12-Hour Shift Schedules with No Overtime (2024)

12-Hour Shift Schedules with No Overtime

July 3rd, 2013 at 10:37 am12-Hour Shift Schedules with No Overtime (1)12-Hour Shift Schedules with No Overtime (2)12-Hour Shift Schedules with No Overtime (3)12-Hour Shift Schedules with No Overtime (4)12-Hour Shift Schedules with No Overtime (5)

I've written several articles about 12-hour shift schedules in 24/7 operations. Here are links to the most popular ones:

  1. https://www.shift-schedule-design.com/12-Hour_Shifts
  2. https://www.shift-schedule-design.com/Blog?m8:post=12-hour-shifts-in-smaller-companies
  3. https://www.shift-schedule-design.com/Blog?m8:post=matching-12-hour-shifts-to-your-workload-distribution
  4. https://www.shift-schedule-design.com/Blog?m8:post=covering-absences-on-a-12-hour-shift-schedule
  5. https://www.shift-schedule-design.com/Blog?m8:post=are-12-hour-shifts-too-long

I also sell 2 packages with 10 different options: one with only 12-hour fixed shifts and another with only 12-hour rotating shifts. You can read more about this here:Schedule Examples

Most 12-hour shift schedules for 24/7 coverage use 4 crews. When you divide the hours in a week (168) by 4 crews, you get a average of 42 hours/week.With 12-hour shifts, this willrequire half the work weeks to be 36 hours (three 12-hour shifts) and half to be 48 hours (four 12-hour shifts).

In many organizations, especially public agencies, avoiding overtime is a high priority. They view overtime as evil or an unnecessary expense. I have repeatedly tried to argue the fallacy of this belief, yet I continue to get requests for 12-hour schedules with no overtime in them. Here are 2 articles on this topic:

  1. http://www.shift-schedule-design.com/Overtime_Issues
  2. https://www.shift-schedule-design.com/Blog?m8:post=why-eliminating-overtime-in-24-7-schedules-can-be-costly,

Reducing the hours of workto 40 or less a week will result in gaps in the coverageand will require additional personnel to fill the gaps. In most cases, this is more expensive than simply keeping overtime in the schedule. In addition to higher costs, this will also require other sacrifices as seen in the following four approaches to eliminating overtime in 12-hour schedules for 24/7 coverage.

Here is a key to the symbols used in the schedules below:

D12 = 12-hour day shift

N12 = 12-hour night shift

d8 = 8-hour day shift

n8 = 8-hour night shift

d4 = 4-hour day shift

a4 = 4-hour afternoon shift

e4 = 4-hour evening shift

n4 = 4-hour night shift

Here is how the schedules work.When the schedule first starts, the crews are assigned to specific weeks in the cycle. Crew A is assigned to start in Week 1, Crew B is assigned to start in Week 2, and so on. At the end of each week, the crews rotate down to the next week in the cycle. Crew A moves to Week 2, Crew B moves to Week 3, etc. When a crew completes the last week, they rotate up to Week 1.

1. Eliminate the 48-hour work weeks. This sounds simple enough. Just change all the 48-hour work weeks to 36 hours by eliminating one of the shifts.To maintain the same coverage, thiswill require 5 crews (a 25% increase in headcount),rotating shifts, anda 4-hour pay cut for all employees. (Note that with fixed shifts, this would require 6 crews). There will also be one shift with double coverage (in the example below, it's the Friday day shift). Here's one example of a 5-crew schedule:

Crew / WeekMonTueWedThuFriSatSun Hours
A / Week 1----D12D12D12 36
B / Week 2D12--D12D12-- 36
C / Week 3-D12D12---N12 36
D / Week 4N12---N12N12- 36
E / Week 5-N12N12N12--- 36


2. Include an 8-hour shift. If you devote one day a week to 8-hour shifts and give one of the three 8-hour shifts toemployeeswho areoutside the group (e.g., part-time employees), the remaining four crews would average 40 hours a week. You would have to use a 12-hour work pattern in which the 36-hour weeks and 48-hour weeks are staggered and you would have to be able to average the work hours over a 2-week period (most companies can't do this because of overtime laws). In the sample shown below, the 8-hourafternoon shift on Wednesday would have to be given toemployees who are not part of the four crews. That uncovered shift is not shown in thetable below.

Crew / WeekMonTueWedThuFriSatSun Hours
A / Week 1 -D12d8--D12D12 44
B / Week 2 D12--D12D12-- 36
C / Week 3 -N12n8--N12N12 44
D / Week 4 N12--N12N12-- 36
Average 40

3. Include a 4-hour shift. If you devote one day a week to 4-hour shifts and give two 4-hour shifts (or one 8-hour shift) toemployees who areoutside the group,the remaining four crewswould average 40 hours a week. This does not require the averaging of pay over a 2-week period or a pattern with staggered 36 and 48-hour weeks. In the sample shown below, there is an 8-hour gap in coverage on Wednesday that would have to be given to part-time employees or someone outside the four crews. That uncovered shift is not shown in the table below.

Crew / WeekMonTueWedThuFriSatSun Hours
A / Week 1-D12d4--D12D12 40
B / Week 2D12-a4D12D12-- 40
C / Week 3-N12n4--N12N12 40
D / Week 4N12-e4N12N12-- 40
Average 40

4. Reduce the work days to 11.5 hours. If you include a 30-minute unpaid meal break in the 12-hour shift, you only have to pay employees for 11.5 hours. You would have to adopt a 12-hour shift pattern in which the 48-hour weeks and 36-hour weeks were staggered. This won't completely eliminate the overtime, and you would have to be able to average thework hoursover a 2-week period. An example is shown below:

Crew / WeekMonTueWedThuFriSatSunHours
A / Week 1-D11.5D11.5--D11.5D11.5 46
B / Week 2D11.5--D11.5D11.5-- 34.5
C / Week 3-N11.5N11.5--N11.5N11.5 46
D / Week 4N11.5--N11.5N11.5-- 34.5
Average 40.25

If you are subject to Federal law that requires overtime after 40 hours a week, you won't be able to use Options #2 or #4. These can only be used by organizations suchas police departmentsthat are allowed to average the work hours over a 2-week period.

If you don't have enough part-time employees or you don't have employees from another department to cover the 8-hour gap in coverage every week, you'll won't be able to use Options #2 or #3. You'll either need a 5-crew schedule (see Option #1), a schedule with 11.5-hour shifts (see Option #4), or a crewless schedule that is custom-designed around your staff size.

Let's do a quick cost comparison of 4-crew schedules vs. 5-crew schedules:

  • 4 crews * 40 hours/week * 1.4 benefit loading cost + 4 crews *4 hours of OT pay/week =240 hours of pay/week
  • 5 crews * 36-hours/week * 1.4 benefit loading cost=252 hours of pay/week

If you already have enough staff to create a 5-crew schedule, here's a way to save money. Keep the OT in the schedule and use your extra capacity to build relief coverage into the schedule to cover absences. Similar to Option #1, you would have a 5-week schedule that averages 42 hours a week. The difference is that the 5th week of the schedule would be devoted to relief coverage.

Doing this would shift the OT from outside the schedule to inside the schedule. Whenthe overtime isoutside the schedule, it requires volunteers or forced / mandated overtime. When it's inside the schedule, it is shared equally by the entire staff. In many cases, the total overtime is less. You can read more about this here: https://www.shift-schedule-design.com/Blog?m8:post=you-can-t-eliminate-overtime-but-you-might-be-able-to-reduce-it.

We sell packages of 12-hour shifts for $199 apiece. One packages has 10 options with only fixed shifts and the other has 10 options with only rotating shifts. These all average 42 hours a week. You can read more about it here:https://www.shift-schedule-design.com/Schedule_Examples.

If you need help designing a 12-hour schedule with no overtime (e.g., to match your pay week or to accommodate a few part-time employees), please fill out this form:https://www.shift-schedule-design.com/21.html

12-Hour Shift Schedules with No Overtime (2024)


What is the best schedule for a 12 hour shift? ›

A typical 12 hour shift schedule is a 2-2-3 schedule. This type of shift schedule is popular because employees are guaranteed every other weekend off. Employees will have two work days on, two days off, and then three work days on, followed by two days off, before their full weekend off.

What is a 5 5 4 12 hour shift schedule? ›

The 5-5-4 work schedule, a rotating shift pattern, comprises five days of work, followed by five days off and then four days of work. This distinct approach to scheduling aims to provide an attractive work-life balance for employees while ensuring continuous productivity for organizations.

What is a 4 3 12 hour schedule? ›

The 4 on 3 off shift pattern is a type of work schedule where employees work for four consecutive days, followed by three days off. This pattern can be applied to any time of the day, whether it's a day shift, night shift, or even rotating shifts.

What is a 3 2 3 work schedule? ›

The 3-2-2-3 balanced shift schedule is a unique work arrangement that offers employees a balanced distribution of workdays and off-days within a defined period. It entails working for three consecutive days, followed by two days off, working for two days, and then enjoying three days off.

What is a 5 2 2 5 work schedule? ›

5-5-2-2 and 5-2-2-5

On a two-week cycle, one squad works 5 days on then has 5 days off, then 2 days on 2 days off. The second squad works 5 days on and has 2 days off, then 2 days on and 5 days off. This sequence is repeated with two more squads for night shifts. This method is great for getting consistent long breaks.

What is a 3 team 24 7 shift pattern 12 hour? ›

Three Team 24/7 Shift Pattern (12 hours)

A three-team pattern typically sees each team working consecutive 12-hour shifts followed by a set number of days off. Although providing extended coverage, it may necessitate more frequent rotations and can put a significant demand on the workforce due to longer working days.

What is a 4 on 4 off 12 hour shift pattern? ›

A “4 on 4 off shift pattern” is a recurring work schedule where employees undertake four consecutive daily shifts, typically lasting 12 hours, followed by four consecutive days off. This shift pattern provides continuous 24/7 staff coverage, with alternating day and night shifts.

Are 3 12 hour shifts hard? ›

It takes every ounce of your physical and mental energy to work multiple 12-hour shifts in a week. The truth is, many of those 12-hour shifts turn into 13 or more hours of work. While the shifts are tiring, there are some advantages, which is why many nurses continue to work that many hours in a day.

What is a 223 12 hour shift schedule? ›

A 2-2-3 shift schedule, also known as a Panama schedule, is a shift pattern used in industries requiring round-the-clock staffing. Employees work 12-hour shifts for two consecutive days, followed by three consecutive days off, and then work for three consecutive days, followed by two consecutive days off.

What is the Pitman schedule for 12 hours? ›

The Pitman Schedule is a 14-day rotational cycle in which each employee works 7 12 hour shifts. The Pitman Schedule usually involves 4 teams that work 2 day/night shifts, then get 2 rest days, followed by 3 day/night shifts.

What is a Panama schedule? ›

On a traditional Panama schedule, employees work three 12-hour shifts in one week, followed by four 12-hour shifts the following week for a biweekly total of 84 hours. Employers typically manage overtime by: Rotating Shifts: Staggering employees to balance work hours across the team.

What is a 4 and 2 work schedule? ›

The 4 on 2 off shift pattern is a work schedule that is gaining popularity in many industries. In this system, employees work four consecutive days and then have two days off. This type of schedule can be found in various sectors, including healthcare, emergency services, and manufacturing.

What is the best rotating shift schedule? ›

In general, clockwise shift rotations should be used (day–evening–night). Ideally, a rotational schedule should include no more than 3 night shifts in a block, with 3 days of recuperation after the night shift work. In general, 8-hour shifts are preferable to 12-hour shifts.

What is the most productive work schedule? ›

Schedule 52 minutes of work followed by 17 minutes of rest open_in_new to give your brain a break from constant output. You can adjust the ratio to work better for your schedule.

What is a 6-day 12 hour shift schedule? ›

The 1 on, 6 off, 12-hour shift schedule represents a scheduling framework where employees work a single 12-hour shift followed by a substantial 6-day break. This structure has garnered increasing attention due to its flexibility, which allows for extended periods of rest and rejuvenation.

What is a 7x7 work schedule? ›

In this model, employees work for seven consecutive days, typically in 12-hour shifts, followed by seven days off. This means that during their work week, employees are highly focused and dedicated for a stretch of seven days.

What is the DuPont 12 hour shift schedule? ›

DuPont shift schedule is a pattern in which four teams rotate between day and night shifts in a 4-week cycle to provide 24-hour shift coverage. Each team does a 12-hour shift and works an equal number of day and night shifts during the 28-day cycle.

What is a 12 hour 3 man shift schedule? ›

DDNNOO schedule. This rotating shift schedule needs 3 teams to work in a 12 hour shift in order to provide 24/7 service. Consequently, the employees will have to work for 2 days, 2 nights, and then have 2 days off in a repeat cycle. D – Day shift, N – Night shift, O – Off day.

What is 4 team 12 hour shift rotation? ›

Four-Crew 12-Hour Shift Schedules

Many 12-hour shift schedules use four crews. Each crew works 42 hours/week (on average) to provide balanced coverage 168 hours/week. Ignoring vacations and holidays for a moment, all 12-hour 24/7-schedules will have 182 workdays and 182 days off in a 52-week period.

What is a 4 3 3 4 12 hour shift? ›

A regional hospital adopts the 4-3-3-4 mixed work cycle to accommodate the demanding nature of healthcare shifts. Nurses and physicians work four consecutive 12-hour shifts, followed by three days off. This arrangement leads to reduced fatigue and greater work satisfaction amongst the medical staff.

What is the best time to start a 12 hour shift? ›

In comparison, a typical 12-hour schedule has shift start times between 6-8 a.m. and 6-8 p.m. Thus, most shiftworkers can spend some amount of quality time with their family either before or after the shift.

How do you make a 12 hour shift bearable? ›

How to survive a 12-hour shift
  1. Get proper sleep. Ensure you get between seven and nine hours before your 12-hour shift to maintain mental alertness and focus throughout the day (or night).
  2. Stay organized. ...
  3. Keep busy. ...
  4. Take scheduled breaks. ...
  5. Consume caffeine wisely. ...
  6. Practice mindfulness. ...
  7. Stay active. ...
  8. Engage in conversation.

Are 12 hour shifts good for you? ›

When you are working for 12 hours there is often little time before, during and after your shifts to eat healthy meals or exercise properly. This combined with fatigue and other adverse factors can result in some serious health risks including depression, anxiety and insomnia.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.