23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (2024)

If you want to get better at blogging, you need a proven list of blogging tips that are effective and practical, yet beginner friendly.

That list is on thispage.

Try these blogging tips to become a better blogger and attract the loyal following you deserve.

Blogging tips for beginners

  1. Establish a niche for yourblog
  2. Choose a blogging platform
  3. Know your audience
  4. Cover popular search topics
  5. Create compelling headlines
  6. Craft an intro with a strong hook
  7. Focus on readability
  8. Create a detailed outline
  9. Cover your competitors’ popular topics
  10. Get feedback on your content
  11. Create an editorial calendar
  12. Share your blog posts on social media
  13. Build your emaillist
  14. Use AI for simple blogging tasks
  15. Actively promote yourblog
  16. Monitor your blog’s performance
  17. Optimize your monetization strategy
  18. Include quotes from experts
  19. Use examples to clarify concepts
  20. Use internal links
  21. Refresh older content
  22. Optimize for search intent
  23. Start a “write 100 blog posts” project

1. Establish a niche for yourblog

Establishing a niche is important because it helps you attract readers who have a common interest around a topic. By going too broad, you’ll spread yourself thin, making it harder to gain meaningful traction.

The niche you choose will come down to a balancing act between three things:

  • Passion or personal interest
  • Reach
  • Profit potential

Passion or personal interest:

Choosing a niche that you have at least some interest in is important because it can significantly impact your motivation and long-term commitment to your blog. If you’re uninterested in the topics you write about, it will show in your blog content.


Choosing a broad niche (recipes) will expand your potential reach. But you’ll be competing against the behemoths of the Internet.

If you pick a niche that’s too narrow (Indian tomato chicken), it’ll be easier to stand out in your niche because there’s less competition. But you’ll severely limit your blog’s reach potential.

It’s best to choose something in between (bbq chicken recipes) where there’s potential to expand laterally (bbq beef recipes).

Profit potential:

If you hope to make money blogging, you’ll want to choose a niche where there’s some level of commerciality. You can get a rough idea by Googling key phrases related to yourniche.

If there are ads, it’s a telltale sign that the topic has commerciality – why else would people be paying Google to appear for those queries?

But if you only see regular organic listings, then you may want to reconsider yourniche.

Ideally, you’ll want to find something in the middle where you don’t sacrifice on the “passion or personal interest” quadrant.

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (1)

Read our guide on finding a good blog niche for a more thorough guide.

2. Choose a blogging platform

A blogging platform, often referred to as a content management system (CMS), is where you’ll write and publish content, upload images, and respond to blog comments. There are many platforms you can choose from, most of which are free. The most popular self-hosted onesare:

If you can’t decide, consider using WordPress. Roughly 43% of all websites are built on it and there are tens of thousands of free plugins to extend the functionality of yourblog.

3. Know your audience

The most successful bloggers know and attract their ideal readers. This is possible when you gain a deep understanding of your target audience.

Your audience defines the language you use, the tips you share, and the examples yougive.

For example, let’s say that travel blog A, a blog for budget travelers, writes a blog post on tips for overseas flights. One of those tips might be to search for one way flights through alternative hubs to savemoney.

Compare that with travel blog B – a blog for business travelers. They can write a post on the same topic, but one of their tips might be to upgrade your ticket to business class using points.

If you don’t know who your target audience is, then you’re essentially writing blind. Don’t ignore this fundamental blogging tip and take the time to research who your audience is. Read our post on creating buyer personas to learnhow.

4. Cover popular search topics

53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic results in search engines like Google. That makes ranking high on Google for topics that people regularly search for a proven way to get consistent traffic.

The process of finding these blog post ideas is called keyword research.

Here’s how to doit:

  1. Go to a keyword research tool like Keywords Explorer
  2. Enter a niche-relevant keyword
  3. Go to the Matching terms report
  4. Switch the tab to Questions to find blog postideas
  5. Choose topics based on traffic potential (estimated potential traffic if you were to rank #1)
23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (2)

If you don’t have an Ahrefs account, you can try our free keyword generator.

5. Create compelling headlines

A click is what separates your audience from your content. And the number one thing that influences a click is your headline.

Start with a working headline and then use the ABC formula to create a click worthy headline.

  • A: Adjective
  • B: Benefit
  • C: Confidence booster

For example, if your working headline is “10 SEO Tips”, your final product might look likethis.

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (3)

6. Craft an intro with a strong hook

Your headline has done its job and earned the click. Now it’s your intro’s turn to hook your readers and get them to keep reading.

Use the PAS formula to dothat.

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First, you define the problem:

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (5)

Next, you agitate it:

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (6)

Then, you offer a solution:

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (7)

7. Focus on readability

Readability improves user experience. This is important because if your readers can follow, skim, and understand your content, they’re more likely to read, engage, and even buy your products.

Here’s a list of blogging best practices to instantly improve readability:

  • Use short sentences and paragraphs. Avoid “walls oftext”
  • Use bullets and numbered lists to cater to skimmers
  • Use descriptive subheadings (H2–H6) for hierarchy
  • Use images and videos (where needed) to break up thetext
  • Choose simple words that everyone can understand
  • Write as you speak to make things conversational
  • Read your copy out loud (when editing) to smooth theflow

8. Create a detailed outline

An outline is a critical tool for bloggers which helps keep your thoughts organized. There are 3 main parts to include in your outline.

1. Introduction

Use the introduction to hook your readers so they’ll want to continue reading. If you’re using the PAS formula from blogging tip 6, then jot down some details for your problem, agitating point, and solution.

2. Body

This is where you’ll go into details and deliver on any promises made in your introduction. Start by jotting down the ideas you have. Then categorize and order them to create a well-structured article.

If you’re having trouble coming up with subtopics, go to Google and search for your main topic. Then look at some of the competing articles and look for common subtopics they talkabout.

3. Conclusion

Wrap up your main points and bring closure to any problems you stated in your introduction.

An outline is a blogger’s defense against writer’s block. Don’t skipthis.

9. Cover your competitors’ popular topics

One of the best places to find proven blog post ideas is on your competitors’ sites. They’ve already done the keyword research, content writing and ranking using SEO. So all you have to do is find which topics send them the most traffic, and then write your own piece of content on thetopic.

Competitor research can be done with a tool like Site Explorer. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Site Explorer
  2. Enter your competitor’s domain
  3. Go to Top Pages
23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (8)

You’ll see the articles that send your competitors the most search traffic. For example, Beardbrand’s article on beard styles gets an estimated 50,000 monthly search visits. If you are competing with Beardbrand, you can target the topic “beard styles” too.

10. Get feedback on your content

It’s easy to make mistakes and miss things when you’re writing blog posts. So it’s worth getting a second pair of eyes on your content before you hit “publish.”

We do this all the time at Ahrefs. We read each other’s content and offer feedback—areas that can be removed, points that can be clarified, and sentences that can be worded better.

We’ve even reflected that in our blogposts.

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (9)

Trying to do everything alone is one of the most common blogging mistakes I see from beginner bloggers.

11. Create an editorial calendar

An editorial calendar helps bloggers prioritize, visualize, and stick to a regular publishing schedule. We’ve used one at Ahrefs foryears.

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (10)

You can use nearly any project management tool (free and paid) to create a content calendar in minutes. Here are a few tools I’vetried:

  • Notion
  • Basecamp (current)
  • Trello
  • Airtable
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Calendar

Treat each blog post as a project, create deadlines, and most importantly, stick to your calendar.

12. Share your blog posts on social media

If you haven’t signed up for social media accounts for your blog, do it now. Even though you’re unlikely to get a flood of followers in the beginning, sharing on social media can still help people discover yourblog.

Here are two reasons why you shouldn’t ignore integrating your blog with social media.

  1. People search in social media for brands. If you’re not there, no one will findyou.
  2. You don’t necessarily need a following to get traffic from social media. For example, many people use search to discover new content on Pinterest. The same holds true for TikTok and Instagram.

You can automate sharing blog posts with tools like Buffer.

13. Build your emaillist

Many newbie bloggers put email marketing on the back burner because it might seem complicated or not worth the effort. But this is a huge beginner blogging mistake.

Building an email list is one of the best ways to grow a loyal following.

We send a weekly blog newsletter to our subscribers.23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (11)

Think about it likethis:

Someone who opts into an email newsletter is asking to be contacted with more content from you. If you don’t offer a way for people to join your email list, you’re doing your readers a disservice.

Here’s how you can get started.

  1. Sign up for a free account with an email marketing service provider like ConvertKit or Mailchimp.
  2. Add an opt-in form on your website.23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (12)

If you’re using WordPress for your blog, there are free plugins for most email marketing tools.

Within a few minutes, you can be turning readers into email subscribers.

14. Use AI for simple blogging tasks

AI tools are useful when it comes to menial blogging tasks. You can use itto:

  • write meta descriptions
  • brainstorm titles
  • reword sentences

… and the list goeson.

The most popular free tool is ChatGPT. You can also try some of our free AI writing tools that are perfect for bloggers and content creators.

15. Actively promote yourblog

Unfortunately, “quality content” alone isn’t enough to grow traffic to your blog. You need to actively promote your blog. In addition to the easier promotion tips mentioned earlier (12 and 13), I recommend trying these tactics and strategies.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Our blog generates hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors from search engines. SEO is how we get them. Take our free SEO course to learn how you can do ittoo.

Online communities

Websites like Quora and Reddit are a great place to share your content. Post your content in a helpful way, and it can lead to sudden spikes in traffic.

We did this for our keyword research guide on Reddit which was well received.


You can use Ahrefs’ Site Explorer to learn which pages on Quora get the most search traffic and post your answers on thosepages.

  1. Search for quora.com in Site Explorer
  2. Go to the organic keywords report
  3. Search for a keyword related to yourniche
  4. Hit the caret to see the estimated search traffic to apage

Then leave helpful responses with a link to your blogposts.

Guest blogging

Guest blogging is when you write content on another blog as a guest. It helps expose you and your brand to a new audience. This can help kickstart your blogging journey as you work to build your reputation in yourniche.

Read our guide on guest blogging to learn how you can get started.

16. Monitor your blog’s performance

Website monitoring tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Ahrefs Webmaster Tools provide intelligence on your blog visitors. All of these tools are free touse.

Beyond looking at metrics like pageviews, you can use these tools to find insights which you can use to build out your content strategy.

For example, if you look at the Best By Links report for our blog, you’ll see that our most linked to content are consistently data studies.

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For that reason, we regularly create data studies because we know it will perform well because our audience lovesdata.

Keep a close eye on your analytics, look for insights and test your theories.

17. Optimize your monetization strategy

Many blogs limit themselves to one of two monetization sources: affiliate marketing or ads. This is a huge blogging mistake.

In fact, Dom Wells states:

Based on our testing across dozens of sites, we’ve never actually found display ads to reduce affiliate commissions.

To maximize profit potential, consider doing two things.

1. Try new monetization methods

Rather than using just ads, consider adding affiliate links to your monetization mix. You can also try creating your own digital products like e-books or courses.

2. Try new monetization sources

Instead of using just Google Ads, try MediaVine or Ezoic. RPMs are variable from network to network so it’s always worth testing.

When it comes to optimizing your monetization strategy, you need to test, test, test. Otherwise, you’re leaving money on thetable.

18. Include quotes from experts

Even if you’ve been in the industry for a while, it’s unlikely that you’ll know everything. You can overcome this by interviewing experts and including their comments in your article.

For example, I’ve never built a personal brand on LinkedIn—so I had to reach out and ask marketing consultant David Fallarme.

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (14)

Here’s a simple way to find experts if you’re not sure who to reach outto:

  1. Go to Content Explorer
  2. Enter the topic of your content
  3. Go to the Authors tab

This will show you a list of authors who’ve published content about thetopic.

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (15)

19. Use examples to clarify concepts

Examples help clarify complex concepts and can substitute for long explanations. I’ve used plenty in this article.

But here’s one more example, for example’s sake:

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (16)

20. Use internal links

Internal links are links from one page on the same domain to another. They can pass PageRank, which can help boost a page’s rankings.

Here’s how to find pages to add internal linksto:

  1. Sign up for the free Ahrefs Webmaster Tools (AWT)
  2. Run a crawl using Site Audit
  3. When the crawl is done, go to the Internal link opportunities report
23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (17)

This report shows you relevant internal link opportunities on your site. Search for the URL of the page you want to boost and choose “Target page” from the dropdown.

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (18)

For example, here’s a suggestion to link to our post on faceted navigation from our one on duplicate content:

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (19)

Read our guide on how you can maximize the benefits of using internal links.

21. Refresh older content

With time, your thoughts, opinions, and knowledge will improve. You’ll be doing your audience a disservice if you don’t update your older content to reflect your newfound knowledge andideas.

What’s even better is that refreshing your content can often boost your page’s traffic too. For example, I updated my post on free SEO tools, and traffic shotup:

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (20)

To find out which content to refresh, install our free WordPress SEO plugin and run a content audit. Then follow the guide below to learn how to refresh and republish your content.

  • Republishing Content: How to Update Old Blog Posts forSEO

22. Optimize for search intent

Search intent is the why behind a search query. Google aims to understand that so it can serve the most relevant results.

If you want to stand a higher chance of ranking, you want to match search intent.

To figure out search intent, simply Google your target keyword and look at the top-ranking results. For example, we see that the top-ranking pages for “best wireless headphones” are mostly blog posts listing recommendations:

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (21)

So if we’re targeting this keyword, we’ll have to create a listicle too.

Reach our complete beginner’s guide to master search intent.

23. Start a “write 100 blog posts” project

If you want to gain muscle, you need to hit the gym and get in your reps. Blogging is no different. You need to practice writing, publishing, and promoting your content.

That’s where the “write 100 blog posts” project comesin.

Commit to writing 100 blog posts – one post per week. Feel free to change the frequency to what you feel comfortable committing to. I can guarantee you that your hundredth blog post will be significantly better than yourfirst.

In fact, I attribute my biggest jumps in improvements to these “do 100” projects.

This is my 93rd post for Ahrefs blog.

Final thoughts

Creating a successful blog won’t happen overnight. But these blogging tips are proven ways to get better at blogging.

If you want to start improving your blogging skills right now, choose 5 of these tips to try right now. And if you have any questions, feel free to ping me on Twitter or Threads.

23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast) (2024)


23 Beginner Blogging Tips to Get Better at Blogging (Fast)? ›

In most cases, you should expect it to take at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) of consistent blogging & promoting your content to start earning something from your blog. When it comes to making $1,000/mo in blog income, expect that to take 1 to 2 years of consistent effort for most people.

How can I make $1000 a month blogging give your best tip? ›

You Could Start Earning $1000 Every Month with a Small Blog
  1. Affiliate Marketing.
  2. Selling Your Services or Coaching.
  3. Sponsored Posts.
  4. Ad Networks.
  5. Selling Courses or Products (your own or others)
  6. Here are some other posts you might enjoy:
  7. 7 Investments to Make Your Blog Amazing.
Dec 17, 2021

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

In most cases, you should expect it to take at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) of consistent blogging & promoting your content to start earning something from your blog. When it comes to making $1,000/mo in blog income, expect that to take 1 to 2 years of consistent effort for most people.

How to get 1,000 views per day on blog? ›

When trying to increase views to your blog it's a good idea to post consistently. Three times a week is a good amount but if you can post more often without it effecting the quality of your content then that's even better. The more content you have, the more reasons you give readers to visit your blog.

How to start blogging as a beginner? ›

Learning how to start a blog means following a few basic steps, which we'll outline in the next section.
  1. Choose a subject. ...
  2. Choose a name. ...
  3. Register your domain name. ...
  4. Find a web host. ...
  5. Set up your blog. ...
  6. Create a custom blog email address. ...
  7. Create your social media accounts. ...
  8. Install blog plugins.

Which blog pays the most? ›

10 Best Blog Niches: Make Money Blogging
  1. Food Blogs. Food bloggers share recipes, cooking tips, and stories. ...
  2. Finance Blogs. Finance blogs offer personal finance, investing, and money management advice and insights. ...
  3. Beauty and Fashion Blogs. ...
  4. DIY Blogs. ...
  5. Parenting Blogs. ...
  6. Health and Wellness Blogs. ...
  7. Technology Blogs. ...
  8. Travel Blogs.
Sep 6, 2024

What is a realistic income from blogging? ›

Finance blog Millennial Money reports that after just two years of building traffic and subscribers to this type of a website, bloggers can make upwards of $100,000 annually. Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month. As you can see, you can earn a wide income range as a blogger.

Do small blogs make money? ›

Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month.

How often should I post on my blog to make money? ›

The magical number that applies to most businesses is 2-4 blogs per week. But if you're looking for a concrete number specific to your business, it depends — typically on factors like your target audience, industry, and competitive landscape.

Is blogging still profitable in 2024? ›

Starting a blogging website in 2024 can still be a good idea if you offer unique content or cater to niche interests, but it's essential to have a clear strategy for standing out amidst competition and leveraging current trends in content consumption and technology.

How to get traffic to your blog fast? ›

17 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic in 2024
  1. Focus in on your niche.
  2. Write more long-form blog posts.
  3. Use simpler language.
  4. Including images and videos.
  5. Choose better titles.
  6. Incorporate keywords.
  7. Break up the walls of text.
  8. Adding internal links.
Oct 22, 2023

How can I monetize my blog fast? ›

From affiliate marketing and display ads to selling physical products, we'll help you find the right strategy for your goals and readership size.
  1. Launch an affiliate marketing program. ...
  2. Offer sponsored content. ...
  3. Sell ad space. ...
  4. Create a podcast. ...
  5. Offer webinars or tutorials. ...
  6. Create and sell an online course. ...
  7. Write your own e-book.

How many blog posts should I write per day? ›

But ideally, long, engaging articles (probably 1000-2000 words) generate better results. Moreover, if you are a beginner, you can start with 5-10 blog posts per week or a minimum of 1-2 posts per day with optimized content to rank your blog higher on the search engines.

Which blogging site is best for beginners? ›

Best Blogging Platform For Beginners: 15 Options To Explore
  1. Feather. Feather is an SEO-friendly blog platform that allows you to publish blog content through Notion, requiring no coding or design skills. ...
  2. WordPress.org. ...
  3. Web.com. ...
  4. Gator Website Builder. ...
  5. WordPress.com. ...
  6. Blogger.com. ...
  7. Medium. ...
  8. LinkedIn.
Jul 3, 2024

What should the first sentence of a blog be? ›

Start With a Reader's Question. Reader questions are great. Mainly because you can usually be sure other people share the same question. Also, it's so much easier to address a specific question rather than have to pull content out of your own head.

What is the best advice for blogging? ›

Blogging tips for beginners
  • Develop a powerful linking strategy.
  • Prioritize long blog posts.
  • Keep your content up-to-date.
  • Create a blog newsletter.
  • Promote your blog on social media.
  • Expand your online presence.
  • Monitor your blog analytics.
  • Take advantage of monetization opportunities.

Can you make $10,000 a month blogging? ›

Conclusion. Building a 6-figure blog can seem like an outlandish goal for most people. It sounds crazy, something that only a few people ever achieve. But if you can build an email list and sell your own products, it's very possible to scale to $10,000/month.

What is the fastest way to make money blogging? ›

1. Ad Networks. Joining an ad network is one of the most common ways that bloggers make money. Basically, you just sign up with one — such as Google Adsense or Media.net — and then ads get displayed on your site.

What is the best tip to follow when creating a blog? ›

Blogging tips for beginners
  • Establish a niche for your blog.
  • Choose a blogging platform.
  • Know your audience.
  • Cover popular search topics.
  • Create compelling headlines.
  • Craft an intro with a strong hook.
  • Focus on readability.
  • Create a detailed outline.
Sep 27, 2023

What is the highest income of blogging? ›

We'll take you through how much each blogger earns, before analysing some of the strategic factors which have helped each of these blogs to succeed.
  • Who are the highest earning bloggers? (And how much do they earn?)
  • #1: Timothy Sykes ($1 million per month)
  • #2: Chiara Ferragni ($250,000 per month)

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.