about-millennials.htm)
  9. CNBC (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/09/how-much-debt-millennials-have-on-average.html)
  10. NAR (https://www.nar.realtor/newsroom/student-loan-debt-holding-back-majority-of-millennials-from-homeownership)
  11. Adage (https://adage.com/article/news/millennials/310152)
  12. Millennial Marketing (https://millennialmarketing.com/who-are-millennials/)
  13. Luxe (https://luxe.digital/business/digital-luxury-speakeasy/millennials/)
  14. Charles Schwab (https://www.aboutschwab.com/schwab-modern-wealth-index)
  15. Equifax (https://resources.datadrivenmarketing.equifax.com/dyks-equifax-ddm/millennials-that-are-likely-to-spend-big-on-discretionary-items)
  16. Business Wire (https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180308005602/en)
  17. VocalCom (https://www.vocalcom.com/blog/5-things-millennial-customers-want-from-your-brand/)
  18. Resource Solutions (https://www.resourcesolutions.com/latest-news/what-do-millennials-really-want.html)
  19. WYPR (https://www.wypr.org/show/clearpath-your-roadmap-to-health-wealth/2021-11-30/the-financial-outlook-of-millennials-during-covid-19)
  20. Global Web Index (https://www.gwi.com/reports/millennials)
  21. BLS (https://www.statista.com/statistics/797321/us-population-by-generation/)
  22. Statista (https://www.statista.com/statistics/296974/us-population-share-by-generation/)
  23. U.S. Census Bureau (https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2021/demo/p60-273.html)
  24. Bloomberg (https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2021-millennials-are-running-out-of-time/)
  25. CNBC (https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/05/millennials-earn-20-percent-less-than-boomersdespite-being-better-educated.html)
  26. SunTrust (https://media.truist.com/2019-08-27-SunTrust-Survey-Many-Americans-Interested-In-Taking-Their-Side-Gigs-Full-Time)


As an expert in generational trends and consumer behavior, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. My expertise is grounded in extensive research, academic background, and a keen interest in understanding the dynamics that shape different generations. I have delved into various aspects, from economic factors to social influences, providing a comprehensive understanding of how these elements intersect in the context of Millennials.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article:

  1. Who Are Millennials?

    • Millennials, or Generation Y, are individuals born between 1981 and 1996. They are the children of Baby Boomers and Early Gen Xers, growing up in the age of the Internet and technological advancements.
  2. How Many Millennials Are There?

    • Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest adult generation in the U.S., totaling 72.26 million as of the latest data.
  3. How Well-Educated Are Millennials?

    • Millennials are the best-educated generation in history, with 34% holding at least a bachelor's degree. Despite this, their median earnings are not significantly higher than previous generations.
  4. What Do Millennials Spend Money On?

    • Millennials spend more on convenience, online shopping, eating out, experiences, streaming services, debt, and socially responsible brands. They spend less on cars, clothes, housing, and retirement compared to previous generations.
  5. Do Millennials Have Good Money Habits?

    • Millennials experience delays in reaching milestones, primarily due to economic challenges such as student loan debt, stagnant income growth, and rising costs. However, they exhibit responsible money habits, saving earlier for major financial goals like retirement.
  6. How Do Millennials Compare to Previous Generations?

    • Millennials are more highly educated but earn 20% less than Boomers did at the same age. The burden of student loan debt and slower income growth contributes to these differences.
  7. How Millennials Spend Differently Than Baby Boomers

    • Millennials spend based on their values and prioritize health and wellness more than Baby Boomers. They are willing to pay more for socially responsible and environmentally friendly products.
  8. Millennial Spending Habits (Statistics):

    • Various statistics provide insights into Millennial spending habits, such as spending on rent, entertainment, coffee, takeout, online shopping, and the preference for brands aligning with their values.
  9. Millennial Population:

    • Millennials are now the largest living generation, comprising 22% of the population distribution in the U.S.
  10. Millennial Income Statistics:

    • The median pre-tax household income for Millennials in 2020 was $71,566. However, they earn 20% less than Boomers did at the same age, despite being better educated.
  11. Side Hustles and Multiple Income Streams:

    • Half of Millennials have a side hustle, making nearly $11,000 annually from these additional income sources. They are also more likely to have multiple side hustles.

These insights paint a nuanced picture of Millennials, debunking some stereotypes and highlighting the economic challenges they face. The data presented in the article provides a comprehensive overview of Millennial demographics, spending habits, and financial dynamics in comparison to previous generations.

31 Millennial Spending Habits & Income Statistics to Know, 2023 (2024)


What are millennials and spending habits? ›

Millennials' money habits, whether saving or spending, are inextricably linked to the world around them. They may have a reputation for being reckless spenders, but in actuality, millennials are actively saving for emergencies and retirement.

What are the top 3 things Gen Z spends their money on? ›

Major Spending Categories For Gen Z

Gen Z spending habits show they care the most about fashion, makeup and beauty products, technology, and their pets. This is perhaps due to their young age and few major bills.

What do millennials purchase the most? ›

Millennials are purchasing powerhouses who have likely embarked on careers. Many have children, and many are married. Millennials with kids purchase items like toys, clothes, and products for education, enrichment and safety.

What are the financial statistics for millennials? ›

The average Millennial salary is about $47,034, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The average Millennial household makes $69,000 a year, according to the Pew Research Center.

What are the lifestyle habits of millennials? ›

Activities, interests, and opinions. So what do millennials like to do? Well, like most generations they love watching TV, listening to music, eating out, and spending time with friends and family. Digital streaming has become the standard when it comes to TV and audio.

What are the spending habits? ›

Spending habits refer to the patterns and behaviors individuals exhibit when disbursing money, often influenced by societal pressures, personal desires, and financial knowledge. These habits can lead to either prudent financial management or excessive consumption.

What is the most frugal generation? ›

Generation Z stands as the most frugal generation, spending only $41,636 for the year. What different demographics spent their money on is an eye-opener, too. For instance, Generation X and Millennials spent the most on housing, with $26,385 and $24,052, respectively.

Why is Gen Z struggling financially? ›

Most Gen Zers blame the economy for making it harder to get by, according to a recent report. Those just starting out are more likely to need a side hustle to help cover their monthly expenses.

What are millennials and Gen Z shopping habits? ›

Fashion dominates spending for Gen Z, with around 75% of their purchases being in this sector, compared to 65% of millennials [6]. Like the generation before them, Gen Z is less likely to prioritize price as a purchasing factor, focusing more on the ethical, practical and eco-friendly aspect of products and services.

What do millennials need the most? ›

What do Millennials value most? Millennials value experiences, personalization, authenticity, and transparency. They appreciate companies that are socially and environmentally conscious, and also value flexibility, communication, and collaboration.

What do millennials value most in life? ›

Millennials embody a set of evolving values and aspirations that greatly influence their choices and behaviors. This generation highly values authority, achievement, and influence, demonstrating a strong desire for control, success, and recognition.

What do millennials like to collect? ›

Fancy sneakers, baseball cards, comic books ― there are many items people love to collect. A Morning Consult survey from earlier this year suggested that millennials in particular are fans of collecting physical objects, as well as digital collectibles like NFTs (non-fungible tokens).

What is the top 1 percent income for millennials? ›

When Millennials Make the 1% Mark — For Their Age Group. Consider that millennials are toward the younger end of earners, which plays a role in where they fall on the net worth continuum. “They hit the top 25% at around $50,000 and the top 1% at about $175,000,” Jennings said.

Which generation is the most financially stable? ›

Baby boomers have the most wealth among four recorded generations. Other generations have less wealth, but it's not necessarily an indication of financial problems. Plan for upcoming economic issues such as higher housing and medical costs by investing early.

Are millennials frugal? ›

Millennials are often maligned as a generation focused more on avocado toast splurges than fiscal responsibility. But the stereotype isn't always true. Plenty of millennials have proven they can budget.

What are the buying behaviors of millennials? ›

Millennial consumers are defined by their strong preference for ecommerce shopping, their less-than-frugal spending habits, their use of social commerce, and their preference toward convenience shopping solutions.

What generation has the most spending power? ›

According to the research: Baby Boomers (ages 55-75 years old) spend a total of $548.1 billion annually. Gen X (ages 36-54 years old) follow Boomers with $357 billion annual spend. Millennials (25-35) are next with $322.5 billion in annual spend.

What is Generation Y purchasing behavior? ›

Generation Y is a very thoughtful buyer. They don't believe in tradition as much but care about brand value and actions.

How do millenials spend their time? ›

Millennials around the world are still spending plenty of time with various media, such as social media, streaming TV, and podcasts. However, their “time spent online has long passed its peak,” according to a report [download page] from GWI.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.