180 Cute & Unique Japanese Girl Names | Peanut (2024)

From nature-inspired, cute Japanese girl names to unique or more popular Japanese girl names, we’ve got the ultimate list to inspire you.
In Japanese culture, it’s traditional for adults to be referred to by their family name – but it’s a different story for children.

This is why you’ll find so many cute Japanese baby girl names, inspired by nature, beauty, and general feelings of happiness.

Whether you’re looking for something rare or want to pay homage to your heritage, here’s the story behind some of the most popular Japanese female names.

Most Popular Japanese Baby Girl Names

  1. Afuru (溢る): Meaning “overflow”.
  2. Akabana (アカバナ): Meaning “red flower”.
  3. Akane (あかね): Got yourself a little pocket rocket? If your baby girl has boundless energy, she may be suited to this Japanese female name, meaning “madder” or “red dye”.
  4. Akari (丹梨): Japan is also famous for its fruit trees, and the pear tree is no exception. A classic example of nature-inspired nomenclature, this Japanese girl’s name meaning is literally “red pear tree”.
  5. Akemi (あけみ): Meaning “bright” or “beauty”.
  6. Aki (あき): Meaning “sparkle”.
  7. Akiho (あきほ): Meaning “fire fall”.
  8. Akumu (アクム): Meaning “nightmare”.
  9. Amaya (あまや): Meaning “night rain”.
  10. Asuka (あすか): Meaning “tomorrow” or “fly”.
  11. Aina (アイナ): Meaning “beautiful-eyed woman”.
  12. Aiya (アイヤ): Meaning “love”.
  13. Akina (明那): Meaning “beautiful and bright”.
  14. Amei (あめい): Meaning “heavens” or “sky”.
  15. Anna (アンナ): Meaning “love” or “water”.
  16. Aoi (亜桜依): Meaning “reliant on cherry blossoms”.
  17. Aomi (あおみ): Meaning “ocean”.
  18. Arisa (光桜): Meaning “light cherry blossoms”.
  19. Asami (あさみ): Meaning “future”.
  20. Asana (朝凪): Meaning “calm morning”.
  21. Au (合う): Meaning “unite”.
  22. Ayaka (あやか): Meaning “pure flower”.
  23. Ayako (彩子): Meaning “color” or “design”.
  24. Azumi (明日実): Meaning “apricot” or “beauty”.
  25. Bunko (文子): Meaning “art”.
  26. Chiaki (智昭): Meaning “sparkling light”.
  27. Chiasa (智朝): Meaning “one thousand mornings”.
  28. Chieko (千恵子): Meaning “one thousand blessings”.
  29. Chiharu (千春): Meaning “wisdom” or “spring”.
  30. Chika (ちか): Meaning “one thousand flowers”.
  31. Chikako (智佳子): Meaning “friendly”.
  32. Chinami (千奈美): Meaning “one thousand waves” or “beautiful wisdom”.
  33. Chitose (千寿-): Meaning “one thousand years”.
  34. Chiyo (稚葉): Meaning “one thousand generations”.
  35. Chizu (知瑞): Meaning “one thousand cranes”.
  36. Cho (蝶): Meaning “butterfly”.
  37. Dai (大輝): Meaning “generation”.
  38. Daitan (大胆): Meaning “daring”.
  39. Den (デン): Meaning “asked for”.
  40. Doremi (瞳麗美): Meaning “waterway”.
  1. Eiko (恵倭子): Meaning “flourishing”.
  2. Eimi (影美): Meaning “ocean”.
  3. Emi (えみ): Meaning “beautiful painting”.
  4. Emica (咲花): Meaning “beautiful”.
  5. Emika (咲佳): Meaning “beautiful bloom”.
  6. Emiko (えみこ): Meaning “prosperous child”.
  7. Emiyo (咲佳): Meaning “bloom”.
  8. Ena (愛菜): Meaning “smile” or “laugh”.
  9. Erena (えれな): Meaning “water route”.
  10. Eri (恵理): Meaning “love” or “clever”.
  11. Erika (英姫): Meaning “English princess”.
  12. Erity (えりてぃ): Meaning “special one”.
  13. Etsu (悦): Meaning “rejoice”.
  14. Etsumi (愛): Meaning “cold water”.
  15. Etsuko (悦子): Meaning “joyous child”.
  16. Fumiko (ふみこ): Meaning “child of treasured beauty”.
  17. Gen (元): Meaning “spring”.
  18. Gin (銀): Meaning “silver”.
  19. Gina (銀): Meaning “silvery”.
  20. Hana (花): Meaning “flower”.
  21. Hanako (花子): Meaning “flower girl”.
  22. Hanan (花子): Meaning “flower child”.
  23. Haruki (春木): Meaning “spring” or “tree”.
  24. Haruna (榛): Meaning “hazel”.
  25. Hasumi (華澄): Meaning “serene flower”.
  26. Hayami (速見): Meaning “hurricane”.
  27. Hikari (光): Meaning “light”.
  28. Himari (陽葵): Meaning “good hollyhock”.
  29. Hina (陽菜): Vegetables aren’t usually a term we’d associate with beautiful Japanese girl names, but their native pronunciation is far easier on the ear! Hina quite literally means “good vegetables” or “edible greens”. A good message to instill in them from birth, we’d say.
  30. Hinami (陽南): Meaning “southern sunshine”.
  31. Hiro (柊): Meaning “abundant”.
  32. Hiroka (恕花): Meaning “generous flower”.
  33. Hiromi (裕美): Meaning “generous beauty”.
  34. Hisa (悠): Meaning “long-lasting”.
  35. Hisano (日彩乃): Meaning “open plain”.
  36. Hitomi (智美): Meaning “beautiful history”.
  37. Homura (炎): Meaning “flame”.
  38. Honoka (火佳): Meaning “beautiful fire”.
  39. Hoshi (星): Meaning “star”.
  40. Hotaru (蛍): Meaning “firefly”.
  41. Ichika (一千花): Meaning “one thousand flowers”.
  42. Iku (玖): Meaning “jet-black stone”.
  43. Ine (唯美): Meaning “emphasized beauty”.
  44. Ito (糸): Meaning “string”.
  45. Jin (金): Meaning “gold”.
  46. Jun (純): Meaning “pure” or “genuine”.
  47. Junko (順): Meaning “obedient child”.
  48. Kaede (楓): Meaning “maple tree”.
  49. Kaen (花園): Meaning “flower garden”.
  50. Kaida (海田): Meaning “little dragon”.
  51. Kaiya (佳宝): Meaning “beautiful treasure”.
  52. Kaguya (伽宮夜): Meaning “radiant night”.
  53. Kaiyo (海容): Meaning “forgiveness”.
  54. Kameko (亀甲): Meaning “tortoise-child”.
  55. Kanae (夢): Meaning “dream”.
  56. Kaori (香織): Meaning “scent”.
  57. Kana (佳奈): This one’s particularly important because it bucks the trend of diminutive, cute Japanese baby girl names. Contrary to images of hearts and flowers, Kana means “the one who has the power”. There’s a miniature CEO right there!
  58. Katsuki (花月): Meaning “moon flower”.
  59. Katsumi (克実): Meaning “gain victory”.
  60. Kazemi (佳宝): Meaning “water” or “wind”.
  61. Kazuya (壱): Meaning “one”.
  62. Kimi (嬉): Meaning “happy”.
  63. Kiomi (清美): Meaning “pure beauty”.
  64. Kiyo (綺世): Meaning “beautiful world”.
  65. Kiyomizu (清水): Meaning “auspicious” or “water”.
  66. Kohaku (琥珀): Meaning “amber”.
  67. Koharu (小華): Meaning “small flower”.
  68. Koko (瑚幸): Meaning “fortune ritual”.
  69. Kumi (久美): Meaning “beautiful old story”.
  70. Kuni (光祐): Meaning “light and help of God”.
  71. Kura (佳宝): Meaning “beautiful treasure”.
  72. Kuroi (黒い): Meaning “black”.
  73. Kuroishi (黒石): Meaning “black” and “charisma”.
  74. Kyoko (杏子): Meaning “apricot child”.
  75. Kyoto (京都): Meaning “capital city”.
  76. Machi (摩知): Meaning “friction knowledge”.
  77. Machiko (眞稚子): Meaning “child who learns truth”.
  78. Madoka (真努佳): Meaning “try truth”.
  79. Maemi (麻恵人): Meaning “hemp blessed person”.
  80. Maiko (舞妓): Meaning “dancing child”.
  81. Maimi (真): Meaning “truth”.
  82. Manahimeko (麻那姫湖): Meaning “lake”.
  83. Mari (真理): Meaning “truth”.
  84. Mei (明依): Meaning “bright and reliant”.
  85. Miami (美愛弥): Meaning “beauty and love in process”.
  86. Mieko (美恵子): Meaning “brightness of light”.
  87. Miharu (光春): Meaning “spring light”.
  88. Mihiro (弥尋): Meaning “ask progress”.
  89. Mika (美佳): Meaning “beautiful and good”.
  90. Mikazuki (三日月): Meaning “crescent moon”.
  91. Miki (光姫): Meaning “princess of light”.
  92. Minori (美乃里): Meaning “beautiful”.
  93. Mio (心陽): Meaning “heart of the sun”.
  94. Misaki (美 咲): Meaning “beautiful blossom”.
  95. Mitsu (実): Meaning “light” or “honey”.
  96. Miyu (海夢): Meaning “ocean dream”.
  97. Miyuki (美雪): Meaning “beautiful snow”.
  98. Mizuki (美月): Meaning “beautiful moon”.
  99. Moto (智): Meaning “smart”.
  100. Mutsuko ( 睦子): Meaning “close child”.
  1. Nagisa (和颯): Meaning “calm beach”.
  2. Nahoko (奈帆子): Meaning “obedient child”.
  3. Nani (那仁): Meaning “beauty”.
  4. Nariko (奈里子): Meaning “thunder child”.
  5. Nayoko (菜夜子): Meaning “night child”.
  6. Niko (二湖): A classic female Japanese name meaning “two lakes”. It’s an ideal choice for those immersing their children in different cultures – for example, Nico is a popular name in Greece, Spain, and Italy.
  7. Nori (乃理): Meaning “you” or “seaweed”.
  8. Noriko (典子): Meaning “child of ceremony”.
  9. Nozomi (望み): Meaning “hope”.
  10. Nyoko (にょこ): Meaning “treasured child” or “madly in love”.
  11. Okimi (沖 見): Meaning “see off the coast”.
  12. Reika (冷夏): Meaning “cold summer”.
  13. Rieko (理恵子): Meaning “blessing child of logic”.
  14. Rika (俐歌): Meaning “smart song”.
  15. Rikako (里花子): Meaning “village flower child”.
  16. Rikona (凛子奈): Meaning “fruit child”.
  17. Rinako (凜梛子): Meaning “gallant apple tree child”.
  18. Saki (咲): Meaning “bloom”.
  19. Sakura (咲良): You can’t picture Japan without imagining those world-famous cherry blossoms in the springtime. Sakura means “cherry blossom” – perfect for little ladies born with rosy cheeks.
  20. Sara (冴咲): Meaning “vivid blossom”.
  21. Sayaka (彩): Meaning “vivid color”.
  22. Sayoko (小夜子): Meaning “evening child”.
  23. Sunako (砂子): Meaning “sand child”.
  24. Tadam (忠己)i: Meaning “sincerity”.
  25. Tatsuo (達桜): Meaning “reach for the cherry blossoms”.
  26. Tsukiko (月子): Meaning “moon child”.
  27. Tsumugi (紬希): This one is very specific in its meaning – Tsumugi refers to a “pongee”, which is a soft cloth made of threads of silk.
  28. Usagi (卯沙伎): Meaning “sand rabbit”.
  29. Wakumi (惑美): Meaning “bewildering beauty”.
  30. Yami (闇): Meaning “dark”.
  31. Yasha (夜叉): Meaning “night devil”.
  32. Yoru (夜): Meaning “night”.
  33. Yua (結愛): Meaning “binded by love and affection”.
  34. Yui (佑泉): Meaning “helpful fountain”.
  35. Yuika (夢叶): Meaning “dream come true”.
  36. Yuka (優火): Meaning “superior fire”.
  37. Yuki (雪): Meaning “snow”.
  38. Yukina (雪華): Meaning “snow flower”.
  39. Yurika (揺花): Meaning “swaying flower”.
  40. Yuzuki (優月妃): Meaning “superior moon princess”.

There you have it ‒ 180 beautiful, popular, and unique Japanese girl’s names for your little akachan.

Which are your favorites? Why not share them with the Peanut community?

180 Cute & Unique Japanese Girl Names | Peanut (2024)


What is the rarest girl name in Japan? ›

Rare Baby Girl Names
  • Perach.
  • Phanie.
  • Salomi.
  • Megara.
  • Caliste.
  • Lune.
  • Zixuan.
  • Darana.
Apr 4, 2024

What Japanese girl names mean rare beauty? ›

Hayami is a pretty Japanese girl's name that means 'rare beauty. '

What are beautiful Japanese girls called? ›

Bijin (美人) is a Japanese term which literally means "a beautiful person" and is synonymous with bijo (美女, "beautiful woman"). Girls are usually called bishōjo (美少女), while men are known as bidanshi (美男子) and boys are bishōnen (美少年).

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Japanese Girl Names That Mean Pink
  • Momoko (桃子) – Peach child.
  • Sakura (桜) – Cherry blossom.
  • Ayame (彩芽) – Colorful bud.
  • Ichigo (苺) – Strawberry, often associated with its pink color.
  • Momo (桃) – Peach, symbolizing a pink hue.
  • Akane (茜) – Madder, a plant yielding a pinkish dye.
  • Sumire (菫) – Violet, including pink varieties.
Mar 28, 2024

What Japanese girl's name is Lucky? ›

Keiko. Keiko is a playful-sounding name with auspicious meaning for any baby: It means "lucky child," "happy child," or "adored one." A super-popular name in Japan over the years, the element ko means "child," and happens to be a common ending for female names.

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This year's top three baby girl names are a repeat of last year's, with Olivia, Emma, and Amelia hanging on to spots one, two, and three.

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Most Beautiful Baby Girl Names Worldwide
  • Aurelia - Originating from Latin, meaning "golden," this name depicts luxury and radiance.
  • Isabella - In Hebrew, this name means "God's promise" and reflects elegance and spirituality.
  • Catalina - A Spanish name meaning "pure" and "sincere," creating an impression of innocence.
Aug 29, 2023

What are the top 20 rarest names? ›

20 Most Rare Baby Names
  • Alessia.
  • Anya.
  • Aurelia.
  • Azalea.
  • Bexley.
  • Briar.
  • Effie.
  • Ellerie.
Mar 15, 2019

What Japanese name means butterfly? ›

Chouka is a Japanese name that means butterfly and is used for boys and girls. Other Japanese names for girls that also mean butterfly are Cho and Kocho. Kocho is a classical Japanese way of saying butterfly.

What pretty Japanese girl names mean flower? ›

Japanese Girl Names Meaning 'Flower'
  • Ayame. With its pronunciation of A-YA-MEH, this name has a beautiful sound, and, of course, it's the name of a flower. ...
  • Hanae. ...
  • Hanako. ...
  • Hinata. ...
  • Karen. ...
  • Kiku. ...
  • Mio. ...
  • Misaki.
May 15, 2023

What Japanese girl name means sun? ›

Haruko. If you're looking for a lovely Japanese girls' name that means “sun,” we've got just the name for you. Haruko means “sun” or “spring” combined with “child,” making it a great option for your spring or summer baby.

What Japanese girl names mean angel? ›

Japanese Girl Names That Mean Angel

Aiko (愛子) – “Love child,” embodying the pure love and care of an angel. Sora (空) – “Sky,” reflecting the vastness and serene beauty of the heavens. Ami (天使) – Literally means “Angel,” directly invoking the imagery of celestial beings.

What Japanese girl name means moon? ›

Yuzuki (優月) – “Gentle moon,” reflecting softness and tranquility. Akari (明里) – “Brightness” or “light,” evoking the moon's gentle luminescence. Mitsuki (美月) – “Beautiful moon,” representing the aesthetic beauty of the lunar surface.

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Bijin means “beautiful woman” and kawaii means cute. Japanese girls prefer to be called cute rather than “beautiful”.

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  • Luna.
  • Scarlett.
  • Hazel.
  • Ellie.
  • Mila.
  • Layla.
  • Nova.
  • Isla.

Is Yuki a girl name? ›

Yuki (ゆき, ユキ) and Yūki/Yuuki (ゆうき, ユーキ) are separate Japanese given names used for females or males, though they can be romanized the same way when vowel length is not transliterated.

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