17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (2024)

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Lindsay Dodgson


17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (1)

  • Dating someone new is tough, because you never really know what the person is like until you meet.
  • Sometimes, people will show problematic behaviors on the first date.
  • Here are the red flags you should look out for, according to experts.

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (2)

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17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (3)

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17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (4)


First dates are always a risk. You might not fancy the person when they show up, or you might end up getting ghosted — or worse — afterwards.

But taking the chance is necessary if you want to find a meaningful relationship. Nobody wants to text back and forth forever, and eventually you'll have to meet the person you're talking to.

First dates may be the perfect recipe for nerves, but they are also an opportunity to work out if someone is really right for you. Some people take longer to come out of their shell, and that's fine, but there are some immediate signs you should stay well clear of someone.

"People tend to present their best self initially so if any of these behaviors or traits manifest early on, it is important to pay attention," relationship coach Susan Trotter told Insider. "It is likely that these issues won't change and in fact, will likely worsen and become toxic over time."


Here's what Trotter and other experts had to say about the red flags you should keep an eye out for.


1. They are late — but don't tell you

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (5)

GeorgiNutsov/Getty Images

Erika Ettin, founder of dating site A Little Nudge, said one immediate red flag is if your date is late without informing you. Everyone gets caught up sometimes, and it's fine to be late if you notify the person what's happened. But turning up half an hour past the meeting time without saying anything may be a sign of disrespect.

"He or she needs to value your time," Ettin said. And presuming you're fine waiting around for them without knowing where they are is quite insulting.

This isn't necessarily enough to write the person off. Their phone may have run out of battery, or they could have been on a train with no signal. But it is something to be aware of, because you don't want it to become a habit.


2. Their behaviour suggests a control problem

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (6)

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Ettin said it's not a great sign if your date talks the whole time. "While this may be nerves, it may also be a sign of a bit of an ego," she said.

Also, it's not unheard of for someone to actually order for you without asking what you want. While this may simply be a sign of a self-absorbed idiot, it could also be a warning sign that they have some controlling tendencies.

Be careful, because overly repressive behaviour early on could be their way of testing your boundaries. In the long run, this could be an indicator of coercive control.


3. They want to meet somewhere that makes you uncomfortable

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (7)


Robyn Exton, founder and CEO of dating app HER, told Insider you should be aware of where your date wants to meet up, because this can be very revealing. If they want you to come to their house, for example, or somewhere you've never heard of, that could be a red flag.

"Location says a lot and it's important you feel safe there," Exton said. "I am a huge fan of a FaceTime or call before meeting — it makes the date less nervy for me as well and helps get a read on how someone responds to requests."

Your gut feeling is important in these situations, Exton added, and "if it feels unsafe or fishy, it probably is."

"Let a friend know you are going on a date and where you will be," she said.


4. They're bread-crumbing you

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (8)

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If you find you are trying to hard to "win" your date's affection and attention, this is also a warning sign, Exton said.

"This can happen if someone has been bread-crumbing you and making you fight for their attention," she said, referring to a manipulative tactic where someone gives their date just enough morsels of attention to keep stringing them along.

"If you're finding yourself doing whatever it takes just to get a bit of their affection, check yourself," Exton said. "Are you really paying attention to how they make you feel and what they are showing you about themselves?"


5. They aren't present

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (9)

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If your date is always on his or her phone, actively checking it throughout the date, or is constantly looking around to see what else (or who else) is out there, they aren't really present, Ettin said.

Of course, they might be waiting on an important call from a relative or a job. But if they don't explain this to you, leaving you to come to your own conclusions, that isn't a particularly good sign.


6. They are rude to the waiter

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (10)

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"Your date is rude, to a server or to anyone for that matter," Ettin said. "If this is the first impression, imagine what life would be like."

In other words, if your date is willing to be rude to the person who is just doing their job, there's no reason they wouldn't turn that around on you. After all, people are generally their best selves on a first date because they're trying to give a good impression. And as first impressions go, rudeness isn't ideal.

Gabriela Reyes, a dating expert at dating app Chispa, said you should pay attention to how your date treats everyone, not just you.

"While they're putting their best foot forward with you and trying to impress you, it says a lot about a person if they're treating others poorly," she told Insider. "You being on the receiving end of that treatment at some point is likely."


7. They're aggressively romantic

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (11)

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A little romance goes a long way, and everyone likes to feel special. But if someone is going overboard the first time they meet you, it could be something more sinister than them just being really into you.

If your date is showering you with affection, gifts, and compliments to an excessive degree, they may be trying to manipulate you into thinking you've found "the one," with a tactic known as "love bombing."

Trotter said the tell-tale sign of love bombing is your date being "overly expressive in how they feel about you too early on.

"This can show up as love bombing which can feel good and ego-gratifying but is disingenuous and toxic over time," she said.

Essentially, the victim falls into a false sense of security, which allows the abuser to start taking advantage of them in the future when their mask starts to slip.


8. The date moves too fast

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (12)

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Sometimes love bombing will only become apparent after a few weeks, but incredibly manipulative people may try and overwhelm you right away on the first date.

Katie Hood, the CEO of One Love Foundation, told Insider the first date is often like a dream or a scene from a movie, because your date is so charming and complimentary of you, telling you you're such a special person and they are so glad to be with you.

"It's actually right at this phase that you need to pay the most attention to balance in your relationship and also how you're truly feeling in your gut about how things are going," she said.

"If the pace feels too fast, it's important to pay attention. Quick 'I love you's' or moves to exclusivity before you really know each other may indicate you're with a person who wants to label you as 'his' or 'hers,' a hallmark of a controlling personality."


9. They don't respect your boundaries

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (13)

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Trotter said it's a warning sign if your date doesn't respect your boundaries, which can manifest in several different ways.

"They might overshare about their life. They might ask you too many personal questions. They may get too touchy or sexual early on. They may be pushy about ordering more drinks or staying later than you want," she said. "Any one of these behaviors is a boundary issue and a significant red flag."

Reyes agreed this is a massive warning sign.

"If you make it clear to this person that you don't want to be touched, that you don't want that next drink or that you'd like to head home and they don't respect this?" she told Insider. "Huge red flag."


10. Your gut is telling you something is off

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (14)


Reyes said that arguably the most important red flag can be found in how you feel.

"Take a bathroom break and check in with yourself," she said. "If you get a bad 'gut feeling' or despite being able to explain it, you feel uneasy about this person, escape the situation as soon as possible. In the mental-health field, we like to say the gut is a second brain. Trust it."

You should also not dismiss your date's behavior as "first date nerves" if they get blind drunk, use substances, or do anything else that makes you feel uncomfortable. While it may be true that they were just nervous, the other possibility that they have a drinking or drug problem is also very real.

"Again, red flag means keep an eye out," Reyes said.


11. They bring up their ex — a lot

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (15)

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It's fine to talk about ex-partners in a relationship. You've both broken up with everyone you've ever been with, so it would be weird if you never mentioned anything you ever did before you met each other.

One psychologist actually thinks its a good idea to talk about previous relationships on a first date. But like with everything, there is a limit.

If your partner is obsessively bringing up their ex-partner(s), it could be a sign they are not over them, or that they are bitter about the past. It's especially important to take notice if they are being very critical about their exes.

"When people describe all of their exes as terrible people and put all the blame on them for the relationship's failure, this is a red flag for me," said Elinor Greenberg, a psychologist and author of "Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety."

"It practically shouts: 'I cannot take any responsibility for whatever went wrong. I have not learned anything from these relationships. It is totally up to you to make our relationship work.'"


12. They tease you in a mean way

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (16)

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According to Hood, another warning sign someone is toxic is when friendly banter has an edge to it that sometimes feels hurtful or mean.

A bit of teasing is a good way to form connections, because it shows you're comfortable enough together to make fun of each other. But if the balance tips and you find yourself being offended or taken aback by what they said, don't be afraid to call them out on it. And don't let them dismiss you for being "too sensitive."

"Learning to call your partner out in a low-key way, [like saying] 'That's not love!' and paying attention if this happens all the time is critical to understanding whether you're starting to veer into emotional abuse," Hood said.


13. They are already jealous

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (17)

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Hood said another important warning signal is someone who seems to be very jealous.

"If you're on a date and your phone goes off, does your date ask you who is trying to reach you? Do they ask you a lot of questions about previous partners?" she said.

"While some questions like these are normal, and a part of getting to know each other, if they feel intense and excessive that may be a sign of trouble to come."


14. They are uncomfortable with differences in opinion

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (18)

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Meeting people with varying opinions is just one part of what makes life interesting. However, some people really struggle to empathize with any opinion that isn't their own.

It's important that even at the beginning, you are comfortable being yourself and expressing your opinions. You don't have to delve deep into the politics, but if your date is clearly uncomfortable with something you believe in, that's a red flag.

Therapist Kurt Smith told HuffPost it is probably a bad thing if your date is afraid of confrontation or differences and shies away from heavier topics.

"You don't want a people pleaser, placater, or someone who lacks a backbone as a partner," he said.

"On the flip side, you don't want someone who is argumentative or has to make their point just to make their point. Basically, how confrontation is handled can be very revealing on a first date and give you good information about the future."


15. They make too many jokes

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (19)


Everyone likes to laugh, and when you find someone with a similar sense of humour to you, that's a really good sign.

But some people use jokes as a defence mechanism. If your date is constantly laughing and joking, even when you're trying to be serious, it could indicate they have a fear of intimacy.

Of course, they may simply be nervous, and joking is a good way to break the ice. But if you feel they are dismissing their own feelings, as well as yours, it could be an indicator they are using humour to keep you at a safe distance.

Some time in the future, you may find they have an avoidant attachment style. This means they focus on all your faults until they find any reason to run away from you.


16. They admit to ghosting other people

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (20)

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The world of dating terms is growing ever more convoluted, but ghosting is the one most people can relate to.

Ultimately, ghosting someone — disappearing without so much as a text message — shows a complete lack of respect. It's what cowards do when they can't handle conflict.

So if you're on a first date, and the person sitting opposite you is telling you how they've ghosted people before (they may even brag about it) that's a sign they probably won't have much courtesy for you either.

According to Ettin, ghosting is the absolute worst thing you can do to someone you are no longer interested in. So if someone is willing to do it at all, it's a big old red flag.


17. They seem bored by you

17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (21)

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Therapist Jeannie Ingram told HuffPost that your date should show a balance of curiosity and interest in you as a person — which means they have to listen to you.

"If they're dismissive of you — or seem bored by what you have to say — it's a red flag," she said. "If the relationship launches and you're together for a period of time, you want someone who, in a time of inevitable conflict, can listen to you with respect, kindness and curiosity. Bottom line: You want someone you can trust to treat you well on the first date and the rest of your life."

According to councilor Suzanne Degges-White in a blog post for Psychology Today, even taking you to their favorite sports bar could be an early warning sign — especially if they spend more time watching the TV instead of listening to what you're saying.

"If you don't warrant his full attention on the first date, chances are that he's made his priorities clear," she said. "If you are as engrossed in the game as he is, this might be a good thing. If he leaves you feeling like you're already on the losing team, you might need to decide if you want to go into overtime or just admit defeat and cut your losses."

This story was first published in May 2018 and was updated in July 2023 to include more experts and information.

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17 red flags to look out for on a first date that could indicate someone is wrong for you — or even toxic (2024)


What are the Red flags to look out for on a first date? ›

If your date or new partner disrespects your personal space, time, or emotional limits, it's a significant red flag. This might manifest as pushing you to do things you're uncomfortable with, invading your privacy, or disregarding your need for personal time.

What is the biggest red flag on a date? ›

  1. They are late — but don't tell you. GeorgiNutsov/Getty Images. ...
  2. Their behaviour suggests a control problem. PeopleImages/Getty Images. ...
  3. They want to meet somewhere that makes you uncomfortable. ...
  4. They're bread-crumbing you. ...
  5. They aren't present. ...
  6. They are rude to the waiter. ...
  7. They're aggressively romantic. ...
  8. The date moves too fast.
Jul 20, 2023

What are the 10 red flag symptoms? ›

Examples of red flag symptoms in the older adult include but are not limited to: fever, sudden unexplained weight loss, acute onset of severe pain, neural compression, loss of bowel or bladder function, jaw claudication, new headaches, bone pain in a patient with a history of malignancy or that awakens the patient from ...

What is the most common red flag at the beginning of a relationship? ›

Red flags in relationships are warning signs that indicate unhealthy or manipulative behavior. Examples include controlling behavior, lack of respect, love bombing, and emotional or physical abuse. These behaviors may start subtly but tend to become more problematic over time, potentially leading to toxic dynamics.

How do I know if a date went bad? ›

5 Bad Date Signs: How To Know If Your Date Is Bombing
  • Screen Time. If your date is spending more time checking their phone or watching the TV over the bar, then things are probably not going very well. ...
  • Lackluster Q&A. ...
  • Touchy Topics. ...
  • No Touching. ...
  • Sex Sells.
Mar 17, 2016

What are red flags green flags in dating? ›

In dating, a red flag is an early indicator of an unhealthy relationship or a problematic partner; a green flag is a behaviour or personal trait that suggests the person you are seeing is likely to be healthy, mature and generally attractive in the future.

What's your biggest red flags in a guy? ›

A man being consistently late, not showing up for dates, or disappearing for days at a time is a huge red flag. Things come up, but your significant other should value your time and feelings enough to let you know if he needs some space or needs to raincheck. He avoids committing to your relationship.

How to spot red flags early? ›

15 Early Dating Red Flag Examples
  1. Lovebombing. ‍ ...
  2. They Don't Respect Your Boundaries. Everyone has different physical, sexual, digital, and mental boundaries. ...
  3. They Check in Frequently. ...
  4. They Want You to Always Prioritize Them. ...
  5. They're Jealous. ...
  6. They Make Fun of You. ...
  7. All of Their Exes are Crazy. ...
  8. They Don't Have Many Friends.
Jul 1, 2024

What are green flags on a first date? ›

What are green flags on a first date? Green flags on a first date might include behaviors such as active listening, respectful conversation, showing genuine interest in getting to know the other person, and respecting boundaries. These early indicators can signal the potential for a healthy, positive connection.

What are the 5 D red flags? ›

The classic cardinal signs of cervical ischemia, colloquially referred to as the '5Ds and 3 Ns,' also present in the late stage of CAD: diplopia, dizziness, drop attacks, dysarthria, dysphagia, ataxia, nausea, numbness, and nystagmus [19,20].

What are normal red flags? ›

“There are red flags that are, or should be, fairly universal. Think violent behaviour, being overly jealous or controlling and any behaviour that has a tendency for abuse or manipulation.” At the same time, something that is a red flag for one person may not be a problem for another.

What is potential red flags? ›

A red flag refers to some warning signal that points to a potential threat, real or perceived—and which warrants further investigation. In investing, a red flag is a threat to a company's share price, which can appear on a company's financials, via headlines, or through social media.

What's a major red flag on a first date? ›

Red Flags on the First Date

They hit you with last-minute or late-night plans. They treat wait staff or others disrespectfully. Instead of being present or looking you in the eye, they are on their phone or not paying attention. They bring up their past relationships or speak badly about their ex'es.

How to tell if someone is love bombing or genuine? ›

The person carrying out a love bombing can be extraordinarily affectionate and attentive at the start of the connection but can quickly get bored or become remote. Genuine love is personalized by consistency.

What are the red flags for love bombing? ›

excessive compliments. wanting to spend all your time together, or needing to be in constant communication throughout the day. moving the relationship along more quickly than you expected – saying “I love you” very early on, wanting to make things “official” straight away, or making plans to move in together.

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Consider these suggestions

Are you comfortable being alone with this person? How far do you want to go physically and sexually? Other things you may want to think about in terms of boundaries are if you want to drink, what time of day you feel comfortable meeting, and what kind of spaces you'd prefer for a meetup.

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Depending on your date preferences, different questions or statements can shoot amber alerts into the sky. Texting red flags are asking for your Instagram before you meet, a lack of initiative to plan a date or one-sided conversations. The banter is now a solo race to the finish line.

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