11 Signs You’re Settling in a Relationship & How to Handle It (2024)

Table of Contents
What does it mean to settle for someone? Why do people settle in a relationship? 5 reasons 1. Fear of loneliness 2. Societal pressure 3. Low self-esteem 4. Financial dependence 5. Comfort zone What is the difference between settling and being realistic? Are you compromising or always making sacrifices? Are you letting go of your younger version, or are you putting your future on hold? Can you openly talk about your relationship problems, or are you ashamed to discuss them? Are you excited about an imperfect future together, or are you afraid of being alone? 11 signs you’re settling in your relationship 1. You are comfortable putting up with deal breakers 2. External timelines are pressuring you 3. They don’t want deep talks 4. You are constantly scared you are missing out 5. You are trying to change him 6. You have put yourself on hold 7. Your enthusiasm for the relationship is declining 8. You fear loneliness 9. You’ve stopped communicating 10. Frequently comparing your relationship to others 11. Lack of emotional connection How to avoid settling for less in a relationship? 9 ways 1. Take control of your life 2. Raise your standards 3. Define your non-negotiables 4. Set healthy boundaries 5. Communicate openly 6. Prioritize self-care 7. Trust your instincts 8. Seek support and advice 9. Be patient Commonly asked questions Is it okay to settle in a relationship? How long does it take to settle? Why is it okay to settle in love? What to do when you feel like you are settling in the relationship? Should I settle or wait for true love? Don’t settle; take action FAQs

11 Signs You’re Settling in a Relationship & How to Handle It (1)

11 Signs You’re Settling in a Relationship & How to Handle It (2)Listen to this article

In This Article

Love is a complex and beautiful journey, with its twists, turns, and occasional roadblocks. At times, it can be easy to lose ourselves in the labyrinth of emotions and commitment that comes with being in a relationship.

While compromise and understanding are essential ingredients for a healthy partnership, there’s a fine line between compromise and settling in a relationship for less than you deserve.

In this article, we’ll explore the telltale signs that you might be settling in your relationship and offer guidance on how to navigate this delicate situation. Relationships are meant to be sources of happiness, growth, and fulfillment, and settling should never be the price to pay for companionship.

It’s crucial to recognize when your relationship may be falling short of your expectations and to understand the steps you can take to address these concerns while prioritizing your own well-being.

If you find yourself asking the question, “Am I settling in a relationship,” then you are on the right page. Find out the answer by knowing the signs of whether or not you are settling in a relationship.

What does it mean to settle for someone?

“I think I am settling in a relationship” is a phrase most people use when discussing their relationships with their friends. But what is settling in a relationship?

Settling in a relationship means being ready to accept less than what you want or deserve. Therefore, settling can be a bad thing.

When you decide to settle in a relationship, you choose to accept things that you deeply know don’t sit right with you. The fear of losing the one you love could be the main reason why you could be settling.

Settling often begins when you lose yourself to your significant other. It happens when you begin losing your worth and changing little bits of yourself to remain committed to a relationship that doesn’t serve your best interest.

However, it would help if you didn’t confuse settling with compromising. When you choose to be okay with everything your partner does at your expense to keep the relationship going, that is settling.

On the other hand, compromising is being ready to accept that your partner is not perfect; they have their faults. Accepting imperfection is compromising.

We all have a list of non-negotiable things we cannot condone. If you find yourself ignoring the list of things you cannot tolerate to remain in a relationship, that is settling. Accepting your partner is not perfect is compromising, which is important for every relationship.

7 Reasons Why People Settle for Relationships

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Why do people settle in a relationship? 5 reasons

People may settle in a relationship for various reasons, even though it’s not always advisable to do so. Here are five common reasons why people might settle in a relationship:

1. Fear of loneliness

The fear of loneliness can be a powerful motivator to stay in a relationship, even if it’s not fulfilling. Human beings are social creatures, and the prospect of being alone can be daunting.

Some individuals may prefer the company of someone, even if it’s not the right person, to the perceived isolation that comes with being single. This fear can make them reluctant to end a relationship, even when it’s clear that it’s not a healthy or happy one.

2. Societal pressure

Societal expectations and norms can strongly influence our decisions regarding relationships. There’s often an implicit or explicit pressure to conform to certain relationship milestones, such as getting married or having children, by a certain age.

People may settle to meet these expectations, as they may feel judged or stigmatized for being single or not in a long-term relationship.

3. Low self-esteem

Individuals with low self-esteem may have a diminished sense of self-worth and may believe that they don’t deserve a better partner or relationship.

They may accept mistreatment or a lack of compatibility because they don’t feel worthy of a healthier and more fulfilling relationship. This can be a self-destructive cycle where low self-esteem leads to settling, which in turn reinforces feelings of inadequacy.

4. Financial dependence

Financial factors can be a significant reason for settling. If someone is financially dependent on their partner, they may feel trapped in the relationship because they rely on their partner’s income or resources for their livelihood.

The fear of financial instability or the challenges of becoming financially independent can make them reluctant to leave, even if the relationship is unsatisfactory.

5. Comfort zone

Some people may settle simply because they are comfortable with the routine and familiarity of their current relationship.

Change can be intimidating, and the prospect of starting over with someone new may seem overwhelming. This comfort zone can keep them in a suboptimal relationship, even if it lacks emotional fulfillment or excitement.

It’s important to remember that settling in a relationship can have long-term negative consequences, including reduced happiness, emotional distress, and stunted personal growth.

11 Signs You’re Settling in a Relationship & How to Handle It (3)

While these reasons may explain why people settle, it’s essential to prioritize your well-being and happiness in any relationship. Seeking support from friends, family, or professionals can be valuable in making decisions about whether to stay in or leave a relationship that doesn’t meet your needs and expectations.

What is the difference between settling and being realistic?

Have you found yourself questioning if your significant other is the one, or am I settling in my relationship?

It isn’t easy to know if you are settling in a relationship or just understanding your partner’s shortcomings and the relationship you share with them.

Here is the difference between settling and being realistic:

  • Are you compromising or always making sacrifices?

A relationship doesn’t mean getting things to go your way every time.

You need to compromise and bend a little to accommodate your partner. But if you are constantly making all the sacrifices and going the extra mile, you are settling.

4 Rules on How to Never Compromise Yourself in the Relationship

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  • Are you letting go of your younger version, or are you putting your future on hold?

If you hoped to marry a pop star or a celebrity in your teenage years and realize you won’t get married to one, and that doesn’t matter, that is growth.

Your lover may not be the most handsome or the richest person, but he could be what you want. That is being realistic.

However, if you are beginning to slowly let go of your future aspirations and the personal dream you had for your future, then you are settling.

  • Can you openly talk about your relationship problems, or are you ashamed to discuss them?

The fact is, no relationship is perfect. Every relationship has its fair share of issues.

One day, it might be all roses, and the next, your significant other might be annoying you to the core. However, if you can openly disclose your relationship problems, then chances are they are tiny, normal things.

But if your issues make you feel embarrassed, and you cannot discuss them with anyone, that could be a sign of settling. The right person will never do anything that hurts you and is embarrassing even to share.

  • Are you excited about an imperfect future together, or are you afraid of being alone?

There are so many changes and unexpected occurrences in life. So, the future will never be perfect. If you are excited about an uncertain future together, you are realistic.

But if you are okay with an imperfect future with someone because you don’t want to be alone, you are settling. Relationships settling comes out of fear of being alone or starting over.

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11 signs you’re settling in your relationship

Are you settling in your relationship? And if you are, how do you know if you are settling in a relationship?

Read the signs below, and if you can relate to them, you may be settling in your relationship.

1. You are comfortable putting up with deal breakers

Have you ever sworn never to be in a relationship with another drunkard, but you are dealing with that exact situation?

If you are putting up with traits you hate and wouldn’t previously tolerate, then you are settling.

21 Deal Breakers in a Relationship That Are Non-Negotiable

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2. External timelines are pressuring you

Society has different opinions and rules regarding a relationship. For example, everyone has an opinion on what age you should get kids and at what age you should marry.

These external pressures are the main reason why people settle in relationships and could end up marrying wrong. Examine deeply why you are with your partner and be honest with yourself.

3. They don’t want deep talks

A healthy relationship is one where you can make all major decisions.

If your partner doesn’t consult you on major decisions, but that doesn’t bother you, you have started to settle.

4. You are constantly scared you are missing out

If you are constantly scared that you have a better chance of love out there, you are missing out on; you are settling.

The constant worry that there is someone better for you out there who can treat you, appreciate you and see your worth is a clear indication of settling.

5. You are trying to change him

If your best attempts are channeled towards changing him to be the person you want him to be, that is a red flag.

So, are you wondering how to know if you’re settling for someone? Check for your reaction to their habits and personalities.

When your partner’s habits are bothering you, and you find his behavior unacceptable, but you are still hoping your love will change him, you are settling in your relationship.

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Try to Change Your Partner

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11 Signs You’re Settling in a Relationship & How to Handle It (4)

6. You have put yourself on hold

A healthy relationship should encourage personal growth. It should challenge you to improve and be the best version of yourself.

If you have to put your dreams and aspirations aside in a relationship, you are settling.

7. Your enthusiasm for the relationship is declining

Do you prefer spending time with family, friends, or people other than your partner but still won’t give up on your relationship?

If you feel this way, you could be settling. On the other hand, if you don’t have a sense of happiness and feel nothing when you are around him, it is a sign you are settling.

8. You fear loneliness

A classical sign of settling is the fear of being alone. While fear of being alone is understandable and relatable, it shouldn’t be the sole reason you are in a relationship.

Loneliness can often make us feel like we need somebody with us all the time or we need to be in a relationship with someone to feel complete. However, that may not be the solution. Instead, you can learn to be alone without feeling lonely.


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9. You’ve stopped communicating

Communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. If you and your partner have stopped communicating effectively, or if you avoid discussing important issues or conflicts because it feels easier to ignore them, it may indicate that you’re settling.

Healthy relationships require open and honest communication to address problems and grow together.

10. Frequently comparing your relationship to others

If you find yourself comparing your relationship to the relationship of others and you realize that others seem happier or more compatible, it is a red flag. But, of course, when you are dating someone you love and adore, the comparison wouldn’t matter.

11. Lack of emotional connection

In a fulfilling relationship, there should be a deep emotional connection between partners. If you find that you and your partner lack emotional intimacy and you’re not genuinely invested in each other’s emotional well-being, it could be a sign of settling.

A strong emotional connection is a fundamental aspect of a healthy, satisfying relationship.

How to avoid settling for less in a relationship? 9 ways

The phrase “never settle” has always been thrown around when relationships are being discussed. But if you realize you are settling for less in a relationship, how do you turn it around?

Here are tips to ensure you don’t settle for less than you deserve:

1. Take control of your life

When settling in a relationship, you may end up constantly blaming your life problems on your partner. It certainly is the easy way out, but not the right way. So, take a step back, examine your life, your goals, and dreams, and own your life.

Owning your life means clearly understanding what you want out of life in general and out of your relationship. Thus, you will know when to stop settling for less and be patient enough to wait for the better.

If you want to take better control of your life, here is a book by a clinical psychologist, Dr. Gail Ratcliffe, that can help you gain more perspective.

Also, here’s how you can start to take control of your life:

  • Don’t be afraid to try new things
  • Challenge the norms
  • Learn to say no
  • Be more disciplined, especially about quality time for yourself
  • Prepare for the worst
  • Stop hanging out with people whose company isn’t enjoyable for you
  • Think of everything as a choice

2. Raise your standards

Could it be possible that you are settling for less in your relationship because of your standards? How you present yourself to others will determine how they treat you.

Therefore, raising your standards will help you attract someone who wants to match those standards. Also, it will help pluck off people who are not willing to meet your effort.

When you are ready to commit to something fully, you must achieve it. So raise your standards and commit to finding a better partner with whom you will be happy.

Certainly, let’s delve deeper into each of the nine ways to avoid settling for less in a relationship:

3. Define your non-negotiables

Non-negotiables are your absolute requirements in a partner. These might include values, life goals, and certain personality traits that are vital to you. Take time to create a list of your non-negotiables and prioritize them.

Knowing what you won’t compromise on helps you make more informed decisions in your relationship.

4. Set healthy boundaries

Boundaries are guidelines that outline what is acceptable behavior in your relationship. They can include emotional, physical, and time boundaries. Communicate your boundaries clearly and assertively with your partner. Healthy boundaries promote respect and ensure you are both comfortable in the relationship.

5. Communicate openly

Effective communication is vital for a healthy relationship. Share your feelings, concerns, and needs with your partner honestly and respectfully. Encourage your partner to do the same.

Regular, open conversations can help you both understand each other better and make necessary adjustments.

6. Prioritize self-care

Self-care involves taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It’s not selfish; it’s a necessity for a healthy relationship. Schedule regular “me time” to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Prioritizing self-care ensures you are emotionally balanced and less likely to settle due to fear of loneliness.

7. Trust your instincts

Your intuition can be a powerful guide in relationships. If you have a gut feeling that something is off or that you’re not getting what you need, pay attention to it. Don’t dismiss your instincts. Investigate your feelings further and discuss them with your partner to gain clarity.

8. Seek support and advice

Friends, family members, or a therapist can provide valuable perspectives on your relationship. They can offer objective advice and help you see things you might be overlooking. Don’t hesitate to seek support when you’re uncertain about your relationship. Other people’s insights can be enlightening.

9. Be patient

Rushing into a relationship or settling out of impatience can lead to dissatisfaction. Take your time to get to know potential partners and evaluate compatibility. Understand that it’s better to be single and content than to be in a relationship that doesn’t meet your needs.

Watch this video to learn how patience can be power in any relationship:

11 Signs You’re Settling in a Relationship & How to Handle It (5)

Remember that avoiding settling in a relationship is about maintaining a healthy balance between compromise and maintaining your self-worth. When you have a clear understanding of your own needs, boundaries, and values, you can make informed decisions that lead to more fulfilling and mutually satisfying partnerships.

Commonly asked questions

Here are the answers to some pressing questions that can help you deal with the signs you’re settling for someone:

  • Is it okay to settle in a relationship?

No, it is not.

However, it’s understandable why you want to protect your relationship, given that you have invested a lot of time and effort in it.

However, there is a big chance of you ending up feeling physically and emotionally drained in the long run. Therefore, you need to be with someone who nurtures your personal growth, pushes you to be the best you can be, and supports your dreams.

Are you worried that you are settling for someone you don’t love for the right reasons?

You might be scared of being alone or letting go of your precious feelings. However, whatever the reason for your settling may be, you should know your worth and never settle for less.

7 Reasons We Settle for Less Than We Deserve in Relationships

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  • How long does it take to settle?

Settling in a relationship is a gradual process and varies from person to person. It can happen over weeks, months, or even years. It typically occurs when one compromises one’s standards or values to maintain a relationship. Recognizing the signs early and addressing them is essential to prevent settling.

  • Why is it okay to settle in love?

While settling might provide short-term comfort, it’s generally not advisable in love. True love should enhance your life and align with your values. Settling can lead to long-term dissatisfaction and regrets. It’s better to wait for a love that genuinely fulfills your needs and desires.

  • What to do when you feel like you are settling in the relationship?

When you feel like you’re settling, it’s crucial to communicate openly with your partner. Share your concerns and work together to address issues. Reevaluate your own needs and boundaries, seek outside perspectives, and consider whether the relationship can truly meet your long-term happiness.

  • Should I settle or wait for true love?

It’s rarely advisable to settle for less in love. Waiting for true love allows you to prioritize your happiness and well-being. Know your worth, set clear standards, and be patient. True love is worth the wait, as it brings a deeper sense of fulfillment and compatibility that settling can’t provide.

Don’t settle; take action

No relationship is ever going to be perfect.

Therefore, you shouldn’t confuse settling or compromising. However, if you can relate to our ten signs of settling in a relationship discussed above, it may be time to take action.

Settling for someone you know is not good enough for you will frustrate you, harm your future, and drain you emotionally. Overcome your fear of loneliness and recognize that sometimes, being alone and happy is better than being undermined in a relationship.

11 Signs You’re Settling in a Relationship & How to Handle It (2024)


11 Signs You’re Settling in a Relationship & How to Handle It? ›

Chambers says there are some key signs to look out for, such as a “lack of enthusiasm for spending time and being with your partner.” Sure, maybe you want to hang out with your mates sometimes, but if you're wanting to hang out with them all the time and actually you feel a sense of dread and reluctance as soon as you ...

How to tell if you're settling in a relationship? ›

Chambers says there are some key signs to look out for, such as a “lack of enthusiasm for spending time and being with your partner.” Sure, maybe you want to hang out with your mates sometimes, but if you're wanting to hang out with them all the time and actually you feel a sense of dread and reluctance as soon as you ...

When to end a relationship? ›

If there is a frequent occurrence of disrespect, belittlement, or verbal/physical abuse, it is crucial to prioritize your emotional well-being and consider ending the relationship. If possible, try to remember our relationships should be based on aspects of healthy understanding and support.

How to fix a struggling relationship? ›

Ways to Fix a Broken Relationship
  1. Start “dating” again. ...
  2. Make your relationship a priority. ...
  3. Let go of expectations. ...
  4. Plan a weekly meeting. ...
  5. Say thank you. ...
  6. Try to hold hands and hug more. ...
  7. Ditch the routine and have fun together. ...
  8. See a therapist.
Sep 29, 2022

How do you tell if you are the problem in a relationship? ›

If you avoid communication and block your partner's attempts at connecting and working through issues, that's problematic. Not listening, interrupting, not letting your partner make their point, and impatiently wanting to make your point is also problematic.

Do I love him or am I settling? ›

You're Unhappy

And if you're staying with someone even though you don't enjoy being with him or her, you don't feel a real connection, or you find yourself actively going out of your way to spend time away from him or her, it's apparent that you're choosing to settle.

Should I break up if I feel like I'm settling? ›

If you realize that you feel like you're settling in your relationship, don't worry; that doesn't have to automatically mean a breakup. Insider spoke to two psychologists who say that these relationships are more than salvageable — and it's worth it to put the effort in.

What are the 5 steps to fix a relationship? ›

Relationships are messy and re-connection is always the goal during a relational repair and during conflict resolution.
  • Step 1: Allow Guilt, Reject Shame. ...
  • Step 2: Listen. ...
  • Step 3: Apologize. ...
  • Step 4: Make Amends. ...
  • Step 5: Continually Foster Reparative Experiences.
Jul 24, 2024

How do you know if your relationship is beyond repair? ›

What does real trouble look like?
  • There's no emotional connection. ...
  • Communication breakdown. ...
  • Aggressive or confrontational communication. ...
  • There's no appeal to physical intimacy. ...
  • You don't trust them. ...
  • Fantasising about others. ...
  • You're not supporting each other and have different goals. ...
  • You can't imagine a future together.
Feb 26, 2024

Should I try to fix my relationship or leave? ›

The key to how to know when to leave a relationship is your desire to fix it: if you're willing to put in the work, it's possible to create a fulfilling relationship. But if you're planning your escape, which is stage four of the Six Stages of a Relationship, it's time to move on.

When to stop trying in a relationship? ›

Some signs that it is time to end the relationship include: You've both stopped trying. There is no emotional or physical connection or intimacy. You have differing goals in life.

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However, insults, jealous accusations, yelling, put-downs, shoving, pushing or other abusive behaviors, are unhealthy and disrespectful. You deserve to be respected. If you think your relationship is unhealthy, focus on your safety, talk to someone you trust, or contact a service provider for support.

How do you know if a relationship isn't right? ›

If you invest meaningful time and energy into resolving an ongoing conflict without any progress, then it's possible that the relationship simply isn't right. Another sign that it's time to break up is if your arguments escalate to physical or emotional abuse.

What does settling into a relationship feel like? ›

Feeling indifferent when you're together.

A person may settle in a relationship by impulsively jumping into a relationship to prevent being alone. Settling in a relationship can include staying for financial reasons or staying due to self-sabotage.

How long does it take for a relationship to settle? ›

Settling Down Phase: 3+ years

In this relationship stage, there likely won't be a lot of surprises. Sure, there are always some surprises because we're all ever-evolving human beings. But there are a lot less than you likely experienced in the first few phases of a relationship.

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Low dependence: Not feeling like one needs their partner. High ambivalence: Being unsure if one wants to continue in the relationship. Mistrust: Doubting that one's partner is dependable or trustworthy. Low self-disclosure: Not opening up and sharing one's thoughts and feelings to the other person.

When you feel unsettled in a relationship? ›

Feeling uneasy in your relationship can be the result of various factors, such as unresolved past traumas, attachment styles, or mismatched expectations. It might also be due to a lack of communication, low self-esteem, or an unhealthy dynamic with your partner.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.