20 Examples of Common Sales Objections & Responses (2024) (2024)

I like your solution, but it’s just not in our budget right now…

Sound familiar?

Sales objections like these pop up throughout the sales process. There’s no avoiding them, but you can overcome them with strategic rebuttals.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • The difference between objections and obstructions
  • The different types of customer objections sales teams encounter
  • 20 of the most typical sales objections and responses that work!
  • Steps for overcoming objections in sales

Let’s get started 👇

What is a sales objection?

A sales objection is when a lead tells you why they won’t buy from you. Common objections are lack of need, trust, budget, or decision-making power.

Sales reps often view this as a rejection. However, it’s an opportunity to learn more about your customers and meet their reservations with well-thought-out rebuttals.

Objections vs. obstructions: What are the differences?

Brainstorming rebuttals for sales objections isn’t the only challenge B2B sales reps face. You’ll also experience obstructions.

What are sales obstructions?

A sales obstruction is when a prospect gives you an excuse as to why they can’t do something. One sales obstruction example is:

“I don’t have time for this.”

While an objection is something, a prospect is unsure about regarding your product or service. One sales objection example is:

“I don’t know how this will help me.”

Handling these sales challenges requires the same sales strategy and techniques we’ll explore below. But you might want to watch this 3-minute video on how to respond to sales rejections before you scroll on:

Types of sales objections

If you’re in B2B sales, you’ve definitely come across the sales term BANT.

BANT stands for Budget, Authority, Need, and Timing. It’s also how reps remember the four most common types of sales objections that are repeated time and time again.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what you might hear when you come across these types of objections in sales:

Lack of budget

“We don’t have the money to buy.”

Lack of budget is probably the most common of all the sales objections you’ll encounter.

When a prospect says this, ask yourself:

“What’s the reason behind the objection?”

Is it because the price is genuinely too high, or does the prospect not see the value in your product?

If the price is too high, don’t immediately offer a discount. Rather, emphasise the value of your product and why you’re different to the competition.

If the prospect doesn’t recognise the value, explain how your product can remove pain points and change the way they work for the better.

Discuss product features and your amazing customer service, and don’t forget social proof! You’d be surprised at what a good review or a case study can do for a prospect on the fence.

Lack of authority

“I’ll have to speak to my boss about this.”

This is a good example of a sales objection that might mean something else completely.

Ask yourself:

“Do they actually not have the authority, or do they not trust your company?”

If your company doesn’t have a big brand presence, prospects will be weary of entering a relationship with you. After all, people do business with companies they know and trust.

If so, you must back up your sales pitch with social proof. Mention how you’ve helped a similar company and provide a case study to support your claims.

If the sales objection is a lack of authority, it’s your job to turn that prospect into a champion of your product or service.

Go over the benefits of what you’re selling and emphasise the value it can add in making their job easier.

If you play your cards right, they’ll help you get the buy-in you need from the ultimate decision-maker in your target account.

Lack of need

“We don’t need something like this at (company) right now.”

This might seem like a sales objection on the surface, but it’s an opportunity!

When prospects make this objection, they are too busy to hear your pitch or cannot see how your product or service can help them.

Overcoming this objection will require you to qualify the prospect.

Ask open-ended questions to evaluate their needs and challenges. If you find your solution can help give a detailed explanation as to how.

Lack of urgency

“Fixing (problem) isn’t our top priority right now.”

This is another common sales objection you’ll need to look closely at.

What is their reason for delaying?

Is it time?

Or if they’re trying to get rid of you?

To discover the real reason, ask them to explain why dealing with their challenge is not important right now and what they focus on instead.

If they focus on other pain points, you might find an opportunity to help there. If they seem determined to use time as an excuse, try to schedule a meeting at a time that might suit them better.

20 of the most common sales objections and responses

At Cognism, we understand the frustrations of overcoming objection after objection. So, we’ve compiled a list of sales objections with responses to help you achieve your sales goals faster!

1. I don’t want to sign a long contract.


That’s understandable, (first name). How about we discuss some different contract terms?

2. We’re using your competitor.


And how are you finding them? If you don’t mind me asking, why did you choose to go with (competitor)? (Wait for a response and then rebuttal with how your product is different).

3. (Competitor) is cheaper.


Yes, (competitor) is cheaper but they don’t offer (feature/s). At the end of the day (feature) is going to be well worth the extra expense. (Offer social proof if you can).

4. I don’t see any ROI potential.


There’s definitely potential. I’d love to show you and explain how, (first name). Are you available this week for a more detailed call?

5. I’m not interested.


I understand, (first name). How about I send over some information addressing ( pain point) and you can contact us if you change your mind?

6. I’m busy.


I completely understand, and I don’t want to waste your time. I can tell you about (product) in 2-minutes. If you’re interested I’ll email you more information, if not I won’t call again. How does that sound?

7. How did you get my information?


I came across your website and thought I’d reach out because I believe (product) would be a great fit for (company name).

8. I’ve never heard of your company.


We’re a company that (explain your product). I’d love to chat to you about (pain point) and see how we can help.

9. This looks too complicated for my team to learn.


Can you tell me what specifically looks complicated, and I’ll walk you through it?

10. We’re using this budget elsewhere.


That’s understandable, (first name). You know, we had a customer who had the same issue, but they decided to go with (product) and they actually increased their ROI so they could then use their new revenue for other areas.

11. Can you call me back next quarter?


Sure! Before I go, I’d like to get a sense of where you’ll stand next quarter. Do you think your superiors will give you the go-ahead to invest in (product)?

12. This is too expensive.


I believe (product) can help solve (challenge) you shared with me, (first name). Here’s how…

13. You don’t have (feature).


Have you heard of (partner)? Many of our current customers choose to use it alongside ours and so far, we’ve had good feedback.

14. I’m going to get some quotes for comparison.


I’m convinced that we’ll be able to save you money just like we do our other clients. But I understand the need to compare. May I ask how many other quotes you’ll be getting and from who?

15. We’re happy with the way things are.


I’m thrilled to hear that (first name)! How are you currently solving (pain point)?

16. We don’t have a big enough team for this.


I see, and I want (product) to add value to the team you have. How big are you at the moment and what are your current day-to-day responsibilities? I’m asking because I believe (product) once onboarded, might alleviate some of those responsibilities opening up your team to do what they do best.

17. Beep, beep, beep…

This sales objection is a tricky one. You don’t want to call back and annoy them.

Consider how the call went before you got disconnected.

Was it a genuine disconnection or a hang-up from pure frustration that the cold call wouldn’t end?

If they hung up on you purposefully, try contacting someone else at the company. If it was a mistake, try this:


Sorry, (first name)! Seems like we got disconnected. Do you have some time to continue our conversation?

18. Can you email this over?


I’d be happy to (first name). Is there anything specific you’d like more information on?

19. I saw a bad review of your company.


We’ve resolved (issue) and now offer (fix). I’ve got a case study from (client) that expands on this. Would you like me to send it over?

20. Hi, you’ve reached ( prospect name); please leave a message…


Hi (first name). It’s (your name) from (company) here. I wanted to follow up/ discuss how (product) can help solve (pain point). Please let me know what time you’ll be available. Thanks!

💡 P.S. Here are ten cold calling voicemail scripts you might find valuable.

How to overcome sales objections in 7 easy steps

“How do you overcome objections in sales?” is the question on every rep’s lips.

The answer:

Don’t act impulsively, and respond appropriately.

Or at least that’s one technique. We’re outlining how to overcome sales objections in seven steps below:

1. Prepare

First things first, prepare for your call. This means using your sales training to conduct thorough prospecting research. It’s also always a good idea to have an objection list or sales objections and responses template on hand, should you need to refer to it.

2. Listen

Active listening is the golden rule of sales, and it’s no different when it comes to dealing with sales objections. Focus on any concerns your prospect raises and give them room to speak without interruption.

While your prospect speaks, make sure your body language and facial expressions express how seriously you’re taking their concerns. Once they are done, reply in a way that empathises with them.

3. Understand

If you feel any objections aren’t clear, request clarification and continue to ask open-ended questions until you understand their pain point fully. One way you can respond to sales objections is to repeat what the prospect has said back to them. This will ensure you’re following the right train of thought and encourage your prospect to keep sharing.

You might even notice that the first objection wasn’t the real issue, and it was just hiding an underlying issue your buyer wasn’t ready to discuss with you.

4. Validate

Now that you understand your customers’ objections, you must validate them. Whatever you do, don’t reject or minimise what they’ve communicated. Rather, express how important their concerns are to you.

5. Act

Another technique for overcoming sales objections is to start with the most important objections and then move on to the smaller ones. You don’t need to spend too much time on them. Attend to them quickly, and don’t let them linger longer than necessary or go ignored.

If you feel you can’t answer an objection, explain that you need to chat to a higher-up about it and will get back to them as soon as possible.

6. Plan

Once you’ve acknowledged and solved your prospects’ sales objections, you should propose a follow-up meeting or call.

Be sure to have their objection and your responses written down or recorded to confirm them when you speak again.

7. Confirm

Lastly, ask your buyer if they are happy with the solution you’ve provided.

If they are, check that there are no other concerns before proceeding. Most importantly, don’t proceed until all their concerns have been addressed.


1. What should you do when a customer raises objections during a sales call?

Don’t panic! Rather, listen to them and consult your sales objections script for an adequate and understanding response.

2. What are the top sales objections?

The top types of sales objections are lack of budget, lack of authority, lack of need, and no time to talk. These are sales rejection words you’ll hear over and over, so be sure to be prepared to respond appropriately.

3. How to overcome price objections in sales

Pricing concerns are the most common when handling sales objections. To overcome them, pause for a few seconds after your sales prospect has objected to the price. If left to speak, they might volunteer more information. Often, the objection isn’t concrete and can be countered by describing your product or service's value with social proof.

💡 Enjoyed this article? You might find value in reading these posts on 14 of the best cold email templates and 5 of the best B2B sales cold calling scripts.

Overcome sales objections with Cognism

Your list of sales objections and answers will gather dust when you choose Cognism.

Cognism is a sales intelligence solution with the highest quality B2B data on the market.

What’s more, you can get access to:

  • Quality GDPR-compliant data.
  • More meaningful conversations with verified business telephone number lists and direct dial data for NAM, EAMA, and APAC markets.
  • Easy integration with your company CRM.

Find out more! Click 👇 to book your demo.

20 Examples of Common Sales Objections & Responses (2024) (2024)


What are the 4 P's of objection handling? ›

Personalization, perceived value, performance value, and proof are the 4 P's of objection handling.

What are some good rebuttals? ›

Sales Rebuttals
  • "Why isn't this of interest to you at this time?"
  • "We should connect to discuss the benefits for you when budget does open up."
  • "I'm glad to hear you're already working with a provider."
  • "That's great. ...
  • "Buying now will ensure a smooth transition as new teammates join."
May 20, 2019

What are the 7 methods for handling objections? ›

Here's a look at the seven classic methods for answering a prospect's objections.
  • Substitution Method. ...
  • Question Method. ...
  • Boomerang Method. ...
  • Denial Method. ...
  • Demonstration Method. ...
  • Superior-Point Method. ...
  • Third-Party Method.
Dec 7, 2021

What are the 5 primary objections? ›

The Five Objections
  • Objection #1: Money. Money, or price, being the most common objection, is the first one you should be prepared to raise. ...
  • Objection #2: Project Work. ...
  • Objection #3: Request for Proposal. ...
  • Objection #4: Free Thinking. ...
  • Objection #5: Fit.

What are the five primary types of objections customers typically raise? ›

There are five types of sales objections; we'll go over each one in more detail below.
  • Lack of budget. Your prospect may tell you that they don't have the budget for your product or service. ...
  • Lack of trust. Your prospect may not trust you, your company, or your product. ...
  • Lack of need. ...
  • Lack of urgency. ...
  • Lack of authority.
Sep 6, 2023

What is a strong rebuttal? ›

Often, strong rebuttals are highly positional, bringing the debate back to the debater's own case. This will involve efficiently neutralizing the other side's arguments while resoundingly winning one's own, while doing weighing or impact calculus to prioritize one's own arguments.

What is a good rebuttal statement? ›

Either way, the key to a good rebuttal is proving that the opposing argument is irrelevant or contains logical fallacies. A great rebuttal is organized and easy to follow, and it includes the following: A statement of the counterargument. A statement of your position and why it differs from the counterargument.

How to convince a not interested customer? ›

Show your customer that you understand their perspective and propose a potential solution. Stay positive and turn the no into an opportunity to find an alternate course of action. Your goal should be to convince them to try out something new or different that could ultimately benefit them.

What are the 3 F's for handling objections? ›

The 3 Fs for handling objections are Feel, Felt, and Found. This approach involves empathizing with the prospect's feelings, sharing that others have felt the same way, and explaining how they found a solution to their concern.

What is the golden rule of objection handling? ›

They hope objections will go away or people will forget about them. If you ignore them then you are unlikely to make a sale… The golden rule of handling known objections is that whoever brings it up first, usually wins!

What are the 4 steps to overcoming sales objections? ›

4 Steps to Successfully Resolving Sales Objections
  • Neutrally acknowledge the objection.
  • Ask open-ended questions to understand what is really driving the objection.
  • Position a response, based on the customer's answers to these questions.
  • Check to be sure that the response satisfies the customer's concern.

What are the five objections? ›

Customer objections fit nicely into five categories: price, cost, value, games and process. Price objections are short-term objections, as the buyer may not have the budget or money to afford your alternative.

What are the three main types of customer objections? ›

The four most common customer objections for sales teams
  • Price objection: 'This isn't the right price for us. ' ...
  • Need objection: 'I'm not sure your product has the features we're looking for. ...
  • Trust objection: 'I don't know enough about you or your company. ...
  • Stalling objection: 'Give us time to think and we'll circle back.
Apr 19, 2023

What are the three objections? ›

With documentary and testimonial evidence being differentiated, and lay from expert testimony, the blog focuses on what is by far the three (3) most common trial objections made in response to lay testimony: Hearsay, Leading and Relevancy.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.