2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (2024)

A look at the state of small business in 2022


Small Business Trends

Entrepreneurs of Color

Franchise Trends

Women in Business

Each year, Guidant reaches out to the resilient, hardworking small business owners of America. We learn who they are, what their lives as small business owners are like, what their plans for the future are, and how their business has weathered current affairs. Together, this information makes up the Small Business Trends report.

Here’s a look at current small business trends this year:

While everyone starts a business for their own reasons, there are a handful of dominant motivations. Business owners primarily went into business because they were ready to be their own boss (60.87%) and overall dissatisfaction with corporate America (47.64%). A large number of business owners were motivated by the opportunity to pursue their passion (31.00%), and a significant number stated they went into business either because an opportunity presented itself (21.36%) or because they were newly unemployed (23.44%). Boredom or financial insecurity post-retirement also appears to be a factor, as more than 20% of respondents reported they started their business because they were “not ready to retire.”

Despite the challenges around recruitment and COVID-19, the overwhelming majority of business owners (74.86%) self-reported as either somewhat happy or very happy. Roughly 15% of business owners reported as somewhat unhappy or very unhappy, leaving the remaining 10% as neutral. On a scale of one to five, with one being “very unhappy” and five being “very happy,” the overall average was 3.95, solidly in happy territory. When compared to happiness scales around the world, this certainly portrays business owners as happier than the average American.

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (2)

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (3)

The Generation Gap

Boomers (45.45%) and Gen X (46.46%) made up the two largest generational segments this year. Millennials made up just over 7% of those surveyed, while the oldest and youngest of us — the “Zoomers” of Gen Z and Post War era business owners — made up less than 1%. We expect to see the percentage of Gen X business owners continue to grow in the coming years.

It’s worth noting that the lack of Millennials in our respondents directly contradicts other published data which suggests entrepreneurship amongst Millennials has grown. Whether Millennials are reluctant to classify their ventures as “small business,” the pandemic had a disproportionate effect on Millennial business, or for some other reason, our data do not agree.

Diversity in Business

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (4)Women small business owners took a hit this year in our survey, consistent with trends across America. Women made up only 22.35% of surveyed business owners this year, while men made up the overwhelming majority (77.47%). Less than one percent chose to identify as a gender other than male or female.

Most survey respondents identified as White or Caucasian (84.75%). The next-largest group was a three-way tie between those who identified as “Black or African American,” “Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin,” and “Asian or Asian-American,” all at roughly 4% each. Indigenous Americans made up 1.21% of surveyed business owners. Middle Eastern or North African respondents made up 1.04% of those surveyed, while Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders made up less than one percent.

While previous year’s surveys indicated a rise in diversity of small business owners, there is no data to support that trend this year. Whether this is a reflection of the effects of the pandemic or the difference in this year’s sampling methods, we cannot say. Guidant aims to increase the number of people who succeed in small business, especially and including entrepreneurs of color, women in business, and other underserved minorities. We sincerely hope the diversity of these figures will increase in the years to come.

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (5)

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (6)

Political Affiliation

Politically, the independent or unaffiliated voter showed up in force. Just about a third of voters (31.87%) stated they didn’t “belong to or feel represented by any political party.” Roughly 41% identified as Republican. Twenty-two percent of respondents identified as Democratic. Less than 6% identified with another party.

What are Small Businesses Like in 2022?

Running a small business is challenging — so challenging that according to the SBA, only half of all small businesses will survive their first five years. Only one-third will make it to ten.

Our survey supports this data. Just over half of respondents (51.61%) had businesses between 0 and 5 years old, and 22.68% had businesses 6 to 10 years old. Eleven percent of business owners reported having businesses 11 to 15 years old, and just under 8% had businesses 16 years old or older. The remaining 7% were in the process of opening their business, but could not yet be considered open.

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (7)


The slim majority (58.98%) of businesses were independent, non-franchise businesses. Specifically, 31.76% of respondents started their businesses by purchasing an existing independent turnkey location. This was just slightly more than the business owners who started their independent venture from scratch (27.22%).

Franchisees made up 41.02% of surveyed respondents, and they overwhelmingly favored starting a new franchise location (31.00%) over purchasing an existing franchise location (10.02%).


Retail (storefront, eCommerce, or other) made up the largest industry category this year at 15.05%. Food and Restaurants were just behind (13.71%) followed shortly by business services (10.10%). The remaining two industries in the top five this year were Health, Beauty, and Fitness services at 9.71% and Residential and Commercial Services at 9.33%. The remaining fourteen categories were all less than 6%.

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (8)

This year, 65% of business owners reported being profitable at the time of our survey. Given the challenges of the past few years, it’s little surprise that 35% of business owners report that their business is not profitable. Don’t fret too much, though — remember that more than half of businesses surveyed are 5 years old or younger. Given that folk wisdom states businesses usually take two or three years to become profitable, it’s normal for many of them not to have hit that mark yet.

The show must go on, and it’s no different for small business owners. While relatively few are looking to open another location or begin another service (12.10%), equally few are looking to sell their business (10.02%). The majority of business owners are focused on growing their current location (51.80%), and the remaining 26% are focused on sustaining the condition of the business they already have.

The top three priorities business owners reported for 2022 were increasing staff (51.04%), expanding or remodeling their business (41.02%), and investing in digital marketing (39.70%). The second point, expanding or remodeling the business, is especially surprising given the high cost of construction at the moment. It’s possible business owners are going through with their expansions now to lock in low business loan interest rates.

Aspiring business owners will have a leg up if they prioritize these three things — securing reliable staff, investing in digital marketing, and a competitive customer experience at the outset.

Hiring During the Great Resignation

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (9)

As expected, more than half of respondents reported recruiting and retention of employees as one of their top three challenges — when asked about the difficulty, 70.73% of respondents that tried to hire described recruitment as somewhat or very difficult compared to other years. Behind retention and recruitment, the top three challenges were changing operations in response to COVID-19 (32.14%), lack of capital/cash flow (31.57%), and administrative work (23.25%). A notable minority of business owners commented that they were struggling with the rising cost of goods and supply chain issues, in line with popular reporting.

When asked about the reasons positions were difficult to fill, however, trends emerged. Business owners reported a low number of applicants (46.86%) and competition from other employers (30.43%) as the greatest two challenges, followed by a lack of needed work experience (27.05%) or technical skills (23.67%) in the candidates that DO apply.

The Small Business Response

In response to challenges with retention and recruitment, business owners have overwhelmingly (63.17%) increased compensation. Thirty-three percent are fighting the Great Resignation by making significant efforts to retain current employees. The remaining three strategies in the top five were expanded recruitment advertising efforts (22.93%), increasing benefits (17.80%), and handing out hiring bonuses (16.34%).

Though we surveyed the most difficult positions to fill, no single position type stood out as more or less difficult, implying the effect of the Great Resignation across all skillsets and verticals.

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (10)

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (11)

What Skills Do Candidates Lack?

The five most critical employee skills reported by small business owners were communication (54.55%), teamwork (46.56%), sales & customer relationship management (38.36%), critical thinking and problem solving (36.36%), and adaptability.

Unfortunately, more than a third of respondents also reported candidates commonly lacking critical thinking and communication skills. In addition, businesses reported concern that candidates often lack time management skills, adaptability, openness to criticism, and sales and customer relationship management skills.

Is the Pandemic Still Having an Effect on Small Business?

2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (12)

The pandemic’s effects on American lives have left respondents tentative about forming strong opinions. Less than 5% of business owners felt very confident in small business when asked to consider today’s political climate. Eleven percent were very unconfident. The majority were “somewhat” — either somewhat unconfident (31.62%) or somewhat confident (32.30%). The remaining 20% were neutral.

When asked about the future effects of the pandemic, however, most respondents reported feeling somewhat or very confident (46.74%) about the future. Just over 27% of business owners reported feeling somewhat unconfident, and a minority 7.56% of business owners reported feeling very unconfident. Eighteen percent of business owners were neutral. Considering that 54.60% of business owners feel the effects of the pandemic are not yet over, this is a considerable sign of optimism in American small businesses.

And the optimism doesn’t end there: 83.36% of business owners expect their business to survive the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Future of American Small Business

Small business drives 46.8% of private workforce employment and has been the backbone of the COVID recovery. According to our survey, less than a quarter of small businesses furloughed or laid-off employees. Small business is the lifeblood of America.

While it seems clear that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Great Resignation is behind us, small business has never been easy. If you’re an aspiring small business owner, Guidant can help you get started. If you’re a small business owner ready to make your life easier, now is the time. You didn’t start a small business to get stuck doing administrative work.

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2022 Small Business Trends & Statistics | Guidant Financial (2024)


What are the key business trends for 2022? ›

What are 2022's business trends?
  • People, planet, profit. The most significant trend of 2022 concerns environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG). ...
  • Organisational empathy. ...
  • Digital-first, whatever the sector. ...
  • The battle with rising costs. ...
  • Mind-blowing inventions.

What are the top 10 business trends of 2022? ›

Keep an eye out for these trends in the coming months and see if they make sense to implement for your business.
  • Looking To External Talent. ...
  • Investing In Financial Coaching. ...
  • Developing Short-Form Video Content. ...
  • Using Free Social Platforms. ...
  • Working Remotely. ...
  • Returning To The Office. ...
  • Supporting A Work-Life Balance.
22 Jun 2022

What are your top tips for small businesses looking to grow in 2022? ›

6 Tips For Small Business Success In 2022
  • Attract and retain staff. ...
  • Manage supply chain challenges. ...
  • Embrace digital transformations. ...
  • Adapt to working from home and the future of work. ...
  • Focus on mental health and workplace wellbeing. ...
  • Build resilience and plan for uncertainty.
9 Mar 2022

How many small businesses are there in the US in 2022? ›

In 2022, the number of small businesses in the US reached 33.2 million, making up nearly all (99.9 percent) US businesses.

What are the top 5 business trends today? ›

Whether you're a scrappy startup or part of a Fortune 500 company, here are the top business trends to know:
  • E-commerce shows steady post-pandemic growth. ...
  • Businesses continue to utilize social media. ...
  • Big data gets bigger. ...
  • Entrepreneurship is on the rise. ...
  • Revamping human resources. ...
  • Millennials splurge for nostalgia.
13 Oct 2022

What is the newest trends of 2022? ›

Genomics, gene editing, and synthetic biology are a top trend of 2022 because these advancements can help us modify crops, cure and eradicate diseases, develop new vaccines like the COVID-19 shot, and other medical and biological breakthroughs.

What is the most profitable business to start in 2022? ›

What's the Most Profitable Business to Start in 2022?
  1. 22 Profitable Businesses to Start in 2022. ...
  2. Ecommerce Business. ...
  3. Dropshipping Business. ...
  4. Vacation or Home Rental. ...
  5. Online Courses. ...
  6. Bookkeeping or Accounting Services. ...
  7. Graphic Design Business. ...
  8. Digital Agency.
15 Aug 2022

Which industry will boom in 2022? ›

6 fastest growing sectors in India that are expected to boom in...
  • 6 fastest growing sectors in India that are expected to boom in 2022. ...
  • Software & Technology. ...
  • Healthcare. ...
  • Renewable Energy. ...
  • Automobile Industry. ...
  • FinTech. ...
  • Real Estate.
30 May 2022

What is the fastest growing business in 2022? ›

Global Fastest Growing Industries by Revenue Growth (%) in 2022
  • Global Airport Operation. 47.2%
  • Global Hotels & Resorts. 40.6%
  • Global Travel Agency Services. 40.4%
  • Global Tourism. ...
  • Global Airlines. ...
  • Global Casinos & Online Gambling. ...
  • Global Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing. ...
  • Global Semiconductor & Electronic Parts Manufacturing.

What entrepreneurs behind small business should expect for 2022? ›

  • The Paycheck Protection Program will buoy many small businesses. ...
  • Alternative sources of capital will fill unmet funding needs. ...
  • Spend on social media will increase. ...
  • Paid placement advertising will increase in traditional media outlets. ...
  • Multimedia spend will generate better ROI than conventional press releases.

What are customers looking for in 2022? ›

6 Key Consumer Trends That Will Shape 2022 and Beyond
  • Customer-Centric Approach. Now more than ever, customer interactions can have a decisive impact on loyalty and trust. ...
  • Seamless Omnichannel Experience. ...
  • Sustainability. ...
  • Digitization: All Digital World. ...
  • Purchase Directly From Brands. ...
  • Humanize Your Brand With Storytelling.

How do you retain customers in 2022? ›

  1. Customer Retention Rate. ...
  2. Customer Churn Rate. ...
  3. Repeat Purchase Ratio. ...
  4. Maintain the Highest Standard of Customer Service. ...
  5. Build and Maintain a Relationship with Your Customers. ...
  6. Personalization is Key. ...
  7. Appreciate Your Clients. ...
  8. Clearly Define and Set Customer Expectations.
18 Jul 2022

What kind of small businesses are most popular? ›

10 Most Popular Small Businesses (2022)
  • Arts, Entertainment, and Crafts. ...
  • Personal Trainers (online) ...
  • Site building and web design. ...
  • Local Auto Repairs. ...
  • Secondhand (Online) Stores. ...
  • Pet services. ...
  • Dropshipping. ...
  • Real Estate.
24 Jan 2021

What year do most small businesses fail? ›

Data from the BLS shows that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more.

Are the number of small businesses declining? ›

The decline of small businesses in America

More than 40% of 25-to-34-year old Americans said a fear of failure kept them from starting a company. Over the past 30 years, new business creation has declined by almost 50%.

What is the hottest business right now? ›

Here is the list f selected hot business opportunities with good profit potential:
  1. Start a Blog. You can choose to start a blog of your own on a niche topic. ...
  2. Online Social Media Consultancy. ...
  3. Web Designing. ...
  4. Freelance Bookkeeping. ...
  5. Graphic Designing Services. ...
  6. Online Editing Services. ...
  7. Freelance Writing. ...
  8. Email Marketing Services.

What current trends are affecting small businesses? ›

Along with the continuing impact of COVID-19, these are the important trends that may affect the way you run your small business.
  • Cash-Free or Just Less Cash?
  • Millennial Small Business Owners.
  • Dealing with Generation Z.
  • Human-Centered Design and UX.
  • Get on the Influencer Marketing Train.
14 Jan 2022

What are the four important business trends? ›

We take a closer look into four business trends in 2022 – Data security, e-commerce, hybrid working and sustainability – and share insights on what your company could carry out for the near future.

What trends will be popular in 2023? ›

10 Spring 2023 Fashion Trends That Will Be Everywhere in a Few Months
  • Puff Shoes. Getty Images. ...
  • Hot Pants. Coperni, Zimmermann, LaQuan Smith. ...
  • Bigger Bags. Louis Vuitton, Max Mara, Balmain. ...
  • Jeans, Reinvented. Bluemarine, Vivetta, Ulla Johnson. ...
  • Lots of Spots. ...
  • Everyday Fringe. ...
  • Supersized Bows. ...
  • Glam Hoods.
6 Oct 2022

What are the emerging trends? ›

Data (big data) infrastructure, storage, inference and applications. Artificial Intelligence (AI) for development. IoT technologies, infrastructure and applications (smart societies) Blockchain technologies, infrastructure and applications.

What are emerging technologies in 2022? ›

Emerging technologies for 2022 fit into three main themes: evolving/expanding immersive experiences, accelerated artificial intelligence automation, and optimized technologist delivery.

What are the top 5 small businesses to start? ›

Top 10 Startup and Small Business Ideas to Try in 2022
  1. Cleaning service. Consider starting a cleaning business if you don't mind doing the dirty work others cannot do for themselves. ...
  2. Freelance Writing Business. ...
  3. Amazon Kindle Publishing. ...
  4. Daycare. ...
  5. Pet Grooming. ...
  6. Aerial Photography. ...
  7. Build and Sell Themes Online. ...
  8. Blogging.

Which sector will boom in next 5 years? ›

List of the Top Sectors in India that are Most Likely to Provide Excellent Returns-
  • Healthcare and Insurance Sector. ...
  • Renewable Energy Sector. ...
  • IT Sector. ...
  • Real Estate Sector. ...
  • Fast Moving Consumer-Goods Sector (FMCG) ...
  • Automobile Sector.
19 May 2022

Which industry will boom in next 5 years? ›

The travel industry is poised to grow over 13% between 2022 and 2026.

What will be the 5 fastest growing industries between now and 2022? ›

Fastest Growing Industries in the US by Revenue Growth (%) in 2022
  • Airport Operations in the US. 66.1%
  • Tour Operators in the US. ...
  • Travel Insurance. ...
  • Cruise & Travel Agency Franchises. ...
  • Sightseeing Transportation in the US. ...
  • Concert & Event Promotion in the US. ...
  • CBD Product Manufacturing in the US. ...
  • Online Gambling Services in the US.

What small business are in demand? ›

If you're ready to take on entrepreneurship but don't know where to start, here are 14 business ideas to consider.
  • Social Media Consulting. ...
  • Senior Care Services. ...
  • Smart Product Development. ...
  • Organic Beauty Products. ...
  • Healthy Fast Food. ...
  • Healthcare Consulting. ...
  • Crowdfunding Consulting. ...
  • Wheelchair Repair.

What are the fastest growing small business opportunities? ›

Here's a look at some of the fastest-growing small businesses in recent months.
  • Residential remodeling. ...
  • Home health care. ...
  • Animal care and services. ...
  • Digital events. ...
  • Wedding businesses. ...
  • Neighborhood or online nursery businesses. ...
  • Tutoring and online learning. ...
  • Food delivery.

What are CEOs most concerned about 2022? ›

The 2022 report tells a completely different story. A majority of surveyed CEOs, 91%, anticipate a recession, with only one-third believing it will be short and mild. At the same time, nearly three-quarters of chief executives worry that rising inflation and living costs will affect their ability to retain talent.

What are the 10 business ideas? ›

Best Small Business Ideas
  • Handyman. Image Source. ...
  • Woodworker. ...
  • Online Dating Consultant. ...
  • Sewing and Alteration Specialist. ...
  • Freelance Developer. ...
  • Personal Trainer. ...
  • Freelance Graphic Designer. ...
  • Life/ Career Coach.
4 days ago

Is 2022 a good year to buy a business? ›

If you are planning on exiting your business, 2022 has the look of a very promising year. Businesses are selling at record prices; buyer demand is strong, and sellers are in an ideal position to negotiate with the many entrepreneurs seeking business ownership.

What is the most sold thing in 2022? ›

50 Top Trending Products to Sell Online At Your Ecommerce & Dropshipping Store in 2022
  • Laser Hair Removal Machines.
  • Portable Car Vacuum.
  • Baby Swings.
  • Matcha Tea.
  • Eyebrow Razor.
  • Seat Cushions.
  • Phone Tripod.
  • Portable Solar Panels.
25 Aug 2022

What are the top 3 things customers want? ›

They crave a personalized experience. They want you to solve their problems. They wish you would listen to them. They like you to be proactive.

What will be big in marketing in 2022? ›

A few digital marketing trends of 2022 can create a competitive advantage when used efficiently. Influencer marketing, video marketing, omnichannel marketing, and others are some of the latest digital marketing trends discussed in detail below.

What are the 7 customer retention strategies? ›

7 Customer Retention Tactics Your Brand Should Use Right Now
  • Build customer trust and long-term relationships. ...
  • Create a robust customer loyalty program. ...
  • Leverage your customer data. ...
  • Re-engage customers using marketing automation. ...
  • Measure customer lifetime value. ...
  • Personalize your offers and communications.
15 Apr 2022

What are the top 3 keys to customer retention? ›

Here are four keys to achieving the level of customer retention you need to boost your top line:
  • Know your customers better than they know themselves.
  • Implement feedback systems.
  • Go beyond nice and polite.
  • Provide anticipatory service.
5 Sept 2017

What keeps customers coming back? ›

Show your appreciation

Customers who feel valued are more likely to feel loyal to your business, come back again and recommend it to others. There are many ways you can show your gratitude, from a personal phone call to a written thank you note or a special reward, such as extra product or a discount.

What are the 4 most common types of small businesses? ›

Typically, there are four main types of businesses: Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies (LLC), and Corporations.

What is the easiest type of business to open? ›

What are the easiest home businesses to start?
  • Dog Walking.
  • Selling on eBay.
  • House Cleaning.
  • Freelance Writing.
  • Home Tutoring.
  • Social Media Service.
  • House Painting.
  • Yoga Classes.

What are 3 things small businesses can do to survive during hard times? ›

  • Look at the Big Picture.
  • Inventory Your Staff.
  • Ensure Access to Cash.
  • Start Sweating the Small Stuff.
  • Don't Sacrifice Quality.
  • FAQs.
  • The Bottom Line.

What are the 7 reasons most small businesses fail? ›

The top 10 reasons small businesses fail – and how to avoid them
  • Lack of research. ...
  • Not having a business plan. ...
  • Not having the business funding they need. ...
  • Financial mismanagement. ...
  • Poor marketing. ...
  • Not keeping abreast of customer needs or the competition. ...
  • Failing to adapt. ...
  • Growing too quickly.

What are 4 reasons small businesses fail? ›

The most common reasons small businesses fail include a lack of capital or funding, retaining an inadequate management team, a faulty infrastructure or business model, and unsuccessful marketing initiatives.

Why are small businesses closing in 2022? ›

After two years of pandemic-related shutdowns, labor shortages, and supply-chain issues, small business owners have another headache to deal with – inflation. In May 2022, the U.S. inflation rate hit 8.6%, its highest level in 40 years.

Why do small businesses fail statistics? ›

Lack of demand for the product or service

A similar percentage — 35% — of startups fail because people don't need or want what they're selling, according to CB Insights. This means that assessing the potential market is essential to ensure success.

Are small businesses growing or shrinking? ›

The investment and growth opportunity set of small companies is shrinking, and their nimbleness and grit is increasingly under pressure.

What industry will boom in 2022? ›

Global Fastest Growing Industries by Revenue Growth (%) in 2022
  • Global Airport Operation. 47.2%
  • Global Hotels & Resorts. 40.6%
  • Global Travel Agency Services. 40.4%
  • Global Tourism. ...
  • Global Airlines. ...
  • Global Casinos & Online Gambling. ...
  • Global Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing. ...
  • Global Semiconductor & Electronic Parts Manufacturing.

What industries will be big in 2022? ›

2022 US sector outlook
  • Health care. Communication. services. Materials. Real estate.
  • Industrials. Information. technology. Utilities. Consumer. discretionary.
  • Financials. Consumer. staples. Energy.

What are customers looking for in 2022? ›

6 Key Consumer Trends That Will Shape 2022 and Beyond
  • Customer-Centric Approach. Now more than ever, customer interactions can have a decisive impact on loyalty and trust. ...
  • Seamless Omnichannel Experience. ...
  • Sustainability. ...
  • Digitization: All Digital World. ...
  • Purchase Directly From Brands. ...
  • Humanize Your Brand With Storytelling.

What are consumers looking for in 2022? ›

While saving money is the main factor driving secondhand shopping, consumers say they're also eager to find eco-friendly products, meaningful gifts, and more personal experiences that don't involve shopping at big box stores.

Which sector will boom in next 5 years? ›

List of the Top Sectors in India that are Most Likely to Provide Excellent Returns-
  • Healthcare and Insurance Sector. ...
  • Renewable Energy Sector. ...
  • IT Sector. ...
  • Real Estate Sector. ...
  • Fast Moving Consumer-Goods Sector (FMCG) ...
  • Automobile Sector.
19 May 2022

Which industry will boom in next 5 years? ›

The travel industry is poised to grow over 13% between 2022 and 2026.

What industry is booming right now? ›

Fastest-Growing Industries
RankIndustryPercent Change
1Motion Picture and Video Exhibition139%
2Performing Arts and Sports Promoters92%
3Scenic/Sightseeing Transportation, Land91%
8 more rows

What is the fastest growing industry 2022? ›

1. Airport Operations: 2022-2023 Revenue Growth: 66.1%, Market size $12bn. This industry includes businesses that operate international, national or civil airports or flying fields.

Which sector will boom in 2023? ›

The industrial sector is expected to achieve the best EPS growth this year, trailed closely by the consumer discretionary sector, which is expected to take the lead in 2023 and have the best two-year EPS CAGR.

What is the most sold thing in 2022? ›

50 Top Trending Products to Sell Online At Your Ecommerce & Dropshipping Store in 2022
  • Laser Hair Removal Machines.
  • Portable Car Vacuum.
  • Baby Swings.
  • Matcha Tea.
  • Eyebrow Razor.
  • Seat Cushions.
  • Phone Tripod.
  • Portable Solar Panels.
25 Aug 2022

What are the top 3 things customers want? ›

They crave a personalized experience. They want you to solve their problems. They wish you would listen to them. They like you to be proactive.

What marketing trend are your excited about in 2022? ›

By 2022, augmented reality will take over eCommerce as the most popular digital marketing trend. With the widespread use of augmented reality (AR), customers will be able to experience a product before they buy it. This is huge for businesses because AR can help increase sales and reduce returns.

How do you retain customers in 2022? ›

  1. Customer Retention Rate. ...
  2. Customer Churn Rate. ...
  3. Repeat Purchase Ratio. ...
  4. Maintain the Highest Standard of Customer Service. ...
  5. Build and Maintain a Relationship with Your Customers. ...
  6. Personalization is Key. ...
  7. Appreciate Your Clients. ...
  8. Clearly Define and Set Customer Expectations.
18 Jul 2022

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Views: 6391

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.