20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (2024)

Wouldn’t life would be so much simpler if we didn’t have to buy groceries?

If we could take all that money we spend on groceries every month and put it towards paying off debt, saving for retirement, or going on vacation.


Well, I have a secret to share with you. I have a list of 20 things we took off our grocery list that has saved us hundreds upon hundreds of dollars – which has enabled us tobuy groceriesAND have extra money to put towards other things every month.

And, if you follow this list, you could have hundreds of extra dollars to spare every month, too.

Just interested in a quick-fix to stop overspending on groceries?:

✅ This specific planneris how we cut our grocery bill in half.

If you’re not careful, grocery shopping can quickly become one of the most expensive bills you will pay every month.

When I first got married and started grocery shopping for my new small family of two, I just assumed that’s how grocery shopping was – expensive.

Here’s the thing:

I didn’t think there was any way around it, and I didn’t try to find a way around it, because, well, I just assumed it was a part of living.

But it doesn’t have to be. (That expensive, that is. Eatingisa part of living.)

After just a few short months I realized that we couldn’t keep spending as much money on groceries as we had been spending and it was time to start making minor changes that would help us save money on our grocery bill.

(Over time, using all theseminor changesin conjunction with one another has led us to massive savings on our monthly grocery bill.)

Want to learn how my husband and I lowered our grocery bill from $1,000/month to less than $300/month?

Click here to learn how!

If you’re someone like me who thought that having an overwhelmingly expensive grocery bill was just a part of life, you’re in the right place.

It gets better:

Grocery shopping doesn’t have to be your highest monthly bill (or even in the top five!). ItISpossible to have a significantly lower grocery bill without giving up your way of eating, and in this post, I’m going to show you exactly how we did it so you can do it too.

While there is no way to make your grocery bill disappear altogether (you DO still have to eat…), there are lots of little and not-so-little changes you can make to bring it down significantly.

(If you want to learn about the biggest change we made that lowered our grocery bill by $700 a month,you can click here to see what we did.)

Related: 22 Things That Frugal People DON’T Do

On a side note:

If you’re looking for an easy way to make an extra few dollars today (not enough to cover the mortgage – but enough to give you some spare spending money or to pay for some of your groceries), and you have a few extra minutes, you can sign up and start completing surveys on Survey Junkie– for free.

Are you ready to dive into the 20 things we took off our grocery list to save money, and learn how you can do it too?

To start, use this money saving grocery listto start saving money (did you know that using a grocery list to save money is one of the fastest ways to cut your grocery spending?).

On to the tips:




Instead of wasting 5 cents per bag when we go grocery shopping, we decided to purchasereusable shopping bags20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (1)that we now bring with us when we go shopping. These reusable shopping bags aren’t only good for saving money at the grocery store, they’re also great to just have at home.

If you’re going away, you can use them to pack clothes, toiletries, games, and snacks in as well. The reusable shopping bags20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (2)I usehave many more purposes than simply being used at the grocery store, so you can bet they have more than paid for themselves many times over.


Rather than buying store-bought cookies and muffins, I make all my own snacks and treats at home. Doing this saves us a significant amount of money, and only requires a bit of time.

Many people don’t make homemade treats because they feel like they don’t have enough time, but if you dedicate one afternoon to making several batches of cookies and muffins, then stick them in the freezer so they stay fresh, you should be able to make enough in one afternoon to last a couple weeks or even longer.

Another bonus of making homemade treats is knowing exactly what ingredients are going into the things you’re making.

These stainless steel cookie sheets20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (3)are a cooking necessity.


Like with the cookies and muffins, I also make my own bread and buns. Many people don’t make their own bread because they think it’s too time-consuming and too finicky.

I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be hard, and though it may take a couple hours before it’s done, you don’t have to be tending to the bread the whole time.

You can simply mix and knead the dough, then it rises for about an hour, then you shape it into loaves or buns, and it rises for a bit more time. Making homemade bread may take you an afternoon, but a majority of the time it takes to make is rising and baking time, and you are able to do other stuff during that time.

If the thought of making homemade bread is enough to scare you away, don’t worry, after a time or two you will have the art of making homemade bread and buns mastered.

Add making homemade bread to your day of making homemade cookies and muffins, and with one day of baking at home, you will have a good month’s worth of bread, buns, and treats in the freezer. Even if you don’t enjoy baking, how can you pass up one day of work for a month’s worth of homemade food?

If you decide to make your muffins, cookies, desserts, bread and buns all at home it won’t be long before you’re reaping the savings.

You don’t have to stop at homemade bread and buns, you can also save money by making homemade tortillas (though they are a bit more time consuming to make).

If you’re ready to start making all things homemade, a good Kitchen Aid20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (4)is definitely something that you will want to look into getting.


Small bags of flour and sugar should be something of the past – you can save a LOT of money by purchasing big bags of flour and sugar. Just be sureto grab a couple of theseto keep it fresh and help your flour and sugar last as long as possible.

I used to buy my bags of flour and sugar from our regular grocery store, and I never did realize how much money I was wasting us by doing this. It took me a while, but I finally realized how much money we could be saving if we started buying the large, Costco-sized, bags of flour and sugar.

Because I do so much baking at home, I go through a lot of flour and sugar, so deciding to buy the large bags was a great choice for us.

If you have the space to store it, you can save a lot of money with buying the large bags.

You don’t need to worry about the flour or sugar going bad, either. Flour stays at it’s best quality for about a year at room temperature, about two years in the refrigerator, and indefinitely in the freezer.

Likewise, sugar will stay good in your pantry indefinitely, so you don’t need to worry about those large bags of flour and sugar going bad anytime soon.

If you live in a small place and don’t have much room to store large airtight containers for the flour and sugar, findstackable containers20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (5)that can easily be stored on top of one another to utilize and free up some extra space.

20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (6)

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I’ll be the first to admit that we haven’t completely stopped this one, as we do still enjoy to grab a cup of coffee occasionally while we are out, but we have most certainly cut down on how often we do.

Rather than always going out for coffee, we invested in a good coffee maker20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (7)and now make our coffees at home before we hit the road so we aren’t tempted to make a quick stop at the coffee shop on the way out.


While buying K-cups for your coffee maker at home is still cheaper than going out for coffee, it’s not the cheapest option out there. Rather than buying the individual k-cups, we just buy a large can of coffee grinds (or beans and then grind our own) and use the filter that our coffee maker came with so we can still make single cups of coffee for a fraction of the cost.


We stopped buying pre-made pizzas and pasta sauces and started making our own instead. Making homemade pizza is incredibly easy and doesn’t take much time at all. Making homemade pasta sauce is also very easy. Simply use tomato sauce or tomato paste and add any seasonings you have on hand to it to make your very own pasta and pizza sauce.

Speaking of pizza…


Buying pizza from a pizza place can be incredibly expensive, especially once you realize how easy it is to make pizza at home.


I’m sure you’re familiar with those delectable chunky soups. Oh, how delicious they are! Though they are delicious, when they are around $3/can, it can get pretty expensive. So instead of buying those soups, I now make homemade soups.

Soup is something I didn’t make too much of when I was growing up, but when I moved out I realized how truly simple it is to make, and how delicious they can be.

The bonus? I like to make big pots of soup so my husband and I don’t finish the whole soup in one meal, so I stick the leftover soup into the freezer for a great ready-made dinner on a busy night.


I buy whole chickens that my husband and I can eat for a meal, then after we are done I save the bones and any leftover meat and make a soup out of it.

Buying whole chickens for meals rather than spending money on chicken breasts is a smart way to save money on groceries for a large family.


I learned how to meal plan, and once I got the hang of it I was able to cut our grocery list in half. Though everything else on this list helped lower our grocery list by a lot, meal planning was the number one thing that helped the most.

✅(This is the meal planning method I recommend to anyone starting a meal plan. It’s also a grocery list maker, which is a huge time saver!)

I also stopped doing those last-minute trips to the grocery store to grab just one thing. We all know those last-minute-I-just-need-one-more-ingredient-for-dinner shopping trips are huge money suckers, and you never end up leaving the store with just one thing.

Not only are you wasting money on gas by starting the car up and driving to the store, you are also likely to see something on sale that you just have to have, though you really don’t need it, and you might grab a thing or two more, and don’t forget about the main thing you originally came here for.

By the time you get to the checkout you likely have several items in your basket and are spending a whole lot more money than you originally planned on.


My husband and I don’t live near a Costco, but when we make city trips I try to squeeze a Costco run in if I can. Since we don’t need to feed a large family, I obviously can’t buy all of our food from Costco, or it would go bad before we got around to using it. But, we are able to buy some of our food and other products there.

I especially try to buy our non-perishables at Costco if they’re on for a good price. I always buy large bags of flour and sugar from Costco as it’s the best price around. Be careful, though. Not everything at bulk food stores is a better deal than buying them in smaller quantities at other stores.

Make sure to compare prices before you go on a Costco shopping spree thinking that you’re getting everything for a great deal. Here are 10 things you should always buy in bulk.


Rather than literally buying something only to throw it in the trash after one use, I have completely stopped buying paper muffin cups and have instead bought a pack of silicone muffin cups20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (8)that I can use time and time again.

Having reusable silicone muffin cups20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (9)allows you to save money (and quite literally stop throwing your money in the trash) and helps you never run into the problem of being part way through muffins only to realize you don’t have enough muffin cups.

Silicone muffin cups don’t need to be used as just muffin cups, either. They can be used for cupcakes and muffins, but some people also use them for things like sending their kids fruits and vegetables to school in the muffin cups. What a neat idea.

They are very affordable, too. You can get a 24 pack of silicone muffin cups20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (10) and they will last you a very, very long time.

I bought mine a long time ago now and I still love them. They’re also dishwasher safe, so you don’t have to stand around washing muffin cups all day.


Now I save money by buying herbs when they are on sale. ONLY when they are on sale. And we still have fresh herbs all year long. What’s my secret for having fresh herbs all year long? I buy them in bulk when they come on sale, bring them home, wash them, chop them up, and stick them in freezer bags.

Then in the future when I need fresh herbs all I have to do is grab the bag out of the freezer and take a chunk off to use in my cooking.

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I get it, pre-marinated chicken wings are so easy to pull out of the freezer and chuck into the oven, and before you know it dinner is ready, but you get so little meat for what you’re paying when you buy chicken wings that way.

Instead, try buying a large tray of raw and un-marinated chicken winglets and drummets, and when you’re ready to bake them put them on a tray and marinate them yourself. I love doing our chicken wings this way because then they don’t all have to be the same flavor.

I can make half a dozen with a homemade honey garlic sauce, half a dozen with hot sauce, a few with BBQ sauce, and a few salt and pepper. This way we all get a few wing flavors that we like.


Rather than always buying chicken breasts in the small packages that are $10 a piece, I started buying them in 4 kg boxes and waiting for sales to come on, and then stocking up on them, splitting them up into portion sized packages and freezing them.

Doing this allows me to get chicken breasts for a fraction of the cost, and though it is one big bill at one time, we have enough chicken to last us several months without having to buy any more chicken throughout the months.


My husband and I used to love having flavored coffee creamer in our coffee, but I soon realized how expensive they truly were. Now we sweeten them with sugar or honey and use either milk or plain cream in our coffee.


I realize that margarine is not the healthiest option out there, but when you do a lot of baking, it won’t be long before you’ve spent all your money on butter.

I still buy butter for us to have on our bread, buns, and other things, and I buy margarine to use in some of my baking recipes. Although I use margarine in some recipes, I do use butter for some, too.


Sometimes it can be tempting while you’re shopping to grab a tasty looking chocolate bar or bag of candies. Stand strong against those temptations. It’s healthier and much, much cheaper if you quit buying those little treats all the time.


We didn’t cold turkey this one, but we did certainly cut down a lot. We used to eat out fairly often, not realizing how much money it was really costing us. We didn’t go to the fancy places too often because we didn’t want to spend $100+ on dinner, so we would opt for the cheaper restaurants, not realizing that even those cheaper restaurants were sucking money out of our wallet just as badly.

Instead, I used my handy-dandy meal plan and started planning meals for each day of the week rather than going out to eat or ordering in.

Whether you thrive off of creating grocery lists and you like to create a master grocery list or you prefer to stick to a basic grocery list, shopping with a grocery lististhe easiest way to save money. You can grab a free grocery list by clicking the image below.

10 Ways we Save Money While Living on One Income
How to Thrive When You’re a Single Income Family
6 Simple Steps to Meal Planning (Save Time + Money)
5 Money Saving Tips That Make All The Difference
10 Ways to Create a Budget When You Suck With Money

20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (11)

20 Things We Took Off Our Grocery List To Save Money - Deliberately Here (2024)


What things can you do to save money at the grocery store? ›

Keep your grocery bill in check with these money-saving tips.
  • Make a list and stick to it. ...
  • Watch out for specials. ...
  • Buy seasonal and local. ...
  • Price match. ...
  • Shop in bulk. ...
  • Shop store brands. ...
  • Buy plant-based proteins. ...
  • Reduce food waste.

What are 7 shopping tips to help you get the most out of your food budget? ›

7 Tips to Make Grocery Shopping Easier
  • Keep a Pre-made Staples List. ...
  • Plan Your Meals for the Week. ...
  • Assess Your Pantry and Refrigerator. ...
  • Organize Your List By Categories and Store Layout. ...
  • Shop During Slow Times for a More Relaxed Experience. ...
  • Avoid Shopping Hungry to Stay on Track.

What are 3 tips for saving money on food? ›

Eight Ways To Save Money on Groceries
  • Simplify your meal planning. ...
  • Before you head to the store, take inventory of what you already have on hand. ...
  • Browse coupons and various store promotions before you shop. ...
  • Focus on budget-friendly foods. ...
  • Buy in bulk when it's cost-effective (but be wise not to overbuy!).
Sep 2, 2023

What two suggestions were given for lowering your grocery bill? ›

Here are 17 ways to save money on groceries.
  • Make a meal plan. ...
  • Shop alone if you can. ...
  • Shop during the quietest days of the week. ...
  • Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options. ...
  • Buy generic products. ...
  • Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store. ...
  • Stick to the store's perimeter. ...
  • Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

What grocery store saves you the most money? ›

  • Aldi. If you consider yourself a frugal spender, you've likely heard of the grocery store chain, Aldi. ...
  • Grocery Outlet. My personal favorite! ...
  • Winco Foods. ...
  • Walmart Neighborhood Market. ...
  • Food4Less. ...
  • Target. ...
  • Lidl. ...
  • Costco.
Apr 9, 2024

How to keep grocery costs down? ›

Here are 11 tips you can follow to save money on your next grocery run.
  1. Pay with a grocery rewards card. ...
  2. Sign up for the loyalty program. ...
  3. Clip coupons. ...
  4. Join a wholesale club. ...
  5. Go in with a list and stick to it. ...
  6. Buy items on sale. ...
  7. Avoid pre-packaged items. ...
  8. Compare prices between stores.

What are 7 ways you can cut down on food costs for your family? ›

8 Tips to Reduce Your Food Bill
  • Limit Eating Out. It's probably obvious, but takeout, that delicious ramen place, and even quick "cheap" burgers add up quickly. ...
  • Plan Your Grocery Shopping. ...
  • Reduce Food Waste. ...
  • Buy in Bulk. ...
  • Set a Food Budget. ...
  • Plan for Leftovers. ...
  • Meal Prep. ...
  • Brew Your Own Coffee.
Dec 14, 2023

How can I spend less than 20 a week on groceries? ›

  1. 1 loaf of bread, $1.
  2. 1 (16-slice) pack cheese, $1.
  3. 1 (16-oz) pack spaghetti noodles, $1.
  4. 1 head Iceberg lettuce, $1.
  5. 2 Roma tomatoes, $1.
  6. 1 lb ground beef, $3.
  7. 1/4 lb thin-sliced deli ham, $2.
  8. 1 box mashed potato flakes, $1.

What foods are good for budget? ›

Cheapest Foods to Live On:
  • Oatmeal.
  • Eggs.
  • Bread.
  • Rice.
  • Bananas.
  • Beans.
  • Apples.
  • Pasta.

How to cut grocery bill and still eat healthy? ›

Buying foods, especially fruits and vegetables, that are in season can help to reduce costs, as well as ensure variety in your diet. Fruits and veggies in season tend to be most plentiful, taste the best and are often on sale.

What is the 6 to 1 grocery method? ›

The 6-to-1 grocery method entails buying six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads and one treat. Continue to shop carefully while at the store to get the best deals. Flexibility with your purchases will be a key to making this method a success.

How do I cut my grocery bill in half? ›

Rachel Cruze: 12 Ways To Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half
  1. Check Out Grocery Store Apps. ...
  2. Plan Your Meals. ...
  3. Buy Generics. ...
  4. Shop for Inexpensive Protein Sources. ...
  5. Avoid Buying Unnecessary Grocery Items. ...
  6. Get In-Season Produce Items. ...
  7. Take Advantage of Breakfast Foods. ...
  8. Save With Bulk Items.
Dec 29, 2023

How can I reduce my food bill? ›

Learn tricks to cooking on a budget

Tins, and dried foods such as pasta, rice, noodles and oats should feature heavily on your shelves. Replace fresh fish, veg and fruit with frozen. Choosing frozen salmon rather than fresh, as in these salmon and pesto parcels, can save you over 55 percent.

How can I reduce my food cost? ›

Avoid convenience foods: Pre-packaged convenience foods like frozen meals or individually wrapped snacks tend to be more expensive. Opt for fresh ingredients and prepare your meals from scratch whenever possible. Reduce food waste: Be mindful of food waste by properly storing and using leftovers.

How can I spend 30 a week on groceries? ›

Here's how I keep my grocery bill under $30 a week
  1. Breakfast: Cheerios with milk and a banana, plus the free coffee I get from my office.
  2. Mid-morning snack: Granola bar or orange.
  3. Lunch: Whole wheat pasta dressed up with butter and salt.
  4. Dinner: Fried eggs, a side of rice, and a glass of milk.
Jan 13, 2017

How can taking a list to the grocery store help you save money? ›

Before setting foot in the grocery store, make a list of items you need. Stick to your list to avoid impulse purchases, which can quickly inflate your bill. Utilize coupons and deals. Many grocery stores offer loyalty programs that provide discounts or points for future savings.

How do you budget at a grocery store? ›

  1. Track current spending.
  2. Allocate a percentage of your income.
  3. Avoid eating out.
  4. Plan your meals.
  5. Keep a fridge grocery list.
  6. Eat before you go to the store.
  7. Be careful with coupons.
  8. Embrace the bulk section.
Feb 22, 2024

How to spend 150 a month on groceries? ›

I'm a Shopping Expert: How To Cut Your Grocery Spend to $150 a...
  1. Embrace Generics. Most shoppers are loyal to certain name brands. ...
  2. Meal Plan Around Sales. ...
  3. Shop International. ...
  4. Opt for More Meatless Meals. ...
  5. Buy in Bulk (When It Makes Sense) ...
  6. Change Grocery Stores.
Feb 12, 2024

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.