12 Financial Habits for Becoming Successful at Saving Money (2024)

Want to start saving money like a pro? Boost your savings by adopting these twelve habits of successful savers.

I am so excited to share with you my first guest post from my blogging friend Mrs. Five Senses at Five Senses of Living. Her goal is to help the everyday person live a richer and fuller life. She doesn’t believe that you have to be a millionaire to live a million dollar life! With her blog, she shows you how to live well on a five-figure budget.


12 Financial Habits for Becoming Successful at Saving Money (1)

When deciding it’s time to start saving money people begin searching for different ways to make this happen. Some start looking for that magic ticket that’s supposed to lead them straight to wealth and happiness. Others realize it’s a good time to start eliminating waste, debt, and unnecessary items.

While everyone’s journey to “success” is a bit different there’s one thing that all successful people have in common and that is good habits.

The best way to establish good life habits is by taking a moment and really looking at your life.

Do you have a money mindset? Have you established habits that will further your life goals? To reach the place you want to be financially you have to have to build your mindset around how you are going to get there.

If you are ready to take control of your own money and live a life of financial freedom these money saving habits are a great place to start.

1. Live Within Your Means

This is where everything begins. It’s the root of all good financial habits. In fact, if you can’t figure out how to live within your means then there really is no point in trying to set financial goals.

To “live within your means” means that you spend less than or at least equal to the amount of money you bring in each month.

If you want to live within your means, you have to know what your means actually are. So before we move on take a moment to figure out where you stand in your own financial story.

Are you spending more than you make each month? Or are you able to stash a little bit of extra money into savings each month? If you’re able to stash a little each month you are on the right track!

2. Set SMART money goals

If you want to reach your long-term financial goals, you first have to identify what they are and then have an idea of how much money you’ll need to reach them. SMART financial goals are really helpful for this. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

If you don’t create a specific plan along with achievable goals, it will be much harder to get to where you want to be. With SMART goals you are creating an action plan to accomplish the things you want.

Are you familiar with setting financial goals? Think about both your short-term and long-term needs and set yourself up with something that works for you.

For example, have you thought about saving money in a retirement account or an emergency fund? By saving money in one of these accounts you are protecting yourself from risky financial situations in the future.

3. Have A Plan For Your Money

The most successful people in life understand the importance of planning, especially when it comes to money. Create a plan for your money and do everything you can to stick to it. You can’t manage and make a plan for your finances if you haven’t taken the time to prioritize where it should go.

By creating a spending plan you are able to prioritize the things that are important to you and develop a strategy of how your money should be spent.

4. Automate Your Finances

One of the reasons people find it difficult to save money is because they don’t have a process in place to make it happen. By automating your finances you are taking the thought out of saving money. Those who don’t automate their savings are much more likely to reach the end of the month and realize they’ve spent everything that they had planned to save.

So once you figure out how much you’d like to save each month, set up direct deposit to automatically send that money into savings. Diverting cash to a savings account forces you to save money before you even have a chance to spend it.

If you aren’t familiar with automatic bill pay and how it works there’s no better time than now to figure it out. Take a moment to login to your banking website and set up automatic payments. By having your bills set up on recurring payment cycles you can relax knowing that your bills are being paid on their due date.

5. Consistently Track Spending Habits

Tracking your expenses can really help you save a ton of money. One of the most important things you can do when trying to get your personal finances under control is to figure out WHERE all of your money is going each month.

Keeping track of spending is something that nearly everyone can benefit from. It really doesn’t take much for someone to get off track and begin overspending if they aren’t familiar with tracking their expenses. Having an idea of what’s coming in and out of your account lets you see the big picture of your finances.

There are several good budgeting programs that can help you take charge of your finances. We use a free money management tool that helps us to track our savings and investments and also make updates to our financial accounts when things get out of balance.


  • Spending Logs: A Complete Guide
  • How to Create a Spending Log in Your Bullet Journal
  • The Complete Guide to the Cash Envelope System

6. Make A Habit Out Of Paying Yourself First

Just reading the statement “pay yourself first” might seem a little confusing at first glance. When I first heard some financial guru talking about this I thought to myself, “But I’m not self-employed. How am I going to pay myself?

Don’t make this one confusing. The phrase simply means paying into your own savings before paying expenses or any other budgeted costs.

Saving shouldn’t be something you only think about once rent is paid, bills have been covered and groceries have been purchased. Instead, saving should come first. And yes, this is actually possible.

Allocate a certain percent, or even a certain dollar amount, to come out of your check each pay period before you even see it. Without you even noticing it, the money is transferred to a “pay yourself first” account. Automatic transfer is one of the simplest ways to save money and build wealth effortlessly.

You can pay yourself first by depositing money into:

  • Pay into your retirement accounts, such as your employer-sponsored 401(k), Traditional IRA, or Roth IRA.
  • Build your emergency savings account
  • Feed your vacation fund
  • Pay into your HSA (Health Savings Account)

Do you pay yourself first, or do you spend money first? If you aren’t a “pay yourself first” kind of person give it a shot and you may be surprised to see how exciting it is to watch your bank account grow.

Start small. Once you start saving and building momentum, it gets easier and easier.

7. Make Your Money Work For You

By setting up a money saving system to passively work behind the scenes you are allowing your money to work for you. You can even automate it where you set it and forget it!

It helps to have a specific set of goals that you are saving for and investing in since it will help focus your spending and give you motivation. Think about the things that you need to pay for like your child’s education, purchasing a home, or early retirement.

In order to increase your wealth, you need to invest money in products that will give you a good return on your investment. Create a system that is focused on long-term benefits. Building wealth takes time, you cannot afford to let a significant amount of your money sit in low-interest savings accounts.

8. Set Up Contributions To Retirement

Enroll in your company 401(k) plan if you have one, and make an automatic payroll contribution with each paycheck. Start small if you need to – you probably won’t even notice a big difference in your take-home pay.

Pro tip: Make sure you are putting in enough money to your 401K that you receive your employer match. This means that the dollar amount you put into your retirement will be matched by your company up to a certain percentage.

9. Pay More Than The Minimum On Your Credit Cards

Make a habit from here on out to never put anything on your credit card if you can’t pay off the entire balance in the same month. Far too many people find themselves in credit debt because of their bad spending habits.

And speaking of credit cards, if you want to become financially stable, you will need to get rid of those balances. If you haven’t been successful in paying off your credit cards in the past, then you should commit to paying more than the minimum payment due.

Pay attention to those credit card statements. At the bottom of many statements they will often tell you how long it will take to pay off your balance if you only pay the minimum payment, and how long it will take if you pay a fixed amount slightly higher than the minimum payment. Most of the time, there’s a difference of several years!

10. Negotiate Your Bills

It’s a little-known fact that you can negotiate many of your bills. With a bit of research, motivation, and some determination, you can contact the various companies that you do business with and negotiate a lower rate.

Here is a list of services that you can try to negotiate:

  • Internet service
  • Cable
  • Cell phone and home phone service
  • Credit card companies
  • Car insurance

11. Learn to Say “No” to Yourself

This is a really important one. I almost rate this one with as much importance as living within your means. If you aren’t able to tell yourself “no” then it’s going to be really hard for you to gain control of your finances. Saying no is about controlling the impulses when you are shopping, or just out and about.

Making just 20 impulse purchases per month at an average of “only” $5, adds up to $100 spent on stuff you really don’t need. That’s $100 which isn’t going into savings or investments, or to paying down debt.

One trick I’ve used on myself is the “72 Hour Rule”. If I really think I need to buy something I wait 72 hours before I purchase it.

After 3 days I have a better idea if I really need it or if it was just something I wanted (and really don’t need at all).

12. Don’t Try To Keep Up With The Jones

Have you ever heard of lifestyle inflation? What about keeping up with the Joneses? I’m sure most of you have heard of the latter at some point in your lives. Lifestyle inflation can be the enemy of wealth building.

Trying to keep up with someone else’s lifestyle is not only stressful but it will get you into financial trouble and lessen your ability to reach financial independence.

Final Thoughts

By beginning to implement some of these habits you will see that you are able to impact your financial situation in a positive way. Don’t get in over your head. Start slow and stay motivated. Little by little you will begin to notice that the changes you make are helping to grow your savings.

What habits have you adopted that help you stash away a little cash each month?


12 Financial Habits for Becoming Successful at Saving Money (2024)


How to reach financial freedom 12 habits to get you there? ›

That is the ultimate goal of a long-term financial plan.
  1. Set Life Goals.
  2. Make a Monthly Budget.
  3. Pay off Credit Cards in Full.
  4. Create Automatic Savings.
  5. Start Investing Now.
  6. Watch Your Credit Score.
  7. Negotiate for Goods and Services.
  8. Stay Educated on Financial Issues.

What is the savings 30 rule? ›

Our 50/30/20 calculator divides your take-home income into suggested spending in three categories: 50% of net pay for needs, 30% for wants and 20% for savings and debt repayment. Find out how this budgeting approach applies to your money.

How to become financially free in 5 years? ›

In reality, the rule is extremely straightforward. 50-20-30 rules is an easy way to know how to achieve financial freedom in 5 years. Split the cash-in-hand into 3 equal parts as per the rule. 30% of income is spent on wants, 50% on needs, and 20% is set aside for savings and investments.

What are the 7 steps to financial freedom? ›

You can too!
  • Save $1,000 for Your Starter Emergency Fund.
  • Pay Off All Debt (Except the House) Using the Debt Snowball.
  • Save 3–6 Months of Expenses in a Fully Funded Emergency Fund.
  • Invest 15% of Your Household Income in Retirement.
  • Save for Your Children's College Fund.
  • Pay Off Your Home Early.
  • Build Wealth and Give.

What is the 4 rule for financial freedom? ›

The 4% rule says people should withdraw 4% of their retirement funds in the first year after retiring and take that dollar amount, adjusted for inflation, every year after. The rule seeks to establish a steady and safe income stream that will meet a retiree's current and future financial needs.

How much money do you need to be financially free? ›

The cost of living comfortably: On average, Americans feel they'd need to earn over $186,000 to feel financially secure or comfortable, a 20 percent drop from 2023 but still more than two times what the average full-time, year-round worker earned in 2022 (about $79,000), according to Census Bureau data.

Can you live off $1000 a month after bills? ›

The Takeaway

Making your budget work when you have $1,000 in monthly income is possible, though it might take some serious work. Drastically reducing expenses can be a great place to start, and bringing in more income can of course help too. Changing banks is one more money-saving tip to know.

What is the 60 20 20 rule for savings? ›

Put 60% of your income towards your needs (including debts), 20% towards your wants, and 20% towards your savings.

What is the 10 10 80 savings rule? ›

In this approach, like other popular budgets, 80% of income goes towards spendings, such as bills, groceries, or anything else needed. 10% of income goes directly into savings to ensure that money is added regularly. The last 10% of income goes to charity.

What to do financially when you turn 50? ›

9 Financial To-Dos in your 50s
  1. Still carrying debt? ...
  2. Reduce expenses and consider downsizing. ...
  3. Boost your retirement savings with Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). ...
  4. Take advantage of retirement catch-up contributions. ...
  5. Begin planning for medical expenses in retirement. ...
  6. Secure long-term care insurance.

How do I start financially at 55? ›

6 Steps to Consider Immediately If You're 55 With No Retirement Savings
  1. Calculate Your Expected Retirement Spending. ...
  2. Fund Your 401(k) to the Max. ...
  3. Open an IRA Immediately and Fund It. ...
  4. Utilize Catch-Up Contributions. ...
  5. Calculate How Much You'll Receive From Social Security. ...
  6. Find the Right Investments for the Next 10 Years.
Apr 29, 2024

At what age should you be financially free? ›

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Some people begin covering all their own living expenses starting from age 18. Others become financially independent in their 20s or 30s.

What is the Ramsey method? ›

Step 1: List your debts from smallest to largest (regardless of interest rate). Step 2: Make minimum payments on all your debts except the smallest debt. Step 3: Throw as much extra money as you can on your smallest debt until it's gone.

What are Dave Ramsey's five rules? ›

Dave Ramsey Has 5 Easy-to-Use Tips to Help You Build Wealth
  • Have a written budget.
  • Get out of debt.
  • Live on less than you make.
  • Save and invest.
  • Be generous.
Apr 28, 2023

What is Step 6 Ramsey? ›

Baby Step 6: Pay off Your Home Early

If you have an adjustable rate, interest-only, or even 30-year mortgage, consider refinancing to a 15-year, fixed-rate mortgage, he said. Here's where many financial experts disagree with Ramsey, Professor Kleiner among them. Sure, it's nice if we all could live without mortgages.

How can I get financial freedom fast? ›

Here are the ways you can start achieving financial freedom today:
  1. Learn How to Budget.
  2. Get Debt Out of Your Life—For Good.
  3. Set Financial Goals.
  4. Be Smart About Your Career Choice.
  5. Save Money for Emergencies.
  6. Plan for Big Purchases.
  7. Invest for Your Retirement Future.
  8. Look for Ways to Save Money.
Jun 10, 2024

What is the secret sauce of building wealth? ›

Dexter B. Jenkins details why faith, boldness and diligence are the Secret Sauce to Wealth Building. Listeners will begin to understand why wealth comes to those who understand and implement these 3 intangible forces in their money and business lives.

How to get ahead in life financially? ›

Upgrade your life: Tips to get ahead financially
  1. Invest in you. To build your wealth, start paying yourself first. ...
  2. Stop throwing money away. Paying late fees is like pulling money out of your wallet and throwing it into the wind. ...
  3. Try the 50/30/20 budget plan. ...
  4. Match your spending. ...
  5. Live within your means.

What is the best age to start financial freedom? ›

If you start early enough—say, in your 20s—and follow the steps listed above, you may become financially secure by the time you reach your 30s. If you're older, all isn't lost. You can still reach your financial goals as long as you have a plan and adhere to it.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.