13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (2024)

To consistently beat the market is difficult but not impossible. O’Neill, Greenblatt, Buffett, and Klarman are legendary investors who have beaten the market. I test the strategies and show you the best ways to implement them.

I have been developing investment strategies for twenty years, and this deeply researched article will provide you with 13 strategies developed by leading investors, portfolio managers, and myself so you can try to beat the market on your terms.

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (1)

Table of Contents

What Does Beat the Market Mean?

To beat the market means that your stock investments must outperform the underlying index of stocks. In the USA, the market to beat is generally the 8% annual return of the S&P500 index. Anyone could beat the market in a single year, but outperforming the market over the long term is the challenge.

Can You Beat the Stock Market?

Yes, according to some of the greatest investors, you can beat the market. You will need investing knowledge and the discipline to implement a specific investing strategy that can lead to market outperformance. There are different approaches to using value investing, growth investing, or simply excellent stock selection.

Legendary Ways to Try To Beat The Market

  • Warren Buffett’s Value Investing Method.
  • Joel Greenblatt’s Magic Formula Investing.
  • Seth Klarman’s Margin of Safety.
  • William O’Neil’s CANSLIM Investing Method.
  • John Bogle’s Index Tracking Fund Investing.
  • The Motley Fool Growth Stock Strategy.

I will also show you how to implement all the strategies for yourself so that you can be in control of your investments.

Can You Beat The Market Consistently?

To beat the market consistently, you need to have a defined and actionable investment strategy. This means finding and investing in stocks with a significant chance of returning more than 8% annually. Most market-beating systems will have been backtested for many years to prove the validity of the system’s hypothesis.

The following list of famous strategies has beaten the market in the past, and many still beat the market today. But there is one thing they all have in common. They do not beat the market 100% of the time; even Warren Buffett has an occasional bad year or two.

1. The CANSLIM Method

CANSLIM is a stock investing strategy designed by William J. O’Neil to produce market-beating profit performance. Using the CAN SLIM criteria in your investing should mean profitable returns. Current Earnings, Annual Earnings, New Products, Supply, Leaders, Institutional Sponsorship, and Market Direction are vital criteria.

It combines fundamental analysis and technical analysis into a cohesive strategy.

The CANSLIM Criteria13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (2)

  • C – Current Earnings
  • A – Annual Earnings
  • N – New Products or Management
  • S – Supply and Demand
  • L – Leaders
  • I – Institutional Ownership
  • M – Market Direction

The full breakdown of each element of this strategy, criteria, and how to implement this screener can be found here: A CANSLIM Stock Screener That Beats the Market.

You can also deep dive into CANSLIM in our What is CANSLIM Article.

Implement CANSLIM with the Best Stock Screener

Here are the 5 Steps to implement the Stock Rover CANSLIM stock screening strategy.

1 – Register with Stock Rover

You will need a Premium Plus Membership, which gives you access to all the criteria and the database with a unique 10-year history. It will also allow you to implement all our Warren Buffett screeners, our full list of stock screening strategies, and our Dividend growth and dividend yield strategies.

  • Read the Full Stock Rover Review

2 – Browse Screener Library

  • See the image to the right.
  • Launch Stock Rover and select:
  • Screeners (Down Arrow)
  • Browse Screener Library
13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (3)

This takes you to the following screen.

3 – Import CANSLIM Screeners

Stock Rover has a built-in screen for CANSLIM called “CAN SLIM – Less Restrictive,” with a good performance record.

This is the screener we will be using.

  1. In the Screeners, search box type “CAN SLIM.”
  2. Select the two CANSLIM Screeners
  3. Click Button – Import (2 Items Selected)
13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (4)

4 – View the Portfolio Performance

Now that you have imported the screener, here is how to set up the excellent comparison view vs. the S&P 500

  1. Select Screeners
  2. Select the CAN SLIM – Less Restrictive Screener
  3. In the Chart Below, Select “Compare To.”
  4. Select Benchmarks
  5. Select S&P 500 or NASDAQ
  6. Select Return vs. S&P 500 Column Views
13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (5)

Learn Exactly How To Beat the Market With CANSLIM

2. Joel Greenblatt’s Magic Formula

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (6)

This market-beating system is provided by the investing legend Joel Greenblatt in his best-selling book “The Little Book that Still Beats the Market.

The strategy Greenblatt shares is called the Magic Formula, based on two specific formulas: the Greenblatt ROC and the Greenblatt Earnings Yield.

I have backtested this system personally, and it works very well; it is a little high maintenance, but the lessons contained within the book are vital.

Greenblatt Return on Capital Ratio

Good Companies Make Great Use of Assets!

This variation of Return on Capital takes Earnings before Interest and Taxation (EBIT) as a percent of Net Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPandE) plus Current Assets.

Greenblatt Earnings Yield

This variation of earnings yield compares Earnings Before Interest and Taxation (EBIT) to Enterprise Value. Joel Greenblatt uses it in his bestselling book The Little Book That Beats the Market.

Using the Magic Formula to Find Stocks

You can register with https://www.magicformulainvesting.com/, the website accompanying the book, to get free access to a basic stock screener that implements the magic formula.

The problem is that the site provides no ability to change screener parameters or help you specify your filters for companies. It will also not help you track which companies you want to invest in or show your past performance or any real financial data.

How to Utilize the Magic Formula

Stock Rover has the Magic Formula Screener built-in and is available for Premium Plus Members.

You will need a Premium Plus Membership, which gives you access to all the criteria and the database with a unique 10-year history. It will also allow you to implement all our Warren Buffett screeners, our full list of stock screening strategies, and our dividend growth strategies.

Importing the Magic Formula Strategy into Stock Rover

The Magic Formula Criteria

Joel Greenblatt specifically suggests you should sell all your “Magic Formula” stocks at the end of the year, re-run the screener, and buy the newly recommended shares on the first trading day of the new year to achieve the market-beating results.

Investing In Stocks Can Be Complicated, Stock Rover Makes It Easy.

Stock Rover is our #1 rated stock investing tool for:
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"I have been researching and investing in stocks for 20 years! I now manage all my stock investments using Stock Rover." Barry D. Moore - Founder: LiberatedStockTrader.com

3. The Motley Fool Method

The Motley Fool team has a 20-year track record of beating the market with their first-class stock research and stock selection process.

One of the first books I read on investing was the Motley Fool Investment Guide in 1997. The investment team of Tom and David Gardner and I have not looked back since.

While I love to perform my own research and not be influenced by others, I have found the Motley Fool Stock Advisor Service incredibly useful.

The team focuses on specific stocks that they feel will significantly beat the S&P 500 over the long term. They then provide lightweight, easy-to-read research reports and recommend why they feel the stock will be a superior long-term investment.

Motley Fool does not try to perform research on every stock and fund in the USA. The team focuses on specific stocks that they feel will significantly beat the S&P 500 over the long term.

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (10)

You can manage your favorite stocks through their simple-to-use portfolio tracker, although, unlike Stock Rover, they cannot connect to your broker. Motley Fool is the first in this list to provide its audited track record of performance against the underlying benchmark. The service’s track record is unique; they try to beat the market and help you succeed in the long term. You could give them a try and follow their advice.

Motley Fool Stock Advisor Portfolio Performance 2002 to 2020

  • Motley Fool Stock Advisor 421%
  • S&P 500 85%

My independent analysis of the stock advisor service’s audited results reveals that since 2002, 48% of the stocks beat the S&P 500. The average winning stock outperformed the S&P 500 by 780%. 28% of the stocks recommended lost 42% on average, while 82% of the stocks made a profit averaging 640%.

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (11)

What does this mean? You still have a 28% chance of losing money on any single stock recommendation. But at current performance levels, you have a 72% chance of investing in a company that will make you a profit.

Motley Fool Stock Advisor Summary

The Stock Advisor service is well-priced at only $99 for your first year and provides an audited track record of successful stock selection. The research reports are easy to read, act upon, and target long-term investors. They provide specific buy and sell signals on stocks they recommend, but the service does not include fund ratings.

I signed up for the service two years ago because I wanted to see what the competition was up to, but I found the service very simple and the research extremely compelling, insightful, and useful.

You could give them a try and follow their advice.

Stock Advisor $199 or $99 for New Client

4. Liberated Stock Trader Beat the Market System

The Liberated Stock Trader Beat the Market Strategy seeks to select stocks with a significant chance of beating the S&P500 returns. The screener uses growth in free cash flow and explosive EPS growth. Combining this with Joel Greenblatt’s ROC and Earnings Yield formulas, the “Magic Formula,” we have a selection of stocks that beat the market 5 in the last 7 years.

Ever Dreamed of Beating the Stock Market

Most people think that they can't beat the market, and stock picking is a game only Wall Street insiders can win.This simply isn't true. With the right strategy, anyone can beat the market.

The LST Beat the Market Growth Stock Strategy is a proven system that has outperformed the S&P500 in 8 of the last 9 years. We provide all of the research and data needed to make informed decisions, so you no longer have to spend hours trying to find good stocks yourself.

The LST Beat the Market System Selects 35 Growth Stocks and Averages a 25.6% Annual Return
★ 35 Stocks That Already Beat The Market ★
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★ Full Strategy Videos & eBook ★
Take The Pain Out Of Stock Selection With a Proven Strategy

Find Out More

LST Beat the Market Screener Performance.

9 Year PerformanceS&P500 % Gain Jan 1st to Dec 31stLST Beat the Market Growth Strategy % GainResult
Average Yearly Return15.27%25.6%Beat

9-Year Results Based on $100,000 Invested.

Investment PerformanceS&P500 Index ReturnsLST Beat the Market Growth Strategy
Initial Investment$100,000$100,000
Cumulative 9 Year % Gain+219%+546%
LST Beat The Market By:102%

Performance vs. S&P500, 2020

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (13)
  • Read the full details of the Beat the Market Growth Stocks System with 8 years of backtested results.

The Criteria & Explanation of Logic

  1. Free Cash Flow – Healthy Companies Have Cash
  2. EPS Growth – Good Companies Grow Earnings
  3. Greenblatt Return on Capital – Good Companies Make Great Use of Assets
  4. 1-Year Return vs. the S&P500 – Great Companies Demonstrate They Can Beat the Market
  5. EPS Growth Now Greater Than 20% – A Surge in Earnings
  6. Previous Year EPS Greater Than Zero – They Made a Profit
  7. Demonstrating Growth Across the Board vs. Industry Competitors
  8. Greenblatt Earnings Yield

How to Beat the Stock Market With Stock Rover

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (15)

I love Stock Rover so much that I spent 2 years creating a growth stock investing strategy that has outperformed the S&P 500 by 102% over the last eight years. I used Stock Rover's excellent backtesting, screening, and historical database to achieve this.

This Liberated Stock Trader Beat the Market Strategy (LST BTM) is built exclusively for Stock Rover Premium Plus subscribers.

Learn more About the LST Beat the Market Growth Stocks System

5. Value Invest Warren Buffett’s Method

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (16)

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (17)Warren Buffett has proven over the last 50 years to be the most successful investor ever. With an average compound rate of return of 23.3% per year, he and his good friend Charlie Munger have a reputation that Wall Street can only dream of. His wise investing has grown his company, Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A), into a behemoth worth over $500 billion.

But how did Buffett achieve these high investing returns? He analyses stocks better than anyone else and understands what makes a great company.

The most detailed analysis of Buffett’s investing methodology is outlined in the book “The New Buffettology” by his daughter Mary Buffett. We will use the Buffettology book, plus the two single most important criteria created by his mentor, the great Benjamin Graham: Fair Value (Intrinsic Value)and Margin of Safety.

The Warren Buffett Stock Screener

A Warren Buffett Stock Screener needs to filter on investing criteria such as earnings per share (EPS) growth, consistent return on equity (ROE), high return on invested capital (ROIC), and low debt using the solvency ratio. Finally, the screener needs to calculate the margin of safety using discounted cash flow (DCF).

How Does Buffett Screen for Stocks?

Buffett screens for stocks using specific criteria, such as whether the company is profitable and generating a healthy cash flow. He then predicts and discounts the cash flow ten years into the future. If the cash flow value is 30% higher than the company’s stock market valuation, it has a reasonable margin of safety and is a candidate for purchase.

Specific Rules for the Warren Buffett Investment Include:

  • Look for a Fair Value Higher Than The Current Stock Price
  • A High Margin Of Safety
  • A Strong Earnings Per Share History & Growth Rate
  • A Consistently High Return on Equity
  • Does the Company Earn a High Return on Total Capital?
  • Is the Company Conservatively Financed?
  • The Initial Rate of Return for the Stock is Greater than The Return on US treasury bonds?

6. Seth Klarman’s Margin of Safety

Buying stocks with a large margin of safety means reducing your risk in the trade and maximizing your potential gain. Elite investors Warren Buffett and Seth Klarman popularized the margin of safety method.

What Is The Margin of Safety?

If a company’s stock price is below the actual value of the cash flow (income) and assets of a company, the percentage difference is the Margin of Safety. This is the discounted price at which you buy a share in the company.

If a company is worth $5 per share on the stock market exchange, but the value of its earnings, property, and brand is worth $10, then you have a discount of 50%.

If you buy the stock at $5, then eventually, the stock price should rise 100% to get to $10 per share.

Simple really! Or is it? How about an infographic to help explain?

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (18)

If a stock price is significantly below the company’s fair value, that percentage difference is known as the Margin of Safety. Essentially, the percentage that the stock market undervalues a company.

In other words, the Margin of Safety is the percentage difference between a company’s Fair Value per share and its actual stock price. If a company has profits and assets that outweigh a company’s stock market valuation, this represents a Margin of Safety for the investor. The higher the margin of safety, the better.

In classic value-investing theory, the margin of safety is the level of risk an investor can live with. The margin of safety estimates the risk a stock buyer takes.

Warren Buffett’s Explanation of Margin of Safety

If you understood a business perfectly and the future of the business, you would need very little in the way of a margin of safety. So, the more vulnerable the business is, assuming you still want to invest in it, the larger the margin of safety you’d need. If you’re driving a truck across a bridge that says it holds 10,000 pounds and you’ve got a 9,800 pound vehicle, if the bridge is 6 inches above the crevice it covers, you may feel okay; but if it’s over the Grand Canyon, you may feel you want a little larger margin of safety. Warren Buffett

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (19)Read a detailed explanation of using and applying the Margin of Safety in this article: Margin of Safety – The Key To Warren Buffett’s Wealth.

Calculating Fair Value and Margin of Safety is critical to the value investing strategy. If you want to make good profits long-term, you need to minimize your risk by purchasing companies selling at a significant discount due to market irrationality. Still, you will need a great stock screener with these calculations built-in to be effective and efficient. Stock Rover offers a full 14-day trial and a free service; try Stock Rover.

7. Buy the Stocks Warren Buffett Buys

On your path to beating the market, you could skip much of the stock screening or strategy development and buy the stocks that Warren Buffett buys. This would be a simple strategy to emulate the great investor and seek outperforming returns.

Here is a list of the companies Warren Buffett, specifically Berkshire Hathaway, owns.

KHCKraft Heinz Co26.70%
DVADavita Inc24.10%
AXPAmerican Express Company18.30%
LSXMKLiberty Sirius XM Group Series C15.20%
LSXMALiberty Sirius XM Group Series A14.40%
MCOMoody’s Corporation13.00%
DALDelta Air Lines, Inc.11.00%
VRSNVerisign, Inc.10.90%
AXTAAxalta Coating Systems Ltd10.40%
BACBank of America Corp10.20%
LUVSouthwest Airlines Co10.00%
AALAmerican Airlines Group Inc9.80%
LBTYALiberty Global PLC Class A9.70%
KO.Coca-Cola Co9.40%
WFCWells Fargo & Co9.30%
BK.Bank of New York Mellon Corp8.60%
UALUnited Airlines Holdings Inc8.50%
USBUS Bancorp8.40%
STORStore Capital Corp8.10%
AAPLApple Inc.5.50%
LILALiberty Latin America Ltd Class A5.40%
GSGoldman Sachs Group Inc5.10%
GM.General Motors Company5.10%
STNEStoneCo Ltd4.80%

As the table above describes, you could seek to build a portfolio with the same size stakeholding as a percentage of your capital. Don’t forget that Berkshire Hathaway is regularly selling investments and buying others, so keep checking in on the Annual Reports and Buffett’s letters to investors.

What Companies Does Warren Buffett Own? BRK.A Subsidiaries

8. Try the MOSES ETF Investing System

Whether you actively invest in the stock market or passively invest through mutual fundsor exchange-traded funds, you need to reduce any losses you incur over the years of your investment.

The heart of the MOSES ETF Investing System is avoiding or minimizing the impact of major stock market crashes. There are three core indicators in the Moses strategy; you can use the best approach to eliminate most losses and compound your investments to beat the market.

Market Outperforming Stock ETF System

MOSES will help you to be alerted before the next crash happens, or at least before the significant downmove begins. MOSES will also show you when the bear market is over.

Market – The strategy is designed to be used on entire market indices

Outperforming – The Moses strategies beat the majority of USA & European Stock Markets

Stock – Moses is designed to work on large, liquid stock market indices.

ETF – Using Moses on broad market ETFs to trade an entire index is the ideal strategy.

Strategies – 3 Strategies You Can Choose to Improve Your Decision-Making

Beat The Market, Avoid Crashes & Lower Your Risks

Nobody wants to see their hard-earned money disappear in a stock market crash.

Over the past century, the US stock market has had 6 major crashes that have caused investors to lose trillions of dollars.

The MOSES Index ETF Investing Strategy will help you minimize the impact of major stock market crashes. MOSES will alert you before the next crash happens so you can protect your portfolio. You will also know when the bear market is over and the new rally begins so you can start investing again.

MOSES Helps You Secure & Grow Your Biggest Investments
★ 3 Index ETF Strategies ★
★ Outperforms the NASDAQ 100, S&P500 & Russell 3000 ★
★ Beats the DAX, CAC40 & EURO STOXX Indices ★
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MOSES Helps You Sleep Better At Night Knowing You Are Prepared For Future Disasters

Find Out More

MOSES Performance

Here are the exact results of the three MOSES strategies. The backtesting started in 1997 to enable the system to act on three major stock market crashes: 2000, 2008, and 2020. TheBuy and Holdstrategy is the profit from staying invested during the entire period and not avoiding the crashes. The Winning MOSES strategy is highlighted in Green.

Test TimeframeJan 13, 1997Sept 21, 2021
Duration24.75 years
Initial Investment$ 100,000
Nasdaq 100 vs. MOSES Strategy$ Return% Per Year*Total Return
Buy & Hold$ 1,763,80712.30%1664%
Buy Bull – Sell Bear$ 2,885,54214.55%2786%
Buy Bull – Sell Catastrophe$ 2,024,91912.92%1925%
Buy Recovery – Sell Catastrophe$ 2,298,66113.50%2199%
S&P 500 vs. MOSES Strategy$ Return% Per Year*Total Return
Buy & Hold$ 581,2257.37%481%
Buy Bull – Sell Bear$ 485,4416.59%385%
Buy Bull – Sell Catastrophe$ 595,7377.48%496%
Buy Recovery – Sell Catastrophe$ 645,7967.83%546%
Russell 3000 vs. MOSES Strategy$ Return% Per Year*Total Return
Buy & Hold$ 613,6377.61%514%
Buy Bull – Sell Bear$ 529,5736.97%430%
Buy Bull – Sell Catastrophe$ 640,2797.79%540%
Buy Recovery – Sell Catastrophe$ 715,6528.28%616%
Nasdaq Composite vs. MOSES Strategy$ Return% Per Year*Total Return
Buy & Hold$ 1,128,39610.29%1028%
Buy Bull – Sell Bear$ 1,233,08610.68%1133%
Buy Bull – Sell Catastrophe$ 1,076,99010.08%977%
Buy Recovery – Sell Catastrophe$ 1,124,53610.27%1025%
  • Annualized Compound Return (ACR)

9. Find High Growth Dividend Stocks

Do you want to find companies that are continually raising their dividends? It is a wise move, as businesses with significant dividend growth usually grow sales and market dominance.

What if you could find companies that have experienced dividend growth over the last ten years and are on sale by the stock market at bargain-basem*nt prices? This is called Dividend Growth + High Margin of Safety.

10-Year Dividend Growth Strategy

The Dividend Kings or Dividend Aristocrats strategy essentially means investing in companies with a long history of continually paying and increasing dividends.

You will need a stock screener with a significantly sizeable historical database (at least ten years) of earnings and dividend payments, such as Stock Rover.

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (21)

The criteria shown here is the calculation for ten years.

Dividend Growth Criteria Explanation:

  • Dividend Yield > 1.5%. This is a simple filter designed to ensure only companies paying a dividend above 1.5% are listed—anything less than 1.5% will not even payout in line with inflation.
  • Dividend 1 Year Change > 8%. We want only companies with increased dividends in the last fiscal year of over 8%.
  • Dividend 3-Year Change > 8%. Next, we filter down to companies with at least an average increase of 8% over the last three years.
  • Dividend 5-Year Change > 8%. Again, only those companies increased dividends by more than 8% over the last five years.
  • Dividend 10 Year Change > 8%. You get the idea. :)
  • Payout Ratio >10 < 40. The payout ratio ensures the company makes enough profits to continue paying the dividends and sustain the increases. You can reduce the “<10” to see more stocks in the scan. We do not want companies paying more than 40% of their profits in dividends; they must retain cash flow for future growth and capital investments.
  • Sales 5-Year Average (%) > 4%. This is designed to ensure that the company increases sales, at least on average, to pay for the above growth in dividends.
  • The margin of Safety > 0. (Exclusive to Stock Rover) The most important criterion is the Margin of Safety, using Warren Buffett’s calculation of the forward discounted cash flow (see our article on Intrinsic Value). Essentially, the higher the margin of safety, the more of a discount you are buying a stock for.

These criteria would typically return a list of only 5% of the NYSE or NASDAQ listed stocks.

  • Learn all the details and methodology behind the high dividend growth strategy.

How to Find the Best Dividend Growth Stocks: 5 Step Strategy

10. Outperform the Market with the NASDAQ 100 ETF

If beating the market is defined as your portfolio, making a profit higher than that of the S&P500, then you are in luck. The simplest way to beat the S&P500 is to invest in a NASDAQ 100 exchange-traded fund (ETF). I have approximately 50% of my investment capital in a NASDAQ ETF. The other 50% I use to invest in individual stocks.

An excellent reason is to invest in the NASDAQ 100; it simply outperforms all other major developed world indices, including the UK FTSE 100, the German DAX, France, Japan, and the MSCI world index. All major indices lose to the NASDAQ 100.

Screen for ETFs on TradingView

NASDAQ 100 30-Year Performance

As you can see in the above chart, the NASDAQ 100 has far outstripped that of other major G7 economy stock markets.

Table: 30-year returns of the Nasdaq 100

Index30 Year Returns
Nasdaq 1004,122%
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)789%
Standard & Poors 500 (S&P 500)738%
German DAX526%
The UK. Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE 100)150%
Japan Nikkei-47%

16 Insights To Trade Leveraged ETFs Successfully

11. Try a Robo Advisor

A Robo Advisor is a digital application that offers users financial advice created by algorithms, artificial intelligence, or mathematical formulas. The term Robo Advisor is short for robot advisor. However, the phrase Robo Advisor is inaccurate. To explain, a Robo Advisor is a digital construct, usually an algorithm or artificial intelligence (AI) rather than an actual robot.

Do Robo Advisors Beat The Market?

The short answer is that most Robo Advisors fail to beat the market. Most Robo Advisors’ goal is not to beat the market but to automatically invest your money based on your requirements and risk tolerance. If you have a low tolerance for risk, your portfolio will be more heavily weighted in favor of bonds, which would inhibit the ability to beat the market.

  • Read: Do Robo Advisors Beat the Market – An In-depth Study

Robo Advisors vs. the S&P 500

If you want to compare Robo Advisors, the best method is to compare their growth rate to the popular stock market indexes like the S&P (Standard & Poor’s) 500 or the Dow Jones. However, such comparisons only work with specific funds or portfolios. Hence, it is often impossible to tell when comparing the performance of a platform to that of the S&P 500.

Generally, a good rule of thumb is that a portfolio should be proven to beat the S&P or Dow Jones; the best Robo Advisors portfolio’s rate of gain should significantly exceed the S&P by at least 5% per year.

However, rates will vary yearly, and outside factors like inflation and taxation can eat up your returns. Notably, some high-income people could lose money if they earn a high rate of return without implementing a tax-loss strategy.

Thus, it would be best if you researched when looking for a robo advisor. To complicate matters, technology is new and changing all the time.

Performance can change quickly because some firms will continuously add new features and capabilities to Robo Advisors. Hence, you should regularly visit your advisors’ website and check out the new features.

Robo Advisor Fund Performance

As previously stated, many Robo Advisor funds are not entirely transparent with their reporting of their fund’s performance due to possibly the complexity of options on offer not being directly comparable to the underlying index or, more likely, because they do not beat the market and do not want to make false claims.

The only Robo Advisor we found that can match or surpass the S&P500 by a few percent is M1 Finance.

M1 provides many expert portfolios to choose from, and depending on when you open an account and decide to invest, the returns on your investment can vary. Suffice it to say, M1 claims that, on average, their expert portfolios (pies) are within 2% or slightly above the underlying market return.

In our review, M1 Finance is the only Robo Advisory service that offers commission-free trading for its customers. This means your account will have no management fee whatsoever. This is very positive for the service, but the question is, how do they make money? They mostly make money from short-term lending of available cash funds to the overnight inter-bank market if you utilize their borrowing facility or invest in an M1 Plus account. Finally, they will receive small rebates from liquidity providers for their order flow. This is all quite normal and used throughout the industry.

Another great bonus of this mature service from M1 is that tax-loss harvesting is automatically integrated into the account. This means that when you choose to withdraw funds from your account, the algorithms will consider which securities to sell, prioritizing those incurring losses so that they can offset future gains.

On top of this, M1 promotes the purchase of fractional shares as a unique selling point; if the portfolio you are invested in dictates a purchase of a stock with a high price, you can still be fully invested with a purchase of a fraction of the share.

12. Implement the Bill Gates Portfolio

Bill Gates has some very interesting stocks in his portfolio, and as you can imagine, Microsoft, Apple, and his great friend Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway stocks are in his portfolio.

But how is the performance of Mr. Gate’s portfolio? According to Stock Rover’s excellent portfolio backtesting and performance comparison charting, Bill has managed to beat the S&P 500 by 54% since 2007, which is impressive.

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (23)

Get the Bill Gates Portfolio in Stock Rover

We do not know the origins of Bill Gates’s investing methodology, but we can be sure Warren Buffett and his history have influenced him as a technology mogul.

The Bill Gates Stock Portfolio

TickerCompanyValue ScoreGrowth ScorePrice5Y Return vs. S&P 500
BABAAlibaba Group Holding6398$275.15274.40%
WMWaste Management6886$114.3662.10%
CCICrown Castle Intl5495$162.3856.60%
CNICanadian National Railway7081$106.9717.40%
UPSUnited Parcel Service6791$171.3111.80%
BRK.BBerkshire Hathaway8183$215.19-25.40%
ARCOArcos Dorados Holdings4353$4.28-36.90%
KOFCoca-Cola Femsa8480$40.77-121.90%
LBTYKLiberty Global7858$20.78-139.10%
LBTYALiberty Global7853$21.17-141.90%
LILALiberty Latin America6972$8.35-166.50%
LILAKLiberty Latin America6969$8.30-166.60%
TVGrupo Televisa8866$6.20-168.10%

13. Create Your Own System

Finally, if you love the chase and are willing to put the work in to develop your unique way of beating the market, then there are two things you must do.

Take a Serious Investing Course.

Many companies offer trading or investing courses to help you become a successful investor. We also provide a training course; in fact, this training course was the reason I established the Liberated Stock Trader business. To help you become a free-thinking investor who does not listen to others and forges your own path.

You want to be a successful stock investor but don’t know where to start.

Learning stock market investing on your own can be overwhelming. There’s so much information out there, and it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s not.

Liberated Stock Trader Pro Investing Course
Our pro investing classes are the perfect way to learn stock investing. You will learn everything you need to know about financial analysis, charts, stock screening, and portfolio building so you can start building wealth today.
★ 16 Hours of Video Lessons + eBook ★
★ Complete Financial Analysis Lessons ★
★ 6 Proven Investing Strategies ★
★ Professional Grade Stock Chart Analysis Classes ★

Find Out More

Create Your Own Unique Market-Beating System

After you have built your own experience and knowledge, you will be ready to test your theories and hypotheses. There is, in effect, only one way to achieve this goal.

You need to learn how to backtest your ideas to establish if they provide a unique edge in the market that works repeatedly. I have done this with the Liberated Stock Trader Beat the Market System.

You can also learn to backtest with the best software around.

Backtest Your Strategy

TrendSpider offers a no-coding system for backtesting, enabling auto-trading through webhooks on alerts. This allows for seamless point-and-click backtesting of charts and indicators.

With TrendSpider, even selecting a 1-minute timeframe for intraday backtesting is possible. The platform further provides fully automated AI-driven trendlines, Fibonacci tools, and multi-timeframe analysis for stocks, forex, crypto, and futures. TrendSpider is an outstanding technical analysis platform with a robust backtesting engine.

Top 6 Best Stock Backtesting Software + Trading Strategies

How to Beat the Market Summary

Stock investing strategies designed to beat the market are sometimes successful, but not always. If there were a single strategy that always beat the market, the free market would cease to exist. That is why our selection of the best strategies is helpful. There is no single way to always outperform the S&P 500, but we can certainly try.

I hope this exhaustive roundup of the best stock market-beating systems was useful to you.


As with any stock market investing system, nothing is guaranteed to work in the future as it did in the past. The more institutions that utilize a system, the more ineffective it becomes. So this beat the market screener, and LiberatedStockTrader.com accepts no liability for your use of this work. Liberated Stock Trader does not recommend the purchase of specific stocks and accepts no liability for any losses incurred. By using this or any other published article for investing purposes, you agree to our disclaimer.

13 Legendary Investor's Beat the Market Strategies Explained (2024)


Which investors have beaten the market? ›

Household names like Peter Lynch and Warren Buffett achieved their successes by picking individual stocks. Many individuals you've never heard of have attempted similar strategies and failed. Even most professional mutual fund managers can't beat the market.

How do investors beat the market? ›

One popular investment approach is turning your portfolio over to a professional fund manager, whose job is to outperform the broader market over time. This is also known as active investing, and it seems like a smart decision.

Who is the most successful stock picker? ›

Warren Buffett was generally considered the greatest stock picker of all time.

Who is the most successful investor of all time? ›

A name you have very likely come across before! Warren Buffett is widely considered the greatest investor in the world.

Has Warren Buffett beaten the market? ›

Berkshire Hathaway's CEO, Warren Buffett, widely considered to be the most successful investor alive today, has merely matched the market's return over the past two decades. The fundamental question this raises for investors is how long we should give a manager the benefit of the doubt when failing to beat the market.

Can you consistently beat the market? ›

It is relatively common to beat the market for 1–3 years at a time. That can largely be explained by luck. But the data clearly shows that even professional fund managers are unable to beat the market consistently over a longer period of time, like 10–15 years.

How do you tell if you beat the market? ›

If your returns exceed the percentage return of the chosen benchmark, you have beaten the market.

How many investors actually beat the market? ›

And the percentage of active managers who do beat the market is usually pretty small – fewer than 8% in most of the cases above over the last 15 years; and they may not sustain that performance in the future.

Why is the S&P 500 so hard to beat? ›

It's not easy to beat the S&P 500. In fact, most hedge funds and mutual funds underperform the S&P 500 over an extended period of time. That's because the S&P 500 selects from a large pool of stocks and continuously refreshes its holdings, dumping underperformers and replacing them with up-and-coming growth stocks.

What is Warren Buffett's favorite stock? ›

Berkshire (and therefore Buffett) owns stakes in the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (NYSEMKT: VOO) and the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSEMKT: SPY). Both funds attempt to track the performance of the S&P 500 index. Which is Buffett's favorite? The evidence points to the Vanguard ETF.

What is Warren Buffett's investment strategy? ›

Warren Buffett's investment strategy has remained relatively consistent over the decades, centered around the principle of value investing. This approach involves finding undervalued companies with strong potential for growth and investing in them for the long term.

Who is the godfather of investing? ›

Benjamin Graham is considered the godfather of value investing. Understanding his system and his thinking can help you find the right value stocks. Benjamin Graham was born in London in 1894. His original name was Grossbaum, but he changed it as a young man, to better fit into the Wall Street environment.

Who is the king of investors? ›

Warren Edward Buffett (/ˈbʌfɪt/ BUF-it; born August 30, 1930) is an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist who currently serves as the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

What of investors beat the S&P 500? ›

Over the past 10 years, the average share of active funds that beat the S&P 500 was 27%, setting up 2024 to be an especially weak year. Data from Morningstar Direct also shows that 13.4% of passively managed funds are outperforming so far this year.

How many investment advisors beat the market? ›

Less than 10% of active large-cap fund managers have outperformed the S&P 500 over the last 15 years. The biggest drag on investment returns is unavoidable, but you can minimize it if you're smart. Here's what to look for when choosing a simple investment that can beat the Wall Street pros.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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