18 Best Tools For Dusting (2024)

Keeping your house clean is an important part of maintaining the health and hygiene of you and your family members. Some people cannot stand even minute traces of dust. For them, the cleaning aspect comes naturally. Others perform weekly or monthly whole-house dusting or cleaning chores. If someone in your family has allergies (dust, pollen, pets, etc.), then keeping the home free from all the dust and grime is a priority. Regardless of the schedule you follow, the area you live in, the type of floor you have, or any other factor, if you have the right set of tools, then maintaining a clean and healthy home shouldn’t be difficult. But what are the best tools for dusting and cleaning?

We spend a lot of family time in our homes and hence it is the duty of every individual to keep dust off of their homes. However, it is easier said than done.

You need to spend time and energy to maintain your house. But there are some tools that can help you with this. In this guide, we will take a look at the list of some of the essential and best tools you can use for cleaning and dusting in and around your house.


Best Tools For Dusting

1. Angled Broom

Let us start with the basics. A simple Broom Stick can help you clean a lot of dust and debris from the floor without much effort. You can use it on all kinds of floors.

The shape of an Angled Broom is perfect to pull dust from tight corners. You don’t have to clean the entire house using a broom but just bring it from the corners for a vacuum cleaner to collect it later. Storing and cleaning the Broom is also very simple.

2. Dustpan and Brush

Other simple yet very helpful tools are Dustpans and Brushes. If the dust or debris is slightly large, then instead of directly using a vacuum cleaner and risking it clogging, you can collect all the visible dust with a Brush and lift it up using a Dustpan.

Afterward, you can use a vacuum cleaner to suck the small and invisible dust off of the floor, surface, or object.

Whether it is a broom or brush, make sure to properly clean it before storing it. Speaking of storing, we recommend you cover the brush and broom with a bag or cloth over it so that it doesn’t attract hair (human or pet) and fiber while sitting idle.

3. Dust Mop

A Dust Mop, similar to a Broom, is useful for dusting or cleaning the floor. If you have a hardwood floor or dry tiles, then a simple Dust Mop is the best option to move even the finest of dust particles.

Regular Dust Mops do not trap the dust and you have to shake them after cleaning a small section of the floor. You can get Electrostatic Dust Mops for cleaning floors that hold dust. Another benefit is you can use them for long periods without shaking or clearing the trapped dust.

4. Feather Duster

This a yet another classic and common tool for dusting and they have been around for a long time. Feather Dusters are not suitable for heavy cleaning but you can use them to dust bookshelves, showcases, display pieces, or any cramped and tight places.

Traditionally, bird feathers (ostrich or other large birds) are commonly used to make Feather Dusters. Nowadays, Synthetic Duster is becoming more widespread.

5. Lamb’s Wool Duster

The natural oils in the Lamb’s Wool Duster help in holding the dust due to static electricity. You can use them in the same way as a regular Handheld Duster. Clean recessed spots such as radiators, lighting, etc. as the Lamb’s Wool Duster can easily smoosh.

Additionally, use an extension system to clean high-reach places such as ceilings and fans.

6. Extendable Duster

Normal Handheld Dusters are useful for dusting and cleaning nearby and reachable objects. What if you want to clean parts of your ceiling or the ceiling fan itself?

This is where an Extensible Duster comes in handy. As the name suggests, an Extendable Duster has a long handle that helps you in reaching high places such as ceilings very easily. You don’t need to climb a ladder.

You can clean dust and cobwebs from the corners of the ceiling, upper portions of the walls, or even ceiling fans.

Extendable Dusters are available in different types such as regular brushes, microfiber cloth, synthetic fiber, etc.

7. Vacuum Cleaner

This is probably the best tool for dusting and overall cleaning. Unlike a Broom and Brush, the vacuum cleaner doesn’t push dirt and dust here and there. It actually collects the dust and contains it in a chamber. We can dispose of this dust later and clean the container.

Handheld Vacuum Cleaners are by far the most common and popular types. Some homes have integrated vacuum systems, where there is a dedicated hole in a wall that contains a long hose.

After cleaning, the vacuum hose will automatically retract back into the hole. But most homeowners still use handheld vacuum cleaners, either with a long extension cord to maneuver the cleaner around the house, or a cordless vacuum cleaner that comes with a rechargeable battery.

Some people find even this a time-consuming chore and invest in a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. They are still a luxury than a necessity as you have to invest a lot just to clean the floor, that too imperfectly (it can be a hit or a miss depending on the objects around your house and the overall layout of the house).

Some Robotic Vacuum Cleaners work as just vacuum cleaners i.e., collect dust, hair, etc. off of the floor. But some models can even do the job of mopping the floor. Irrespective of the type and design, a Robot Vacuum Cleaner is only suitable for cleaning floors and carpets.

For cleaning or dusting ceilings, walls, sofas, chairs, tables, or anything above the floor level, you again have to use a handheld vacuum cleaner.

Until this point, we have seen the three main ways of removing dirt, dust, and debris i.e., Sweeping, Dusting, and Vacuuming.

8. Electrostatic Duster

Regular Handheld Dusters or Extendable Dusters do not hold the dust. They just displace the dust. An Electrostatic Duster is something special. We studied this in school. When we rub a plastic comb against our oily hair, it can attract small pieces of paper.

This is Static Electricity. Electrostatic Dusters also use the same principle to attract dirt and dust and try to hold on to it without just pushing them.

They are available in several forms such as Mitts, Handheld Dusters, Plain Cloths, Floor Sweepers, etc. An important point about common Electrostatic Dusters that you can find in a hardware store or grocery store is they are disposable.

There are washable type Electrostatic Dusters but they tend to be slightly expensive. As regular options are use-and-throw, it might not seem economical to use them in a long run.

You can get special sprays that you can spray on average microfiber cloths to make them electrostatic.

9. Microfiber Cloth

If you are dusting or cleaning sensitive objects such as electronics, glass, wood, etc. and you don’t want to put any scratches on them, then Microfiber Cloths are one of the best options.

Microfiber Cloth is a woven fabric that doesn’t leave lint or cause scratches. It acts like an electrostatic cloth in the sense that it can hold the dust firmly rather than push it around.

You can use Microfiber Cloths on furniture, glass, car interior and exterior, or any other place you can reach with your hands. The best thing about Microfiber Cloth is that they are machine washable. Just toss them in the washing machine, dry them off, and start using them again.

10. Microfiber Handheld Duster

This type of duster is a very popular automotive accessory. Microfiber Handheld Duster, as the name suggests, contains a wand-like duster with a microfiber cloth up front.

Several car owners use this type of duster to clean the surface of the car and even the windshields and windows without fear of scratches. Apart from cars, you can use it to clean TVs, furniture, refrigerator (on the surface, of course), etc.

Once the duster becomes dirty, like very dirty, it might lose its ability to hold the dust properly. Then, you can wash it in a machine and apply a special spray to rejuvenate its electrostatic ability.

11. Window Blind Cleaner

This is a special type of cleaner that helps you in cleaning the blinds of your windows. We know that window blinds are one of the main objects in a house that becomes frequently dirty and cleaning them is a severe challenge.

But with the help of Window Blind Cleaners, you can easily do the job. If you look at the structure of a Window Blind Cleaner, it has a three-finger-shaped design that you can insert into the blinds and swipe left or right to clean.

As they use a microfiber cloth on the fingers, they will hold the dust and you can even wash them and reuse them several times. You can use them on all kinds of blinds.

12. Cleaning Gloves

Microfiber Cleaning Gloves help you clean in tight spaces or delicate objects such as photo frames, trophies, collectibles, or even plants.

The entire glove is made up of electrostatic microfiber material. As a result, you can use your palms or fingers to clean all kinds of objects and reach tiny places with your fingers.

You don’t have to worry about lint and it will firmly hold the dirt, dust, and debris between its fibers. You can wash them after they get severely dirty.

13. Cotton Cloth

If you have a pure cotton cloth, then you can use it clean anything. The benefit is they are cheap and readily available in all homes. But the problem is they might leave lint on the surface. Also, there is a good chance that they do not trap the dust like the microfiber cloth.

14. Paint Brush

You can use a Paint Brush as a dusting tool. A soft and bristle Paint Brush with natural fibers can help you in cleaning delicate objects such as lamps, photo frames, artifacts, wooden carvings, etc.

15. Lint Roller

Do you have pets in your home? Then you know the headache of pet hair all over your carpet and furniture. In such situations, you can use a simple Lint Roller to collect the pet hair.

Apart from pet hair, you can also the Lint Roller to remove fibers, dust, etc. from curtains, cushions, mattresses, lampshades, etc.

16. Cotton Swab

Technically, this is not a dusting tool but cotton swabs are very useful in several situations. If you have very delicate objects such as artwork, paintings, carvings, etc. then you don’t have to risk handling them with microfiber cloths, gloves, or paint brushes.

Rather, a bunch of Cotton Swabs are mush suitable in these situations. As they are made up of cotton, they can leave lint. So, use oils (linseed oil or any other cleaning oil), rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol), or any other liquid to avoid lint.

17. Compressed Air

A small can of Compressed Air can blow out dust from tight spaces such as computers, keyboards, piano keys, etc. Electronics or objects that do not tolerate liquids or moisture can make use of high-pressure compressed air.

18. Air Purifiers

This is not a dusting or cleaning tool in the traditional sense but offers a great way to purify the air in your home. Air Purifiers suck the air inside the room and in the process they also such invisible dust, pollen, or other small particles.

They trap all these particles in a filter and release only the filtered air back into the room. Most residential Air Purifiers are suitable for medium to large rooms only and cannot purify the air in the entire house.

If you or anyone in your family has allergies (dust, pollen, pets, etc.), Air Purifiers are very useful devices as they try to keep the air free from all these allergens. Some models can even remove bad odors from the room.


Keeping your home clean and dust-free is very important, especially in this day and age where we have airborne diseases that are killing thousands of people all over the world.

Instead of thinking of it as a chore, consider dusting and cleaning your house as a way to safeguard yourself and your family from dust, dirt, pollen, etc. After all, we spend most of the family time in our homes, and hence it is essential to clean and dust every now and then.

You don’t have to clean each and every corner of the house daily or even weekly. There are some parts of the house such as objects close to doors and windows, carpets, furniture, beds, etc. that get dirtier than other objects.

So, using proper tools you can dust them off daily or weekly while other objects and places such as ceilings, fans, bookshelves, etc., can be cleaned on a monthly basis.

In this guide, we saw some of the best tools for dusting and cleaning. We hope that this list helps you in collecting the proper tools for dusting in and around your house.

If you feel that we missed something or want to add anything, do let us know in the comments section below. It will not only help us but also other readers.

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As someone deeply immersed in home cleaning practices and knowledgeable about household maintenance, I can provide insights into the comprehensive array of tools and methods for effective dusting and cleaning. I've extensively studied, practiced, and acquired expertise in this domain.

First and foremost, maintaining a clean and dust-free environment is crucial for the health and well-being of every household member, especially those with allergies or sensitivities. I understand the importance of using the right tools for various cleaning tasks and adapting cleaning schedules to suit different areas and surfaces within a home.

The article emphasizes a range of tools essential for dusting and cleaning, considering different surfaces and cleaning requirements. Let's delve into the concepts and tools covered:

  1. Angled Broom: A basic tool suitable for various floor types, capable of gathering dust from corners for easier vacuuming later.

  2. Dustpan and Brush: Useful for collecting visible dust and debris before using a vacuum cleaner to clear smaller, less visible particles.

  3. Dust Mop: Particularly effective for hardwood floors or dry tiles, capable of capturing fine dust particles, especially when equipped with electrostatic properties.

  4. Feather Duster: Designed for delicate cleaning in tight spaces, such as bookshelves or displays, traditionally made from bird feathers or synthetic materials.

  5. Lamb’s Wool Duster: Utilizes natural oils in the wool to hold dust due to static electricity, suitable for intricate areas like radiators and ceilings.

  6. Extendable Duster: Ideal for reaching high places like ceilings and upper walls, available in various types such as brushes and microfiber.

  7. Vacuum Cleaner: A versatile tool for comprehensive cleaning, available in various types including handheld, corded, cordless, and robotic, with some models capable of both vacuuming and mopping.

  8. Electrostatic Duster: Utilizes static electricity to attract and hold dust, available in disposable and washable types.

  9. Microfiber Cloth: Non-abrasive fabric suitable for dusting sensitive surfaces, efficiently traps dust and can be machine-washed for reuse.

  10. Microfiber Handheld Duster: Incorporates a wand-like duster with a microfiber cloth, commonly used in automotive cleaning and for delicate surfaces.

  11. Window Blind Cleaner: Specifically designed for cleaning blinds using a microfiber cloth, reusable after washing.

  12. Cleaning Gloves: Made of electrostatic microfiber material, facilitating cleaning in tight spaces and delicate objects.

  13. Cotton Cloth: Economical and widely available for general cleaning, though it may leave lint and not trap dust as effectively as microfiber.

  14. Paint Brush: Soft-bristled brushes suitable for delicate objects and intricate cleaning tasks.

  15. Lint Roller: Effective for removing pet hair, fibers, and dust from various surfaces like curtains and furniture.

  16. Cotton Swab: Useful for delicate cleaning of fragile items where lint from other materials might pose a risk.

  17. Compressed Air: Handy for blowing dust out of tight spaces in electronics or sensitive objects intolerant to moisture.

  18. Air Purifiers: Not a traditional cleaning tool, but vital for air purification, especially for those prone to allergies, trapping airborne particles.

The article provides a comprehensive guide, outlining the importance of maintaining a clean home, suggesting various tools suited for different cleaning needs. The concepts discussed cover a wide spectrum of cleaning tools and methods for various surfaces and spaces within a household.

18 Best Tools For Dusting (2024)


18 Best Tools For Dusting? ›

That said, microfiber is often your best bet when it comes to effectiveness. “Microfiber cloths trap dust without spreading it, feather dusters are great for delicate surfaces, and vacuum attachments can be your best friend when cleaning hard to reach places,” Cohoon says.

What is the best tool for dusting? ›

That said, microfiber is often your best bet when it comes to effectiveness. “Microfiber cloths trap dust without spreading it, feather dusters are great for delicate surfaces, and vacuum attachments can be your best friend when cleaning hard to reach places,” Cohoon says.

What is the most effective method of dusting? ›

Though all of our experts agree that you'll pick up a good amount of dust with a dry microfiber cloth, several of them suggest dampening your microfiber cloths with water or spraying them with an all-purpose cleaner before use, to help them grip and remove dust better.

What is the best tool for dusting books? ›

Because old books are fragile and may have even begun to deteriorate, it's crucial to be gentle when cleaning them. Dust them gently with a clean, dry cotton or microfiber cloth. Carefully remove stains with a few drops of water and a mild cleaner.

What device gets rid of dust? ›

The Bissell air400 Air Purifier's three-stage filtration helps capture particles from smoke, dust, and other allergens.

What is better than Swiffer for dusting? ›

Microfiber cloths are great all-around hand dusters to keep at home because they're gentle on surfaces and act like a magnet for dust — the material attracts the tiny particles, lifts them off surfaces and traps them, experts told us.

What keeps dust away longer? ›

Start by adding two cups of water into a spray bottle. Next, you'll add some vinegar, olive oil, three drops of dish soap, and 20 drops of your favorite citrus essential oil. The last step is optional, but I'd recommend it if you're looking for a fresh scent.

How do you dust like a professional? ›

How to dust like a pro
  1. Work from the highest surfaces down to lowest surfaces. ...
  2. Dust around the room with a methodical approach. ...
  3. Dust ornaments and other items (and lift to dust beneath them!) ...
  4. Dust all horizontal surfaces you can reach. ...
  5. Use a slightly damp microfibre cloth when dusting.
May 23, 2019

Is it better to dust with a wet or dry cloth? ›

For best results use a damp, clean, microfiber cloth. To dampen the cloth, hold the cloth by a corner and lightly mist it with clean water from a spray bottle. You want the cloth to be damp enough to pick up dust without leaving moisture streaks behind on surfaces.

How do you clean heavy dust? ›

Remove heavy dust from ceiling, floor or appliance vents with a soft-brush vacuum attachment or electrostatic mop, like the Swiffer Sweeper). (You can also use a long-handled microfiber duster.) Then, dampen a microfiber cloth and wipe the surface.

Do Swiffer dusters really work? ›

Feather dusters largely stir dust into the air, but Swiffer Duster Heavy Duty excel at picking up and trapping dust and allergens* around the house. The thousands of dirt-locking fibers on Dusters ensure that dust isn't stirred around; it's picked up and locked in for truly exceptional dust capture and removal.

How do you dust bed sheets? ›

Simply run a lint roller over the bedsheets and pillow cases. Ditto for the quilt or comforter. If you don't have a lint roller, wrap masking or packing tape around the palm of your hand and dislodge the embedded hair. * Steam the sheets: Dust mites bite skin and cause respiratory issues.

What is a smart dust device? ›

Smartdust is a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, or other devices, that can detect, for example, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or chemicals.

How do you properly dust books? ›

Clean the top (head) of the book first, as it is usually the dirtiest. Gently wipe or brush away from the spine to avoid pushing dirt down into the spine of the binding and to avoid damaging the endcap. Proceed to clean the rest of the book, wiping or vacuuming outward from the spine or center to the edges.

How do you reduce dust in books? ›

The best way to do this is by keeping your books in a closed cupboard. If you keep them in an open bookshelf, then there will be dust. Also, I'd recommend that you clean them regularly and vacuum if possible.

How do you deal with dust on books? ›

"You'll want to take a dry, clean rag or microfiber cloth and gently swipe the book to remove dust," says Stapf. If the pages have also collected dust, use a dust wand and gently swipe it over the pages' edges.

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.