3 Practice CASPer Questions and Best Responses (2024)

By: Ryan Kelly


(My written account of the video)

One member of your student group, Sue, is showing up unprepared and not contributing. She blames this shortcoming on a paper she had to write, but the other members argue that they were responsible for the same paper yet still managed to show up prepared. Two other members begin confronting Sue about the problem.

Question 1: You are a member of the study group and have not participated in the interaction so far, but now the group is looking to you. How would you defuse this situation?



Part of what makes ethical dilemma questions tricky is their missing information. They don’t usually give you everything you need to know to make a clear decision.

In this case, you don’t know anything about Sue’s life or responsibilities beyond her apparent lack of group work and her questionable excuse. That’s why you should always be searching.

At first, you need to give her the benefit of the doubt and ask tactful, non-accusatory questions that might reveal whether she’s withholding important information from the group. Maybe something like, “Is there anything going on outside of class that’s causing a distraction? Is there any way we could help?” Keep your questions general, and voice them from a position of concern.

Perhaps one of Sue’s close family members passed away, or maybe she’s stuck in an abusive relationship. Those might sound like extreme scenarios, but you can’t make any assumptions. For all you know, there’s a deep, terrible root to the much smaller problem in front of you.


It’s good to use conditional statements in your CASPer answers. For example:

“If the group discovered a serious personal issue in Sue’s life, I would offer to help Sue find support on campus and suggest talking to the professor as a group to explain the situation.”

“If Sue hesitated to give us a valid excuse, but seemed troubled, I would try to talk to her in private after the group meeting in case she was too embarrassed or afraid to speak in front of the group.”

“If it appears that Sue is simply neglecting her duties, I would try to re-establish a set of expectations for the group and have everyone sign off on them.”

“If Sue didn’t correct her actions over the next few meetings, I would inform the professor about the situation and ask for his or her guidance.”

These conditional statements are like a cheat code for ethical dilemmas, because they let you create your own criteria for answering the question, while also showing yourself as someone who can think ahead and anticipate different outcomes.


In some ethical dilemmas, you can escape or skirt the decision-making process by calling upon some higher authority. There’s a reason why we have laws as a society and why we have bosses in the workplace. We need strict rules and arbiters of the system so that we can navigate these grey ethical areas that present themselves.

Sure, you want to explore all other options first. But in some cases, you won’t be left with that many choices. It’s important to know about the legal issues that apply to you as a student, a potential doctor, or a resident of your city/state. In some situations, you’ll be limited by confidentiality, or oppositely, you’ll be obligated to report a serious safety concern.

Don’t use these higher authorities as a cop-out, but definitely call upon them when appropriate.


(Excerpt from the test)

From time to time, we are all faced with conflict in some form. With experience, we learn to deal with different forms of conflict.

Question 1: Describe a time when you had to deal with conflict and how you coped with it?

Question 2: How might you handle a similar situation differently should it arise again?

Question 3: What would be your strategy if you were faced with a conflict that cannot be resolved?



Before the CASPer, re-read your primary and secondary essays. Take a mental note of the different “genres” of questions you might be asked:

  • A time you failed
  • A time you had a serious disagreement
  • A time you worked with others unlike yourself
  • A time you navigated a personal crisis (yours or someone else’s)
  • A time you received unfair treatment or criticism

You might not have a pre-written answer for all of these, or you might have one example that works for all of them. Either way, it’s good to take inventory of your word bank of answers, so that you can quickly recall and utilize those stories when needed. You can’t copy/paste, so make sure to learn them well enough to paraphrase.


Since you have limited time, try to move through your presentation of the problem as quickly as possible. If you want to include a few extenuating circ*mstances, that’s fine, but don’t editorialize things too much. Just state what happened and own up to any mistakes you made along the way. The schools care more about how you processed the event and learned from it moving forward.

The prompt uses hypothetical language (What would be your strategy if…), but that doesn’t mean you can’t answer it with real events and evidence. If you’ve already applied the lessons from your conflict/failure to other facets of your life, then sharing those examples is probably your most compelling answer.


Medical schools want candidates who seem stable, level-headed, and objective enough to own up to their shortcomings. Oppositely, they do not want students who seem volatile, resentful, or clouded by bias.

Please please please do not choose stories about dealing with anxiety, or stories about your inability to handle stress. Also avoid anything that’s too fresh, like a recent fight with a roommate or a recent unfair policy at work. You need distance from the event to write about it properly. Don’t choose something if you’re still harboring any negativity about the situation, since that’s likely to come out in your essays.

When possible, avoid focusing on internal conflicts (doubt, depression, fear, etc.) and instead utilize stories that primarily hinge on external conflicts (deadlines, unexpected obstacles, etc.). You want to show yourself navigating your environment and circ*mstances, rather than navigating your own inner battles.


(My written account of the video)

You work at a retail store. A customer wants to return an item for an $80.00 cash refund without a receipt, which is against the store policy. She pleads her case, explaining that she needs the money for her child’s prescription. Your manager is unavailable, so as the most experienced employee, you must advise a younger salesperson and make the final decision.

Question 1: What do you tell the other employee – go ahead and give the refund or abide by store policy? Justify your answer.

Question 2: Assume you advise the newer employee not to give the refund, but she does anyway. Do you report this to your supervisor? Why or why not?

Question 3: If you were asked to establish a policy for a new store around refunds, what aspects would you take into consideration?



As tempting as it is to make an exception for this poor mother who needs quick cash, it’s not your place in this situation to override store policy.

You have already offered the customer store credit and explained that she cannot get a refund without a receipt. Your hands are tied. The customer’s story about her child might be compelling, but that doesn’t make it true, and it’s not a sufficient enough reason to break an established rule.

Also, it could potentially be unwise to bend the rules in front of the younger employee, since it might set a bad example or precedent. There’s always the small chance that the younger employee will report YOU to your boss.

Moral of the story: there’s not enough information here for you to safely break the rules. You could maybe use some if/then conditional statements to help justify why you’d give the refund, or help explain what you’d do to follow through and find a possible compromise. But remember that there can be a slippery slope when it comes to making exceptions, so you’ll need to cover your bases well.


If the younger employee chooses to give the refund against your advice, you immediately become obligated to take action.

In some other settings, like a group project or a student organization, it would be best to confront the student/colleague first before reporting him or her to your supervisor.

However, in this scenario, you’re clearly in a place of employment, and you’ve likely signed a contract to abide by certain company policies. By not reporting the broken rule, you become an accomplice, and if the transgression is discovered, you might be viewed as equally culpable.

For the sake of civility, you should definitely tell the younger employee about your plans to inform your boss about the break in policy. That way she won’t be surprised or feel deceived. It will also give her the chance to reach out to your boss on her own.


If you felt frustrated or limited by the first two questions, you can take some solace in the third one, which lets you to create new policy surrounding refunds. Rather than dwell too much on the unfortunate incident with the present customer, focus more on how this situation could be avoided moving forward.

One possible option would be to establish a better tracking system, so that a particular product could be confirmed as bought in a specific store’s location at a certain date and time. At the very least, that information would help you corroborate a customer’s story about when and where the item was purchased.

It would also be wise to seek your supervisor’s counsel and inquire about what circ*mstances would justify overriding the refund policy. If there are any stipulations or exceptions to the rule, you should take careful notes and share this information with other employees. That way, if you need to make a judgment call in the future, the staff will be better prepared.

If customers are allowed to pay in cash, it will be much harder to establish a consistent and fair policy. It might be smart to limit cash purchases to items under $20 dollars, since that’s the largest refund the employees are allowed to give in the current scenario. For larger purchases, you could limit customers to traceable payment methods.


Boo! Are you still scared?

Probably. But that’s okay. A test like the CASPer is bound to induce some anxiety. However, I hope that my tips will help you prepare and get in the right mindset, so that you can comfortably field any questions that come your way.

It’s a lot like Casper the Ghost. Once you get to know the test (just like the MMI), you’ll realize that it’s much more student-friendly than it seems.

3 Practice CASPer Questions and Best Responses (2024)


Do you have to answer all 3 questions on Casper? ›

Typed responses:

You will read 3 word-based scenarios and watch 5 video-based scenarios. For each scenario, you will type answers to 3 open-ended questions, which will all be presented on the same page. You will have 5 minutes total to respond to all 3 questions.

What are the most common Casper questions? ›

Question 1: Describe a time when you had to deal with conflict and how you coped with it? Question 2: How might you handle a similar situation differently should it arise again? Question 3: What would be your strategy if you were faced with a conflict that cannot be resolved?

How should I answer Casper questions? ›

Practice Answering with If/Then Statements

Casper is designed to evaluate your ethical and common sense decision making and professionalism by placing you in hypothetical, ethically-murky scenarios. Since this is the case, it's best to answer the questions with if/then conditional statements.

How to score high on Casper? ›

My Top 10 Tips for Acing Your CASPer Test
  1. Learn to identify and have a strategy for each CASPer question category. ...
  2. Read all questions twice and answer the easiest question first.
  3. Take time to consider your answer. ...
  4. Identify the most pressing issue.
  5. Figure out who is directly and indirectly involved.
Aug 12, 2024

Is it possible to fail Casper? ›

You will not receive your results or any feedback about the results of your Casper test, just as you are not graded on your personal statement or after an interview. The Casper is not a pass or fail test—it assesses your personal skills against the entire pool of candidates.

Is 2nd quartile good for Casper? ›

Likewise, applicants who scored in the second quartile scored higher than applicants in the first quartile, but lower than applicants in the third and fourth quartile. Therefore, they must have scored higher than at least 25% of applicants, but lower than at least 50%.

How do you beat the CASPer test? ›

7 Tips To Score Higher On Casper
  1. Consider multiple facets. ...
  2. Learn the basics of common ethics and medical ethics. ...
  3. Use personal examples to help convey empathy and respect. ...
  4. Use "If/then" statements. ...
  5. Avoid making assumptions. ...
  6. Make a firm judgment. ...
  7. Practice!
May 3, 2023

Is CASPer hard to pass? ›

Is CASPer Easy to Pass? CASPer is not a pass/fail test. However, half of people score in the third and fourth quartiles (scoring higher than at least 50% of test-takers). While it may not necessarily be “easy” to pass, you can do so with enough preparation.

What is the best CASPer test result? ›

A 4th-quartile Casper result is the best score since it shows you were in the top 25% of test takers.

How do you stand out in CASPer? ›

In order to stand out, there are 2 components of an answer that you should strive to achieve: (1) demonstrating a genuine understanding of the issue - ethical or otherwise - being examined; and (2) showing originality in your answer.

Does CASPer monitor your screen? ›

During your Casper test, the Acuity Insights team may, at any time and from time to time, remotely monitor your access to the service to ensure compliance with the terms of use.

What words should I use in the CASPer exam? ›

Keywords: Always think about the key words and phrases that are relevant to the prompt type as you answer it. For example, in a question that focuses on professionalism, you might wish to include words like ethics, responsible, professional, honest, integrity, dutiful.

What should I avoid on a CASPer test? ›

One common mistake CASPer test-takers make is failing to actually answer the question. Don't get so caught up in a framework and/or exploring multiple perspectives that you forget to actually answer the question! It is important that your answer ultimately addresses what you will do and how you will do so.

What is the ideal wpm for CASPer? ›

Preparing for CASPer:

Practice your typing speed and aim to type around 80+ words per minute. Become familiar with the test format and length.

What is the Z score on the CASPer test? ›

In Casper, the score shows how the applicant did compared to other applicants in the exact same test instance – or, their peers. A z-score tells us how close a score is to the average. If it's positive, the value is above average. If it's negative, it's below average.

How long do you have to answer each Casper question? ›

CASPer is a timed test; test-takers are only given 1 minute to respond to each question in the first portion of the test and are given 5 minutes in the second section to type answers to all three questions.

Is the 3rd quartile good for Casper? ›

Lastly, being in the 4th quartile means you performed better than at least 75% of other test-takers (those in the 1st to 3rd quartiles) that took the Casper test on the same day and time as you. It's safe to say that scoring in the 3rd or 4th quartile lands in you a solid spot within the application cycle.

How are Casper questions graded? ›

Every response that they rate will be graded using a scale from 1 to 9, with 9 being a superb answer and 1 being an unsatisfactory response.

How many questions are on the Casper test? ›

What's the format of the Casper test? The Casper test has 15 (word-based and video-based) scenarios each with 3 questions you must answer for each scenario (i.e. a total of 45 questions). You will have 9 scenarios where you type your responses, and 6 scenarios where you record our response on video.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.