20 NFT Rarity Tools To Check NFT Value and Rank (2024)

So, you bought an NFT but you don’t know how rare it is? There are a range of great rarity tools for NFTs, including rarity.tools, Icy tools, How rare is and more. But if you feel a bit lost – don’t worry! In this guide, we’ll show you how to calculate a rarity score, compare NFT traits, and use the best NFT rarity tools for finding hidden gems.

NFT rarity is an extremely important factor when evaluating an NFT’s potential to make you a profit. As the NFT wave sweeps the digital world, there is one question that investors ask frequently— How do you check the rarity of an NFT? Then, what determines an NFT’s value? Why do some NFTs sell for millions of dollars while some others—sometimes, even from the same collection—sell for much less?

The answer to all of these questions is: Rarity.

20 NFT Rarity Tools To Check NFT Value and Rank (1)

But What is NFT rarity?

Put simply, NFT rarity decides how rare an NFT is and in turn, how valuable it is. Rare NFTs are most highly sought after by collectors, which pushes their prices up. This is why people want to know how rare an NFT in their collection is or whether the one they are planning to buy is a rare piece. Often, the rarest NFTs have the rarest traits, but they can also be rare for other reasons, like a lack of traits altogether.

Take hit NFT collectibles,CryptoPunks for example. The collection consists of 10,000 NFTs divided into five different ‘Punk types’. While ‘Alien’, with only nine in supply, is the rarest type, ‘Male’, is the least rare type in the collection- just 6039 NFTs in toal. Then, each type comes with different attributes or traits with varying rarities.

For instance, ‘Beanie’ and ‘Choker’ are extremely rare attributes with only 44 and 48 Punks featuring them, respectively. On the other hand, traits like ‘earring’ and ‘cigarette’ are more common.

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Different Punk types have different rarities. Credits: Larva Labs

How is NFT Rarity Calculated?

There are several methods to calculate the overall rarity of a single NFT. This includes calculating the rarity based on the rarest trait, taking the average rarity of traits, or statistically assessing rarities. The following methods are the most popular ways to rank NFTs:

NFT Rarity Score

Rarity Tools came up with a method called a “rarity score”.They stated in a Medium postthat, “The total Rarity Score for an NFT is the sum of the Rarity Score of all of its trait values.”

The formula to calculate the Rarity Score of an NFT’s trait value is as follows:

Rarity Score for a Trait Value = 1 / ([Number of Items with that Trait Value] / [Total Number of Items in Collection])

Here, the score takes into account the single trait of an NFT as well as the overall trait rarities. Hence, Rarity Score has now become the standard for NFT rarity ranking for many sites.

Trait Rarity Ranking

This method assigns a rarity rank to an NFT based on its rarest trait. For example, an NFT with a single extremely rare trait and a bunch of very common traits would be highly ranked.

Average Trait Rarity

This approach looks at the overall trait rarity by taking the average of all individual traits of the NFT. For example, if an NFT has two traits with an average trait rarity of 20% and 10%, the overall average rarity will be 15%.

Statistical Rarity

This calculation method is based on the statistical rarity of each trait an NFT may have,. For instance, if an NFT has two traits with a 20% and 10% rarity, the overall score of the NFT will be 2% (20% * 10%).

How To Check NFT Rarity

Using one of the top tools designed to check your NFT’s rank is the best way forward. No matter what kind of NFT you have, there’s a rarity tool for you.

The Top NFT Rarity Tools on Ethereum

Obviously, no one would really want to do all that math themselves to find the rarity of every single NFT they want. Plus, you should always do your due diligence.

Here are several great investment tools that will help you find the rarity score in just a few clicks.

1. Rarity.Tools

Rarity Tools is the most popular tool to find out how rare an NFT is. It ranks NFTs by the rarity of their traits in real time. On Rarity.tools, you can filter NFTs by average price, total sales volume, owner count, and top collections. Moreover, you can use rarity tools to find out about both existing top collections like BAYC and CryptoPunks as well as upcoming projects. Besides, the rarity.tools website has a simple and attractive interface that makes finding NFT rarity a piece of cake! Rarity Tools have never been so easy to use!

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Rarity Score of CryptoPunk #8348 on Rarity Tools. Credits: Rarity.Tools

How to view Rarities on Rarity.Tools

To view the rarities of a collection on rarity.tools, simply go to that particular collection’s page. Then, you’ll see each NFT with a corresponding card that details all its attributes as well as its Rarity Score. Alternatively, you can check the Rarity Score of an NFT you own by inserting the ID of your NFT under Rarity Tools’ “project section”. Next, click “Lookup” and you can see all the properties and Rarity Score of your NFT.

The higher the Rarity Score, the more rare an NFT is. For example, CryptoPunk #8348, which ranks #1 on the site, has a Rarity Score of 10342.68. On the other hand, 2329.18 is the score of CryptoPunk #7804, with a Rarity Rank #2. While the tool is free to use, NFT projects have to pay 2 ETH to get listed on the platform.

2. Rarity Sniper

Rarity Sniper is another popular tool to find the rarity of NFTs. It features a total of 774 collections across Ethereum, Solana, and more. It has an extremely attractive and user-friendly interface where you can see rarity rank, score, and all the traits.

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Rarity Sniper ranks NFTs in a collection by item, making it easy to find a rare NFT.

Rarity Sniper Discord Bot

Rarity Sniper also has a 400,000-strong Discord channel. Here, you can use their simple bot commands to get rarity info on a specific NFT’s rarity, or even just gas and floor prices. Rarity Sniper Bot will instantly reply as shown in the picture below! Clearly, this is a simple means to find the rarity of NFTs. However, you’ll only be able to find the rarity of collections supported by Rarity Sniper.

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How to check rarity using Rarity Sniper’s Discord. Credits: Rarity Sniper

3. Traitsniper

If you are looking to compare NFT rarity via traits try Traitsniper. The tool focuses on current and upcoming projects. Every time a project is revealed, the Traitsniper bot takes under 2 minutes to analyse the rarity of the NFTs. There are both free and paid versions, where the latter offers benefits such as real-time notifications of new reveals and their score.

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Traitsniper is a good option to find rarity of upcoming projects. Credits: Traitsniper

Unlike the websites we discussed above, Traitsniper’s site is a bit cluttered and can be difficult to navigate for a first-time user. Nonetheless, once you get a hang of it, you can select a specific NFT to see its Rarity Score, Rarity Rank, OpenSea Price, and OpenSea Highest Offer. You can also see the individual traits with their corresponding rarity score.

4. Rarity Sniffer

Just like Traitsniper, if you want to know the rarity of the latest NFT drops, then Rarity Sniffer is your answer. The website claims to provide “the fastest and most proven results seconds after reveal”. As a result, you can only find the details of the most recently dropped NFT projects. In addition, you can know all about upcoming NFT drops. So far, Rarity Sniffer has listed over 10,000 NFT collections on its page.

Besides, Rarity Sniffer has set up a Discord server where you can get additional analysis on rare NFTs. In other words, you may sometimes get access to the rarity status of a new NFT before the details have been made public. The server can also notify you of upcoming reveals.

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Trending collections on Rarity Sniffer. Credit: Rarity Sniffer

5. NFTSniff

NFTSniffcalls itself a “Rarity Sniffer”. Like your typical rarity tools, NFTSniff showcases the rarity of the latest NFT collections. You can also join its Discord to get alerts when a project has high mints or when a project reveals.

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NFTSniff showcases the rarity of the latest NFT collections. NFTSniff

The NFTSniff tool is also pretty straightforward and easy to navigate. While currently its features are limited compared to other popular rarity tools, the platform claims it will add more features soon.

Additionally, you can find the rarity of the NFT you own using the asset ID. If you are looking for details on upcoming Solana collections, that’s also available here. However, these are not verified by HowRare.is, so make sure to do your own research before taking any investment decisions.

6. ERCRarity

ERC Rarity is another NFT analytics tool which also has some rarity tool features. Data is sourced mainly from the OpenSea marketplace. Then, they arrange NFTs in 6 segments: From Mythic to Common. However, to access the full range of features, you’ll need a premium account.

7. Icy.Tools

Icy Tools is an easy-to-use platform that gives in-depth detail on each collection. Under each NFT, you can find information such as the rarity of each trait, recent transactions, and current price. However, to enjoy most of the features, you need to authenticate your account by connecting your wallet. Additionally, premium users get added features such as NFT history and price charts.

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With its user-friendly interface, Icy.Tools is well-suited for NFT newbies. Credit: Icy.Tools

8. Marketplace Rankings

OpenSea is the largest and most popular NFT marketplace and now, it also offers the rarity rank. While its no perfect science, today, checking the rarity of your NFT can be as easy as looking at your Opensea profile.

Like OpenSea,LooksRare has a tool dedicated to rarity. Plus, you can filter a collection by the floor price of any NFT trait. With this feature, you no longer have to individually analyze different traits within an NFT collection.

NFT Rarity Tools For Polygon NFTs

9. RankNFT

RankNFT provides rarity scores and rankings before any other services. They state their main purpose is “to provide all necessary data in a convenient way, that would speed up the process of making the decision [of choosing an NFT]”. While it is most popular for ranking Polygon NFTs, it also supports Ethereum collections.

10. PolyRare

PolyRare is the most popular polygon NFT rarity tool. You can sort NFTs by Volume, market cap, floor price or supply. You can also filter NFTs by traits and different methods of rarity. PolyRare also has its own Alpha Pass which lets users access: Mint alerts, Omnichcian Alerts, Premint Scanner, Daily Giveaways and a smart Contract Builder.

While its used primarily for Polygon, PolyRare also offers rarity data on Avalanche and Ethereum NFTs too.

11. Nifty River

While most ranking tools score NFTs by individual traits, Nifty River also takes the rarity of a category into account. In short, their calculations consider rarity of a trait and the category it’s in. Nifty River also offer premium access to the site with a DigiRock NFT. DigiRocks grant the user ad-free access to the ranking service and other features.

Best NFT Rarity Tools for Solana, Cardano and more

12. How Rare is

If you want to know the rarity of just Solana NFTs, thenHowRare.isis the best option. The website has listed 255Solana NFT collections on the basis of the floor price, the number of items and holders, whether the NFTs are on sale, and more. As with its Ethereum equivalent,Rarity Tools, within each collection, you can find NFTs based on their rarity. Under each NFT, you can find their rarity rank, rarity score, and attribute details. There is also a sales history section where you can find the details of recent sales.

Furthermore, you can also find the rarity of the NFT you own using the asset ID. If you are looking for details on upcoming Solana collections, that’s also available here. Bear in mind though, upcoming collections are not verified by HowRare.is, so make sure to do your own research before taking any investment decisions.

13. NFTSniper

NFT Sniper also ranks the rarity of Solana NFT Collections. Its release calendar is a great tool for tracking upcoming collections. Plus, it’s got services to help creators manage and promote their new collections. The Rarity Preview Checker lets you see how items in your collection will be ranked. It also boasts a simple Rarity Checking bot in its discord. With over 4,000 collections, NFT Sniper is likely one of the best Solana rarity tools around!

14. MoonRank

MoonRank is a tool for ranking NFTs on the Solana blockchain. They pride themselves on having no hidden calculations and no complicated methods. You can order items in your NFT collection by rarity score, date of minting, and date of any changes made to them. One thing you won’t find on MoonRank, however, is ordering by price. Put simply, that’s because they don’t link to any NFT trading platforms whatsoever.

If you’re looking for a tool that doesn’t just lead you straight to parting with your crypto, MoonRank is a really solid option.

15. RarityMon

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RarityMon supports Solana NFTs as well. Credit: RarityMon

RarityMon claims to be the “most accurate NFT rarity tracker available”. Founded by a collective of individuals who love data, cryptocurrency, and NFTs, RarityMon is not just a site, it also has a Discord bot. It not only shows the rarity of each attribute but also where the NFT is ranked in the collection.

While its a questionable claim that RarityMon is the “most accurate” NFT rarity tool, one of the main advantages of using the platform is that it supports a range of networks. Incredibly, it supports most major blockchains including; Ethereum, Solana, Binance, Polygon, and Cardano.

16. CNFT Tools

CNFT Tools is for checking rarity of Cardano NFTs. It’s it’s a great tool for finding NFTs on such a niche market like Cardano, especially if you are new to web3. CNFT Tools has a range of features, letting you sort by 7-day sales volumes, number of items in collections, and of course, by floor prices too. With over 1,000 collections, it’s the go-to option for Cardano lovers.

NFT Analytics Sites That Can Help You Track NFT Rarity

17. Uniq

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Uniq is an incredible – and free – NFT analytics tool.

Uniq stands out for giving out high quality NFT data for free. The platform tracks over 25,000 collections and might well have the most data of any free analytics tool out there. Some impressive metrics that will help any NFT trader include floor thinness, unique holder count, and numbers of transactions over time. It even has more in depth tracking on data like assets purchased below current floor and assets never sold since mint.

18. CryptoSlam

While CryptoSlam is not an NFT rarity site, its analytics offer you the ability to get in-depth collection rankings. To explain, CryptoSlam does not use rarity scores but it does give NFTs a rank. It also provides information like current floor prices, recent sales and more. The best way to think of it is like an NFT data aggregator, such as NFTGO.

19. DappRadar

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You can track your NFT portfolio using DappRadar. Credit: DappRadar

A data acquisition and analysis company,DappRadar tracks thousands of dApps across blockchains. For the past several years, DappRadar has been the go-to place to monitor the performance of NFT collections. Their ranking tables, which rank NFTs based on a number of factors, such as total sales, traders, and volume, are a great means to keep up with the latest market trends. Besides that, they also track crypto art sales, which can be a little more tricky when it comes to ranking. That said, they provide so much data that finding a rare piece of art with DappRadar is easy!

20. Etherscan Token Tracker

Etherscanhas established itself as the go-to analytics platform for the Ethereum Blockchain. That said, Etherscan also works as a great token tracker, including for ERC-721 tokens—the token standard for NFTs.

Here’s how it works—simply click “ERC721 Top Tokens” under the “Tokens” tab. This will open up the “Non-Fungible Token Tracker”, where you can find the details of all the top NFT collections. Within each collection, you can find details on minting, transfers, prices, and more. In fact, several existing rarity tools use Etherscan’s data analysis to offer further breakdown.

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Etherscan has an in-built NFT token tracker feature. Credit: Etherscan

In conclusion, there are many tools to check an NFTs rarity—it just depends on what you prefer! Whether you want to compare traits or find your perfect rare item, these important investment tools are paramount in getting an edge over the competition.

20 NFT Rarity Tools To Check NFT Value and Rank (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.