3 Things All Successful Project Managers Do (2024)

In our series of posts related to project management, we've examined the differences between management and leadership, discussed the primary functions that project managers perform, and we've gone technical in exploring the ins-and-outs of logical-activity relationships.

In this, our fourth and final article on the topic, we are going to look at the things that we think all project managers must do to be successful. Project management is a complex and demanding joband project managers must stay on top of many things. Just take a look at the Project Management Institute's Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®)! It's a subjective call as to which are the most important, so remember that this is our take on the topic.

3 Keys for Project Management Success

As we said, project managers must be proficient in numerous areas, but we're going to pick our Top 3: communication, leadership, and management.

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1. Communication

Project communication is everything. Without it, projects will lack focus, direction, and cohesion. Communication must be multi-directional. It must occur between project sponsors and the project team, between the project manager and the team, and between the team groups, sub-groups, and members themselves. It’s the project manager's responsibility to establish a collaborative environment that promotes the regular and timely communication of project information amongst and between these constituents.

Don't think that Microsoft Teams, Google Chat, or similar messaging technology will provide the magic communication bullet. Yes, they are important project tools, but they are no replacement for live, person-to-person sessions (or video for COVID-19 safety reasons), where project goals, issues, and progress can be shared and discussed on a regular basis.

The most successful project managers make sure that the client is closely linked into this communication process. This provides for confirmation that the project is adhering to customer needs and allows for adjustments to be made as necessary. If the client has been with you on every step of the project journey, there's less chance of disappointment at its conclusion.

Communication does not end when the project is live. It concludes during wrap-up when the project manager convenes a retrospective with the team — and sometimes the client. The retrospective is a project deep-dive to determine what went right, what obstacles occurred, how they were handled, and what was learned as individuals and as a project team. The project manager can then take these findings and use them to improve subsequent projects.

2. Leadership

The second key to project management success is leadership. An old saying attributed to Alexander the Great says "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." This saying speaks to the value of strong leadership on any group of individuals. They will frequently perform much better together — as a team — than as individuals.

Although you will hear talk about "born leaders", research indicates that “leadership is about one-third born and two-thirds made”. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. You don't have to be the smartest person in the room. Acclaimed World War II leader, and later U.S. President, General Dwight Eisenhower graduated 61stin his West Point class of 164 cadets.

You also don't have to have been class president, or on the college debating team, to be a good leader. While it's helpful to be a fabulous personal communicator, it's not essential. Good communication skills (which can be learned) are probably enough. In fact, one of the most important leadership skills is active listening. That is to be seen to be engaged with your conversation partner and to be absorbing and valuing their input. This approach radiates positively back to team members and helps engender trust in, and commitment to, the leader and to the project.

Leaders must be forward-looking and be able to communicate and sell a vision of the project to team members and prospective beneficiaries. They must be comfortable in building and managing relationships. Even on high-tech, engineering, or scientific projects, mastery of the technical subject matter is not an essential skill for the project manager to possess. Their job is about collaborating and communicating, building and maintaining trust, resolving people and resource conflicts, negotiating and solving problems.

3. Management

Our final key is management. But we're not talking about taking care of the nuts-and-bolts, although someone does need to take care of them. We're talking about top-down management of a complex project, potentially with many interconnected and interdependent parts.

Good project managers are aware of the dangers of micromanagement. Having selected their team members, they must trust them to do their job, but know how to assure themselves that the delegated project tasks are being completed efficiently, correctly and on or before the deadline. A good project manager never points fingers when things go off-track. Instead, they share the responsibility for problems that arise. They work with their teamto diagnose the root cause and then agree on the required corrective action. Thus, their focus is on identifying and resolving bottlenecks to ensure that the project is kept on track.

A part of keeping the project on track is making sure that it meets client expectations. Successful project managers make sure that they stay in sync with the project sponsor at all times. They will continuously assess project progress and deliverables, timelines, and resources to ensure that the project is delivering what the client needs. Now sometimes wants and needs may become points of contention with the client. They may want a Porsche SUV, but they only need a Ford Explorer to carry a workload. See the difference?

The project manager is answerable for the overall project timeline and budget. Requirement creep is always a danger. As such, successful project managers manage client expectations and are prepared to say deny change requests. It's in nobody's interest — client or project team — to undertake additional work that ends up derailing the whole project!

However, sometimes client needs actually do change and must be accommodated. Or perhaps the team itself may uncover a better way of meeting customer needs. In either case, the project manager must be ready to take decisive action to negotiate the required changes and then to adjust the project plan, deliverables, budget and timeline as necessary. Of course, their decisions must be defensible and driven by data in order to avoid the potential for post-project sniping.

The final aspect of management is the ongoing review of performance: the overall project and the project team. In this way, the project manager can uncover ways to run subsequent projects more effectively, as well as identify areas for skills development for team members and themselves.

Communication, leadership, and management are three key attributes that you need in a successful project manager. Hiring executives look for these attributes when they appoint or hire project managers. Employers know that the position is critical to the successful introduction of their enterprise change initiatives and this is reflected in the demand for qualified project managers.

Certified does not necessarily equate to qualified, though. There's a lot to be said for experience. However, employers do expect their project managers to have appropriate certifications, with the Project Management Institute's Project Management Professional (PMP)probably being the most requested.

The Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)cert is also in demand. It's PMI's entry-level certification and it's a great first step if you're planning a career in project management. If that's your chosen path, then consider signing-up for CBTNuggets CAPM online certification training. Led by Simona Millham, this training will prepare you for the CAPM certification exam, by taking you into detail on the project manager's job function and the essential skills you will need to lead your own project.

3 Things All Successful Project Managers Do (1)


3 Things All Successful Project Managers Do (2024)


What are 3 main success criteria to think a project is successfully finished? ›

Often, project success criteria fall into three main categories: cost, scope and time. If you're able to bring your project in on time and on budget, while achieving its stated scope, then it's safe to call it a success. However, when defining your criteria, it's a good idea to be a little more specific.

What are the top 3 responsibilities of a project manager? ›

In the broadest sense, project managers (PMs) are responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the completion of specific projects for an organization while ensuring these projects are on time, on budget, and within scope.

What are the first 3 actions you will take to ensure the project's success? ›

Three Core Actions to Take
  • Provide Strategic Direction. Most projects are awash in documents providing direction. ...
  • Gain Alignment. ...
  • Build and Use Your Credibility.

What are the 3 most important skills of a project manager and why? ›

The most important skills of a project manager include leadership, communication, time management, negotiating, team management, and critical thinking. Furthermore, he/she must also be able to keep up with the project management trends and use the tools they have to their fullest.

What are 3 main factors of every project? ›

  • 3 key factors to have a project success. Recent studies have been investigating the project successes factors. ...
  • Synergic Teamwork. A successful project is made by teamwork that knows their importance on it. ...
  • Leaders with vision and imagination. A successful project is led by project managers prepared for future events.
11 Apr 2019

What are the three core components of project success? ›

The three core components of a project's success are cost, timeline, and project scope.

What are the 4 main roles of a project manager? ›

planning and monitoring the project. adopting any delegation and use of project assurance roles within agreed reporting structures. preparing and maintaining project, stage and exception plans as required. managing project risks, including the development of contingency plans.

What makes a good project manager? ›

Good project managers understand and know their market and the industry of their projects. They study the competition and evaluate alternatives. A good project manager stays up to date on the latest trends in the industry of their project, and they exhibit a solid understanding and expertise of their industry.

What are the 4 measures of project success? ›

Project success measures identified are meeting agreements, the firms' future, customer success, and project teams.

What are 7 keys of success in project management? ›

7 Keys to Achieving Project Management Success
  • Quick Response. Time is of the essence. ...
  • Detail Oriented. The little details matter! ...
  • Flexibility. Plans change and unforeseen problems are bound to arise. ...
  • Teamwork. ...
  • Project Types. ...
  • Exceed Expectations. ...
  • Trust.

What are three critical skills? ›

FIU has identified three critical skills students need to be successful: artificial intelligence; data literacy; and emotional intelligence.

What is the most important thing a project manager does answer? ›

If innovation is required to be successful, the most important job of a PM is to nurture an environment where the team can innovate. To do this, the PM must communicate with team and stakeholders throughout the project; focus on solving problems, and create space for failure.

What 3 things limit a project? ›

The three primary constraints that project managers should be familiar with are time, scope, and cost. These are frequently known as the triple constraints or the project management triangle.

What are the 3 project performance dimensions? ›

Three major dimensions that define the project performance are scope, time, and resource.

What are the 3 critical elements in a project plan? ›

Scope, Schedule, Budget; Three legs of equal importance and strength, working together to support one central vision.

What are the three 3 crucial keys to creative project management? ›

Below are the three crucial keys to successfully managing a project with creatives: Creative project management requires empathy. It needs outstanding communication skills. It demands a proper tool.

What are the top 5 priorities of a project manager? ›

In order to deliver quality and satisfaction, a project manager must utilize their leadership skills to maintain their team's motivation and direction throughout the project timeline.
5 Top Responsibilities of a Project Manager
  • Planning.
  • Organizing.
  • Leading.
  • Implementing.
  • Analyzing.

What is the most important factor in project success? ›

To be a success, a project needs careful planning, effective communication, and attention to detail. With proper risk management and strong project closure, organizations can create project success.

What is the most important role of a project leader? ›

While a project leader is responsible for:

Communicating with team members, including relaying briefs, connecting daily tasks to larger goals, and providing context and support. Ensuring the team remains focused and on track, including addressing any conflicts or bottlenecks.

What are the 6 responsibilities of the general manager? ›

And they do that by focusing on the six key tasks that constitute the foundations of every general manager's job: shaping the work environment, setting strategy, allocating resources, developing managers, building the organization, and overseeing operations.

What are the key roles in a project? ›

When you're managing a project, To meet your project objectives, you need the right people on board—and they must have a clear understanding of their roles.
Instead, he must adopt the following important roles:
  • Initiator. ...
  • Model. ...
  • Negotiator. ...
  • Listener. ...
  • Coach. ...
  • Working member.
3 Nov 2016

What makes a project successful? ›

Successful projects are those that 1) meet business requirements, 2) are delivered and maintained on schedule, 3) are delivered and maintained within budget, and 4) deliver the expected business value and return on investment.

What makes a good project manager and leader? ›

Essential leadership skills for project managers start with motivating and inspiring teams. Other leadership skills including negotiating, communicating, listening, influencing skills, and team building are also important, especially to the extent that they contribute towards improving team performance.

What are the 4 C's in project management? ›

To solve this problem, PBL has evolved to include a new Gold Standard that incorporates the “Four Cs” of the Partnership for 21st Century Learning: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.

What are the six factors of project success? ›

6 Success Factors for Managing Project Quality
  • Key Success Factor 1: A Good Plan. ...
  • Key Success Factor 2: Appropriate Communication. ...
  • Key Success Factor 3: Manage Stakeholders. ...
  • Key Success Factor 4: Good Measurement. ...
  • Key Success Factor 5: Constant Review. ...
  • Key Success Factor 6: Act Early.
18 Mar 2009

What are key measures of success? ›

7 Ways to Measure True Success
  • Profitability. ...
  • Number of Customers: ...
  • Satisfaction Level of Those Customers. ...
  • Employee Satisfaction. ...
  • Your Satisfaction. ...
  • Level of Learning and Knowledge. ...
  • How You Spend Your Time.
12 May 2016

What are the 5 keys to success in management? ›

6 Keys to Management Success
  • #1 – Make Time. Management is all about people and one of the top keys to management success is to make time for your employees. ...
  • #2 – Openly Communicate. ...
  • #3 – Create a Positive Work Environment. ...
  • #4 – Delegate. ...
  • #5 – Set Goals. ...
  • #6 – Think about the Future.
24 Oct 2017

What are the 5 keys to work success? ›

5 Keys to Achieving Success
  • Define it. What does success look like to you? ...
  • Set goals. Goals are always very important and very motivating! Start by breaking down your vision of success into achievable goals. ...
  • Work on yourself. ...
  • Make time for social. ...
  • Always keep learning.
26 Jun 2019

What are the 10 critical success factors? ›

Top 10 Critical Success Factors for project success
  • User Involvement.
  • Executive Support.
  • Clear Business Objectives.
  • Emotional Maturity.
  • Optimization.
  • Agile Process.
  • Project Management Expertise.
  • Skilled Resources.

What are the 5 project key elements? ›

5 Key Elements To Success In Project Management
  • IDENTIFYING CLIENTS NEEDS. Accurately identifying the client's needs is the key to ensuring that you produce the right product. ...
  • PLANNING. ...
7 Sept 2021

How can a project manager stand out? ›

Push yourself to continually grow.

Project managers really stand out when they go beyond technical proficiency. They should spend time learning about the larger environment that their organization is competing in and how that will impact what goes into the strategic decision-making process.

What are the six traits of a highly effective project managers? ›

From communication to stability, here are the top six traits of successful project managers.
  • Competence.
  • Decisiveness.
  • Vision.
  • Communication.
  • Stability.
  • Open-mindedness.
20 Sept 2019

What are the 3 management skills? ›

Robert Katz identifies three types of skills that are essential for a successful management process: Technical skills. Conceptual skills. Human or interpersonal management skills.

What are the 3 functional skills? ›

Functional skills are the core English, mathematics and information and communication technology (ICT) skills people need to solve problems in their work and private lives.

What are the 3 specific skills? ›

There are three types of skills: functional, self-management and special knowledge. Functional skills are abilities or talents that are inherited at birth and developed through experience and learning. Examples are: making decisions, repairing machines or calculating taxes.

What are the top 3 qualities you think a project manager should have and should not have? ›

10 traits of highly effective project managers
  • A strategic business partner. ...
  • Stakeholder-focused. ...
  • Generous with credit to others. ...
  • A skilled motivator. ...
  • Fully vested in success. ...
  • Accountable and have integrity. ...
  • An effective communicator. ...
  • A well-respected leader.
10 Dec 2020

What are the most important things a manager does? ›

Seven things successful managers do every day
  • They plan their days the evening before. Preparation is key to being successful. ...
  • They prioritize and delegate. ...
  • They make their team feel valued. ...
  • They help their employees grow. ...
  • They hold themselves accountable. ...
  • They self-assess. ...
  • They learn incessantly.

What is the hardest thing a project manager does what's the most important? ›

As a project manager, one must ensure that the risk of working on a particular project remains low. This might be one of the hardest tasks to deal with, especially if the project manager is affected by internal issues, like unrealistic deadlines, poor teamwork and lack of budget.

What are the criteria of a successful project completion? ›

Successful projects are those that 1) meet business requirements, 2) are delivered and maintained on schedule, 3) are delivered and maintained within budget, and 4) deliver the expected business value and return on investment.

What are the main criteria for assessing success of project? ›

How Do You Measure the Success of a Project?
  • Step 1: Review the Scope of the Project. ...
  • Step 2: Evaluate the Project Specifications. ...
  • Step 3: Analyze the Project Budget. ...
  • Step 4: Review Client Satisfaction. ...
  • Step 5: Review Internal Growth and Team Satisfaction.
28 Feb 2022

What are examples of project success criteria? ›

7 project success criteria examples
  • Cost. This factor measures the total cost of the project against the expected budget that stakeholders establish at the beginning of a project. ...
  • Timeline. ...
  • Scope. ...
  • Deliverables. ...
  • Resource capacity. ...
  • Business goals. ...
  • Stakeholder satisfaction.

What are the 3 steps of planning for success? ›

3 steps to plan your success
  1. Sit down and make a plan and set goals.
  2. Just do what your plan says.
  3. Reflect over the plan, what you have been done and the outcome.
17 Feb 2022

What are the 5 critical success factors for a project? ›

Five Critical Success Factors for Project Managers
  • Agree on the project goals. ...
  • Develop clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities and accountabilities. ...
  • Manage the project scope effectively. ...
  • Cultivate constant effective communications. ...
  • Make sure you have management support.
3 Aug 2010

What are success indicators? ›

A success indicator is a measurable value that represents progress towards a desired impact of a project. The SPF seeks project impacts that meet the following criterion: Formula for creating a success indicator.

What is a successful project management? ›

Great project management is all about getting and keeping buy-in. The definition of a successful project is one that is on time, within budget, within acceptable quality limits, completes all the scope of work and satisfies the stakeholders.

What is the most important element in project success? ›

A good project plan is one of the most essential elements of success in project management. From preventing scope creep, overblown budgets, and missed deadlines to minimizing stress and frustration.

What are the 5 key characteristics of a project? ›

  • i. Specific. The project must be specific. ...
  • ii. Measurable. A clearly defined project must be measurable in terms of its benefits and achievements. ...
  • iii. Achievable. A project will only be meaningful if it is achievable. ...
  • iv. Relevant. The project needs to bring relevant benefits to the entity concerned. ...
  • v. Time bound.

What are the 3 key areas of strategic management? ›

Strategic Management involves 3 steps: Planning, Execution & Monitoring.

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.