13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (2024)


13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (1)


Dr. Paola Cuevas

Veterinarian, MVZ

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Shiba Inus are very distinctive dogs that intrigue many people. From their unique faces to their fuzzy tails, many people fall in love with the Shiba Inu at first glance. However, Shiba Inus can also be quirky and hard to handle. These dogs have a slew of personality traits that set them apart from other dogs. It is important to know the pros and the cons of these dogs before you get one so you can prepare for the experience properly. Every dog breed has its own set of pros and cons, and the Shiba Inu is no different.

These are 13 pros and cons you should know before adopting a Shiba Inu.

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (2)

The 6 Shiba Inu Pros

1. Striking Beauty

One of the biggest reasons that people decide to adopt a Shiba Inu is because of their unique and striking appearance. Shiba Inus are beautiful. From their sharp markings to their fox-like features, these dogs are visually appealing. They also have a very distinctive face that is instantly recognizable and a fuzzy tail that can only be described as adorable. They also have very poignant eyes and a stocky face frame that makes these dogs look bigger and sturdier than they actually are.

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (3)

2. Above Average Intelligence

Shiba Inus are intelligent dogs. Shiba Inus can learn a variety of tricks and commands. They can also display surprising amounts of emotional intelligence in which your Shiba Inu can tell when you are upset, happy, afraid, and more. This allows the Shiba Inu to seem perceptive and vocal, two traits that many people heavily value in a dog.

3. Loyalty

Shiba Inus are incredibly loyal. Once they bond with a person, they will be a steadfast companion for years. Shiba Inus will go almost anywhere with their owners. This is made especially apparent in contrast to other people and strangers. Shiba Inus can be protective and standoffish around other people, which only highlights how loyal they are to the people they care about the most. Shiba Inus can easily become a part of the family, and before long, they will treat you as one of their own, and that is something many people are looking for in a dog.

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (4)

4. Excellent Health Profile

Some purebred dogs come with a plethora of potential health issues. Luckily, that is not the case for the Shiba Inu. These dogs are incredibly healthy and have very few intrinsic health problems that you have to worry about. The most common health problem found in Shibas is allergies. All things considered, that is a very mild condition. Shiba Inus can live between 13 and 16 years, giving them a good lifespan, especially compared to some other dogs. A healthy dog also saves you on veterinarian bills in the future, which can reduce the overall cost of owning this dog in the long run.

5. Fastidious Cleanliness

Shiba Inus have very thick and fuzzy coats. In other breeds, that can lead to a tangled mess. But that is typically not the case for this breed. Shiba Inus are very attentive to their own cleanliness. Some people describe this behavior as cat-like. This helps keep your Shiba Inu clean and cuts down on the amount of grooming and the number of baths that you need to administer. This allows you to own a fluffy dog without having to deal with as much headache as other dogs with a lot of fur.

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (5)

6. Strong

Shiba Inus are healthy, compact, and sturdy. That can make them surprisingly strong. Not everyone wants their dog to be strong, but the strength of the Shiba makes them fun on walks and during playtime. A Shibu Inu’s strength also plays into its overall health. These are very hale and healthy dogs that rarely look scrawny, skinny, or sickly. The strength of the Shiba Inu dovetails nicely with their appearance and health.

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (6)

The 7 Shiba Inu Cons

1. Shedding

Despite being very clean dogs in general, Shiba Inus will shed quite lot, especially during their shedding seasons which take place twice in a year. If you are someone who doesn’t like having dog fur in their house, you might be disappointed with the coat and shedding seasons of the Shiba Inu. “Long hair Shiba Inus” require frequent brushing, but it is highly recommended to brush any Shiba Inu during their shedding seasons to prevent their hair from scaterring all over your property.

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (7)

2. Stubborn Personality

Shiba Inus are extremely intelligent, and that can make them extremely stubborn. In many cases, Shiba Inus will simply refuse to do anything that they don’t want to. That can be very frustrating. In order to circumnavigate the stubborn attitude of many Shiba Inus, you will have to motivate them with food. Shiba Inus are very food motivated, which is good and bad. It is good because you can use strategic treats to get your dog to do what you want. However, it can also be tempting to overfeed your dog to get them to behave, which can lead to weight problems in older Shiba Inu dogs.

3. Obsessive Personality

One thing that goes hand in hand with a Shiba Inu’s stubbornness is the fact that some Shibas can become obsessive. If a Shiba Inu develops an obsessive personality, it can be incredibly hard to dissuade or break. Some Shiba Inu will develop a propensity to lick, bark, or dig. These habits can be incredibly annoying, and worst of all, they can be nearly impossible to break. Remember how Shiba Inus rarely do anything they don’t want to do? That can also apply to things like stopping licking or listening to commands that are designed to break these habits.

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (8)

4. Aggressive Tendencies

Shiba Inus are not overly aggressive, but they can have some aggressive tendencies. Most Shiba Inu do not care for strangers or other dogs. These dogs do best in their own household with people and dogs they know and trust. When a Shiba Inu gets stressed, anxious, or protective, they can show signs of aggression. This can also translate to potentially dangerous situations like biting other people or dogs. Many Shiba Inus can be trained and socialized to avoid getting to the point where they are going to bite, but they can still be isolated and gruff around other people.

5. The “Shiba Scream”

Shiba Inus can be incredibly loud. While they rarely bark, Shiba Inu are infamous for the “Shiba Scream.” Shiba Inus can scream in a way that sounds eerily like a human. They do this when they are upset or when they really want something. Some find this scream to be unsettling or uncanny. It can also be incredibly loud and disruptive. When triggered, Shiba Inus also scream in a way that can fill your house with wailing. That is unideal for some potential dog owners, while others find it funny.

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (9)

6. Not Snuggly

While Shiba Inus are emotionally intelligent and loyal, they are not necessarily snuggly. Many Shiba Inus do not like to be touched by humans as much as other dogs. This can be a big letdown for people hoping to squeeze and cuddle the Shiba Inu’s adorable form. Many Shiba Inus are more than happy to spend time near you or next to you but don’t expect them to jump into your lap or cozy up next to you in bed. That is not to say all Shibas aren’t snuggly, but most of them prefer a little more personal space than some people want to give to their dogs.

7. Escape Artists

Another thing to consider is the fact that Shiba Inus can be escape artists. Some Shibas show the desire to dart away at incredible speeds. This can make them hard to contain in a yard and on walks. Many Shiba Inus can slip their leash and dart off in a flash which can be a headache. The Shiba Inu’s intelligence and strength lend to this downside, and if you don’t have good control over your dog, you could end up chasing after them more than you would like.

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (10)

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (11)



  • Beautiful
  • Very intelligent
  • Loyal companions
  • Extremely healthy
  • Very clean and attentive
  • Very strong


  • Shed a lot
  • Stubborn tendencies
  • Obsessive tendencies
  • Can be aggressive in the wrong situation
  • Can be loud with particular vocalizations
  • Not super snuggly
  • Can dart off if distracted

13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (12)


Shiba Inus have a variety of pros and cons that set them apart from other dogs. Shiba Inus are very unique, and like any other breed, they come with a unique set of ups and downs. There is plenty to love about the Shiba Inu, but they can also be quirky and hard to handle, especially for inexperienced dog owners. Before you rush off to get yourself a fuzzy Shiba of your own, it is good to know the pros and cons of the breed, so you know what you are getting into ahead of time.

  • See also:Kinta the Shiba Inu Squints Her Way to Internet Stardom

Featured Image Credit: MitchyPQ, Shutterstock

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13 Shiba Inu Pros & Cons: Vet-Verified Info to Know – Dogster (2024)


What are the downsides of having a Shiba Inu? ›

Shibas are high-energy and very intelligent, so they require lots of mental stimulation and exercise. Their high energy and alertness also mean that they can be predisposed to anxiety and undesirable behaviors—like the Shiba scream—without proper exercise. According to the breed club, Shiba dogs are bold and fiery.

At what age do Shiba Inus calm down? ›

I have owned 3 Shiba Inus. They were “hyper” as puppies, but gradually grew out of that. That usually goes away by 1–2 years of age.

Why are Shibas not recommended for first time dog owners? ›

Are Shiba Inu's good for first time owners? Shiba Inu's are an intelligent and independent breed, which means they can be stubborn and resistant to training. They can be more challenging for first time owners who are not experienced with dog training.

Are Shibas high maintenance? ›

Shiba Inus are known for their unique personalities, low-maintenance coats, and handsome appearance. However, before you adopt a Shiba Inu, you should learn as much as possible about their personality and how to care for them to ensure they're the right pet for your household.

Do Shiba Inus have health problems? ›

Health Issues Common to Shiba Inus

It requires that breeders test all their breeding dogs for eye, knee and hip diseases that occur in the breed. One of these is hip dysplasia, a genetic deformity of the hip socket that requires costly surgery to correct and often leads to arthritis later on in life.

Can Shiba Inus be left alone? ›

While Shiba Inu are independent dogs who don't require constant attention, they need plenty of exercise if they will be left alone during the day. Shiba Inu may be left home alone for eight hours at a time. Crate training may be necessary for the dog's safety as bored Shiba Inu may chew dangerous items.

Do Shibas like to be picked up? ›

If you're looking for an affectionate dog that loves to cuddle and craves attention, shibas are not it. Hoju pretty much follows us around everywhere, but he'd much rather be a few feet away than in our laps. He only likes being pet on his terms. Shibas are loyal and territorial.

Do Shibas attach to one person? ›

Shiba Inus should have total trust and attachment to it's owner. The bond between dog and it's owner is a very special partnership that will last for the Shiba's lifetime. Many have said that Shiba Inus will only take one master in his or her lifetime.

Do Shibas need another dog? ›

In their eyes, Shibas can take on the world no matter how big the foe or the task. They are dominant with other dogs and do not usually get along well with other "bossy" dogs of the same sex. Many Shibas will, however, get along great with another dog or cat that agrees the Shiba is boss. Shibas can be runners.

Why are Shibas so difficult? ›

As a highly intelligent breed, Shiba Inus are relatively easy to train. However, their strong-willed nature means that training can sometimes be a challenge as they tend to lose focus and test the boundaries of what they can get away with.

Why don t Shibas like to cuddle? ›

Shibas happens to be one of the most ancient canine breeds. Because of this fact, they exhibit a trace of their wild ancestry in their temperament. And believe it or not, this dash of “wild” often presents a no-cuddle zone. It's true—Shiba Inus are not so open to free cuddles.

What is the downside of Shiba Inu? ›

Their strong-willed nature can make training challenging, and they may be reserved or aloof with strangers. Shiba Inus also have a tendency to be independent, which can lead to moments of stubbornness. Additionally, their grooming needs and occasional vocalizations should be considered.

Do Shibas like being held? ›

Shibas are very aloof and independent.

They enjoy their alone time, need their space respe-pcted, and are not “cuddlers”. They are very hand-shy and will snub strangers, dodging their hands when they attempt to pet them. You have to earn their trust, and affection.

Why are Shibas so special? ›

Shiba Inu Traits

They're alert, agile dogs that make great outdoor companions and indoor watchdogs. Shiba's are serious, noble dogs with a playful side that comes out if they want it to. They're headstrong, and you won't be able to make them do something they don't want to do. Shiba Inu dog size.

Is Shiba worth owning? ›

Shiba Inu has been more resilient than other meme coins during the past year, but it hasn't carved out a defensible niche yet. It doesn't process transactions at an impressive rate like Solana, it isn't used for as many mainstream payments as Ethereum, and it isn't considered a stabilizing asset like Bitcoin.

What are the mental issues with Shiba Inus? ›

Anxiety. Shiba Inus are full of energy and intelligence, but they can also develop anxiety, which presents as barking or whining, pacing, destructive behavior, or aggression.

Are Shiba Inu good pets? ›

Are Shiba Inus Good Family Dogs? With older, dog-wise children, the Shiba Inu can make an excellent pet, particularly if they are willing and able to take part in exercise and training. Shibas may find life with very small children and babies a bit too exciting, and as a result may be noisy and hard work to live with.

Does Shiba Inu bark a lot? ›

The Shiba Inu is not your typical kind of dog. They don't bark quite as often as other breeds or make unnecessary noises without cause. This breed is also not as affectionate as most dogs but uses the same vocalizations to communicate their feelings and emotions. The “Shiba scream” is a distinguishable trait, though!

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