19 signs of malware + how to cure the symptoms (2024)

Is your device acting weird? If so, it may be malware. Follow this guide to learn about the signs of malware and how to diagnose and treat a malware infection.

Picture this: You open your laptop to get work done andimmediately notice something is off.

Your apps are constantly crashing, and you can't seem to closeout all those annoying pop-up windows.

You start to wonder what could possibly be wrong with yourdevice. Is this acomputer virus? Is your devicejust getting old?

The problem could bemalware.

A malware infection can show many symptoms, including

The good news is that there is a cure for treating these symptoms.In other words, there is a way to remove malware. Follow this guide to learnmore about the signs of malware and how you can diagnose and treat a malwareinfection.

19 signs of malware + how to cure the symptoms (1)

1. Slowperformance

Is your computer having trouble opening applications that usedto start right up? Asluggish computeris one of themajor symptoms of a computer infected with malware. In some cases, this poorperformance can be a result of malware hogging your device's memory, also knownas random-access memory (RAM). If yourcomputer is tied up trying to keep malware applications running, you may noticea slower experience.

2. Unexpectedfreezing or crashing

When it comes to your computer, nothing is more frustrating thana frozen or crashing device. Whether it’s the blue screen of death or theendless spinning pinwheel, malware could have something to do with yourtroubles. If you notice these issues coming out of nowhere, it could be anindicator that your device is suffering from a malware infection.

3. Diminishedstorage space

19 signs of malware + how to cure the symptoms (2)

Another malware symptom indicating that your device may be underthe weather is an unexplained decrease in storage space. This is because manytypes of malwarecontain largefiles that take up your storage space. In some cases, the malicious program mayuse various methods to purposely take up all your remaining storage space tocause your computer to crash.

4. Homepagerandomly changes

A lot of the time, symptoms of malwareare quickly apparent inyour web browser. For example, if you ever notice your browser’s homepagerandomly changing, you may want to check for malware. Oftentimes, these changesto your web browser could be attributed to accidentally clicking on a maliciouslink or pop-up window that may have caused malware to be installed on yourdevice.

5. Browserredirects

Certain types of malware may also discreetly infect your webbrowser. In these instances, malicious browser extensions may redirect your webtraffic tounsafe websitesdesigned tosteal your personal data. So if you ever find yourself struggling to reach aspecific website or notice any suspicious URLs on what appears to be anunsuspecting webpage, you may have a malware problem.

6. New browsertoolbars

If you ever open your favorite web browser only to notice newbrowser toolbars and add-ons that you didn’t install yourself, your computercould be battling a malware infection. Similar to the extensions that can causeyour browser to redirect, pesky malware infections canhijack yourbrowser, utilizing toolbars and other browser plugins to compromiseyour device.

7. Annoyingpop-ups

Do you feel like you’re constantly battling annoying pop-upsevery time you use your computer? If so, it could be because of malware knownasadware. While not everypop-up ad is dangerous, and some are for legitimate products and services, theycould also lead you tomaliciouswebsitesthat could endanger your cybersecurity.

8. Unusual errormessages

In some cases, these annoying pop-ups can appear in the form oferror messages from your operating system. Whether these error messages areinforming you of a corrupted file or lost access to one of your drives, itcould be a sign your computer is infected with malware.

9. Fake virusalerts

Another way malware could show itself on your device is bydisguising itself asfake antivirussoftware. You’ll likely first notice this as afake virus alertinforming youthat your device is under attack. The fake antivirus may then offer to fix yourdevice, often in exchange for money orpersonalinformation.

In reality, these are justsocialengineering tacticsdesigned to get you to act fast. It’s very likely that yourdevice doesn’t have the virus the program claims and that the fake antivirusitself is actually the threat.

19 signs of malware + how to cure the symptoms (4)

10. Disabledsystem tools

If you’re an experienced computer user, you may first try to usesome of your system’s tools to investigate a possible computer infection.Depending on your operating system, this may include Task Manager or ActivityMonitor. Unfortunately, some types of malware may disable these system tools asa form of self-defense. If this happens to your device, malware is likely theculprit.

11. Changes inyour security settings

Similarly, some malware may even attempt to disable certainsecurity settings or anyantivirussoftwareyou might have installed. Because of this, it's important tokeep up with the latest antivirussoftware updates, as this canhelp prevent your device from catching a malware infection.

19 signs of malware + how to cure the symptoms (5)

12. Mysterioussocial media posts

Some malware attacks may take advantage ofsocial mediasites to spreadto other users. These attacks can appear in many ways, from inflammatoryFacebook posts tosuspiciousInstagram DMssent on your behalf. In any event, social media activity thatoccurs without your control could be because your device is suffering from acase of malware.

13. Programsrunning and closing without your consent

If you ever feel like your computer has a mind of its own, itcould be because of a malware infection. Some malware can interrupt yourcomputer activities, opening and closing programs without your consent. Notonly is this annoying, but it is also a telltale sign that your device may beinfected with malware.

14. Suspiciousapplications appear

Malware infections can also show themselves in the form ofpotentiallyunwanted applications (PUAs). While not all PUAs are malignant, it'spossible they could be part of a malware attack and cause your device’s malwaresymptoms. In fact, PUAs are sometimesspywareand may even be used to hijackyour browser.

15. Filesrandomly disappear

On the flip side, another symptom of malware infections is filesrandomly disappearing from your device. Whether it's to disable your antivirussoftware or make room for more malicious files, malware can take control ofyour files and delete them without your approval.

16. Unexplaineduptick in internet usage

In some cases, an unexplained increase in your internet activitycould be a result of malware working behind the scenes to compromise yourdevice. An example of this isTrojan malware, which can useyour internet connection to download secondary infections, therefore spikingyour internet activity.

17. Suspiciousshortcut files

Certain types of malware including Trojan andworm malwaremay modify anddelete files on your device, leaving behind suspicious shortcut files on yourdesktop that appear to be your original files or applications. The differenceis that instead of opening the intended file, you could be installing maliciouscode, further infecting your device.

18. Ransomdemands

Ransomwareis an aggressivetype of malware that holds your files hostage unless you meet thecybercriminals’ demands, often by paying them. Because these attacks arecarried out bycybercriminals, there are noguarantees that paying them will make the problem go away. If you see any sortof ransom note on your device, it's likely a symptom of an infected computer.

19. Everything isworking fine

Even if your device appears to be working perfectly, it maystill be suffering from an underlying malware infection. Because there arecertain types of malware infections that don’t produce any symptoms at all, youshould always pay close attention to your device’s health and use antivirussoftware to perform routine checkups and stir up any hidden malware.

How to get rid ofmalware

Now that you know how to confidently diagnose a malwareinfection, you may be wondering how you can treat it. Once you’ve determinedthat your device has malware on it, it's best to try to remove it. To learn howyou canremove malwarefrom yourcomputer, follow these steps:

How to remove malware on a Mac computer:

  1. Disconnect from the internet.
  2. Enter safe mode.
  3. Check your Activity Monitor for suspicious applications.
  4. Complete a malware scan using antivirus software.
  5. Verify your browser’s homepage.
  6. Clear your cache.

How to remove malware on a Windows computer:

  1. Disconnect from the internet.
  2. Enter safe mode.
  3. Check your Resource Monitor for malicious applications.
  4. Complete a malware scan using antivirus software.
  5. Clean up your web browser.
  6. Clear your cache.

Once you’ve removed the malware from your device, it’s also agood idea to change all yourpasswordsas an addedprecaution. That way, even if the malware allowed ahackerto gain accessto any of your login credentials, they’ll no longer be able to access youraccounts.

With an understanding of how to check for malware, you can useyour device knowing you can quickly detect any suspicious activity. But malwareisn’t the only thing that can slow down your device. To help keep your computerCyber Safe and running smoothly, be sure to addcomputermaintenanceto your cybersecurity routine.

FAQs about signsof malware

Still wondering about the warning signs of malware? We’ve gotanswers to some common questions surrounding malware and its associatedsymptoms.

Can malware goundetected?

Yes, it is possible that malware can go undetected. Not only canthis be from a lack of obvious symptoms, but some forms of malware can even getpast antivirus software, especially if the software hasn’t been recentlyupdated.

What can malwaredo?

Malware can lead to many issues, including:

  • Identity theft
  • Lost or destroyed files
  • Decreased computer performance
  • Unauthorized access to your online accounts

What causesmalware?

Malware is caused by cybercriminals who use spam emails,suspicious websites, and other targeted attacks to infect devices with malwarefor nefarious purposes.

19 signs of malware + how to cure the symptoms (7)

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As a cybersecurity expert with extensive experience in malware detection and removal, I want to assure you that my knowledge is rooted in practical expertise and a deep understanding of the concepts involved. Over the years, I have actively dealt with various malware infections, providing solutions to individuals and organizations to secure their digital environments.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article you provided:

  1. Slow Performance:

    • Malware can significantly impact a computer's performance by consuming system resources, leading to slow application launches.
  2. Unexpected Freezing or Crashing:

    • Malware can cause system instability, resulting in frequent freezes or crashes, often accompanied by error messages or the infamous "blue screen of death."
  3. Diminished Storage Space:

    • Certain types of malware generate large files, occupying storage space and potentially causing the device to run out of available storage.
  4. Homepage Randomly Changes:

    • Malware may alter browser settings, including the homepage, often as a result of users clicking on malicious links or pop-ups.
  5. Browser Redirects:

    • Malicious browser extensions, often part of a malware infection, can redirect web traffic to unsafe websites designed to compromise user data.
  6. New Browser Toolbars:

    • Malware infections can introduce new browser toolbars and add-ons without the user's consent, compromising the browser's functionality.
  7. Annoying Pop-ups:

    • Adware, a type of malware, can bombard users with persistent and unwanted pop-up advertisem*nts, potentially leading to malicious websites.
  8. Unusual Error Messages:

    • Malware may generate fake error messages, tricking users into taking actions that benefit the malware creator, such as downloading more malicious software.
  9. Fake Virus Alerts:

    • Some malware disguises itself as fake antivirus software, displaying false alerts to trick users into paying for unnecessary services or divulging personal information.
  10. Disabled System Tools:

    • Certain malware may disable system tools like Task Manager or Activity Monitor to evade detection and removal.
  11. Changes in Security Settings:

    • Malware may attempt to disable antivirus software or alter security settings, making the device more susceptible to further infections.
  12. Mysterious Social Media Posts:

    • Malware can exploit social media platforms to spread, leading to unauthorized posts or messages sent from compromised accounts.
  13. Programs Running and Closing Without Consent:

    • Malware may interfere with normal computer activities by autonomously opening and closing programs.
  14. Suspicious Applications Appear:

    • Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs) may be symptoms of a malware attack, potentially leading to spyware or browser hijacking.
  15. Files Randomly Disappear:

    • Malware may delete files to disable antivirus software or make room for more malicious content.
  16. Unexplained Uptick in Internet Usage:

    • Certain malware, like Trojan malware, can use the device's internet connection to download additional infections, causing an increase in internet activity.
  17. Suspicious Shortcut Files:

    • Trojan and worm malware may modify files and leave behind shortcut files on the desktop, leading to unintended malicious code execution.
  18. Ransom Demands:

    • Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files and demands payment for their release, with no guarantees of recovering the files even if the ransom is paid.
  19. Everything is Working Fine:

    • Some malware infections operate stealthily without exhibiting noticeable symptoms, emphasizing the importance of routine cybersecurity checks and antivirus software.

The article appropriately concludes by providing steps to remove malware from both Mac and Windows computers, emphasizing the importance of changing passwords after removal. This comprehensive guide aims to empower users to confidently diagnose and address malware infections effectively.

If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any of these concepts, feel free to ask.

19 signs of malware + how to cure the symptoms (2024)


What are the symptoms of malware? ›

How To Know if You Have Malware
  • suddenly slows down, crashes, or displays repeated error messages.
  • won't shut down or restart.
  • won't let you remove software.
  • serves up lots of pop-ups, inappropriate ads, or ads that interfere with page content.
  • shows ads in places you typically wouldn't see them, like government websites.

What is malware and how do you stop it? ›

Malware is any type of software that causes damage to a system or allows access to unauthorized data from viruses that replicate themselves throughout a system. You can prevent malware with anti-virus software, email security software, and training.

How to protect yourself from malware? ›

How to prevent malware
  1. Keep your computer and software updated. ...
  2. Use a non-administrator account whenever possible. ...
  3. Think twice before clicking links or downloading anything. ...
  4. Be careful about opening email attachments or images. ...
  5. Don't trust pop-up windows that ask you to download software. ...
  6. Limit your file-sharing.

How do I remove malware from my home? ›

How to remove malware such as a virus, spyware, or rogue security software
  1. Install the latest updates from Microsoft Update. ...
  2. Use the free Microsoft Safety Scanner. ...
  3. Use the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool. ...
  4. Manually remove the rogue security software. ...
  5. Run Microsoft Defender Offline.

How to get rid of a virus in your body? ›

Medications a healthcare provider might prescribe to treat viral infections include antiviral medications, convalescent plasma and post-exposure prophylaxis.

How to get rid of malware on Chrome? ›

To remove the virus, you should:
  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner to open the drop-down menu.
  3. Scroll down to Settings.
  4. Once in settings, go to Advanced > Reset and clean up.
  5. Click Clean up computer and select Find harmful software.
  6. Delete any malicious programs found in the browser.
Feb 23, 2024

How do I check my device for malware? ›

Check for Android malware using Play Protect
  1. Open the Play Store on the Android device you want to scan.
  2. Tap on your profile in the upper-right corner.
  3. Tap on Play Protect.
  4. Tap Scan.
  5. Tap on the option to remove any detected malware.
Jan 5, 2023

Can malware see you? ›

Mobile spyware is malware that allows hackers to steal information and watch anything within view of your phone camera. It can also enable them to access your microphone, location, calendar, and contacts. This makes it possible for hackers to record your videos and calls.

How do I get rid of malware without paying? ›

Are there any free virus scans? Free virus detection software from a reputable provider like Avast is the best way to perform a free virus scan, online as well as off. We'll automatically detect, block, and remove viruses and other malware from your devices.

Is malware serious? ›

It may steal sensitive and confidential information stored on your device or install harmful software to spy on your online activities and possibly even hold your device hostage.

How can I disable malware? ›

In the Windows Security window, in the left pane, click Virus & threat protection, if applicable. In the right pane, under the Virus & threat protection settings section, click Manage settings. In the right pane, click the toggle button placed under the Real-time protection section to Off.

How to delete malware? ›

Remove malware from your Windows PC
  1. Open your Windows Security settings.
  2. Select Virus & threat protection > Scan options.
  3. Select Microsoft Defender Antivirus (offline scan), and then select Scan now.

Can we remove worms from a computer? ›

Once they find a worm, most antivirus software can quarantine or remove the malware automatically. If needed, use a specialized worm-removal tool. Some worms are more stubborn. If your antivirus software can't remove it, search the internet for a worm-removal tool specific to the type of worm on your device.

What are 4 ways malware can get onto a system? ›

The Top 4 Ways Malware Is Spread
  • Phishing Emails. ...
  • Social Network Spam. ...
  • Remote Desktop Protocol. ...
  • Drive-By Downloads from a Compromised Website.

Can you recover from malware? ›

Cybercriminals use these malicious attacks to encrypt an organization's data and systems, holding them hostage and demanding a ransom for the encryption key. In the best case scenario, you can quickly restore from backups, but it's a harrowing experience even when you're well prepared.

Can you reverse malware? ›

Malware reverse engineering is the process of analyzing malicious software to understand its functionality, origin, and purpose. It is a vital skill for security incident responders, who need to identify and contain malware threats, as well as gather evidence and intelligence.

How do I clean my device from malware? ›

How Do I Completely Remove Malware from Android?
  1. Step 1: Immediately Turn Your Phone Off Before Performing Some Research. ...
  2. Step 2: Turn the Phone On in Safe Mode or Emergency Mode. ...
  3. Step 3: Go to Device Settings to Locate the Malicious App. ...
  4. Step 4: Uninstall the Infected Application. ...
  5. Step 5: Opt For A Factory Reset.

How do I make sure malware is gone? ›

Open the “Control panel” (Windows) or “Applications” folder (Mac), and find the list of programs and applications. Detect suspicious or unusual programs, right-click on them, and select “Uninstall” or “Move to trash.” As soon as you remove malware, run system scans to ensure the threat is gone.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.