17 Positive Signs of Temporary Breakup and How to Cope With It15 Signs the Breakup Is Temporary and How to Get Them Back (2024)

Table of Contents
What is a temporary breakup? 17 positive signs the breakup is temporary 1. You haven’t moved on 2. You still hang out together 3. They’ve been sending you mixed messages 4. You’re learning how to communicate with your ex 5. They reminisce with you 6. They reach out during trials 7. They ask about you through friends 8. You have both been working on your issues 9. A sincere apology was given 10. You’ve been through a temporary breakup before 11. You both still get jealous 12. They’re on their best behavior 13. You’ve focused on self-improvement 14. They come up with excuses to see you 15. You previously agreed to make the break temporary 16. Mutual friends staying neutral 17. Emotional support How to get your ex back: 7 important tips 1. Establish ground rules before “going on a break” 2. Do you really want them back? 3. Take things slow 4. Be honest about your feelings 5. Turn up the romance 6. Reflect on the past 7. Address the issues 7 tips on how to cope with a temporary breakup 1. Allow yourself to feel 2. Seek support 3. Take care of yourself 4. Maintain healthy boundaries 5. Focus on personal growth 6. Practice self-reflection 7. Be patient and give it time FAQs Is it okay to temporarily break up? Can a temporary breakup make a relationship stronger? Can a temporary breakup make a relationship workable? How do I know if a temporary breakup is the right decision? Is it normal to have doubts during a temporary breakup? Growing and getting closer

17 Positive Signs of Temporary Breakup and How to Cope With It15 Signs the Breakup Is Temporary and How to Get Them Back (1)

17 Positive Signs of Temporary Breakup and How to Cope With It15 Signs the Breakup Is Temporary and How to Get Them Back (2)Listen to this article

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Breaking up isn’t easy – especially if you are still in love with your ex. If you’re looking for signs the breakup is temporary and feel your relationship may not be as “broken” as you thought, we have some help for you.

When you and your ex broke off things, you probably never imagined hearing from them again. Then suddenly, they’re back in your orbit – hanging out with mutual friends, asking about you, and shooting you the occasional friendly text.

Are they just being sweet, or do they want to get back together?

If you daydream about getting back with your ex or wondering if they’re still madly in love with you, your unanswered questions can be haunting.

What are the signs of a temporary breakup and that you will get back together? Keep reading to find out.

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What is a temporary breakup?

A temporary breakup is when a couple decides to take a break from their relationship for a short period. During this time, they may choose to spend time apart, date other people, or focus on individual priorities.

The goal of a temporary breakup is to allow space and time to address any issues or challenges in the relationship while maintaining the possibility of reuniting in the future. This can be a way to assess the relationship, gather clarity, and work on personal growth.

However, it’s important to establish clear communication and boundaries to avoid further confusion or hurt feelings.

Pointing out the other side of temporary breakups, Life Coach Jaclyn Hunt states,

We often have difficulty ending relationships because there is a finality to it that is difficult to accept, even if you know the relationship isn’t right for you.

17 positive signs the breakup is temporary

Not sure whether your “Goodbye” meant forever or just for now? Knowing whether your ex still has feelings for you can help you decide whether you’re interested in giving them a second chance.

Here are some signs your breakup is temporary:

1. You haven’t moved on

One of the first signs you’ll get back together is if you can’t seem to move on. Maybe you’re asking how long does it take to get over a breakup just because you seem to take a lifetime for it.

Whenever you meet someone new, you immediately compare them to your ex. No one can seem to live up to the space they hold in your heart.

If your ex has yet to move on either, it’s one of the more apparent signs of a temporary breakup.

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2. You still hang out together

One of the clearest signs the breakup is temporary is if you are still acting like best friends. You ask how to get over a breakup but you’re always back with the same person at events and get-togethers.

Do you still hang out together? When there is a social event, do you automatically assume the other person will be your “plus one”?

If you are still spending all of your Friday nights together – you’re definitely up for round two of your romantic relationship.

3. They’ve been sending you mixed messages

One of the most prominent types of breakups that get back together are couples who go right back to playing relationship games.

If your past lover is sending you mixed messages, acting really interested one minute and ghosting you the next, odds are they’re trying to get your attention.

If your ex is playing you hot and cold, that is one of the signs it’s a temporary breakup.

4. You’re learning how to communicate with your ex

How to know if a breakup is temporary? By checking the improved communication between you two.

One of the biggest signs the breakup is temporary is if you’ve been working on your communication with your ex.


“Is my breakup temporary?” you may wonder. If you and your ex are learning how to talk things out, take it as one of the obvious signs you’re getting back together.

5. They reminisce with you

Can you get back together after a breakup? Yes, if you still recall your shared memories.

One of the clearest signs you’ll get back together with your ex is if they are always looking for opportunities to reminisce with you.

Sharing a memory about a funny inside joke, a sweet or tender moment, or a passionate kiss is your ex’s way of trying to reconnect with you. They’re encouraging you to focus on all the amazing moments that made up the good parts of your relationship.

17 Positive Signs of Temporary Breakup and How to Cope With It15 Signs the Breakup Is Temporary and How to Get Them Back (3)

6. They reach out during trials

One of the biggest signs you’ll get back together after parting ways is if your ex reaches out to you in times of trouble.

  • Stressful situations at work
  • Family troubles
  • Health issues

These are all trials that may draw your ex back into your life. This temporary breakup sign shows that they trust you and look to you as a source of comfort.

7. They ask about you through friends

If you hear that your ex has been asking your mutual friends about you, take this as one of the bigger signs you’ll get back together.

It’s natural to be curious about someone you used to love, but if you repeatedly hear about your ex inquiring if you’re still single and what you’ve been up to these days, it may be a sign they want to be in your life again.

8. You have both been working on your issues

One of the signs that the breakup is temporary is if you have spent time apart working on your issues.

Too many times, couples use a break as a chance to play the field and sow their wild oats, as it were. If you and your ex have used your solo time to work on yourselves and grow as people, you can be sure you’ll come back together stronger than ever.

9. A sincere apology was given

One of the types of breakups that get back together is where a sincere apology is given for the part either spouse played in the breakup.

Hearing an honest apology from your ex shows growth and can release you from the anger and hurt that led to the breakup.

If both partners can forgive each other, take it as one of the biggest signs your breakup is not permanent.

How to Forgive Your Partner: 10 Successful Ways

10. You’ve been through a temporary breakup before

The biggest types of breakups that get back together are the ones where breaking up isn’t a shocking heartbreak – it’s a pattern.

Research highlight = Studies show that on-again, off-again relationships (otherwise called relationship cycling) are associated with anxiety, depression, and psychological distress symptoms.

Going through an “amicable breakup get back together” cycle can give you the perspective you need to return to the relationship with renewed confidence or drag you into a toxic circle that’s hard to break out of.

11. You both still get jealous

One of the biggest signs the breakup is temporary is if your ex still feels that familiar pang of jealousy when they see you with someone else.

Of course, there is always a little bit of weirdness when you see your ex happy with someone new, even if you aren’t itching to get back together.

Even so, signs you’ll get back together include:

  • Your ex asking your friends about your new boyfriend/girlfriend
  • Finding out your ex was creeping on your social media
  • Your ex asking you about your new partner/acting jealous

British coach Matthew Hussey tells how to overcome jealousy in 3 minutes. Watch the video:

17 Positive Signs of Temporary Breakup and How to Cope With It15 Signs the Breakup Is Temporary and How to Get Them Back (4)

12. They’re on their best behavior

Is my breakup temporary? If you notice your spouse is acting like they did when you first met, the answer is probably.

The longer we are with someone, the more we relax. We don’t try to impress them like we did when we first met.

If your ex has gone back to trying to sweep you off your feet, take it as one of the signs it’s a temporary breakup.

13. You’ve focused on self-improvement

This is similar to what to do to get over a breakup. Growth is non-negotiable.

The biggest types of breakups that get back together are the ones where you focus on self-love and improvement during your time apart.

Use the time away from your past lover to focus on yourself. Nourish your soul. Chase your dreams. Cherish your hobbies and passions.

As self-love develops, you gain a better understanding of what you want from a romantic relationship and how you need to grow to serve a partner better.

14. They come up with excuses to see you

One of the signs you’ll get back together is if your ex always seems to be finding ways to get next to you.

“I can’t find my favorite shirt. Maybe it’s still at your place? Mind if I come over?”

Planning social events with mutual friends, knowing that you’ll be there, or looking for ways to ensure the two of you are hanging out together clearly indicates that they’re not done fighting for your relationship.

15. You previously agreed to make the break temporary

One of the most obvious signs the breakup is temporary is if you both agreed that you weren’t “breaking up” so much as “going on a hiatus.”

Deciding you are on a break means that you mutually chose to temporarily separate to see what life would be like without each other.

Establishing that you’re just taking time apart is one of the biggest signs it’s a temporary breakup.

16. Mutual friends staying neutral

When mutual friends remain neutral and continue to maintain friendships with both of you, it can suggest a possibility of a temporary breakup where reconciliation is not off the table.

17. Emotional support

If your ex-partner continues to provide emotional support during this breakup period, offering a listening ear or providing comfort, it indicates a potential desire to reconnect and gives hope for a temporary separation.

17 Positive Signs of Temporary Breakup and How to Cope With It15 Signs the Breakup Is Temporary and How to Get Them Back (5)

How to get your ex back: 7 important tips

If you want to be one of the types of breakups that get back together, keep reading. These are 7 important tips for an “amicable breakup get back together” situation.

1. Establish ground rules before “going on a break”

Too many “temporary breaks” have been ruined due to a lack of planning.

If you really want to get your ex back after your relationship hiatus, you and your partner should set down some ground rules before you go your separate ways.

  • Are you comfortable with each other dating other people while you’re apart?
  • How much contact will you have during the break? (Eg. Occasional texting is okay, but calling and seeing each other in person is not)
  • What will you do about spending time with mutual friends during the split?
  • How much will you share about the split and your rules with your friends and family?

Once you figure these things out, you’ll be able to use your time apart to evaluate the relationship and come back together stronger.

2. Do you really want them back?

So you want your ex back. Where do you begin? Start by asking yourself why you want to get back together.

Do you feel like you didn’t give your relationship a fair chance or are you just lonely? Giving yourself an honest answer will determine whether you and your ex should get back together.

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3. Take things slow

Don’t rush things. If you’re truly meant to be with your ex, you’ll

Instead of going from a breakup straight back into a serious relationship, take your time. Move slow and enjoy getting to know each other all over again.

4. Be honest about your feelings

Don’t get back together with your ex if whatever situation caused you to break up still hasn’t changed.

If you’re looking for more respect, emotional maturity, or shared future goals, and your ex still can’t give you these things, take a step back.

Be honest with them about what you will need from them to feel comfortable getting back together.

5. Turn up the romance

The types of breakups that get back together are ones where couples fall back in love. They let romance be their guide and work hard to show their partner they love and appreciate them.

The Role of Romance in a Relationship and its Importance

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6. Reflect on the past

Take a deep dive into the dynamics of your relationship. Understand the reasons behind the breakup and your own role in it. This self-reflection will help you address any personal issues that may have contributed to the breakup.

7. Address the issues

Be willing to address the problems that led to the breakup. Take responsibility for your part in the relationship’s challenges and show your ex that you are committed to making positive changes. Be open to compromise and finding solutions together.

7 tips on how to cope with a temporary breakup

While going through a temporary breakup, you can have a lot of confusing thoughts, but here are 7 mindful ways to help you cope and navigate this difficult period

1. Allow yourself to feel

It’s completely normal to experience a range of emotions during this time.

Life Coach Jaclyn Hunt points out,

A rejection still hurts, even if we know the relationship isn’t going to work.

Give yourself permission to feel whatever comes up, whether it’s sadness, anger, or confusion. Embrace these emotions as part of the healing process.

2. Seek support

Reach out to trusted friends and family members who can provide a listening ear and offer support. Talking about your feelings with someone who cares can help alleviate the emotional burden and make you feel understood.

3. Take care of yourself

Self-care is crucial during a breakup. Focus on nourishing your mind, body, and soul. Engage in activities that make you feel good, whether it’s exercising, meditating, pursuing hobbies, or simply taking time for relaxation. Prioritize your well-being above all else.

4. Maintain healthy boundaries

It’s important to establish healthy boundaries with your ex during this temporary breakup. Set clear expectations regarding communication and personal space. Creating some distance can help you gain perspective and reduce emotional turmoil.

5. Focus on personal growth

Use this time to invest in personal growth and self-improvement. Explore new interests, learn new skills, or work towards your personal goals. Channeling your energy towards self-development can boost your self-esteem and create a sense of purpose.

6. Practice self-reflection

LMFT, Dr. Kimberly VanBurensays

The choice to reunite should be rooted in genuine affection, trust, and a shared commitment to building a stronger partnership.

Take this time to reflect on the relationship and identify areas of growth for yourself. Consider what you’ve learned from the relationship and the breakup. Use this reflection as an opportunity for self-discovery and to gain clarity about what you want in future relationships.

7. Be patient and give it time

Healing takes time. Life Coach Jaclyn Hunt highlights,

The potential for an amazing relationship often keeps us hanging on until we’ve explored every avenue.

Allow yourself the space and time needed to process your emotions and heal. Avoid rushing into any decisions or trying to fix things immediately. Trust the process and have faith that everything will unfold as it’s meant to.


Temporary breakups can be a confusing and emotional time. Here are some common questions people have about temporary breakups:

  • Is it okay to temporarily break up?

Sometimes relationships can become overwhelming, and taking a break can be a healthy way to step back, reevaluate, and work through personal issues. Taking a break can allow some crucial self-discovery and promote a clearer understanding of the relationship.

  • Can a temporary breakup make a relationship stronger?

Yes, a temporary break leaves room for personal growth, and self-reflection and can allow some much-needed space. These factors can help both individuals gain a better perspective on themselves and the relationship, making it stronger when they eventually reconcile.

  • Can a temporary breakup make a relationship workable?

Yes, it provides time to focus on personal growth, self-improvement, and work through your own issues, which might have been affecting the relationship. This break promotes healthy, constructive conversations, which are essential in achieving a workable relationship.

  • How do I know if a temporary breakup is the right decision?

It’s challenging to know if taking a break is the right decision. However, it can be beneficial to consider why taking a break is being considered. The goal should be to promote self-growth and improve the relationship, not to end it permanently.

If you feel it can promote personal development and open honest communication, it could be worth trying.

  • Is it normal to have doubts during a temporary breakup?

Yes, it’s common to have doubts during a temporary breakup. Doubts may arise because there are no established rules for a temporary break, and each person will have varying expectations. Communication is critical, as it helps clarify expectations and decreases any confusion associated with the temporary break up.

Growing and getting closer

One of the biggest signs the breakup is temporary is if you are using your time apart to grow as people.

More signs you’ll get back together include asking mutual friends about each other, staying in contact, resolving past issues, and apologizing for the wrongs committed.

If you want to get back together with your ex, establish ground rules before going on a break. Ask yourself why you really want them back, take things slow, and be honest with them about your goals and desires.

17 Positive Signs of Temporary Breakup and How to Cope With It15 Signs the Breakup Is Temporary and How to Get Them Back (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.