2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (2024)

Without a doubt, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency in the world - I mean, it’s the one that started it all! Naturally, with such an amount of attention that it receives, this particular cryptocurrency possesses a lot of dedicated wallets. In this Bitcoin.com review, we’ll be looking at one of them.

Now, if you’re thinking - with a domain name like that, this wallet should be great, right? -, you’re not too wrong. While you’ll find many “is Bitcoin.com safe?” inquiries online, the majority of the answers seem to indicate that the wallet really is worth paying attention to.

We’ll get into the nitty-gritty details in due time, though - we’ll talk about the legitimacy of the site, how it operates, and whether or not it’s worth using as a reliable crypto wallet. If you find that it's not exactly what you're looking for, though, you may also check out better alternatives, such as the Binance wallet, or the Ledger Nano X.

TL;DR: Most user Bitcoin.com reviews found online are quite positive when it comes to the wallet in question. Users claim it to be super-simple to use, especially when it comes to purchasing the actual coins with fiat money. While there are some mini-controversies surrounding the platform, the general consensus is that Bitcoin.com is, in fact legit.


  • Very easy to use
  • Smooth user interface
  • Reputable wallet
  • Available on all major platforms


  • Relatively big fees
  • Only supports Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash
  • Some prior controversy
  • Lacks security features

Table of Contents

  • 1. Bitcoin.com Review: PROS
  • 1.1. Very Easy to Set Up and Use
  • 1.2. Software-Based Bitcoin Wallet (Available on Most Operating Systems)
  • 1.3. Accepts Fiat Money / Easy to Purchase Bitcoin
  • 2. Bitcoin.com Review: CONS
  • 2.1. Only Able to Store Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash
  • 2.2. Lacks Security Features
  • 2.3. Involved in Controversy
  • 2.4. No Live Customer Support
  • 3. Price
  • 4. How to Use the Bitcoin.com Wallet?
  • 4.1. How to Instal and Set Up Bitcoin.com?
  • 4.2. How to Send / Receive Bitcoin?
  • 5. Conclusions

The current version of Bitcoin.com was re-launched in 2015. A single google search will reveal to you that the domain name (and the operations behind it) has had a pretty complex history of legal disputes and miniature controversies. From 2015 up to August of 2019, Bitcoin.com was run by a crypto enthusiast named Roger Ver.

If that name sounds familiar, it’s probably because you’ve seen it come up in other user Bitcoin.com reviews - admittedly, Mr. Ver is one of the more controversial figures in the cryptocurrency world.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (1)

Funnily enough, it would actually be impossible to talk about Bitcoin.com and all of its pros and cons without also discussing Roger Ver and his views on Bitcoin. They are actually quite heavily intertwined with the crypto wallet in question, especially when it comes to user Bitcoin.com reviews, and questions such as “is Bitcoin.com wallet safe?”.

This is true even today, too - while Roger Ver has stepped down from the position of CEO of the company all the way back in August of 2019, his sentiments regarding Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and the concept of decentralization, in general, still linger around the wallet. Worry not, for all of this shall be elaborated in dues time - for now, let’s concentrate on the actual usability aspects of the wallet.

Very Easy to Set Up and Use

One of the first advantages that you’ll see mentioned quite often among user Bitcoin.com reviews is the fact that, as a crypto storage platform, Bitcoin.com is actually very simple to use, and straightforward to set up, in the first place.

Admittedly, usability has always been the “odd feature” when it came to crypto wallets, whether it be dedicated ones, or those that can store multiple cryptocurrencies at once. While you’re going to come across questions such as “is Bitcoin.com legit?” and “is the wallet safe to use?”, you’ll rarely encounter questions regarding usability.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (2)

Now, don’t get me wrong - as noted above, users point out the simplicity aspect of Bitcoin.com regularly. That said, topics such as ‘fees’ or ‘security’ tend to overshadow any and all usability aspects.

All of that being said, though, let me stress this once again - Bitcoin.com is very easy to set up and start using, as a Bitcoin storage wallet. It’s a software-based wallet, too, which means that it comes with some extra security features.

Software-Based Bitcoin Wallet (Available on Most Operating Systems)

Being a software-based Bitcoin wallet means that you’ll have to download a file from Bitcoin.com and install it on your system. The difference from an online wallet is that, with the latter, you’d only be able to use it while connected to the web, on a specific website, while the former has a dedicated software.

Naturally, as you can probably imagine, this is some great news for anyone wondering “is Bitcoin.com wallet safe?”.

I haven’t seen many user Bitcoin.com reviews elaborate on this, but a software wallet is going to provide better security features than most online ones. That’s simply because program- or app-based wallets are more difficult to hack than those that are based on the browser.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (3)

Better security-aside, it would appear that one of the better features mentioned in multiple Bitcoin.com wallet reviews is the fact that the wallet in question is available on all of the main operating systems - iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux.

While this is probably quite self-explanatory, extensive device support makes the wallet very appealing for a large group of people, since no matter which OS it is that you use, you’ll always be able to access your wallet, and check on your funds.

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Accepts Fiat Money / Easy to Purchase Bitcoin

Fiat currencies are those that are issued by the government - USD, EUR, GBP, and so on. Frankly, they are currencies that we deal with every single day - they’re also money that cryptocurrencies and the process of decentralization aim to eventually replace.

The issue with a lot of crypto wallets is that they either don’t accept fiat money, or don’t allow you to purchase cryptos from within them, in general.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (4)

As user Bitcoin.com reviews will tell you, that’s not the case with Bitcoin.com.

The wallet in question allows you to easily integrate your credit card and purchase Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash that way. The integration is simple, the purchasing process itself is simple - everything related to the usability aspect is simple and straightforward!

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As mentioned in this article a few times already, user Bitcoin.com wallet reviews would have you believe that the wallet in question is quite popular among the crypto community, and that it’s actually great for storing your Bitcoin in. While that might be the case, in general, there are still some downsides that need to be addressed.

Only Able to Store Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash

I mean, when the domain name is literally ‘bitcoin.com’, you probably saw this one coming from miles away, right?

One of the biggest proclaimed downsides of Bitcoin.com is the fact that you cannot store any other cryptocurrency within it, except for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (5)

Whether it be some of the most popular altcoins such as Ethereum and Litecoin, or some lesser-known as Dash and NEO - none of them are available for storing on the Bitcoin.com wallet.

If you’re only interested in Bitcoin, then naturally, you’re not going to see this as a huge issue. That being said, though, with cryptocurrencies becoming more and more popular as time goes on, an increasing number of people are also starting to expand their interests to include various altcoins - for this group of individuals, Bitcoin.com just won’t “do it”.

Instead, you should look into wallets that allow you to store multiple different crypto assets. Examples include Ledger, Trezor, and popular hot, exchange-based wallets, such as Binance.

Lacks Security Features

Whenever somebody references the security aspect of cryptocurrency wallets (whether in Bitcoin.com reviews, or any others), the two big terms that usually come into play are “two-factor authentication” and “custom PIN codes”.

Both of these safety-ensuring measures have become almost mandatory when picking the right crypto wallet for yourself. Custom PINs are self-explanatory - they are quite foolproof, unless you use the same PIN codes in multiple different places online.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (6)

2FA, on the other hand, is considered to be a top-tier security measure when it comes to keeping your cryptocurrencies safe - exchanges and wallets that use 2FA (i.e. CEX.IO) are usually praised for it, since it’s obvious that they do care about the safety of their user crypto coins.

Now, unfortunately, Bitcoin.com does lack two-factor authentication.

Surely, this does not mean that the wallet is “unsafe” to use. That being said, though, it just means that there are certain security measures that are simply not taken by the company behind the platform - measures that could ensure high levels of security, and that are otherwise usually seen as essential.

Involved in Controversy

Remember when I said that the now-ex-CEO of Bitcoin.com - Roger Ver - is a pretty controversial figure in the crypto world, with some quite controversial outlooks on things?

Ya, well, his reputation does, apparently, damage the way people see Bitcoin.com, too. This is evident from quite a few Bitcoin.com reviews left online, and especially from social forums such as Reddit.

Mr. Ver is an avid fan of Bitcoin Cash - so much so, that he promotes it to the fullest extent, while shunning people away from the “original” Bitcoin with the argument that it “lacks scalability”.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (7)

Some of Mr. Ver’s practices are seen as quite immoral in the community, and on top of that, his views are considered to stand against the “philosophy” behind Bitcoin and the concept of decentralization, in general.

Admittedly, none of that has anything to do with the actual usability aspects of Bitcoin.com. However, it has led a lot of people to question “is Bitcoin.com wallet safe?” and “is Bitcoin.com legit, in the first place?”.

If you’re an avid cryptocurrency fan yourself, and are a true believer that cryptos are the future, Roger Ver’s comments and point of view might leave a bitter taste in your mouth, too. If you’re just in it “for the money”, though, and don’t really care about the philosophical side of things, then it doesn’t really affect you or the wallet in question, either.

No Live Customer Support

As much as the philosophy of Bitcoin.com’s ex-CEO was a subjective topic that’s up for debate, the fact that the wallet does not have dedicated, live customer support is objectively bad.

There seem to be a few different industries that suffer from this issue, and the crypto wallet (and exchange) world is one of them. While some brands host pretty poor-quality support, companies such as Bitcoin.com don’t have any live option, in general.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (8)

As you can probably imagine, this isn’t good - especially if you encounter an issue with the wallet, and seemingly aren’t able to resolve it yourself.

No live customer support also means that, oftentimes, you have to rely on the community to help you out. Oftentimes, this is a shot in the dark - while some people might be well-intentioned and want to genuinely help you, others will search for ways to scam you out of your Bitcoins. Never click phishing-like links sent to you by a random person!

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (9)

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An important part of any Bitcoin.com wallet review has to do with the pricing (fees) of the wallet in question.

As you know, you’re able to purchase Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash from within the wallet in question. Naturally, as with most other exchange-wallets out there, you’ll be charged a set fee for your transaction.

Bitcoin.com has a pretty straightforward fee system in place, though - it’s made up of “Takers” and “Makers”. The fee system looks a little something like this:

  • Takers are charged a 0,2% fee.
  • Makers are charged a 0,15% fee.

Now, admittedly, the fees are actually quite high! There are many wallets out there that will take a much smaller fee from your transaction, and that have a scaling fee system in place.

To finish off our Bitcoin.com review, let’s quickly discuss how to actually use the wallet in question - meaning, how to install and set it up, transfer funds, buy Bitcoin, and so on. Granted that we’ve answered the question “is Bitcoin.com legit?” quite extensively, you might want to try the platform out - it’s better to know what to expect!

How to Instal and Set Up Bitcoin.com?

First up, the installation process.

Step 1: Download and install the Bitcoin.com wallet from the app store of your choice. For the sake of this Bitcoin.com review, I’ll be using the Play Store.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (10)

Step 2: Once the installation process is complete and you go to the app, you’ll be directed to the home screen.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (11)
Step 3: From the home screen, go directly to the wallet of your choice - you’ll notice that it asks you to back your information up. Do so, and you’ll see a 12-word recovery phrase - make sure to write it down and keep the note safe, since it’s your only way of recovering your funds if you forget your information!

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (12)
The user Bitcoin.com reviews didn’t lie - once that’s done, the setup process is complete - you can now send and receive Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash!

How to Send / Receive Bitcoin?

Sending and receiving Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash is also very simple with the wallet in question.

Step 1: From the wallet screen, tap either “Send”, or “Receive”.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (13)
Step 2: If you’d like to send Bitcoin, you’ll be able to scan a QR code, enter the wallet address manually, send the coins to your own wallet, or send them to one of your contacts.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (14)
Once that’s done, just choose the amount of Bitcoin that you’d like to send, and follow through with the transaction!

Step 3: If you’d like to receive crypto coins, then all you have to do is tap the “Receive” button, and you’ll see a QR code and your wallet public key. Either scan the code, or copy and paste the key to anyone you’d like to receive Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash from - that’s it!

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (15)
As you can see, the processes of sending and receiving Bitcoin are actually very simple with the wallet in question - most user Bitcoin.com reviews agree!

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (16)


  • Can be managed from mobile device
  • Very secure
  • Supports more than 5500 cryptocurrencies


2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (17)


  • Top-tier security
  • DeFi app support
  • Store over 5500 assets, install up to 100 apps simultaneously

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2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (18)


  • Multiple cryptocurrency support
  • Very secure
  • SegWit and Bech32 address support

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Now, then - is Bitcoin.com worth using, in the first place?

Well, judging by the majority of user Bitcoin.com reviews found online, yes - as long as you only care about purchasing, selling and storing cryptos, and if you hold nothing else but Bitcoin and (or) Bitcoin Cash.

Naturally, the wallet does have someflaws - everything from a small number of security-ensuring features, up to it holding only two cryptocurrencies can be annoying. That said, most of its users agree that, when it comes to Bitcoin storage, it’s surely one of the better and easier-to-use wallets out there.

If, however, you'd like to check out some alternatives, do keep in mind that hardware crypto wallets are always going to be "at the top", security-wise. Popular options include the Ledger Nano X and the Trezor Model T.

The content published on this website is not aimed to give any kind of financial, investment, trading, or any other form of advice. BitDegree.org does not endorse or suggest you to buy, sell or hold any kind of cryptocurrency. Before making financial investment decisions, do consult your financial advisor.

2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? (2024)


2024 Bitcoin.com Review: Is Bitcoin.com Legit? ›

Yes, it is. A single glance at the user Bitcoin.com reviews will reveal to you that Bitcoin.com is a Bitcoin- and Bitcoin Cash-dedicated wallet. While the platform does not house any other cryptocurrencies, it does allow its users to exchange and even purchase the aforementioned two coins within the wallet itself.

How do I know if a Bitcoin site is legit? ›

Signs of crypto scams include poorly written white papers, excessive marketing pushes, and get-rich-quick claims. Regulatory agencies, such as your state's consumer protection office or the Consumer Protection Bureau, are the best places to contact if you suspect you've been the victim of a scam.

How do I get my money from Bitcoin com? ›

Steps to Sell:
  1. Register and verify identity on the exchange.
  2. Deposit your cryptocurrency into the exchange wallet.
  3. Sell your cryptocurrency for the desired currency.
  4. Withdraw the funds to your bank account.

What is the official Bitcoin website? ›


How long does it take to withdraw from Bitcoin com? ›

If you're in a supported region (see below), you can sell cryptocurrencies into your local currency and withdraw them to your bank account. It typically takes between 1-3 working days to receive the funds in your bank account.

Is Bitcoin com a legit site? ›

Users claim it to be super-simple to use, especially when it comes to purchasing the actual coins with fiat money. While there are some mini-controversies surrounding the platform, the general consensus is that Bitcoin.com is, in fact legit.

Can I get my money back if I got scammed from Bitcoin? ›

Cryptocurrency payments typically are not reversible. Once you pay with cryptocurrency, you can only get your money back if the person you paid sends it back. But contact the company you used to send the money and tell them it was a fraudulent transaction.

How do I turn my Bitcoin into cash? ›

Here are five ways you can cash out your crypto or Bitcoin.
  1. Use an exchange to sell crypto.
  2. Use your broker to sell crypto.
  3. Go with a peer-to-peer trade.
  4. Cash out at a Bitcoin ATM.
  5. Trade one crypto for another and then cash out.
  6. Bottom line.
Feb 9, 2024

How do I withdraw money from Bitcoin to my bank account? ›

Q: What's the process for transferring Bitcoin to a bank account? A: To transfer Bitcoin to a bank account, sell your Bitcoin on a crypto exchange for fiat currency. Link your bank account to the exchange, complete identity verification, and then withdraw the fiat cash to your bank account.

Can I turn Bitcoin into cash on Cash App? ›

To sell bitcoin using your Cash App: Tap the Money tab on your Cash App home screen. Tap on the Bitcoin tile. Tap Sell.

How much is $1 Bitcoin in US dollars? ›

AmountToday at 2:08 pm
1 BTC$53,178.52
5 BTC$265,892.58
10 BTC$531,785.15
50 BTC$2,658,925.75
4 more rows

What is the safest website for Bitcoin? ›

Best Most Secure Bitcoin and Crypto Exchanges in 2024
  • #1. Binance. 4.83 / 5. promotions. ...
  • #2. Blockchain.com. 4.83 / 5. promotions. ...
  • #3. LBank. 4.83 / 5. promotions. ...
  • #4. Binance TR. 4.67 / 5. promotions. ...
  • #5. BitMEX. 4.67 / 5. promotions. ...
  • #6. MEXC. 4.67 / 5. promotions. ...
  • #7. Okcoin. 4.67 / 5. promotions. ...
  • #8. OKX. 4.67 / 5. promotions.

Which site is trusted for Bitcoin? ›

*The most trusted cryptocurrency exchange

In April 2021, Coinbase became the largest publicly traded crypto company in the world. That means we operate with more financial transparency, and make our financial statements available each quarter.

How do I get cash from Bitcoin com? ›

Steps to Sell:
  1. Register and verify identity on the exchange.
  2. Deposit Bitcoin into the exchange wallet.
  3. Sell Bitcoin for the desired currency.
  4. Withdraw the funds to your bank account.

How do I receive money from Bitcoin com? ›

Step-by-step instructions to receive Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more
  1. Open your Bitcoin.com wallet app and tap the 'Receive' button at the top of the Home screen.
  2. Choose which wallet you want to receive Bitcoin. ...
  3. Your chosen wallet will generate an address that lets you receive coins.

Should I cash out my Bitcoin? ›

Reasons for cashing out crypto or Bitcoin

The decision whether to cash out crypto or Bitcoin depends on your financial goals and market conditions. You may want to lock in gains, cut or harvest losses for taxes, or simply use your digital assets in the real world.

What are the fake bitcoin investment sites? ›

Key Consumer links
Primary SubjectScam Type
Bitcoin FX Trades bitcoinfxtrades.comFraudulent Trading Platform
J-1 Parker AI Investment Club wap.agimx.comFraudulent Trading Platform
enw.ccFraudulent Trading Platform Pig Butchering Scam
Vimssr Pro Vims.oneFraudulent Trading Platform
32 more rows
Aug 29, 2024

How do you check bitcoin is real or fake? ›

  1. Check the physical appearance: Real Bitcoins are physical coins that have a unique design and are made of high-quality materials. ...
  2. Verify the authenticity: Real Bitcoins have a unique serial number and hologram sticker that can be verified on the manufacturer's website.
Dec 8, 2023

What is the most reliable bitcoin site? ›

Best Crypto Exchanges and Apps for September 2024
  • Best for Low Fees and Best for Experienced Traders: Kraken.
  • Best for Beginners: Coinbase.
  • Best Mobile App: Crypto.com.
  • Best For Security: Gemini.
  • Best for Altcoins: BitMart.
  • Best for Bitcoin: Cash App.
  • Best Decentralized Exchange: Bisq.

How to check if a website is legit? ›

We've compiled a list of what you can look for to tell if a website is legitimate:
  1. Study the address bar and URL.
  2. Investigate the SSL certificate.
  3. Check the website for poor grammar or spelling.
  4. Verify the domain.
  5. Check the contact page.
  6. Look up and review the company's social media presence.

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Article information

Author: Trent Wehner

Last Updated:

Views: 5683

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.