11 Sales Closing Phrases to Nail the Last Piece of Your Sales Process (2024)

Table of Contents
Use These 8 Sales Closing Phrases to Help Seal the Deal 1. "Unless you have any further concerns or questions, I think we can get started." 2. "Let's discuss the costs involved with your chosen product." 3. "OK, let's finalize how we will onboard your team." 4. "This call is scheduled to end in [X] minutes. Please, take as long as you like, but if you're ready, let’s move to the agreement." 5. "If you can commit to signing the contract today, I can also give you [incentive]." 6. "This solution would work for you, but I understand you need more time. Let's schedule a meeting for next week when you've had more time to think about it." 7. "It's fine that you can't commit today. Unfortunately, this particular offer is only available for [period of time], so I would need a signed contract by [date] to maintain this price." 8. "Let's recap how our product will fix [prospect pain point]." 6 Effective Sales Closing Questions for Your Sales Team 1. "What else needs to happen for you to buy?" 2. “Considering everything, I think one of these two plans would work best for you. Would you like to go with [X] or [Y]?” 3. "Are you ready to implement [the product] at your company?" 4. "If we could find a way to deal with [objection], would you sign the contract on [set period in time]?" 5. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that our product will meet your needs?" 6. "You mentioned needing a solution by [X date]. If you signed up by [Y date], I can guarantee we have enough time for training and implementation. How does that sound?" Final Thoughts: How to Use These Phrases and Questions Wisely FAQs

Closing a deal doesn't follow a straight line.

A prospect can be all in and ask to sign a contract right after a demo. Others… well, they need a little more convincing. Either way, a potential client will rarely pull the trigger on a deal if you don't nudge them first.

This is why I love to hit a prospect with a closing phrase. It's a simple sentence (or two) that forces them to decide whether they want to move forward or cut their losses.

Want to see the closing phrases I use to get deals signed at Close?

Use These 8 Sales Closing Phrases to Help Seal the Deal

The best way to close a deal is to lay your cards on the table.

There comes a point in any negotiation when a prospect must make a decision. But it can be tough for them to realize the deal has reached a crossroads.

A closing phrase is the perfect way to ask a prospect: Are you in or out?

Here are 8 phrases I use when a deal gets to a make-or-break point. 👇

11 Sales Closing Phrases to Nail the Last Piece of Your Sales Process (1)

1. "Unless you have any further concerns or questions, I think we can get started."

This is a classic "Assumptive Close" line. It shows you are confident the product will be a good fit for the prospect, and the deal has reached a point where both parties are ready to get contracts signed.

🤔 Why this works: This closing phrase shows the prospect you are ready to start working together and gets them on the same page.

🕒 When to use this closing line: If you are confident the product is a great fit for their needs and budget (and will genuinely help them), drop this line with confidence.

2. "Let's discuss the costs involved with your chosen product."

For a lot of leads, pricing is a deal breaker. Counter this by offering different plans or price brackets that fit their budget.

If you have heard me speak about discounts, you know I hate them. It's a lazy way out that can end up hurting your brand reputation and has been proven to lead to higher churn rates and lower retention rates. Instead, win customers by matching them with a product they can afford and focus on upselling them later.

🤔 Why this works: It matches a good product fit with the prospect's budget.

🕒 When to use this closing line: With budget-conscious prospects who can immediately solve big problems with one of your products, even if it's not the most expensive option. Go in for the cheaper deal, and set expectations with a vision to upsell them down the road if they can truly gain more value from a higher-end option. That’s the kind of approach that builds long-term trust in your brand.

3. "OK, let's finalize how we will onboard your team."

A new customer wants to know they are more than a cash cow. Prove that you will work alongside them and their team so they can start using your product ASAP.

🤔 Why this works: It instantly tells a customer you want to work alongside them. You can walk through how the product will work in their business and what they can expect in the first few weeks. This reinforces that you’re invested in your customer’s success.

🕒 When to use this closing line: If the client doesn't have the time (or budget) to organize training, this approach adds extra value by taking the weight off their shoulders.

4. "This call is scheduled to end in [X] minutes. Please, take as long as you like, but if you're ready, let’s move to the agreement."

A lot of prospects get indecisive during a deal. It's not because they don't want (or need) your product, but they um-and-ah about whether or not it's the best choice for them. This is a way of saying: are you in or out?

🤔 Why this works: It gives the prospect a deadline and acts as a perfect motivator for them to make a decision.

🕒 When to use this sales closing statement: Use this approach when you’ve got nothing to lose—you’re either moving forward together or ending the conversation here and now.

5. "If you can commit to signing the contract today, I can also give you [incentive]."

Offer your prospect an add-on to move them to the next phase of the deal.

I don't mean throwing a discount at them and calling it a day. Use incentives like access to extra product features or onboarding help to sweeten the deal. Anything that shows you want them to really get the most out of your product.

🤔 Why this works: Deals can get competitive. Adding an incentive makes the deal more tempting for customers because it gives them extra perks or a reason to act fast.

🕒 When to use this closing line: When you see your prospect needs a little push to close the deal, or when they’re considering a competitor.

6. "This solution would work for you, but I understand you need more time. Let's schedule a meeting for next week when you've had more time to think about it."

Sometimes, the best thing a sales expert can do on a call with a prospect is to get out of the way. Your prospect may need to consult with another stakeholder or think about the offer without you blabbing in their ear. So, give them the space to do it.

🤔 Why this works: Nobody likes to be pushed to purchase. This shows them you’re genuinely interested in helping them, not just closing a sale.

🕒 When to use this closing line: When the prospect needs a little more time to come to a decision on their own. Let them go off and make their pros and cons lists–maybe that’s a vital part of their process! The extra week will allow you to nurture them and prove your product is a good fit.

7. "It's fine that you can't commit today. Unfortunately, this particular offer is only available for [period of time], so I would need a signed contract by [date] to maintain this price."

I know, I know, I just told you not to be a pushy asshole! But don't underestimate how effective limited-time offers are at closing time. People don't want to miss out on a good deal, so remind them it won't last forever.

🤔 Why this works: It's a classic FOMO sales tactic. That's it. That's the reason.

🕒 When to use this closing line: If a prospect is procrastinating or angling for an even better offer. Be firm and show them you are willing to walk away if they don't commit.

8. "Let's recap how our product will fix [prospect pain point]."

I've talked to a ton of prospects who get cold feet and pull out of a deal after hours of negotiations. If they start to focus on something like pricing or onboarding timelines, they can forget why they approached Close in the first place. This sales closing phrase is a good way to give their head a wobble and get back on track to thinking how much our product will help them.

🤔 Why this works: Pricing, offers, and case studies are all great ways to help close a deal. However, no sales strategy is more effective than focusing on the prospect's pain points.

🕒 When to use this closing statement: When a prospect gets sidetracked. This line stops a deal from derailing and reminds the prospect how your product will help them.

6 Effective Sales Closing Questions for Your Sales Team

The right phrases will bring your prospect onto the same page as you, but the right questions will give you the insights you need to close the deal faster.

Ready to ask sales closing questions to bring this deal home?

11 Sales Closing Phrases to Nail the Last Piece of Your Sales Process (2)

1. "What else needs to happen for you to buy?"

I like to call this one the virtual close. It allows the prospect to walk through exactly what they think needs to happen before the deal can close.

🤔 Why this works: Buying a new product, especially after weeks of negotiating, can be really scary for some prospects. This closing phrase allows them to visually break down any barriers by discussing them with you.

🕒 When to use this closing question: If the prospect isn't the only decision-maker in the room, this helps get them comfortable with the deal's final phases.

2. “Considering everything, I think one of these two plans would work best for you. Would you like to go with [X] or [Y]?”

This sales closing question helps narrow down choices and offers the prospect one or two products that fit their budget and suit their goals. It's a gamble, but if a prospect is really interested, they will be more inclined to pick one rather than shut the deal down completely.

🤔 Why this works: When there are too many options, people can get decision fatigue. Fewer options = more focus on choosing the right one.

🕒 When to use this closing question: If you have a couple of viable options (which will both benefit the prospect), throw them on the table to keep the conversation moving.

3. "Are you ready to implement [the product] at your company?"

If you’re looking for a clear yes-or-no answer, this is the sales closing question to ask. And if they say no, use follow-up questions to see what’s blocking them from making that decision.

🤔 Why this works: It helps you put a spotlight on what’s blocking this deal from moving forward. If it’s a matter of timing, you’ll be able to set better expectations for follow-up. If it’s something else, you’ll need to pivot to overcome those objections.

🕒 When to use this closing question: When the prospect seems to be stalling, but you can’t figure out why.

4. "If we could find a way to deal with [objection], would you sign the contract on [set period in time]?"

Sales objections aren’t some kind of kryptonite for salespeople. A sales professional can overcome almost any objection once they understand what they’re up against. The question to ask: what do you need from us right now?

🤔 Why this works: The salesperson shows they’re not scared of an objection, and are willing to work with the prospect until the deal makes sense for both parties. This turns a prospect’s objection into a closing opportunity.

🕒 When to use this closing question: If the prospect is shaky. This closing phrase is an ideal way to determine if they're serious about buying your product.

5. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that our product will meet your needs?"

It’s key for buyers to be convinced that your product can solve their problems. If you’re feeling some doubts toward the end of the sales process, this can be a great question to reveal where they’re still unsure.

🤔 Why this works: It helps you reveal doubts and overcome them.

🕒 When to use this closing question: When a prospect is delaying a purchase decision or doesn’t seem convinced that your product is the right solution.

6. "You mentioned needing a solution by [X date]. If you signed up by [Y date], I can guarantee we have enough time for training and implementation. How does that sound?"

The prospect knows the challenges they must solve and their own timeline to overcome them. Using this closing technique, you can build a sense of urgency by showing them exactly when they need to decide based on their own timeline.

🤔 Why this works: It brings the prospect’s needs to the forefront, using their own timeline to create urgency.

🕒 When to use this closing question: When the prospect’s timeline is in danger.

Final Thoughts: How to Use These Phrases and Questions Wisely

The best sales reps know whether it's time to lay down a hard closing phase or give the prospect a week to think things through.

This balance is essential at the end of the sales process. Go in too heavy, and it can spook a prospect. But if you don't pressure them, negotiations can drag out for weeks (or months) before you get an answer.

I advise the following tips to keep the deal moving forward:

  • Tread carefully with the assumptive close: This type of closing phrase is arguably the best on the list, but only if you use it at the right time. If you drop it with a prospect who isn't quite ready to buy—say goodbye to your deal.
  • Build an (authentic) sense of urgency: Prospects can smell a sleazy sales rep from a mile away. If you rush them and try to wrap things up too early, all those sales conversations to build trust go out the window. Instead, build a sense of urgency around one promise: the sooner they implement your product, the quicker they can reach their goals.
  • Make good use of follow-ups: If a potential customer needs a week or so to think about your offer, make it count. Take a deeper look into their budget/problems/business needs. Then, use this information to build a solid "hail mary" sales pitch around your product/service and what the prospect will leave on the table if they walk away.
  • Put the next steps in motion: Paint a (really) clear picture about what will happen if they turn into a paying customer. Tell them how their team will be onboarded, when a contract will hit their inbox, and who will be their go-to contact once things are in place.

In the end, you must set a timeline for when to pull the plug on negotiations.

There's only so much you can do to seal a deal, whether it's using the right closing phrase or offering the right price point or demo. At some point, the prospect has to put some skin in the game and commit. Otherwise, they are just wasting your time.

My advice?

Be bold and drop a closing phrase into the conversation when the time is right. Either you will walk away empty-handed—or finish the day with a brand new customer 🤑

Psst… want to analyze your sales calls and improve your closing techniques? Use Close to record, transcribe, and analyze each sales conversation in real-time. Try it for 14 days, no charge.


11 Sales Closing Phrases to Nail the Last Piece of Your Sales Process (2024)


11 Sales Closing Phrases to Nail the Last Piece of Your Sales Process? ›

A potential customer may later decide they do want all the available features, allowing you to close the original deal. Example: "I understand you previously expressed concern about the price point. I'm able to offer you a reduced price if I remove the communication feature. Is this something that appeals to you?"

How do you close a sale answer? ›

How to Close a Sale
  1. Identify customer needs. First things first, be sure to clearly define the customer needs your product or service is intended to meet. ...
  2. Find the decision-maker. ...
  3. Initiate a conversation. ...
  4. Explain your product's benefits. ...
  5. Create a sense of urgency. ...
  6. Anticipate and prepare to address objections.
Aug 21, 2024

How do you close a sale phrase? ›

10 Closing Phrases To Seal a Sales Deal
  1. "Let's move forward. ...
  2. “Would you like to get going with this solution?” ...
  3. "Is there any reason, if we gave you the product at this rate, that you wouldn't do business with our company?" ...
  4. "It seems like our product is a great fit for your company.

What are examples of closing questions in sales? ›

12 Great sales closing questions to employ whatever technique you choose
  • "Can you share more about your specific challenges or needs?" ...
  • "Do you have any reservations or concerns that we haven't addressed yet?" ...
  • "What timeline are you working with for making a decision?"

What is an example of closing in sales process? ›

A potential customer may later decide they do want all the available features, allowing you to close the original deal. Example: "I understand you previously expressed concern about the price point. I'm able to offer you a reduced price if I remove the communication feature. Is this something that appeals to you?"

What is an example of a soft close in sales? ›

Soft close techniques such as 'If you spend another $100,000, you will receive an additional 10% off the entire order' were rated most effective. A soft close is based on a suggestion that leads buyers to believe they are acting of their own free will, when in fact they have been directed to follow an action.”

What is a sales closing summary? ›

The summary close

This technique involves summarizing the key benefits and value propositions discussed during the sales conversation. It helps reinforce the product or service's positive aspects and clarifies how it addresses the prospect's needs.

What are the five examples of closed-ended questions? ›

Types of Close Ended Questions with Survey Examples
  • Multiple-choice Questions. Here, respondents are presented with multiple-choice answer options. ...
  • Rating-Scale Questions. ...
  • Ranking Order Questions. ...
  • Likert-scale Questions. ...
  • Dichotomous Questions.
Aug 30, 2024

What is a closing phrase? ›

Common closing lines include "Best regards," "Sincerely," "Thank you," "Yours," and "Regards." After the closing line, type your full name to add a personal touch and authenticate your message.

What is the best closing technique? ›

What Are the Best Closing Techniques in Sales?
  1. Making an assumption. ...
  2. Offering an alternative option. ...
  3. Asking a sharp-angle question. ...
  4. Creating a sense of urgency. ...
  5. Giving a professional suggestion. ...
  6. Making it feel like "now or never" ...
  7. Summarizing the points. ...
  8. Offering a discounted (but less attractive) option.

What is the last step of the sales process? ›

Follow-up. The last stage in the selling process is to follow up with your new client or customer. Once you close a sale, you must have a strategy for continued communication with your clients. You may have a client success team, or it may be the sales rep's job to keep in contact with the client.

What is end to end sales process? ›

An End to End sales model is a strategy that uses advanced technology to optimize a company's entire sales process, from lead generation to closing the sale.

How do you close a sale interview question? ›

Direct close- "I can start immediately. Based on this interview have I secured the role?" This can sometimes be considered a little too direct in a sales interview. But if the moment's right, go for the jugular. Alternative close - "I understand you're looking for somebody to start in September.

How do you tell a customer you are closing? ›

Whenever possible, send customers an email or letter notifying them of your decision. Share as much of the reasoning and story that you feel comfortable telling, but make sure that the message is succinct and clear.

How do you close a sell position? ›

A long will sell to close; a short will buy to close. Closing a position thus involves the opposite action that opened the position in the first place. An investor who purchased Microsoft (MSFT) shares, for example, holds those securities in his account. When he sells the shares, he closes the long position on MSFT.

What does it mean to close on a sale? ›

Closing a sale occurs when the seller and buyer agree to the conditions of the sale and the buyer makes a firm commitment to the transaction.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.