21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (2024)

Sensory play has become a hot topic as of late. You’ll hear mom groups discussing sensory activities for infants and likely receive advice on sensory activities for toddlers from your pediatrician. But what is sensory play, and why should you do it?

This article will cover the basics of this type of play and talk about the benefit of sensory play. By the end, you’ll know why sensory time is such as great idea and be equipped with some great activities to nurture your little one!

Table Of Contents

  1. What is Sensory Play?
    • About Sensory Activities
  2. How Sensory Play Can Benefit Your Little One
  3. Ideas for Sensory Play Activities
    • Sensory Activities for Infants
  4. Sensory Activities for Toddlers
  5. Final Thoughts

What is Sensory Play?

As you may have guessed, sensory play involves the five senses: sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste. It also uses other forms of body awareness, such as balancing and spatial awareness. These are known as your vestibular and proprioceptive systems, respectively.

Sensory activities engage all of these senses and systems and help your child develop motor, language, cognitive, and social skills and build their self-esteem.

Sensory play can include musical toys, art supplies, toys with tactile interest like dried noodles, Montessori toys for babies, and so much more. Anything that has the capability to engage your child’s senses can be used for infant and toddler sensory activities.

About Sensory Activities

Sensory play for toddlers and babies doesn’t require a particular area like a Montessori playroom or specific items. It’s relatively easy to create sensory activities that you can do in your own home.

Sensory bins are one of the best and easiest because they can engage many senses. Fill a container with water, Easter grass, packing peanuts, or any other safe material. Then, let your child explore. They’ll be able to feel the items, listen to the sounds they make, see them, and maybe even smell them.

Other sensory activities that engage the proprioceptive and vestibular systems can work well as outdoor games for toddlers. Such as playing hopscotch, rolling in the grass, or swinging on a swing.

Even playing with food can be a sensory play activity. Think about making applesauce; your child can taste, touch, listen, smell, and see the various parts of this process.

Sensory activities can be as calming as they are exciting. Water play, in particular, can be very soothing for little ones. While it activates their sense, it can also help soothe them. While we don’t always understand why babies cry and how to soothe them, trying some sensory time, like a bath, might help!

How Sensory Play Can Benefit Your Little One

We’ve mentioned that sensory play helps engage the senses and bodily systems, increasing development in many areas. But let’s take a closer look at the benefits of sensory play.

Infant and toddler learning activities can:

  • Build fine motor skills. Fine motor skills can be fostered through sensory play with small objects, such as picking up cheerios or tying a shoe. Additionally, doughs and slimes can help strengthen small muscles and help with coordination.
  • Boost language skills. Learning through experiences and interactions with their environment is essential for language. You can ask your little one to describe what they’re hearing, tasting, or smelling.
  • Improves gross motor skills. Big movements, like crawling and jumping, can be enhanced through sensory play that strengthens large muscles. Think of outdoor activities like throwing a ball or rolling down a hill.
  • Improves cognitive function. Sensory play causes your child to wonder how things work, problem solve, and think about how things feel or make them feel. They’ll learn by exploring and working through challenges; for example, moving cheerios from one container to another.
  • Improves social skills. Sensory play with others is a great way to build social skills. They’ll be required to share, work together to solve challenges, and communicate with one another.
  • It can be calming. Sensory play can be very calming for some children. Hearing the sound of water, running their hands over feathers, or swinging can have a soothing effect while appealing to the senses.

Ideas for Sensory Play Activities

Sensory Activities for Infants

1. Play Gym

A baby play gym is one of the easiest sensory play ideas. Include a gym with lots to see, touch, and listen to. Playing gyms that light up or make noise when your child kicks or swats is also a great way to include sensory and make tummy time fun.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (1)

2. Colorful Pasta

Older babies will love to explore cooled pasta cooked with food coloring, making it all colors of the rainbow. This sensory activity will delight many of the senses and is great for messy sensory play that’s so much fun but still easy cleanup.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (2)

3. No Mess Painting

We love this art project for infants. Fill a large, gallon Ziploc with just enough paint to cover the entire area when laid flat. Then, tape the top to your child’s high chair tray. As they drag their finger over the outside of the bag, it will leave a trail in the paint, like they’re drawing!

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (3)

4. DIY Sensory Board

Using a plastic serving tray, board, or recycled materials, you can make a sensory board for little ones. Glue on a variety of materials that they can feel and explore (but not rip off), such as pom poms, plastic straws, googly eyes, and bubble wrap.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (4)

5. Starry Night Sky

If you have a large cardboard box, your little one can safely sit or lay in and poke numerous holes in the top using something like a screwdriver. Then, pop string lights (one light per hole) through the hole you made.

Turn them on and let your little one gaze at the stars. They can even try reaching up to work on their balance and coordination.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (5)

6. Sensory Pan or Basket

Babies will be more than happy exploring a basket or shallow pan filled with sensory objects. You can include large pom poms, feathers, or beaded necklaces; just be sure to always supervise.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (6)

7. Baby Sand

Finely crush graham crackers to create edible sand. You can bury fun items within it or let your baby explore without worrying if they eat the sand.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (7)

8. Jell-O Excavation

Lay down plastic sensory items, such as a beaded necklace, a toy dinosaur, or a spoon, in a 9×13 baking dish. Then, cover the items with Jell-O, keeping them submerged. When it’s set, let your baby dig through it for one of the most delicious fine motor activities for infants!

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (8)

9. Safe Temperature Study

It can be tricky to find cognitive development activities for infants, but this one will get them thinking. Fill a plastic bottle with cold water and another with warmer (not hot) water. Tightly secure the lid and let your child explore, feeling the difference between temperatures.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (9)

10. Balloon Baby

Very little ones can engage in sensory time too. Tying a helium-filled balloon to your child’s ankle and then laying them on their back will result in lots of giggles. Tracking the balloon works hand-eye coordination and helps build cause-and-effect thinking skills.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (10)

11. Bell Bottoms

String jingle bells on some ribbon. Then, secure the ribbon to your little one’s bum or their ankles and let them move around. As they discover that they jingle, they’ll work on movement and balance, making this one of the most fun gross motor activities for infants!

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (11)

Sensory Activities for Toddlers

12. Sensory Slime

You can make your own slime, which is sensory play in and of itself. But you can also add glitter, beads, and other craft supplies or scents and colors to increase the sensory factor.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (12)

13. Ice Excavation

Try freezing a small plastic child’s toy, like an animal or truck, in a cup of water. Then, remove it from the mold and allow your toddler to “excavate” it with safe kitchen utensils and some table salt.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (13)

14. Easy Stress Balls

First, decorate the outside of an empty balloon with a permanent marker. Then, fill it with a few tablespoons of cornstarch using a funnel. Tie it closed, and you have an on-the-go sensory activity.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (14)

15. Volcano Explosion

Use the classic white vinegar and baking soda experiment to make a volcano explosion (either building a volcano or using a plastic toy). This is a great way to engage many of the senses simultaneously.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (15)

16. Touch Tag

Playing gentle touch tag outdoors with friends or family can help improve gross motor and social skills and engage the vestibular (balance) system. Plus, your child will have the sensory experience of the outdoors through this active play.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (16)

17. Finger Painting

Finger painting with a rainbow of colors will help fine motor skills while counting towards a messy play sensory experience. Consider using plain yogurt and Kool-Aide mix to make scented and edible finger paints.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (17)

18. Calming Sensory Bottle

All you need is a clear bottle with a lid to make a calming “ocean” in a bottle. Fill your bottle with water, cooking oil, glitter, food coloring, and other fun objects, then securely glue the lid on.

Your child will love hearing, watching, feeling, and listening to the contents gently slosh around. It’s a sensory bin alternative that still has all the benefits.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (18)

19. Guessing Sticks

Take extra-large Popsicle sticks and raid your craft supply closet. On each stick, glue multiple rows of the same item. Such as buttons, pom poms, dry noodles, or feathers.

Then, have your little one close their eyes and feel each stick, questioning them about the experience and what it could be after presenting each one.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (19)

20. Kinetic Sand

If you’re hoping to purchase a simple sensory activity you can pull out whenever, kinetic sand is excellent. The feel is so unique; it’s a great sensory pastime and perfect for sensory bins.

21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (20)

21. Giant Outdoor Bubble Bath

Fill a kiddie pool or inflatable pool with lukewarm water and a bottle of bubble bath. Let your kids don their swimsuits and explore using their hands, buckets, and spoons, or maybe even add a plastic kiddie slide.

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Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you feel full of inspiration for creating easy, fun, and enriching sensory ideas for your little one!

Sensory play doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, whether staying indoors or going out.

What’s your favorite sensory idea? We’d love to hear it in the comments.

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21 Sensory Activities For Infants And Toddlers (2024 Guide) (2024)


At what age should you start baby sensory? ›

Baby Sensory classes are suitable from birth. All babies can benefit from early sensory stimulation and each activity has been researched and developed to be appropriate for newborns through to 13 months.

What age is appropriate for sensory play? ›

From birth, children are ready for sensory play. Children are natural explorers – they're constantly learning and taking in what's around them. Sensory activities can be adapted for different ages, needs and abilities.

How do you set up sensory play for toddlers? ›

It's simple for children to enjoy sensory play when you create a sensory bin for them to explore. To create a sensory bin, simply fill a small tub or container with objects from nature such as leaves, rocks, and sand that have different textures for your little one to explore.

What are the activities for infants sense of hearing? ›

Tear or crumple up paper in front of your baby. Pour pasta into a pan, tap a spoon against a bowl, or make other common cooking noises. Turn a door knob, ring a doorbell, and open or close the blinds or windows. Play and dance along to music with your newest (and cutest) dance partner.

What sensory skills does a 3 month old have? ›

By 3 months, he or she may start to reach for and swipe at objects — the beginning of hand–eye coordination. Your baby will enjoy looking out from the stroller or baby carrier as you walk the neighborhood or the mall. Point out the sights, letting your baby linger over whatever catches his or her eye.

Is it OK for babies to watch Baby Sensory videos? ›

However, it's best to monitor these sensory videos in moderation, especially videos including upbeat baby sensory songs, which can overstimulate your little one if watched for long periods. Because of this, it's best to have a mix of different sensory activities either in front of and away from the screen.

What are the 5 sensory play? ›

Understanding the five senses – sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound – helps children make sense of the world around them.

Why is sensory play so important? ›

In childhood development, sensory play promotes inclusive, open-ended play that cultivates vital skills, promotes self-regulation, sparks exploration, enhances problem-solving abilities, and nurtures creativity.

Do babies need sensory play? ›

Sensory play includes just about any activity that stimulates a child's senses through new and exciting experiences. Research shows that sensory play in the early years of child development helps build neural pathways that will be needed for more complex learning tasks as your child grows.

What are sensory toys? ›

Sensory toys are designed to stimulate a child's five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. They might include elements such as bright, contrasting colors, sounds, or different textures. These toys are meant to help children develop their senses in a safe and natural environment using play.

How to make sensory games? ›

Sensory play ideas for kids
  1. Blowing bubbles. Mix one part washing-up liquid with six parts water to make your own homemade bubble mixture. ...
  2. Play with slime. ...
  3. Make a mud kitchen. ...
  4. Homemade playdough. ...
  5. Make some maracas. ...
  6. Fake snow.

What is a sensory activity? ›

What is Sensory Play? In essence, sensory play includes play that engages any of your child's senses. This includes touch, smell, sight, sound and taste. But it also covers movement, balance, and spatial awareness.

What are the 4 sensory abilities of infants? ›

Babies are born fully equipped with all the necessary senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. However, some of these senses are less precise than others.

What is the most active sense of the infant? ›

Smell. Studies have found that newborns have a strong sense of smell. Newborns prefer the smell of their own mother, especially her breastmilk.

How do infants and toddlers learn through their senses? ›

They discriminate between shapes and sounds and learn what to expect and what to reach for. They formulate whole images by synthesizing sensory information. In time, toward the end of their first year or early in the second year, they connect these images with words, so they can begin to ask for what they want.

Is Baby Sensory good for newborns? ›

All in all, sensory videos are beneficial to infants, but as with all screen time it should really be kept to a minimum. Why not stick to 5 minutes once or twice a day, or several times a week to be on the safe side? Baby Sensory videos are an excellent method to teach your child some new colours, shapes, and songs.

Do newborns need sensory toys? ›

Sensory toys can be introduced to your newborn baby and they are an excellent way to develop their senses from birth. Your newborn baby can focus on black, white, and red objects, track the movement of a slowly moving sensory toy, and turn towards the sound of a maraca or bell shaken to one side.

Can a 1 year old have sensory issues? ›

All toddlers complain about this and that — because that's what little kids do! Plus, they're naturally sensitive to temperature, texture and other sensations at this age. But a few kids are touchy-feely to the extreme — and these children may have sensory processing issues.

Is Baby Sensory necessary? ›

Brain development and sensory stimulation

Mechanosensory stimulation is therefore very important in the development of a baby. In fact, it is difficult to reverse the negative effects in an individual who was deprived of such sensory stimulation in early life.

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