150 expert-approved questions that will deepen your relationship (2024)

Whether you've been together for a few months or several years, there's always something new to learn about your special someone.

Sure, you may know the basics like their favorite food or their go-to vacation spot, but there are more in-depth topics to explore with your partner.

“It’s easy to become complacent in your relationship and assume you know what your partner is thinking and feeling,” Liz Colizza, Director of Research and Programs at Talkspace and co-founder of the Lasting for Couples app, tells TODAY.com. “The reality is that you can never learn everything about your partner, because your partner is always evolving and changing with time.”

Moreover, expressing interest in your partner's thoughts, feelings, and memories will make your partner feel loved and heard.

“Learning to ask your partner open-ended questions is an important habit of successful communication,” Colizza says. “Questions communicate to your partner that you are curious about who they are and that you want to understand them better.”

Asking thoughtful questions is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of your partner and strengthen your relationship overall.

“When you can become curious about your partner, making time for open dialogue and getting to know one another on a deeper level, you are solidifying your connection and bond, which will help you maintain a strong relationship for a lifetime,” Kimberly Panganiban, a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified Gottman couples therapist, tells TODAY.com.

With the help of experts, we compiled a list of 150 profound questions to ask your partner. Try out some of these deep questions during date night, pillow talk, or whenever you have a little alone time.

  1. How can I love you best in this season of life?
  2. What activity makes you feel alive?
  3. What is a dream you had that you were able to make come true?
  4. What makes you feel refreshed after a long day?
  5. What is something small that really makes your day?
  6. If you could be famous for anything, what would it be?
  7. Who is a person you’d love to see more? Why?
  8. What’s one thing you view as overrated?
  9. What books have shaped you as an adult?
  10. What are the nicknames you've had in the past? Who called you what and why did the name stick?
  11. Is there an album you listened to growing up that you never tire of?
  12. Where are the top three places in the U.S. you would like to visit?
  13. What's the kindest act you've ever done for someone? What's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you?
  14. What’s your favorite place in your hometown?
  15. Have you ever had a pet you loved? Why did you love them?
  16. What is a family tradition you remember growing up?
  17. What is a team sport you’d love to participate in?
  18. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
  19. What’s an embarrassing moment that happened to you recently?
  20. What's one book that left a lasting impact on you?
  21. What role does faith play in your life?
  22. What's the one aspect of life you'd like to explore more in therapy if you had the chance?
  23. If you went to a ski resort, would you spend the day on the slopes or cozy by a fire in a cabin? Why?
  24. If you vacationed somewhere warm, would you spend more time on the beach or going on excursions (zip lining, hiking, checking out local wildlife, etc.)? Why?
  25. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
  26. What season provides your favorite kind of weather?
  27. What sights, tastes or smells can instantly transport you back to your childhood?
  28. What do you think is our generation's greatest struggle compared to older and younger ones?
  29. If you had to do karaoke, what song would you pick to perform? Why?
  30. What cartoon character do you see yourself in?
  31. Is there anything about our relationship that's hard for you to talk about? Why? What can I do to make that topic easier to broach?
  32. What are you working on now that you could use help with? How can I help?
  33. What do you most enjoy about being in a relationship?
  34. What advice would you give your younger self?
  35. What kinds of activities make you feel the most like yourself?
  36. What stressors are taking up the most mental real estate right now?
  37. What’s a cause you’d like to donate your time or resources toward?
  38. If you could start a business, what service would you provide or what kinds of products would you sell?
  39. How did the pandemic most impact you?
  40. If fear didn’t hold you back, what would you pursue?
  41. What do you think is key for healthy communication to exist?
  42. What’s a leisurely activity you enjoy that you wish I was more into?
  43. What kind of lessons would you love to take?
  44. What’s your favorite trait you hope I never lose?
  45. If you could learn to cook any dish, what would you whip up?
  46. What’s your idea of the perfect date?
  47. What after-school activity do you wish you would have had or stuck with if you could turn back the hands of time?
  48. If you could spend a whole day by yourself and free of limitations, how would you spend it?
  49. What’s the first word that comes to your mind when you think of the current climate of our relationship? Why?
  50. What’s a movie or sitcom you think captures the dynamic of our love story?
  51. What do you want your life to be like three years from now?
  52. What do you find exciting in life right now?
  53. What are your biggest worries about the future?
  54. Who are your best allies and closest friends right now? How can you make the most of those relationships?
  55. How have you changed in the last year?
  56. What are some of your life dreams now?
  57. What adventures would you like to have before you die?
  58. When did you last cry and what made you cry?
  59. Who are the most important people in your life and why?
  60. If you could live one other person’s life, whose life would you choose and why?
  61. What were the highlights and lowlights of your adolescence?
  62. If you could wake up tomorrow with three new skills in which you excelled, what would they be and why?
  63. In what areas do you think we are different and in what areas do you think we are similar?
  64. What are your top three personal values and what makes them important to you?
  65. When do you feel the most connected to me?
  66. What is a lie about yourself that you sometimes find yourself believing? What truth can you choose to think on instead?
  67. Do you know how to tell when I’m angry? What is it like for you?
  68. What is your biggest regret?
  69. How do you typically handle conflict? What informs your approach?
  70. What household chore or task do you most dislike?
  71. If you could jump on a plane tomorrow, where would you go?
  72. What would you do if you won $500,000?
  73. What was one of your favorite books as a child?
  74. What’s something you are proud of?
  75. How can I help or support you this week?
  76. What brings you the most pleasure in our sex life?
  77. Is there anything new you want to try in our sex life? If so, what?
  78. When do you feel the most attractive?
  79. What do you think is a lost art nowadays?
  80. If you could change one thing about us as a couple, what would you change?
  81. If you want children, what kind of parent do you want to be? How do you want your children to experience you?
  82. In your opinion, what does it mean to be a good partner?
  83. How did your experience of your parents shape how you are feeling toward becoming/being a parent? What do you want to emulate from what your parents did? What do you want to do differently?
  84. What do you want to feel more appreciated for?
  85. What is the most challenging part of our relationship right now?
  86. Who do you admire? Why?
  87. What would your perfect day look like? Who would you visit and what would you do?
  88. What’s your happy place?
  89. What haven’t you had time for lately that you would love to do soon?
  90. If you could change one thing about where we live, what would it be?
  91. What are your top 3 favorite movies? Singers/bands? TV shows?
  92. What drains you in relationships?
  93. What was your favorite school trip or activity of all time? Why?
  94. What teacher made the biggest impact on you? Why?
  95. When you feel hopeless, what or who do you turn to?
  96. What board game would you love to play?
  97. If you could host a dinner party with five influential or famous people, who would they be? Up the ante by adding “dead or alive” to this one.
  98. What aspect of nature is most awe-inspiring to you?
  99. What role does social media play in your life?
  100. How would you spend a technology-free day?
  101. What do you love to shop for? What are your favorite stores?
  102. What’s hard to shop for?
  103. What are the top three gifts you’ve ever received?
  104. What area would you like to be less critical of yourself in? How can I cheer you on in that area?
  105. What’s a challenge you overcame that helped boost your confidence in a particular area of your life?
  106. What’s something that made you laugh so hard you cried?
  107. In what area of your life could you use a coach or a mentor?
  108. When was the last time you bragged about me? To whom? Why?
  109. What form of injustice most grieves you? Why? What’s one thing you can do about it?
  110. What's something you'll never throw away? Why is that thing so valuable to you?
  111. What is the best piece of advice someone ever gave you?
  112. What does being a good friend to you look like?
  113. Considering the five love languages (physical touch, acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time and receiving gifts), which “language” were you most spoken in growing up? What language do you most speak now? Can you rank them in order of preference?
  114. What helps you feel emotionally or physically safe?
  115. At your eulogy, how would you like to be remembered? How can you live more in light of those desired descriptors?
  116. What’s the question you’re dying to be asked?
  117. What villain do you have the most compassion for?
  118. What’s one look you’ve always wanted to try? What has stopped you from just going for it?
  119. Who is your most beloved friend from your childhood? How would they describe you back then?
  120. What tastes, smells and sounds feel like home?
  121. What are you afraid of? What’s one small thing that can help you work through that fear?
  122. Where and with whom have you felt like you most belong?
  123. What do people most often misunderstand about you? What would it sound like to set the record straight?
  124. When do you think I look the sexiest?
  125. What is a sweet gesture I’ve made that stayed with you long after I did it? Why do you think it meant so much to you?
  126. What’s something we used to do that you wish we’d do more of or what’s something you’d love for us to do that we haven’t done yet?
  127. What does the absolute best day at work look like for you?
  128. What are code words or gestures we can come up with to save each other from stressful social situations?
  129. Who were your childhood heroes?
  130. Who is someone you would like to mentor, encourage or bless financially? How can we make that happen together?
  131. What’s something expensive that you think is totally worth every cent?
  132. What’s one thing you need to forgive yourself for? What has made that process challenging?
  133. What is one toxic thought that hinders you from living a healthier or happier life? How can you redirect your mind with truth when a lie assaults your peace?
  134. What is an affirmation you have a hard time believing for yourself? What could help you along your self-love journey?
  135. If you could ask God any question, what would it be?
  136. In what ways or areas do you feel I help boost your self confidence?
  137. What’s your favorite holiday? Do you have any traditions that make that time of year or day special?
  138. What’s a personality trait or skill I possess that you wish you had?
  139. What are some ways you can add margin to your life?
  140. When was the last time you were afraid to do something and you did it anyway?
  141. What’s a global issue you wish could solve? Why does that particular issue stir you up?
  142. When was there a time you experienced an unexplainable coincidence, act of fate or “God moment?”
  143. What would you describe as magical?
  144. What’s a popular food or drink that you absolutely can’t stand or could do without? (Pumpkin Spice lattes aren’t for everyone.)
  145. Who was your childhood celebrity crush?
  146. If you were deserted on an island for 72 hours and could only watch one movie, what would you watch? Why?
  147. What do you miss most from your childhood?
  148. If your younger self could see you now, do you think that they would be happy with how life has turned out?
  149. What book, song, movie, or show is guaranteed to make you cry?
  150. If you could pass down one lesson to your future child, what would it be?

Even more questions for loved ones

  • 105 'most likely to' questions to strengthen conversations
  • 150 deep questions to take your relationship to the next level
  • 105 deep questions to ask friends to get to know them better

Stephanie L. King

Stephanie L. King is a city girl who now lives in New Jersey’s bear country. The married mother of two has never met a homemade chocolate chip cookie or nap she didn’t like. She and her beloved husband enjoy making up random songs for their kids and having family dance parties in their kitchen. She’s an educator, writer, editor and poet whose work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Patriot-News and OprahDaily.com.

Sophie Caldwell

Associate Lifestyle Reporter

150 expert-approved questions that will deepen your relationship (2024)


150 expert-approved questions that will deepen your relationship? ›

Are there any habits you wish you could build? What's one thing you've tried that you wouldn't try again? What's the most out-of-character decision or choice you've ever made? What are your simple pleasures in life?

What questions to ask to deepen your relationship? ›

100 questions to ask in a relationship
  • How do you feel about the current state of our relationship?
  • What can we do together to strengthen our bond?
  • How loved and appreciated do I make you feel?
  • What are your expectations of me?
  • How do you prefer to handle conflicts or disagreements?
  • How can we support each other better?
Aug 8, 2024

What questions to strengthen your relationship? ›

Are there any habits you wish you could build? What's one thing you've tried that you wouldn't try again? What's the most out-of-character decision or choice you've ever made? What are your simple pleasures in life?

What are the 36 relationship questions? ›

The 36 Questions
  • Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
  • Would you like to be famous? ...
  • Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? ...
  • What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?
  • When did you last sing to yourself?
May 10, 2024

What are deepening questions? ›

The big list of deep questions
  • What were your first words as a child?
  • What did you like the most about where you grew up? ...
  • Who was your childhood hero? ...
  • What or who has influenced your life decisions the most?
  • How have you changed from when you were in high school?
  • What did you dream about being when you grew up?
Mar 28, 2022

What are 4 deep questions to ask your partner? ›

What's one thing you are deeply passionate about? How do you learn best? What's your love language? When do you feel the most loved?

What are some deep-deep questions? ›

Deep questions to ask friends
  • What's been on your heart and mind recently?
  • What are your current priorities in this season of your life, and why?
  • How would you like people to experience you? ...
  • If you had a whole day where you could do anything you wanted, what would you do?
  • What are you most proud of about yourself?
Jun 6, 2024

What are 100 questions to ask? ›

100 Getting to Know You Questions
  • Who is your hero?
  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • What is your favorite family vacation?
  • What would you change about yourself if you could?
  • What really makes you angry?
  • What motivates you to work hard?

What 3 things make relationships better? ›

Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people.

What questions to ask to rebuild trust in a relationship? ›

15 Questions To Ask Your Significant Other To Deepen Your Trust & Confidence In Each Other
  • Describe traits and qualities of a good friend. ...
  • How do you feel appreciated? ...
  • Where do you see yourself in one, five and 10 years? ...
  • When you are upset, how would you like me to respond and help you?
  • Describe emotional intimacy.

What are 21 juicy questions? ›

Best juicy questions for the 21 questions game
  • Where is your favourite place to be kissed?
  • And where is your favourite place to kiss someone?
  • Have you ever sent a nude photograph?
  • Have you ever received a nude photograph from someone else?
  • What attracts you to someone else?
  • What do you wear to bed?
Aug 20, 2024

What are some serious relationship questions? ›

Serious questions to ask your boyfriend

What's your biggest fear about our relationship? What could I do to support you better in our relationship? What's your attachment style? What's your love language?

What is the 37 rule in relationships? ›

This rule says that if you're planning to go on 10 dates, you should enjoy the first three (3.7) but don't make any commitments. Then, the very next person you date who is better than any of those three should be the one you choose to settle with.

What are the three deep questions? ›

The game contains three questions:
  • What is your favourite colour and three deep reasons why?
  • What is your favourite animal and three deep reasons why?
  • What is your favourite form or body of water (such as ice, rain or sea) and three deep reasons why?
Jul 22, 2022

What are deep questions to strengthen a relationship? ›

About Your Relationship
  • What did you think when you first saw me?
  • Name three traits of mine that made you fall in love with me?
  • Explain the image that comes to mind when you think of me.
  • What is something about our relationship that used to bother you, but you've now grown to accept?

What are the five big questions? ›

You've already got answers to the five big questions of life:
  • Where did I come from?
  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • How should I live?
  • Where am I going?
Nov 8, 2018

What is the 21 questions game for couples? ›

The 21 questions game is exactly what it says on the tin. There are no gimmicks or weird rules, you just have to ask someone 21 questions, in a bid to get to know them better. Questions can be deep, fun, flirty, silly. The full works!

What is the 20 questions game for relationships? ›

The 20-question game for couples is a fun way to get to know each other better. One person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and the other asks up to 20 yes-or-no questions to figure out what it is.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.