27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (2024)

Selling things you don’t use anymore is a great way to make extra cash. Here are 27 ideas of things to sell that could be making you money instead of gathering dust!

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (1)

So – you’ve decluttered your home (or at least got started!) – but what do you do with what you’ve let go of?

If it’s in bad condition then recycling or throwing away are options, but if it’s in good condition then donating to charity could be what you prefer – so others can get use out of what you don’t want anymore.

But there IS another option…

Selling it.

After all – “one mans trash is another mans treasure”!

And yes, selling DOES take a little more effort and time than the other options – but it can reap some decent monetary rewards which may just be worth it for you.

Related: Crucial Things To Consider Before You Decide To Sell Your Clutter

To (hopefully) get the best return for your efforts though, it’s worth taking a little time to see what sort of items may sell well if you put them up for sale – and that’s where this article comes in.

I’ve listed 27 different types of items that are commonly found in our homes, and commonly decluttered – that could be worth it to try and sell on.

Take a look and see whether there are items that you have and don’t need anymore.

You may be losing out on some cash by not selling them and just letting them sit there unused.

After all – one of the most common reasons we DON’T let things go in our homes when we declutter is that we feel like we’ve wasted our money if we don’t keep them.

TRUTH BOMB: The money has been spent. It’s gone. You’re not making money or reaping the rewards when items aren’t being used.

However – getting a fraction of their cost back may be the sweetener that you need to let it go once and for all…

Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter

#1 –DVDs and CDs

You need to know whether a DVD will sell or not – and there are a few ways to work this out.

Some apps where you can sell DVDs (like Music Magpie or Ziffit) let you scan the barcode of each one and give you a price they would pay you there and then.

This makes it really simple to decide what’s worth selling to them or not.

Another way is to look on your chosen selling platform and see what DVDs of that title are selling for already. A simple search will give you what you need.

Lastly – you may want to consider selling bundles of DVDs – especially if you have a series or a genre collection that makes sense to sell together.

Yes – some will sell better than others – but you won’t know unless you take a look, and some may well surprise you!

They are also a very easy item to package and post yourself – which is a win as well!

TIP – Another related item to this would be any memorabilia you may have from Movies and Bands / Pop stars. Tickets, concert programmes, photos etc… all could do well for the right buyer.

#2 – Pet Items

Pet owners are always buying items for their furry (and not so furry!) friends.

It’s very similar to how people spend on their children really – and the second hand market can be just as good as that too.

Things that you could sell include:

  • Pet beds
  • Pet cages
  • Pet clothes


#3 – Books

Similar advice again as for DVDs and CDs, but I have found that certain books tend to sell better than others.

Usually it’s textbooks and non fiction – and this is probably due to the fact that people may well be searching for a specific title that may well be out of print and you may get a great price for some of them.

That being said – why not see what fiction books and kids books may get as well…

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (2)

Related: 13 Book Related Things You Can Declutter Today!

#4 – Clothes

Another of my favourite genres to sell myself when I declutter is clothes.

I tend to bundle into similar styles, items, and sizes – so a set of jeans or a set of jumpers etc… – as these feel like great value – and you don’t have to sell each one in a separate listing which can get cumbersome.

Also – brands sell well – so if you have anything with a known label it’s worth mentioning that in the listing as well.

Basically – always think about what you would search for should be looking for something similar, and make sure that’s very clear.

Show information like:

  • Type of item
  • Size (and if it’s on the small, or large spectrum of this size)
  • Condition – Always be honest, some people don’t mind if there’s a button missing, for example
  • If it’s branded
  • If it still has the label on (Yes – we all have those clothes that we bought thinking we’d wear, but never even took that label off!)

TIP – Worth mentioning here is that not all clothing is equal. Don’t try and sell underwear…

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (3)

Related: 25 Things To Declutter From Your Wardrobe Right Now

#5 – Accessories.

Hats, belts, gloves, scarves etc… can all do really well when selling and are all a pretty easy thing to sell.

A top tip would be to add in any specific things that make that item useful or stand out in some way – for example, I went to a 1920’s ball the other week and as such was specifically looking for 1920’s items.

Some items that people wore weren’t 1920’s but had that look and feel (lots of beads and sequins etc…) – and so if these had come up in a search they would have appealed to an even wider audience.

Again – it may be worth bundling things together that match, or are part of a set, or are a similar style/theme etc…

#6 – Shoes.

Shoes are popular things that we can buy quickly and fall out of love with pretty easily – as our style changes.

They can also be pretty expensive – even those that aren’t from labels! – so it makes sense to find the ones you have that are in good condition that you won’t wear any longer, and sell them on.

Make sure you list the size, condition, colour, fabric, heel height, brand etc… – the more information the better!

#7 – Handbags.

As with shoes – if you have older handbags that you’ve fallen out of love with, and that are in good condition – then there are lots of women willing and wanting to buy them from you.

Note any unique qualities that would make your bag stand out from the competition as well.

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (4)

#8 – Baby items

EVERYONE is looking for a bargain when they have a baby – as the shopping list is truly endless of what you need to get for the little one.

As such – think about what a new parent is looking for – something of good quality, that’s clean and well looked after etc… – and make sure that’s clear in the ad.

You can sell all manner of baby items – a few would be: –

  • Car seat
  • High Chair
  • Bath toys / Mat / Baby Bath itself
  • Cot
  • Pram / Pushchair

All of these are high priced items that you will want to get some money back for – and that a lot of people won’t be able to afford new – so it really is a great idea, and a win-win to sell them if you can!

#9 – Furniture

Furniture that you don’t want or like can easily be exactly what someone else is looking for.

And with this item, the condition being less than perfect isn’t a deal breaker either, because many people will be looking to restore or up-cycle items so that they match their decor and have a unique-ness about them (or sell them on again for extra money!) – so you may be surprised what sells!

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (5)

#10 – Gaming items

Whether it be a games console, or the games themselves – selling items on when your kids (or the adults!) have finished with them is a great way to make money for new games they may want.

#11 – Mobile Phones

We are constantly upgrading our phones – and as such I’m sure you’ll have at least one mobile in your drawer being unused….

Match that with the fact that there are ALWAYS people needing to replace a broken phone while they are in contract and can’t upgrade – or those that want a spare – and you’ve got a great option for selling your clutter on to someone who’ll use it and be happy with it.

Another great money maker!

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (6)

#12 – Watches

Watches can be collectors items – and some watches can even fetch more than you bought them for.

There will always be a market for a good watch, and if you have a particularly high value watch you may do well to ask a jewellers advice before selling online – so you maximise your profit wherever possible.

#13 – Kids toys and games

Kids grow bored of their toys faster than most things – so a great way to teach them to declutter more is to get them involved in the process of selling them.

The toys are theirs – so it makes sense for any proceeds of the sale to go towards new toys OR into their savings.

When children are old enough to understand that they can benefit from decluttering, this is a very easy way to get them to do it more easily!

Some items that may sell well include:

  • Board games and Jigsaws (with all pieces in tact)
  • Collectibles that they no longer collect
  • Larger items such as play kitchens, play musical instruments, wooden trike…
  • Lego
27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (7)

Related: 19 Easy Things To Declutter From Their Toys Right Now

#14 – Kids clothes

As kids are ALWAYS growing – and they grow out of their clothes all too quickly.

As such, there are parents everywhere looking to buy clothes at a decent price!

Second hand kids clothes are a booming market – so why not make some money from it!

TIP – Bundle into age and gender or maybe colour clothes to make it even easier for busy parents. This is especially handy in age groups like 18-24 months etc…

#15 – Hobby related items

Hobby related items are usually great sellers, because they are specific items that will be searched for.

Hobbies are also something that people dip in and out of – and so they may well look for a second hand item for a hobby that they are trying out before they spend on a new item.

Items that would sell well include:

  • Fitness equipment (weights, treadmill, rowing machine, yoga mat etc…)
  • Camping kit (tent etc..)
  • Gardening stuff
  • Ski / Snowboarding / Winter sport items
  • Craft items (Supplies, Sewing Machine, Cricut machine etc…)


TIP – Another related item to this would be any memorabilia you may have from sports events or hobby related events.

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (8)

#16 – Cycles – esp. kids bikes!

People are ALWAYS looking for bikes that are in good condition – as they can cost a LOT new.

In fact – there are Facebook groups set up to sell specific brands of bikes only – that’s how popular it is!.

People tend to research the bike they want like they would do for a car – and then they find the places that are selling them for the best price.

For instance – my daughters very first bike was really inexpensive. I don’t like spending too much if I can help it – and it did the job perfectly. When we went to look for her next bike though, we DID end up spending more.


Well, it was actually more sensible to pay a little more for a much-wanted brand because we realised that it would sell on at a really good price when she outgrew it.

And, of course, she did! Pretty quickly…

We sold that bike and didn’t lose much money on it at all – which enabled us to buy a second hand branded bike for her next (and current) bike – and she couldn’t be happier!

A great lesson in budgeting and making money go further because she got a new bike (new for her is as good as new!), and didn’t have to spend anything on it.

#17 – Scooters and outside large kids toys

As with bikes – parents will look for second hand sellers for outside toys, scooters and larger toys – because they’re more than aware that they won’t last forever and second hand will work just as well.

#18 – Jewellery

This can be a great category both for real jewellery AND dress jewellery.

Just ensure you get the right value for what you’re selling (use a jeweller for a valuation if necessary, so you don’t go giving away something worth a lot for very little, or vice versa…)

#19 – Art

Framed art or original art COULD be worth selling online – as some artists have limited editions that may well not be available any longer to buy new.

Always try and sell using a place that you can see already sells art, and sells it well – as it’s considered a luxury item to most.

Selling in the right way means you should get the best price you can for each piece.

#20 – Kitchens and Bathrooms

If you have taken out an old kitchen or bathroom in a home renovation or refurbishment – then any fitted units and sanitary ware in decent condition can be sold on.

Usually kitchens and bathrooms are still fine when we decide to replace them – we’ve just grown out of a style or want a change – so why not sell the existing and make the new one cost that bit less?!

People are always looking for a bargain – and with the craze of doing up houses to sell, there are always buyers for stuff like this.

TIP – When you’re getting the kitchen or bathroom taken out – let the builder, fitter, or tradesperson know that you intend to sell it on – as they will be more careful not to damage it when they remove it from the space.

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (9)

#21 – Appliances and Gadgets

We all have a few gadgets – usually kitchen gadgets – that we bought and have maybe used once or twice and then they’ve been relegated to the back of the cupboard.

Why not sell it on – and make some money!

Ideas of what you can sell in this category would be: –

  • Ice cream maker
  • Pasta maker
  • Blender
  • Vacuum


Related: What You REALLY Need In Your Kitchen (And What You Don’t!)

#22 – Wedding Dress

Hard though it may be to let go of your wedding dress, why not take a picture of it so you have the memory (hopefully you’ve got lots of wedding photos anyway!), and then make some money back from it.

After all – it’s probably the clothes item that you spent the most money on – and there will be people that can’t afford a totally new dress that you can make very happy.

#23 – DIY and Tools

These can sell really well as they are expensive to buy new – in the same sort of category as gadgets and hobbies…

Make sure to list any brand, condition etc…. when selling.

#24 – Cameras

These can be expensive to buy new – so there is a ready made audience ready to buy second hand.

Why not make the most of it?

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (10)

#25 – Tech items

Technology is always moving on – and there are some people who like to stay up to date totally (like my hubby!), and others that are happy to stay a few steps behind (like me!).

As such, if you tend to be one of the former, then it makes sense to sell to the latter and make some cash for the next new thing.

Related: 37 Things To Declutter From Your Tech Right Now

#26 – Photos – can be sold to stock sites!

This is a little out there – and possibly doesn’t count as clutter around the house – BUT if you have digital photos that you don’t want anymore, you may want to sell them and make some cash from them instead of just deleting them.

There are sites out there that you can upload your photos to, including Shutterstock and Getty Images, and when people want to use them they will pay a small amount for the privilege.

Photos of specific items, scenes, places etc… can do well – but stay clear of using peoples faces or more personal pics for security reasons (unless they have given you their permission to use them in the photos).

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (11)

#27 – Gift cards

Last but by no means least – on your decluttering travels you may well have found a few old gift cards that you didn’t know you had but are still in date.

Chances are that if you haven’t used them, you don’t spend money in that specific store – so it will go to waste.

You can sell them to online companies such as Zeek for less than face value – but at least make a little money from what would otherwise be value-less.

There’s quite a lot In That List Of Things To Sell!

Of course – this list could be LOADS bigger – because everything you own has the potential to sell to someone, and it’s up to you what you try and sell after you’ve decluttered.

BUT these are the items that I would suggest are ones that could be worth your effort to sell as they have the potential to make enough to pay for your time and energy doing so.

I hope you do well with whatever you decide to sell from this list – and that it gives you ideas for things to declutter if you need some quick cash (always an option to make the most of what you’ve already got when it comes to making money from home)….

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (12)

Has This List Given You Ideas For Things To Sell From Your Home?

I hope so!

And you may well have been thinking of specific things you you read through the list – so what next?

Firstly – it’s deciding WHERE to sell them – and there’s a lot of choice – including an online store, charity shops or garage sale – and my post about all the options available is HERE – but alongside that you should be looking at HOW to sell them for the best possible price.

After all – if you’re going to go to the effort to set up an ad, take photos, write a description, liaise with buyers, and post the items – then you may as well get as much as possible for those things – right!

And that’s where my next post comes in – a post with 7 amazing tips for exactly HOW tosell them to give you the best chances for success – just click HERE to go there now – and I hope it helps!

27 Easy Things To Sell To Make Money From Your Clutter (2024)


What clutter can I sell? ›

One person's rubbish is another person's treasure, as they say, so you could make a chunk of cash by selling unwanted items cluttering your attic and cupboards. Coins, retro toys and games, old tech, books and magazines can all be sold, with some items possibly worth a lot more than you may think.

How do you turn clutter into cash? ›

A great place to start to get a ballpark value for the items is to search on eBay, Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace to get an approximate value. Be sure to check completed eBay auction listings too to see what items actually sold for, as opposed to live auctions that just indicate what sellers want for the item.

How can I sell my stuff for fast cash? ›

“I would use Facebook Marketplace for furniture, clothing and shoes, outdoor items and large items. For more unique items like collectibles, eBay is the way to go.” Most items are easier to sell on a local site, like Facebook or Craigslist.

How do you make money from clutter? ›

Another option for making money while decluttering your home is to check out local consignment stores in your area. Some of them may allow you to put items in their store on consignment. They do the work of selling your item and take a cut of the profits.

What is the one touch rule for clutter? ›

This rule is “so simple, yet so life changing”. Simply by dealing with an item immediately, whether it is your shoes, incoming mail, or your used coffee mug, less clutter will be created. One touch, one movement, equals less effort overall. This rule can also be applied when you are purging, editing, and organizing.

What is money clutter? ›

Financial clutter is not always visible or easy to identify. It could be personal or home clutter in your closet, basem*nt, attic, or garage. It could also be many unnecessary bank accounts, a wallet filled with credit cards, or an outdated insurance policy.

How do you organize clutter at home? ›

7 Tips on Organizing a Messy House
  1. Start Small. If you start to think about organizing every room, closet, and cupboard in your home, it's likely to feel overwhelming. ...
  2. Go Through Everything. ...
  3. Toss It in the Trash. ...
  4. Donate. ...
  5. Invest in Good Storage Solutions. ...
  6. Find a Place For Everything. ...
  7. Stay Consistent.
Apr 29, 2021

What's the quickest thing to sell? ›

The 20 Best Things to Sell for Quick Money Right Now
  1. Jewelry and watches. ...
  2. Video game consoles. ...
  3. Old phones and accessories. ...
  4. Purses, wallets, and backpacks. ...
  5. Yard equipment. ...
  6. Jeans, workwear, and designer clothing. ...
  7. Furniture. ...
  8. Baby gear.
Feb 28, 2023

How to sell anything in 30 seconds? ›

A strong elevator pitch allows you to easily explain your business to anyone, anywhere.
  1. Promote what makes your business unique. ...
  2. Discuss the benefits your business brings to clients. ...
  3. Make your pitch easily adjustable, so can be tailored to fit the needs of many different groups. ...
  4. Maintain consistent messaging.

What sells for lots of money? ›

What Can I Sell to Make Money Online?
  • Your old, unused items. Let's start with one of the most obvious answers. ...
  • Collectibles. One of the most lucrative categories of items to sell online is collectible items. ...
  • Furniture. ...
  • Custom T-shirts. ...
  • Food and baked goods. ...
  • Books. ...
  • Photography. ...
  • Services.
Jan 7, 2023

How do I sell unwanted items? ›

Here are some local selling sites that we recommend:
  1. Facebook Marketplace. ...
  2. WeBuyBooks. ...
  3. Gumtree. ...
  4. eBay. ...
  5. Shpock. ...
  6. Car Boot Sale. ...
  7. Yard or Garage Sale. ...
  8. Contact a Local Store.
Dec 15, 2023

How to sell stuff you don't need anymore? ›

Poshmark, Craigslist, and local buy-and-sell groups are some resources that make it easy to sell unwanted items so you can declutter your home and increase your cash flow.

Is it worth selling clutter? ›

Pro: You can make some money.

One of the biggest benefits of selling your clutter? You'll actually recoup some of the cash you spent acquiring all that stuff. Now, it's a good idea to go in with realistic expectations. Chances are, you won't recoup all of the money you spent on it originally.

Can I sell my house with clutter in it? ›

Cluttered homes are less attractive for potential buyers. It can be hard to see past the clutter to visualize the potential and imagine the space as their own. In extreme situations, clutter literally makes it impossible for people to see the property. Floors or walls are hidden by piles of stuff.

What is the highly effective 20 20 rule for decluttering? ›

When struggling to make decluttering decisions, the 20/20 rule says you should consider letting go of an item if: You can replace it for less than $20. And you can replace it in less than 20 minutes.

What should you not throw out when decluttering? ›

What Not to Throw Away When Decluttering Your House
  • PHYSICAL PHOTOS. Our memories are more often immortalized on social media than in leather-bound albums. ...
Mar 16, 2018

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.