15 Real Estate Videos Top Agents Use to Generate & Nurture Leads (2024)

While it seems like every Realtor is making real estate videos these days, most shouldn’t even bother. Why? They don’t focus on why they’re making videos in the first place—to generate and nurture leads! That’s why I put together these 15 examples of real estate videos top agents are making that actually fill their customer relationship manager (CRM) with leads.

I also break down why each video works and how to create your own versions. After each section, I’ll go over some general tips to make your videos irresistible for your audience.

Educational Real Estate Videos (With FOMO Titles)

These should be the bulk of every agent’s video content. Why? Simple: Everyone is afraid of making a mistake with a six-figure real estate transaction. The fear-of-missing-out title will draw viewers in, and your educational content will put their fears to rest and show them you’re a real estate expert they can trust. Talk about a win-win.

Here are four great examples of educational real estate videos with FOMO titles to help get you inspired:

1. How to Spot Property Repairs & Issues BEFORE You Buy! (LeAnn Henri, Good Company Realty)

Why this video works: LeAnn’s title would increase FOMO in any buyer, and the content is actually useful and actionable.

How to recreate this video: This type of video is one of the easiest to create. Once you line up your topic, simply create a bullet point outline, grab a good ring light and microphone, and sit down in front of your iPhone or camera. The audio needs to be clear and crisp, and your audience needs to be able to see your face. The only thing I would add is captions.

What we love: LeAnn’s casual, best-friend vibe makes watching this highly informative video easy. Plus, we love the information she shares.

2. AVOID These MISTAKES When SELLING a House (Jeb Smith, Coldwell Banker)

Why this video works: Who wants to make a mistake selling a home they probably sunk massive amounts of money and time into? Jeb does a great job going through missteps commonly made by uneducated sellers to help others avoid their fates.

How to recreate this video: This type of video is very easy to make. Pick a topic that your ideal clients need to know about. Write your bullet point script and practice before you turn on the camera. Make sure you use a high-quality microphone to get good audio and use a ring light directly pointed at your face.

Also, pay attention to your thumbnails for your videos. Jeb does a great job of using highly visible text with an eye-catching title. I also love the cut-out of his face with the appropriate expression. It’s valuable to spend time learning what it takes to create eye-catching thumbnails.

What we love: Jeb has decades of experience to draw from and can share personal stories to demonstrate his points. He’s also very natural on camera, which comes with practice making tons of videos.

3. Should I Get a Home Warranty? (Peter Lorimer, Corcoran)

Why this video works: Home warranties are one of those real estate topics that most people only think they understand. Peter has so much energy in his video and gets right to the point quickly. This video is less than three minutes long, which encourages engagement for the entire duration.

How to recreate this video: This video is relatively short compared to some of the others on the list. Choose a topic, write out your bullet point script and practice before you turn on the camera. Make sure you have great audio with a quality microphone. You can add background music to kick up the energy and add an intro that’s a few seconds in length.

What we love: Peter’s personality and high energy make this video highly watchable. When creating your own videos, don’t be afraid to let your own personality shine through.

Need some help with your on-screen persona? Sign up for Local Leader Mastery, a video marketing training course to get you whipping up fun, creative, and strategic videos that generate business in just a few weeks. Use our link to get 75% off the cost of enrollment.

Enroll in Local Leader Video Marketing Masterclass

4. Dos & Don’ts Before Closing Day on Your Home (Niki Luther, Palm Coast Real Estate)

Why this video works: Many newer buyers spend tons of time searching for homes and educating themselves about the buying process but are still nervous about closing. Niki breaks down the dos and don’ts clearly and simply to put future buyers at ease.

How to recreate this video: As you can see, Niki made this video in her car. You can easily replicate this type of video by grabbing your phone, talking directly to the camera, and sharing your knowledge. We still recommend planning out what you’re going to say before you hit record, but don’t be afraid to be natural and organic in your videos.

What we love: Niki is telling it like it is. The video isn’t overproduced, and it’s very relatable. Niki seems like someone you could easily be friends with who just happens to have some great advice to share.

The biggest thing about these videos is getting the attention of your audience with your titles. If you need some help writing great FOMO titles, check out our deep-dive guide to real estate copywriting below:

Related Article 12 Real Estate Copywriting Rules Professional Writers Swear by

Tips & Tricks for Recording Educational Real Estate Videos That Get Leads

  • Invest in a high-quality microphone
  • Break up complicated topics into multiple videos
  • Use simple graphics and charts when possible
  • Write out your scripts before you start shooting

Real Estate Listing Walk-through Videos

After educational videos with FOMO titles, the next type of video agents should focus on is listing walk-through videos, or videos highlighting the best features of a property.

Scroll through Zillow and you’ll see plenty of slick, professionally produced listing videos, so you’re going to want to step up your production a bit to impress your homeowners. But if you’re not publishing these videos to YouTube or social media, you’re missing huge opportunities.

First, it’s a sign of a great marketer to get your listing videos in front of as many eyeballs as possible. You never know where your buyer will come from. Second, if your seller doesn’t see the listing across the internet, they may question your ability to get the home sold. So, it’s good practice to share your listing videos across multiple platforms. Plus, it just makes you look good! Here are three examples of listing videos that include a little bit of everything.

5. Touring the Prettiest FiDi NYC Development! (SERHANT. New Development)

Why this video works: This is a super-professional tour of a new development, but the agents here manage to make it inviting and fun instead of stuffy and pretentious.

How to recreate this video:This cinematic masterpiece was shot by a professional videographer. You can hire a real estate photographer to shoot your in-home listing videos, or use a high-quality camera to create your own walk-throughs. You’ll want to use a tripod so you can be in front of the camera for part of the video describing the features.

What we love: The agents in this video aren’t movie stars—they’re real estate agents. They’re sweet and relatable, even though this gorge NYC apartment may not be.

6. 270 Falling Star Bozeman, MT (Arison Antonucci-Burns, Aspire Realty)

Why this video works: This video gives you an inside look at what life would be like to live in this mountain retreat. Viewers see Julie, the interviewer, doing activities—drinking a cup of coffee, walking around the home in casual clothes and her socks, drawing a bath—that they would do if they lived in the house. That helps potential buyers see themselves at home.

How to recreate this video: This video is done by professional videographers and a whole lot of scripting and video editing. But you can do a pared-down version, taking a page from the playbook they used. Enlist the help of another agent to sit down, interview-style, to play up the features of your listing and make it a voice-over. You can shoot video of you doing some of the fun things in your listing as the moderator did here. Be as creative as you want to be, using this video as inspo. Just be sure to get your seller’s permission before you start shooting.

What we love: We love the playful, casual feel of this video. Home should feel comfortable, and Arison and Julie do an excellent job of creating a sense of cozy warmth in this beautiful home in the mountains.

7. 145 Central Park North (SERHANT. New Development)

Why this video works: Ryan Serhant spent the last decade building the most recognizable personal brand in real estate. Everything he puts out, including this video, highlights that personal brand.

How to recreate this video: This video includes insights from the builders, drone shots, and B-roll of the area around the apartment building. That’s a lot to recreate. But you can get drone footage from your real estate photographer along with walk-through footage. You can even hire them to shoot your opening and some video of you in the listing to add to your walk-through. If you’re working with developers, you can interview them yourself. Have them talk about what makes the project you’re promoting special.

What we love: Who doesn’t love Ryan’s dynamic personality? He’s got a great smile and genuinely seems to love what he does, and it comes through naturally on video.

Related Article Sell It Like Serhant Course: How to Build Your Personal Brand (In-depth Review)

Tips & Tricks for Recording Listing Walk-through Videos That Get Leads

  • Hire a pro (even if only for the editing)
  • Have a game plan
  • Invest in a stabilizer for your phone
  • Invest in a high-quality microphone
  • Write a script
  • Shoot some practice walk-throughs
  • Schedule your video for a sunny day
  • Add a call to action or a lead magnet in the description

Agent Introduction Videos: Make a Memorable 1st (or 2nd, or 3rd) Impression

Even though you may try your best to answer every new lead with a personal phone call, reality can sometimes get in the way. You could be driving, at a closing, sleeping, or making your daughter breakfast. This is why a personal agent introduction video is another marketing tool every Realtor should have in their arsenal.

To make your agent introduction video truly stellar, include testimonials from happy former clients, use powerful music in your background, or have your broker or another agent interview you. Check out these four examples to see all of these tips in action.

8. The Kristina Kremidas Team (Douglas Elliman)

Why this video works: Kristina starts off the video by explaining why she loves working in real estate. That energy is infectious. Who doesn’t want to work with someone who loves what they do?

How to recreate this video: This video splices together a lot of professionally shot, slow-motion footage of Kristina—having coffee in the park, walking down the busy New York City streets, standing inside different apartments, meeting in a boardroom. Hire a professional to spend half a day taking great video of you and pair it with some amazing music and overlay your narration on top.

What we love: Kristina’s video makes her look powerful and confident. When you watch this video, you feel like she can accomplish anything and take you along for the ride.

9. Meet Cherise Wynn (Compass)

Why this video works: Cherise starts the video talking about the one thing every buyer wants to know more about: their community!

How to recreate this video: The best parts of this video are shots of the city and all the attractions. Cherise takes you through a day in the life—grabbing lunch to go from her favorite spot, getting a jog in, doing yoga in the park, chatting with folks in the neighborhood, and more. Ask a colleague or someone from your sphere to meet up with you at your local coffee shop or a boutique store to get some great footage.

What we love: Cherise clearly loves her city and the people who live there. She shows off her connections, and her charm comes through.

10. A KW Homecoming: Mega Agent Sean Moudry Returns to Leave a Legacy

Why this video works: The interview format feels very informal and allows Sean to brag about his many successes over his 28-year career without sounding like a showoff.

How to create this video: Have your broker or another agent interview you. This works great because your answers are unscripted and sound conversational. You and the interviewer can sit down ahead of time to script out a few questions, but let the answers come naturally on camera.

What we love: In this format, Sean’s true self comes through naturally. This style of agent introduction video allows for authenticity, which helps you connect with your audience.

11. Brenda DiBari (Brown Harris Stevens)

Why this video works: The professional video editing and soothing music are the perfect match for the luxury properties Brenda sells.

How to create this video: Start by collecting tons of your own B-roll or hire someone who can provide it. Next, have your videographer take some shots of you in some of your listings, walking through and sprucing the place. The main piece of this video is the voice-over. You’ll want to work on getting your story down—maybe even work with a copywriter—to make sure it’s just right.

What we love: Brenda’s video is professional and reflects her calming personality. It gives you the sense that things will be smooth and relaxed when you work with her.

Tips & Tricks for Recording Agent Introduction Videos That Get Leads

  • Invest in a professional editor
  • Don’t just recite your agent bio
  • Talk about your family or personal life
  • Add music
  • Invest in a high-quality microphone
  • Don’t improvise—write a script
  • Have a friend or fellow agent preview your video before you post it
  • Add a call to action or a lead magnet in the description
  • Smile!

Client Testimonial Videos

Let’s face it, most people take anonymous, written reviews on sites like Zillow or Yelp with a grain of salt. After all, faking reviews is easy when you just need to write a few glowing sentences. In order to cut through the noise online and provide more direct social proof, try and record client testimonial videos whenever possible.

12. Post & Company Real Estate Client Testimonial Video (Crye-Leike)

Why this video works: This video has great music, starts off with their team branding, and the testimonial itself is set up as a conversation with several past clients instead of just one person talking at the camera. This comes across as more genuine.

How to create this video: You should already be taking videos of your clients raving about working with you for social media. If that’s the case, you just need to splice in some photos and videos of the homes you’ve sold and add some nice music, and boom!—instant classic. Finish off with your logo screen.

What we love: There is no agent in this video, which is on purpose. It feels like an objective person (maybe the camera operator) is doing the interviewing. Past clients sharing their experiences authentically feels more trustworthy.

13. The Hawkins—A Testimonial Video | Mandy Saldana, REALTOR

Why this video works: Like the Post video, this starts with the brokerage branding, features great music, and presents the testimonial as a conversation. The clients start out telling their story rather than just praising the agent. Way more relatable.

How to recreate this video: Grab one of your past clients and ask them if they would be willing to sit down and give a video testimonial. This whole video is just this young couple sharing their experience working with their real estate agent. We love the use of time-lapse photography used in the opening title screen for this one.

What we love:We love this young couple’s story and how they came to rely on their agent to find them the perfect home. They’re sweet, relatable, and genuine. You can’t help but believe them.

14. Client Testimonial: Realtor Megan Jones (LCT Team)

Why this video works: While this video only features one person talking, the editor spliced in footage of the agent bringing them flowers and the home itself. This is a great way to show off your personality and listing marketing skills.

How to create this video: Find one of your past clients and ask them if they would be willing to sit in front of a videographer and tell their story. Add in some footage of you taking care of your clients and some background music, and that’s it. The best part is you can actually make a few of these with different clients.

What we love:We love the authenticity of this past client’s story. He actually says that if it weren’t for his agent he wouldn’t have sold his home and bought another one. The video is short and well-crafted, showcasing the caring nature of the agent.

Related Article The Ultimate Real Estate Listing Marketing Plan (PDF Checklist)

15. Greg Guinto—Real Estate Agent Testimonial—ALAS Media

Why this video works: Like the other testimonial videos on our list, this video features a couple telling their house-hunting story and how the agent helped solve their problems. Footage of the agent in action and pictures of the actual home round out the video.

How to recreate this video: This example is actually from the media company that created it. Hire a great videographer to create a gem like this one. It’s worth it to spend some extra money creating videos that show off your expertise.

What we love: The thing that sets this video apart from others in this list is the action shots of the agent working with the couple in the testimonial. That footage is pure gold because you get to see the agent alongside his clients. It’s a kick-start to building that know, like, and trust factor.

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Tips & Tricks for Recording Client Testimonial Videos That Get Leads

  • Approach clients for a video testimonial a week or so after closing
  • Consider combining your introduction video with some client testimonials
  • Try to shoot all your testimonials in the same place so you can combine three or four short testimonial videos into one
  • Hire a photographer and videographer to get that professional final product
  • Add a call to action or a lead magnet in the description

Over to You

What kind of real estate videos are you using to generate and nurture leads right now? Add your latest creation to the comments below.

15 Real Estate Videos Top Agents Use to Generate & Nurture Leads (2024)


What is a lead generation and nurturing strategy in real estate? ›

In real estate, effective lead nurturing involves personalized communication, informative content sharing, regular follow-ups, exceptional customer service, and leveraging various channels such as social media and targeted advertising to build relationships and guide potential clients through the buying or selling ...

Where do most realtors get their leads? ›

27 Methods for Finding Real Estate Leads
  • Dig for especially old expired listings. ...
  • Network at non-real estate events. ...
  • Try going door-to-door. ...
  • Join your local chamber of commerce. ...
  • Use Instagram stories. ...
  • Cold call. ...
  • Contribute to industry publications. ...
  • Connect with estate liquidators.
Jun 28, 2023

How do estate agents generate leads? ›

Real estate lead generation strategies
  1. Be active across social media. Real estate agents must learn how to promote themselves to increase lead generation with marketing. ...
  2. Create email marketing campaigns. ...
  3. Develop a brand. ...
  4. Form local connections. ...
  5. Build strategic partnerships. ...
  6. Traditional advertising. ...
  7. Build credibility with PR.

What percentage of realtors use video? ›

Emails, newsletters, and brochures are important, but video marketing can help realtors bring their marketing to the next level. Only 38% of agents use videos in their marketing. The most recent survey from the National Association of REALTORS® in 2018 revealed that only 38% of agents use video.

What is an example of a lead nurturing strategy? ›

One of the examples of lead nurturing that offers the greatest guarantee of success at this stage is the welcome email, to be sent as soon as a lead's contact information is received—information that can come from multiple sources: from a newsletter subscription, for example, or from a lead magnet (any free content, ...

What are lead nurturing strategies? ›

At its core, lead nurturing is the process of cultivating leads that are not yet ready to buy. Successful lead nurturing anticipates the needs of the buyer based on who they are (using profile characteristics, such as title, role, industry, and so on) and where they are in the buying process.

Is Zillow or Realtor com better for leads? ›

Lead Quality and Conversions

Zillow offers broader exposure and potentially more leads, but their quality and accuracy can be a concern. Realtor.com boasts higher quality leads due to its focus on licensed agents, but they come at a cost, and competition within the platform can be fierce.

What software do realtors use? ›

A customer relationship management software (CRM), such as PropertyBase, Boomtown, Realvolve and Top Producer, is designed to help agents manage client interactions, automate workflows and enhance communication.

Can you buy leads from Zillow? ›

Depending on your budget and the zip code you're working on, you can buy a Zillow lead for as little as $25. This is a great way to build a database of leads that you can grow over time.

How to nurture real estate leads? ›

Consistency is key in real estate lead nurturing. Using multiple channels allows you to maintain a steady presence in your leads' lives. Regular email updates, social media posts, and phone calls keep your brand and expertise top-of-mind, which helps you foster a sense of familiarity and trust over time.

How to get more leads? ›

14 Best Ways to Generate More Leads For Your Small Business
  1. Use Cold Emailing. ...
  2. Create a Newsletter. ...
  3. Create Relevant Blog Posts. ...
  4. Guest Post on Other Relevant Websites. ...
  5. Search Engine Optimization. ...
  6. Create Targeted Landing Pages. ...
  7. Use Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising. ...
  8. Use Social Media Marketing.
Oct 14, 2023

How to attract home sellers? ›

  1. Generate seller leads using AI. ...
  2. Drive leads to home valuation landing pages. ...
  3. Improve your social media strategy. ...
  4. Target FSBOs & FRBOs. ...
  5. Rank your website on search engines. ...
  6. Conduct virtual open houses. ...
  7. Leverage email marketing to your sphere. ...
  8. Become your area's favorite local real estate agent.
Mar 22, 2024

What is the 80 20 rule for realtors? ›

What is the 80/20 Rule exactly? It's the idea that 80% of outcomes are driven from 20% of the input or effort in any given situation. What does this mean for a real estate professional? Making more money in real estate is directly tied to focusing your personal energy on the most high value areas of your business.

What is the best setup for real estate video? ›

Settings. The ideal setting for any real estate shoot would be 4k at 60 frames per second exported in 1080p HD at 24 frames per second. These settings will help you slow your footage down and crop in slightly during post production. You can also shoot at 24p, but you will not be able so slow the footage down.

How many showings do most houses get? ›

In most cases, it can take anywhere between 10 and 25 showings to secure a buyer. This variability is influenced by several factors, including the property's pricing, condition, and the competitiveness of the real estate market.

What is nurturing in real estate? ›

Lead nurturing is the process of starting and building relationships with prospects throughout the sales funnel. Nurturing keeps potential clients engaged with your brand by sharing useful information with them, providing educational resources, and gradually building awareness about the real estate services you offer.

What is the meaning of lead generation strategy? ›

Lead generation can be defined as the process of attracting prospects and converting them into someone who has an interest in your company's products and services. Modern brands make use of various lead generation strategies such as: Blogging. Email marketing.

What are three key elements that any lead nurturing strategy will need? ›

What are the 3 Elements of an Effective Lead Nurturing Strategy?
  • The Clarity of a Prospects' Persona.
  • Content of Lead Nurturing Campaigns.
  • Timeline of the Lead Nurturing Campaign.
Nov 21, 2022

What is strategic lead generation? ›

A lead generation strategy is any tactic or action that's used to attract customers to your business in the hopes of having them interact with your company in some way.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.