20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in 2024: Info, Pricing & Pictures – Dogster (2024)

Any dog that is well taken care of is expensive. These expenses come in the form of food, toys, beds, vet bills, and so on. However, some dog breeds are incredibly pricey to acquire due to their rarity, purity, or abilities. So, which are they?

Keep reading for the list of the top 20 most expensive dog breeds in the world.

20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in 2024: Info, Pricing & Pictures – Dogster (1)

The 20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

1. Tibetan Mastiff – $2,000 to Millions!

20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in 2024: Info, Pricing & Pictures – Dogster (2)

Topping our list of the most expensive dog breeds is the Tibetan Mastiff. Native to China and Nepal, this ancient breed was developed to guard flocks and households against wolves and leopards. Tibetan Mastiffs are also among the largest dog breeds in the world, with males weighing up to 160 pounds.

But what is most striking about them is the fur around their necks and shoulders, giving the impression of a mane.

Thanks to the Tibetan Mastiff’s regal look and ferocious reputation, it is considered a status symbol in China. As a result, prices for a purebred Tibetan Mastiff pup range from $2,000 to millions. Yes, millions! In 2014, a Chinese businessman parted with $1.95 million for a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, making the Tibetan Mastiff the most expensive dog in the world.

2. Czechoslovakian Wolfdog – $50,000

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The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is Czechoslovakia’s national dog. However, it is incredibly rare, explaining why it is so expensive.

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog came about in 1955 when working line German Shepherds were crossed with Carpathian wolves. The aim was to create a breed with the intelligence of the German Shepherd and the pack mentality and stamina of wolves.

The price of a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is around $50,000. Moreover, you might have to go to Czechoslovakia to acquire this breed, as it is not easy to find elsewhere. With that being said, there do seem to be some places that sell these dogs for much cheaper, although we don’t know how reliable these prices are, as again, this dog is incredibly rare unless you’re in the Czech Republic, especially the US. In 2018, there were only around 200 of them in the entire country.

3. Samoyed – $14,000

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The beautiful Samoyed is an ancient breed from Siberia. It is named after the Samoyedic people who bred it to assist them in pulling sleds and guarding reindeer. This fluffy white dog is not only expensive to maintain, but also one of the most expensive dogs to acquire. A purebred Samoyed pup costs around $14,000, but that largely depends on the breeder and lineage of the dog. In fact, there are plenty of breeders who charge anywhere from $1,200 to $3,500 for these dogs, although you need to be extremely careful about the breeder you’re purchasing from.

4. Lowchen – $12,000

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The Lowchen, also known as the “little lion dog,” has been one of the most popular toy dogs in Europe for over 500 years.

However, the Lowchen was on the verge of extinction during the early 1970s, when there were only 65 left in the world. As a result, it became one of the world’s rarest and most expensive dog breeds.

While conservation efforts allowed this doggo to make a comeback, it remains incredibly rare. Therefore, it does not come as a surprise that a Lowchen pup can cost as much as $12,000 to acquire. There are some places stating that you might be able to find one for as low as $5,000, but this is highly variable, and either way, you’re going to have to fork over a pretty penny. Fortunately, this breed gives you one of the best bangs for your buck, as it rarely gets sick and has an average lifespan of 15 years.

5. Chow Chow – $11,000

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Native to China, the Chow Chow is one of the oldest and rarest dogs in the world. At the most expensive, Chow Chow pup costs around $11,000. However, the purchase price is just the tip of the iceberg, as this dog is just as expensive to maintain. With that being said, we must note that it is still possible to find this dog for less money, as much depends on your area, the breeder, and the lineage. It’s not impossible to find one of these dogs being sold for $4,000, which isn’t cheap but is a better price than the one previously listed.

The Chow Chow is susceptible to a host of health issues, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, improper thyroid function, and eye entropion, meaning the vet bills might add up.

It also does not help that the Chow Chow is a notoriously stubborn breed, meaning they are hard to train. Moreover, these dogs have been known to turn on their owners. Nonetheless, under the leadership of an experienced handler, Chow Chows make excellent pets and guard dogs.

6. Azawakh – $9,500

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The Azawakh is a sighthound, meaning it uses sight instead of scent to hunt. Like other sighthounds, this doggo is tremendously fast. It features a slim profile with a colossal chest and a tiny waist. This West African hound can cost up to $9,500 due to how rare it is.

The Azawakh has a lifespan of around 10-12 years.

7. Rottweiler – $9,000

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You might probably be wondering how the Rottweiler is on this list, considering how common they are—however, pedigree matters. Most Rottweilers you see around are mutts.

A purebred Rottweiler from an authentic German breeder can cost up to $9,000. However, it is possible to find them for quite a bit cheaper from a breeder in the US, ranging anywhere from $2,000 to $4,500.

8. Canadian Eskimo – $8,750

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The Canadian Eskimo is among the oldest and rarest dog breeds in the world. The Thule people introduced this working dog to North America around 1,000 years ago from Siberia. Unfortunately, diseases and a reduced need for sleds contributed heavily to the drastic decrease of the Canadian Eskimo’s numbers.

Today, estimates show there are only around 300 purebred Canadian Eskimo Dogs left. As such, it does not come as a surprise that a purebred Canadian Eskimo pup can set you back around $8,750.

9. Dogo Argentino – $8,000

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The Dogo Argentino, also known as the Argentinian Mastiff, is a large, white, ferocious dog bred to hunt big game such as wild boar and mountain lions. Unfortunately, they are considered one of the world’s most dangerous breeds due to their fiery reputations and are banned in several countries. Consequently, their rarity makes them an expensive dog, with a pup costing as much as $8,000.However, with a bit of luck, you might be able to find them for cheaper, probably around $3,500, but it’s going to be hard to find a reputable breeder for this price, especially in close proximity to you.

10. Pharaoh Hound – $7,500

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Despite its name, the Pharaoh Hound is not an Egyptian breed anymore. It bears a striking resemblance to the paintings of dogs found in tombs in Ancient Egypt, because it was first created in Ancient Egypt, but was imported to Malta where it thrived.

Now, the Pharaoh Hound is considered a Maltese breed. In fact, it is the national dog of Malta. This breed is called Kelb tal-Fenek in Malta, meaning “rabbit dog” due to its proficiency in hunting rabbits. This gorgeous hound can set you back around $7,500.

11. Afghan Hound – $7,000

20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in 2024: Info, Pricing & Pictures – Dogster (12)

With thick, silky smooth hair covering every inch of its body apart from the face, and a ring curl tail, the Afghan hound is an absolute beauty. This medium-sized sighthound combines panoramic vision and explosive speed to spot and chase down prey. The thick, silky coat was selectively bred to allow the dog to withstand the cold, harsh conditions of Afghanistan’s mountains.

Like other sighthounds, Afghan hounds are somewhat aloof but extremely devoted to their handlers. This animal can cost as much as $7,000, but the average price tends to be around $5,000.

12. Akita – $6,500

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The gorgeous Akita is the embodiment of “speaking quietly but carrying a big stick.” This large and powerful dog is noble in character but can be explosive and violent when need be. Akitas also tend to be extremely strong-willed. As a result, this dog needs you to be a firm and consistent leader, otherwise, it will walk all over you.

A purebred Japanese Akita pup can cost as much as $6,500. Meanwhile, an American Akita could be a better option, as they’re likely only to cost between $1,000 and $3,000.

13. French Bulldog – $6,000

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The French Bulldog is another pup that commands a hefty price tag due to its exclusivity. French Bulldogs are also notoriously difficult to breed due to their narrow hips, producing a maximum of only three puppies per litter. One of these dogs can set you back around $6,000.

14. Saluki – $5,500

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The Saluki is yet another expensive sighthound. According to some sources, the Saluki’s ancestry goes as far back as 7000 B.C. in ancient Egypt, where it is considered a “gift from Allah.” As such, this hound is both one of the oldest and priciest breeds in the world. A pup costs around $5,500. Fortunately, Salukis have a decent lifespan, living up to 14 years. They are also quite hardy.

15. Portuguese Water Dog – $5,000

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The Portuguese Water Dog is among the most popular dog breeds today due to its hypoallergenic coat. Combine that with the fact that it is popular with the elite, such as former President Barack Obama, and it does not come as a surprise this is one expensive dog. Fortunately, they have long lifespans, giving you a good return on investment (ROI) on your $3,000 to $5,000.

16. English Bulldog – $4,300

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The English Bulldog, also known as the British Bulldog, is a medium-sized dog that is extremely popular worldwide, as it does not require much exercise, making it the ideal apartment dog. Unfortunately, this breed is prone to several health issues. To be on the safe side, obtain your pup from a reputable breeder. A genuine English Bulldog pup can set you back around $4,300, although it’s not impossible to find Bulldogs in America for around $2,500.

17. Bedlington Terrier – $4,000

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This fluffy munchkin is named after its hometown of Bedlington, Northumberland, where it was bred to hunt rats and other vermin. However, it is now bred for companionship and show purposes. Bedlington Terriers make excellent family dogs, thanks to their sweet nature. If you have $2,000 to $4,000 to spare, consider getting one of these canines.

18. Irish Wolfhound – $3,000

20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in 2024: Info, Pricing & Pictures – Dogster (19)

The Irish Wolfhound is one of the tallest dogs in the world, standing up to 35 inches at the shoulder, and can weigh up to 180 pounds. Irish Wolfhounds were bred centuries ago to be all-around fighters, dragging men off horses and chariots during wars, in addition to hunting and fighting large game such as bears and wolves.

Today, this prehistoric-looking beast makes a beautiful companion. Considering its heritage, we think the $3,000 price tag for an Irish Wolfhound pup is a bargain.

19. Lakeland Terriers – $2,000

20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in 2024: Info, Pricing & Pictures – Dogster (20)

Originating from England’s Lake District, the Lakeland Terrier is becoming increasingly popular due to its hypoallergenic coat. This goofy munchkin makes a fun addition to any family. A pup costs around $2,000.

20. Saint Bernard – $1,500

20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in 2024: Info, Pricing & Pictures – Dogster (21)

How about this lazy giant? Despite the Saint Bernard’s languid tendencies, it was bred to be a working dog to rescue lost travelers along the snowy and dangerous Great St. Bernard Pass between Italy and Switzerland.

Today, this giant canine is content watching over the kids and being a great couch companion. A pup costs around $1,500.

20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in 2024: Info, Pricing & Pictures – Dogster (22)

Final Thoughts

We hope you have enjoyed our list of the most expensive dog breeds. There is no denying that a dog is man’s best friend. These animals are selfless and will go to any lengths to make their owners happy. But would you be willing to part with thousands of dollars to acquire a furry best friend? Let us know.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Natallia Yaumenenka, Shutterstock


  • The 20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World
    • 1. Tibetan Mastiff – $2,000 to Millions!
    • 2. Czechoslovakian Wolfdog – $50,000
    • 3. Samoyed – $14,000
    • 4. Lowchen – $12,000
    • 5. Chow Chow – $11,000
    • 6. Azawakh – $9,500
    • 7. Rottweiler – $9,000
    • 8. Canadian Eskimo – $8,750
    • 9. Dogo Argentino – $8,000
    • 10. Pharaoh Hound – $7,500
    • 11. Afghan Hound – $7,000
    • 12. Akita – $6,500
    • 13. French Bulldog – $6,000
    • 14. Saluki – $5,500
    • 15. Portuguese Water Dog – $5,000
    • 16. English Bulldog – $4,300
    • 17. Bedlington Terrier – $4,000
    • 18. Irish Wolfhound – $3,000
    • 19. Lakeland Terriers – $2,000
    • 20. Saint Bernard – $1,500
  • Final Thoughts

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20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in 2024: Info, Pricing & Pictures – Dogster (2024)


What dog is worth $10,000? ›

The biggest expense that comes with owning an Azawakh will almost certainly be the initial cost! These rare dogs can cost $10,000 or more. You'll likely have to travel some distance to find a breeder offering Azawakh pups, possibly cross-country.

What dog cost $7,000 dollars? ›

Afghan Hound - $7,000. Found in the mountains of Afghanistan, the Afghan Hound is one of the costliest dog breeds out there with an average cost of around $5000-$7000 with an additional around $3000 for their lifetime health care.

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A 2021 article published on Yahoo's finance site listed these 30 least expensive dog breeds and their estimated average purchase prices: Manchester Terrier $600. Schipperke $650.

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Gunther VI, a German Shepherd worth $400 million, is known as the world's richest dog. The fortune began in 1992 when Countess Korlotta Liebenstein left $80 million to her pet Gunther III. Under Maurizio Mian's management, Gunther IV now enjoys a luxurious lifestyle with multiple properties and investments.

What dog cost $1 million dollars? ›

In 2011, another Tibetan mastiff puppy sold for $1.5 million, according to NBC News, which reported the animal was the most expensive dog sold at the time. The Tibetan mastiff is a "watchful, aloof, imposing, and intimidating" working breed, according to the American Kennel Club.

What dog is worth 80 million? ›

As per a report in The Times of India, Countess Korlotta Liebenstein, a wealthy woman with no heir, left her fortune worth $80 million to her pet Gunther III in 1992.

What kind of dog is worth $200,000? ›

The top ten most expensive dog breeds are the Tibetan Mastiff, French Bulldog, Löwchen, Canadian Eskimo Dog, Samoyed, Afghan Hound, Pharaoh Hound, Black Russian Terrier, Bernese Mountain Dog and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

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The cheapest breed overall is the Miniature Poodle, at an average of $800 per puppy. The Boerboel is the most expensive large puppy, costing $3,000 on average. The French bulldog is the most expensive small dog at $3,500, and the most advertised puppy for sale.

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Gunther VI

Regardless of the source, Gunther VI comes from the bloodline of the original Gunther, and they inherited this money, which has grown to over $500 million. The German Shepherd lived in Madonna's former mansion for a time, owns a yacht, and yes, has a private jet!

How much is a cane corso? ›

A purebred Cane Corso from a breeder can cost between $1,500 to $4,000. For rarer coat colors you could expect prices in the range of $2,000-5,000 or more. The lifetime cost of owning a Cane Corso can vary significantly based on things like their health, grooming needs, and overall lifestyle.

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The most expensive dog ever sold was a red Tibetan Mastiff named Big Splash going for some $1.5 million!

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Under Mian's care, Gunther's original $80 million inheritance has grown to a whopping $400 million, but not without cost. Netflix is set to unpack the unbelievable tale and the questionable handling of Gunther's assets in a new four-part investigative docuseries, Gunther's Millions, premiering on February 1.

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