12 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Finances - Bitter to Richer (2024)

Taking care of your finances can improve your standard of living, give you a sense of security, open doors for you, or even enable you to help others in life-changing ways. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to improve your financial situation, here are 12 great ways to do it.

12 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Finances - Bitter to Richer (1)

1. Read A Personal Finance Book

Especially great for beginners, reading a book about finances can give you the fundamentals you need to set yourself up for success. There are books on anything from eliminating debt to investing in things like index funds. While not every book will be the most up-to-date, they’ll have the timeless truths you’ll need to get the ball rolling. For those of you who don’t like reading, you can get an audio book. If you’re trying to be especially frugal, go to your local library.

If you’re interested in specific book recommendations, or services I recommend in general, check out my recommendations page.

2. Create A Budget

I discussed creating a budget in more detail here. Budgeting makes it easier to manage your finances and make changes as you need to. Your budget is your first line of defense against unnecessary spending, and one of the simplest and most effective tools at your disposal.

If you’ve been budgeting, but are still having issues sticking to it, it’s probably time to make an itemized budget. Specifically, break down your expenses into several categories and review them each month. You should look at every transaction you made and place it in the appropriate category. This way you get a more concrete display of where you’ve been messing up. Of course, if a less intensive approach is working, you don’t need to shake things up.

12 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Finances - Bitter to Richer (2)

3. Cut Expenses

Most of us can afford to cut a few things out of our budget. Maybe you spend a little too much on coffee each morning, maybe you go to the movies a few too many times each month, or perhaps you have too many subscription services. There are a million and one “tiny” expenses you can cut in order to save money.

In my opinion, if you have the ability, you should look at cutting expenses related to your housing, car, or food. The average person can usually cut at least one of those in half. Have a car payment? Buy used. Rent a big house? Think about downsizing – you could even potentially save money by becoming a homeowner. As far as food is concerned, most people eat out far more than they need to, which is something that can easily add hundreds to your monthly expenses.

4. Plan A Weekly Or Monthly Menu

Yes, I may be beating a dead horse. While this clearly focuses on cutting expenses in the “eating out” category, there is more to it than that. Rather than just trying to force yourself to eat out less, planning a menu makes it concrete and helps avoid the temptation of eating out altogether. Additionally, if you know what you’re going to make ahead of time, you can often buy in bulk and spend even less on groceries than if you were doing everything ad hoc or deciding last minute.

Planning a menu each week or month may not be for everyone, but I’d recommend giving it a shot – you might be surprised.

12 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Finances - Bitter to Richer (3)

5. Pay Off Your Debt

Still have student loans? Credit card or consumer debt? Pay it off! In this article I discussed two great debt repayment strategies that work wonders. As a rule of thumb, make sure you don’t take on any new high-interest debt. Once you’ve paid back all your debt, a weight will be lifted off your shoulders. You can’t achieve true financial freedom while being under a mountain of debt, especially high-interest debt like what you get from credit cards.

6. Start Using Credit Cards More

Sounds backwards, doesn’t it? I did just say to avoid debt from credit cards after all! However, many credit cards offer rewards programs that can actually earn you money when you use them. If you’re disciplined with your spending, I highly recommend taking advantage of these rewards. However, if you have a hard time keeping your spending in check – feel free to skip this one.

12 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Finances - Bitter to Richer (4)

7. Automate Savings Or Investments Every Month

Obviously saving and investing regularly is a must, but automating savings or investments is a huge boon. It eliminates some headache for you and frees up some more time, but that’s not all. It makes sure that a set amount is in fact going towards your goals regularly and without a doubt. Automating them also makes it easier to not go over your budget, if the money is already out of your account you will be far less likely to spend it. For those who are starting to get serious about your investments, I highly recommend M1 Finance or Vanguard. If you’re brand new to investing, I recommend trying out Acorns to help you get started. If you want more information before you begin – here is my article on index funds.

Whether you’re growing an emergency fund, investing in an IRA or 401k, or just investing in general, automation is nothing but a boon for you.

8. Set Concrete Goals

Sitting down and planning for your financial future is important but be sure to make your goals as concrete and “real” as possible. It’s okay to have one overarching main goal, like obtaining financial freedom, but be sure to define what that is for you. Additionally, set up several smaller goals on the path to your main one. Going with the example of obtaining financial freedom, a short-term goal may be to increase your 401k contributions by a flat amount each month until you are contributing $500 more than you originally were. In my experience, having just a couple long-term goals and breaking each up into two or three short-term goals has been a huge help with increasing productivity. You might have a different way of organizing it or thinking about it (which is perfectly fine), but be sure you’re making your goals and plans actionable things you can start working on today. Just saying your goal is to become a millionaire is meaningless if you don’t set up a path to get there.

As a bonus, keep a list of short-term accomplishments and any milestones you may’ve reached. This should help you realize how much progress you’re making and help keep you motivated. Often it is easy to get distracted by the sheer amount of work we have left that we forget how much we’ve already achieved.

12 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Finances - Bitter to Richer (5)

9. Get Serious About Saving For Retirement

You’ll need quite a bit if you plan on retiring in your 60’s and much more if you want to retire earlier. Meeting your employer’s 401k match is a great first step, but if you want to make sure you’ll have a financially secure retirement you need to save 15-20% of your income. Sound hard? It shouldn’t. That should be a minimum, and most people DO have enough to do it.

Once you can consistently save 15-20% of your income, start shooting for 50%. Now that is a lot more than most can likely afford on modest salaries and large households. However, if you live in a two-income household, or have a larger-than-average income, this can be a very achievable. Whether it is realistic in your situation or not, I’d recommend trying to see how close you can get and keep it as consistent as possible.

10. Create Multiple Sources Of Income

Scraping by from the salary your job provides? Add in another source of income, and that’s all money that can go straight to your investments. It doesn’t have to be another job either. Get creative with it, start your own small business or begin freelancing. These days there are tons of ways to make more money that are flexible enough to easily be worked around a standard 9-5 job.

If you’re not sure where to start, I wrote an article on side hustles that can be lucrative.

11. Maximize Employee Benefits

This should be a given. Hit that 401k match. Use cheaper insurance options. Take vacation. Use employee discounts. If your employer offers a perk that you can use for your benefit, take advantage of it. Benefits are part of your compensation and should not be overlooked, yet frequently are. If you don’t know how you can make use of your current benefits, get in touch with your HR representative or manager.

12. Take the time to learn something new

A little corny, I know. You can laugh, but learning something new every day or every week will improve other aspects of your life. While learning is rewarding in its own right, obtaining one skill often bleeds into other skills and augments your abilities overall. For example, learning to code may give you the ability to start a side hustle or automate some mundane work in your life. Additionally, it helps you understand technology better, which will make it easier for you to use different types in the future. Don’t underestimate the value of continued education, regardless of your age or income.

12 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Finances - Bitter to Richer (6)


Clearly these aren’t all the ways to improve your finances, but they’re certainly a good start. If you have any of your own you’d like to share, please mention them in the comments. If you’re interested in more things you can do to improve your financial situation, check out this article on good financial habits. For more content like this, and a free budgeting template and financial goals worksheet, be sure tosign upfor the Bitter to Richer newsletter.

Affiliate Disclosure:

We may receive a commission if you purchase a product listed on this page. Using our affiliate links doesn’t create any extra cost to you, but we will receive a small portion of the sales price. This helps keep our website running. If you want to see our full disclosures and disclaimers, check out the About Me page. Consider consulting an independent financial advisor for your specific situation before making any major decision.

Top Recommendations:

  1. If you want everything in one place, check out my Financial Fundamentals spreadsheet. It includes a budgeting template, net worth tracker, financial goals tracker, and even calculators for short-term savings goals, retirement, and home affordability!
  2. For those who are new to saving and investing, Acorns is a huge boon. Think of it like training wheels, as it can help you start off on the right tracking by automating your savings and investments - and teaching you what you need to know along the way.
  3. Personal Capital is one of my favorite tools. It has a plethora of features for you, and contains a multitude of free financial tools that make it easier than ever to manage your money.
  4. My favorite brokerage is currently M1 Finance. They have tons of great index funds, ETFs, and stocks to choose from. With them investing is easy and highly customizable. Whether you're an advanced investor or someone who prefers simple solutions, they will suit your needs.

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12 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Finances - Bitter to Richer (2024)


What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

How can I turn my life around financially? ›

Browse through each to determine if there's room for improvement or if you are good to go:
  1. Get your overspending under control. ...
  2. Create a new budget. ...
  3. Find a budgeting app you like. ...
  4. Make a will. ...
  5. Protect your savings from inflation. ...
  6. Prepare for rising interest rates. ...
  7. Prepare now for your next major life event.

What is the financial IQ? ›

Financial Quotient (FQ), sometimes also referred as financial intelligence (FI), financial intelligence quotient (FiQ) or financial IQ, is the ability to obtain and manage one's wealth by understanding how money works. Like emotional quotient (EQ), FQ derived its name from IQ (intelligence quotient).

Is $4000 a good savings? ›

Are you approaching 30? How much money do you have saved? According to CNN Money, someone between the ages of 25 and 30, who makes around $40,000 a year, should have at least $4,000 saved.

How to budget $5000 a month? ›

Consider an individual who takes home $5,000 a month. Applying the 50/30/20 rule would give them a monthly budget of: 50% for mandatory expenses = $2,500. 20% to savings and debt repayment = $1,000.

How can I train my brain for wealth? ›

  1. 6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Make Money. Wealth Wisdom Ink. ...
  2. Step 1: Set a Clear Goal. Let's start by setting a very clear financial goal. ...
  3. Step 2: Accept the idea of sacrifice. ...
  4. Step 3: Create a Detailed Plan. ...
  5. Step 4: Set a Deadline. ...
  6. Step 5: Turn your plan into a personal statement. ...
  7. Step 6: Rehearse with Strong Belief.
Sep 9, 2023

Is IQ tied to wealth? ›

Key Takeaways. Intelligence appears to have no direct correlation with wealth. Key examples of this include famed NBA player Earvin "Magic" Johnson Jr. (who is wealthy) and Christopher Michael Langan, an American with a very high IQ (who is much less wealthy).

What is financial genius? ›

Financial Genius – Peter Lynch

Our topic here is financial genius. That is, the ability to make money, keep the money that's been made, and make even more money — especially when others are losing.

Why do I struggle so much financially? ›

It may be that you have too much credit card debt, not enough income, or you overspend on unnecessary purchases when you feel stressed or anxious. Or perhaps, it's a combination of problems. Make a separate plan for each one.

How to become wealthy? ›

How To Get Rich
  1. Start saving early.
  2. Avoid unnecessary spending and debt.
  3. Save 15% or more of every paycheck.
  4. Increase the money that you earn.
  5. Resist the desire to spend more as you make more money.
  6. Work with a financial professional with the expertise and experience to keep you on track.

How do I go from broke to financially stable? ›

5 Ways to Achieve Financial Security
  1. Start living on less than you make. No matter where you are on the road to financial security, your paycheck is the vehicle that's going to help you get there. ...
  2. Kiss your credit cards goodbye. ...
  3. Pay off your debt. ...
  4. Build up an emergency fund. ...
  5. Invest 15% of your income.
Mar 22, 2024

How to build your finance? ›

7 Money Management Tips to Improve Your Finances
  1. Track your spending to improve your finances. ...
  2. Create a realistic monthly budget. ...
  3. Build up your savings—even if it takes time. ...
  4. Pay your bills on time every month. ...
  5. Cut back on recurring charges. ...
  6. Save up cash to afford big purchases. ...
  7. Start an investment strategy.
Jun 27, 2023

What kind of math is used in finance? ›

Financial Mathematics is the field of applied mathematics that involves defining problems in finance and providing solutions using methods that draw from probability, statistics, differential equations, optimization, numerical methods, and data science.

Does IQ predict income? ›

One study concluded that moving from the 25th to the 75th percentile of IQ correlates with a 10% to 16% boost in earnings. That may feel significant when you get it, but it doesn't push you into a whole new socioeconomic class.

What is a 50/30/20 budget example? ›

Our 50/30/20 calculator divides your take-home income into suggested spending in three categories: 50% of net pay for needs, 30% for wants and 20% for savings and debt repayment. Find out how this budgeting approach applies to your money. Monthly after-tax income.

Is the 50 30 20 rule outdated? ›

However, the key difference is it moves 10% from the "savings" bucket to the "needs" bucket. "People may be unable to use the 50/30/20 budget right now because their needs are more than 50% of their income," Kendall Meade, a certified financial planner at SoFi, said in an email.

What is the disadvantage of the 50 30 20 rule? ›

It may not work for everyone. Depending on your income and expenses, the 50/30/20 rule may not be realistic for your individual financial situation. You may need to allocate a higher percentage to necessities or a lower percentage to wants in order to make ends meet. It doesn't account for irregular expenses.

When should you not use the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50/30/20 has worked for some people — especially in past years when the cost of living was lower — but it's especially unfeasible for low-income Americans and people who live in expensive cities like San Francisco or New York. There, it's next to impossible to find a rent or mortgage at half your take-home salary.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.