11 Ways to Increase Amazon Sales in 2024 - Tips from Expert Sellers - Jungle Scout (2024)


If you’ve been selling on Amazon for a while, you’ll notice how the landscape for sellers is constantly changing.

Whether it’s changes to Amazon’s rules, increased competition, or inflation driving up prices, there is always something to keep up as an Amazon seller.

Have you ever wished that you could find a list of updates or new strategies you could implement to boost your sales on Amazon?

Well, your wish is our command! We have an awesome list of tips and tricks for you to boost your Amazon sales in 2024.

In this article, we’ll share a few ideas for how to increase sales on Amazon. Implementing these strategies might be what you need to take your business to the next level!

  1. Stand out from the competition
  2. Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry
  3. Boost your Amazon sales with your existing audience
  4. Think globally
  5. Create content to drive traffic to your listings
  6. Manage your inventory properly
  7. Increase Amazon sales through products with WIDE keywords
  8. Utilize influencer marketing strategies
  9. Use social commerce to boost your Amazon sales
  10. Outsource, outsource, outsource
  11. Remember your brand is more than a product

1. Stand out from the competition

To stand out from the growing competition on Amazon, you need to find your key differentiator. What is the customer’s “pain point” that other competitors are not addressing?

Your listing copy, product images,product videos, and other marketing material should all push that as the first and most vital reason why customers need your product.

The easiest way to do this is to really study your competitors’ product reviews and customer questions:

  • What are customers saying about these products?
  • What are the top three reasons why customers love this product?
  • What are the top three reasons why customers do NOT like this product?
  • What information are they looking for when asking a public question on a listing?
  • Does the competing product not fulfill some customers’ needs?

11 Ways to Increase Amazon Sales in 2024 - Tips from Expert Sellers - Jungle Scout (1)

11 Ways to Increase Amazon Sales in 2024 - Tips from Expert Sellers - Jungle Scout (2)

If you can solve these pain points and demonstrate that in your images and copywriting, then your changes for converting a visitor into a buyer will significantly increase.

2. Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry

11 Ways to Increase Amazon Sales in 2024 - Tips from Expert Sellers - Jungle Scout (3)

By enrolling your brand with Amazon Brand Registry, you reduce the risk of having someone selling counterfeit products under your brand name, along with many other benefits. In order to enroll your brand, you must have a legally registered trademark. So while it may be costly and time-consuming, getting a trademark is a necessity.

READ MORE | Amazon Hijacking: 5 Ways to Protect Your Listing Right Now

What are the other added benefits of registering your brand?

  • A+ Content. Amazon A+ Content provides brand owners with a distinctive feature to create visually captivating product descriptions for their Amazon listings with images, infographics, and templates.

11 Ways to Increase Amazon Sales in 2024 - Tips from Expert Sellers - Jungle Scout (4)

  • Amazon Storefronts. Brand owners will have the ability to create a dedicated storefront on the Amazon marketplace. The store will resemble an ecommerce website without any distractions from competitors’ products and ads.
  • Advanced advertising. After enrolling in Brand Registry, brand owners can access advanced advertising tools such as Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, and Sponsored Brands Video ads.
  • Customer insights. You’ll have access to the Brand Analytics dashboard, where you can learn more about your customer’s shopping behavior, searches, demographics, and much more.

READ MORE | To learn more about all the benefits you will get as a brand registered seller, check out our article: How to Register Your Brand on Amazon Brand Registry

3. Boost your Amazon sales with your existing audience

Building an audience that loves your brand and products is key to prolonged success on Amazon – and there are plenty of ways to do that!

  • Promote on social media. Grow an audience on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook by posting creative content around your products and brand. Using social media is a great way to promote your products and drive traffic to Amazon.
  • Create a customer engagement campaign in Seller Central. Another perk of being enrolled in Brand Registry is being able to send an email campaign to tailored audiences right in Seller Central. Choose from repeat customers, high-spend customers, recent customers, and brand followers.

For more details on audience building, check out our articles on building your brand and leveraging social media marketing techniques.

4. Think globally

11 Ways to Increase Amazon Sales in 2024 - Tips from Expert Sellers - Jungle Scout (5)

There’s no need to limit yourself to the North American market! Expand into other Amazon marketplaces in Europe, Japan, India, and many more. Other citizens of the world would love to have your products.

The EU market combined, for example, is just as big as the U.S. market but with far fewer Amazon sellers. Also, marketplaces like Japan and Australia are growing fast.

If your products do well in your current marketplace, consider expanding into different countries to further increase your sales and brand awareness.

5. Create content to drive traffic to your listings

If the product(s) you sell on Amazon belong to a specific niche, create a separate website to educate consumers about the niche. And it doesn’t have to be an e-commerce site. It can be a simple WordPress-based site, with pages of 2,000 to 4,000 words covering specific, niche-related topics.

This also gives you the opportunity to introduce your products to new customers while providing educational resources.

If done well, your website can attract a large amount of traffic from organic searches. There are two benefits to this:

  • Amazon affiliate. If you link your site to your Amazon listing, and you are registered with Amazon’s affiliate program, you’ll earn a 5 to 15 percent commission on every product purchased by people who clicked on your link. And if it’s your product, you get to double-dip!
  • External traffic. By linking your website to your Amazon listing, you’re driving a new source of traffic to your products, which usually leads to an increase in sales.

For more details on how to start a blog, check out our series on building an e-commerce brand both on and off Amazon.

6. Manage your inventory properly

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Inventory performance can impact your business more than you might think. For example, Amazon can increase or decrease your storage limits, depending on your inventory performance.

And that’s not all.

Having too much inventory could lead to high storage fees, both short and long term. And having too little could mean you miss out on major sales opportunities.

Fortunately, Jungle Scout offers a top-of-the-line inventory management tool for your Amazon products, called Inventory Manager. Using a data-based tool like this limits human error, which is bound to come into play when making restocking decisions.

The last thing you want, or need, is for Amazon to suspend your seller account due to poor inventory performance.

READ MORE | Check out our complete guide on Amazon Inventory Management.

7. Increase Amazon sales through products with WIDE keywords

What does going wide with keywords mean? After you identify a few potential products, you need to expand and diversify your keyword research to make sure you can beat your competitors and rank for a ton of those new-found keywords to gain sales.

Products with only a few keywords (e.g. less than 150) will have a tough time succeeding, especially if the competition includes a legacy seller with a ton of reviews.

Products that have a ton of keywords, however, have more opportunities to swoop in and win the sale.

So how do we do it? We do it by using a tool like Keyword Scout, and running a reverse ASIN search on all of your competitors’ products.

Simply find your competitor’s product’s ASIN and enter it into Keyword Scout. Then, after collecting all of the ranking keywords, compile the data to see which competitors are ranking for which keywords.

You’ll be surprised at how poorly some big Amazon sellers are doing when it comes to ranking important keywords. They aren’t even thinking about them!

But their negligence is the perfect opportunity for you, regardless of how many reviews you have (though having some of that social proof will definitely aid in this process).

8. Utilize influencer marketing strategies

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Customers are more likely to purchase products from someone they trust, whether it is a well-known brand or a product recommended by a friend. That’s why influencer marketing is a great way for Amazon sellers to help boost their sales.

By having someone review and promote your product to the followers who trust them (and who are interested in the types of products they promote), you are connecting with potential buyers you may not have been able to reach otherwise.

One way to get in front of these captive audiences is to connect with influencers who are related to your product. Reach out to them directly on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or even through their blog.

For example, if you sell beauty products, contact makeup artists and anyone who promotes beauty products on social media. Ask them if they would be willing to do a demo. And, if they like your product, to promote it to their followers.

These types of influencers usually have set rates for doing this type of marketing, however, so be prepared to shell out some cash! But, there are some influencers who won’t charge a fee, as long as you give them your product for free.

Ultimately, though, it’s all up for negotiation. Communicating with influencers directly is often the best way to get a good deal on this type of marketing.

9. Use social commerce to boost your Amazon sales

Instagram and TikTok have become the perfect spot for e-commerce brands to attract their ideal customer segment.

You can use Instagram’s feed or story ads to post your most popular Amazon items to demographics that are most likely to make a purchase. Plus, if you have an Amazon FBA account, you can create a social media promo code in the Advertising > Promotions section of your account to direct traffic to an Amazon landing page with just your products on it.

And if you have an Amazon FBA account and a Shopify account, you can tag products on Instagram to instantly create an Instagram Sales Channel. All traffic will be directed to your Shopify store where customers can quickly make a purchase, and Amazon will still do all your fulfillment for you.

To top it all off, many Amazon sellers are lowering their pay-per-click (PPC) spend by investing in Instagram ads. And they’re also avoiding all of the competition on Amazon!

Learn more about Instagram Sales Channels.

When it comes to TikTok, brands who are not using the platform may be missing out on thousands of potential viewers and customers. The reach you can achieve on TikTok almost right away is pretty incredible.

Many consumer brands and Amazon sellers started creating viral content around their products and brand that don’t actually feel like an ad or promo. The more natural the video feels the more engagement and interest in your product you will get.

On TikTok, you can add a link to your Amazon product page or ecommerce store to show people where to purchase your product.

READ MORE | How to Sell on TikTok

10. Outsource, outsource, outsource

You can’t be an expert in every area of Amazon, but there are plenty of experts out there offering their services to Amazon sellers at a reasonable price. And not only will it save you time, it will also help scale your business more quickly.

Some of the best areas to utilize freelancers are copywriting, photography, and PPC; they are key to creating (and maintaining) a successful business. Working with an expert who can take care of these tasks will help you take your business to the next level.

Leave the stuff you don’t know how to do (or do well) to the experts. It will prevent burnout and allow you to clear your mind and concentrate on your next steps.

It’s much easier to grow and scale your business if you focus on the parts of the business where you excel!


11. Remember your brand is more than a product

The biggest mistake a lot of new Amazon sellers make is thinking that all they need to succeed are a few good products to create a brand. However, they’re quickly discovering that this is not the case.

A brand stands on three pillars:

  1. Audience
  2. Sales channel
  3. Product.

And all three need to work as one. You can find limited success with two out of three (possibly one out of three), but if you want to take your brand to the next level, you’ll need to implement all three.

How will you increase your Amazon sales?

Do you have any tips or tricks that you know will take your business to the next level in 2024? Comment below and let us know what you think about these tips as well as any new ways to boost your business this upcoming year.

Check out our full How to Sell on Amazon Guide for more information on product research, product sourcing, listing creation, and much more.

Explore new product opportunities with Jungle Scout and start making money on Amazon!

Learn more about Jungle Scout


11 Ways to Increase Amazon Sales in 2024 - Tips from Expert Sellers - Jungle Scout (2024)


11 Ways to Increase Amazon Sales in 2024 - Tips from Expert Sellers - Jungle Scout? ›

Over 1 million Amazon sellers, retailers, and global brands use and trust Jungle Scout with their Amazon business – and we have the highest Trustpilot rating over everything other Amazon seller software in the market. With 3,865 reviews and a 4.8 out of 5 star rating, customers love using Jungle Scout.

Is Jungle Scout good for Amazon? ›

Over 1 million Amazon sellers, retailers, and global brands use and trust Jungle Scout with their Amazon business – and we have the highest Trustpilot rating over everything other Amazon seller software in the market. With 3,865 reviews and a 4.8 out of 5 star rating, customers love using Jungle Scout.

How do I maximize my Amazon FBA profits? ›

Maximize Your Profits With Amazon FBA
  1. Select the right products for FBA.
  2. Ensure effective inventory management.
  3. Understand seasonal demand.
  4. Implement a competitive pricing strategy.
Feb 14, 2024

How to make money on Amazon without selling physical products? ›

  1. Affiliate Marketing – Getting Paid to Recommend. ...
  2. Kindle Ebooks – Turn Your Knowledge into Royalty Income. ...
  3. Merch by Amazon – Become Your Own T-shirt Design Empire. ...
  4. ACX Audiobook Narration – Turning Text into Audio Cash. ...
  5. Amazon Virtual Assistant – Your Backoffice to Supporting Their Frontlines.
Apr 19, 2024

How do I find the highest selling product on Amazon? ›

The Amazon Best Sellers page offers many of the top-rated items on Amazon, as best-sellers tend to also have high ratings. You can also use a Chrome extension to browse multiple product listings at once.

What rank is good on Amazon? ›

What is a good Amazon sales rank? A good Amazon sales rank depends on your product's category and sub-categories. Most sellers, however, agree that a sales rank between one and three is excellent. A sales rank between one and 50 is good because it places you on the first page of results for Amazon Best Sellers.

Are Jungle Scout numbers accurate? ›

The proof is in the numbers: An Amazon sales estimate case study shows Jungle Scout consistently leading other tools in terms of data accuracy.

How much does the average Amazon FBA owner make? ›

The amount of profit you make is based on your sales, quality of products as well as price point. According to JungleScout, about 50% of Amazon sellers make an annual average profit of about $12,000 to $300,000 which is at least $1,000 to $25,000 in monthly sales.

How many items should I start Amazon FBA? ›

However, if you buy too much inventory, the risk side of the equation increases too much without increasing the potential reward enough to compensate for the increased risk. This is why we recommend most sellers starting out order 300 to 500 units.

Can you make millions from Amazon FBA? ›

There is no limit to the amount of money you could stand to make through Amazon FBA. With a household brand name and extensive warehouse network, joining the program brings with it world class resources for a profitable ecommerce business. FBA stands for Fulfillment By Amazon.

How to make money on Amazon with no money? ›

12 Legitimate Ways to Make Money On Amazon With NO Money
  1. Kindle Direct Publishing. The Amazon book store is the biggest on earth. ...
  2. Amazon Associates. ...
  3. Amazon Professional Services. ...
  4. Amazon Flex. ...
  5. Amazon Trade-In Program. ...
  6. Amazon Merch. ...
  7. Amazon Vine. ...
  8. Amazon Influencers Program.

Can you make a living off of reselling on Amazon? ›

Reselling products in Amazon stores can be a convenient and lucrative venture. The majority of independent sellers in Amazon's U.S. store are small- and medium-sized businesses, and in 2022, they sold more than 4.1 billion products, averaging more than $230,000 in sales.

What is the most bought item? ›

1. What is the Most Sold Product in the World? The fashion industry produces the most sold product in the world: clothing and accessories. This trillion-dollar industry has a wide range of products such as shoes, accessories, clothing, jewelry, etc.

What is the most sold item in the world? ›

Clothing is the most purchased item in the world. Whether its clothing for women, men or children, the industry is booming.

What is an Amazon #1 best seller? ›

The #1 Amazon best seller badge is awarded to the product that has the highest number of sales in a specific category.

Is Jungle Scout a good company to work for? ›

Jungle Scout has an employee rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars, based on 145 company reviews on Glassdoor which indicates that most employees have an excellent working experience there.

Is Jungle Scout same as AMZScout? ›

AMZScout gives sellers a more detailed idea of how well the listing is made. AMZScout is a better fit for a variety of sellers. Jungle Scout offers many features, but they are all geared towards private label sellers. This causes a problem for anyone looking to use any other sourcing method.

How to use Jungle Scout to search for new hot Amazon products? ›

By entering your keyword, product, or ASIN. JungleScout will pull in results from the up-to-date product on the Amazon database, where you can view the top competitors of that selection and their keywords. You can track a product by ASIN or Group lists. Find the Rank Tracker within the Keyword section.

Do you need an Amazon account to use Jungle Scout? ›

However, you must have a Professional Amazon account to connect with Jungle Scout. Furthermore, you can connect Jungle Scout with 10 Amazon marketplaces on all plans, so it's ideal for international sellers with active accounts worldwide.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.