11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (2024)

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (1)

Do you ever get to the end of the month and find that there just isn’t enough money left? If so, you’ve got to stop spending money!

Of course, this is a lot easier said than done. My goal is to help you along the way and make it as painless as possible…because I’ve been there too!

When we first started taking a hard look at our $17,000 budget, we realized there were a lot of things that we could stop spending money on that were just a waste.There were so many things that we could either cut out completelyor find ways to cut corners on.

We live off of one low income, and every single cent counts for us. When we made our budget that we could stick to (after years of trying!), we took a hard look at everything that we were spending money on. Everything from dishwasher detergent to toilet paper came up in our discussion.

Some things were worth keeping in our budget (like toilet paper, of course!) but there were others that either got cut out completely or just got a homemade frugal twist. All in all, when we were done revamping our expenses, we found out that we could save up to $700 a month just by cutting out 11 easy expenses!

Even better? You can do it too!

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (2)

1. Stop Spending Mony on Cable.

Everybody seems to be breaking up with cable. If you haven’t done it already, give it a try! That’s a really fantastic way to save a whole lot of money. And, don’t you already spend a lot of money on the internet…? Why not just get Hulu and Netflix? If you are like me and shop on Amazon a lot, you can get Amazon Prime for $99 for the whole year and that comes with Amazon Instant Video!

One of my favorite money-saving Amazon hacks is this little-known secret. You can also get HBO, Starz, SHOWtime, and more premium channels from Amazon for $15/month and you can cancel at any time! No, I don’t suggest you get ALL of these (remember, we are learning how to stop spending money!), but pick your favorite and enjoy! Plus, you can always rotate which channels you keep. 😉

You CAN still watch your favorite shows without cable. If it sounds too good to be true…it isn’t! Here’s how to get rid of cable and still watch tv.

2. Water & Water Bottles.

Cold hard truth: water bottles are no different than tap water. It’s a waste of money, and it’s bad for the environment!

The best thing to dois to get a fantastic water filterand a great refillable water bottle to bring with you everywhere you go.

This is the one that we use and it’s been amazing. It’s more money than a typical water filter, but if you’re concerned about the quality of the water that you’re drinking and are looking for a water filter that will last you until you have grandkids or great-grandkids, this is the one for you!

Bonus tip: ONLY order water when you go out to eat. Drinks can easily be $5+ each…the savings will add up quickly!

3. Haircuts.

I cut my sons’ and my husband’s hair at home myself. Just by doing that I wind up saving around $1,500 a year! That’s a huge expense!

Especially for guys’ hair, you can really save a lot of money by cutting their hair and the risk is pretty low. The only thing you need is a halfway decent pair of clippers (these clippers are the ones I’ve been using for the past 4 years and they’re still going strong!).

While I wouldn’t personally cut my own hair (or any other womans!) You can still save money on your next haircut or hair color. To do so, check out your local beauty school. They have incredible prices for all different kinds of services!

4. Stop Spending Money on Dryer Sheets.

Dryer sheets are full of chemicals and they’re expensive! It winds up being around $2 per box which might not seem like that much, but when they are completely unnecessary all together and they just wind up adding a lot of chemicals into your home. It’s time to find a safer and cheaper alternative.

Instead, you can use wool dryer balls with essential oils (lavender and joy are my favorite essential oils for the dryer). Simply add a few drops of essential oils to the dryer balls to get the same scents and even better results. With essential oils, a little goes a long way, so start with a drop or two.

Plus, wool balls cut your drying time down, which also saves money. Double savings win!

Read more about how awesome dryer balls are – I love them so much I wrote an entire post about it!

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (3)

5. Laundry Detergent.

I go through a lot of laundry. I have 3 active and messy sonsand a husband who works in a steel shop. There are constantly loads of dirty clothes in my house. If I had to buy laundry detergent every month, I would be looking at more than $30 a month in detergent alone.

I started making my own laundry detergent. It is sensitive enough to use on my newborn baby’s skin and hard enough to clean my husband’s dirtiest work clothes. This recipe is easy and effective!

In fact...I haven’t spent a PENNY on laundry all year! I’ve saved hundreds if not thousands with these tips and tricks.

6. Paper towels.

Paper towels can be really expensive and they are very wasteful. Plus, it is just not good for the environment to have to use so many paper towels. You are literally paying for trash.

Before we stopped using paper towels almost 3 years ago, we were going through a roll of paper towels almost every 3 to 4 days. That’s a lot! When we realized that it was just too expensive, one day I just stopped buying them!

Since then, I have used old towels that I have cut up into rags. We use these for everything from cleaning the windows to using them to clean up the kids after a messy dinner.

(I’m not a heathen. I have a roll of paper towels and a packet of paper napkins on hand for when company comes! Don’t worry, I won’t make you use my rags if you come over for dinner!)

7. Disposable Diapers.

Okay, hear me out. I know a lot of you are shaking your head already, but think of the savings!

I absolutely love our cloth diapers! They’re not nearly as difficult or time-consuming as I thought they would be, and they wind up saving me a ton of money!

Not to mention, they’re much better for the environment than disposable diapers! Learn more about what you need to start cloth diapering HERE.

Plus, I’ll even show you how to make cloth diapering affordable!

8. Groceries.

Yes, I mean it! The average American household throws out 40% of all of the food that they buy. That’s crazy! This is why my secret weapon for my budget is meal planning. For $1.62 a week, I’ve never saved more money and cooked better!

It’s also recommended that the monthly grocery budget for a family equals $100 per family member per month. So if you have a family of 4, your grocery budget should be $400.

Does that sound crazy to you? I know that it might, but there’s good news: you can makeover your grocery budget! The real key is planning your recipes and meals.

Honestly, between kids and school and work and everything in between, I don’t have the time or the patience to prepare a meal plan and a grocery list, so I have my meal planning secret weapon to save the day. Best money I’ve ever spent!

You’re wasting money on your grocery budget if you aren’t planning what you’ll be eating each week. By setting up a meal plan that works, you know exactly what you need to get at the store. If you stick to your meal plan, you won’t buy things you don’t need that will just die a slow, painful death in the bottom of the fridge.

If you do just one item from this list…it should be this one. The savings will add up quickly while you also feed your family healthy, homecooked meals. And you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen to do it, I promise!!

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (4)

9. Junk food.

Your wallet and your waistline will thank youfor cutting out the junk food!If you’re like me and have always struggled in the kitchen, I discovered my favorite recipe site that changed the way we eat.

Get substantial food for your meals, and get healthy snacks for instead of junk food. Carrots and hummus are much more substantial and will fill you up a lot more than just a bag of chips.It’s so important to make sure you’re actually eating food that fills you up!

Here’s my favorite trick to stay on budget and away from junk food at the grocery store.

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (5)10. New clothes.

I haven’t bought new clothes for my family in… wait… how long has it been…? I can’t even remember! But you know what, my kids have grown, and they’ve had new-to-them clothing!

I’m such a huge fan of buying second hand or at yard sales! 99% of all of our clothing is bought either at a thrift shop or yard sales. Why pay full retail when you can get something at a second-hand store for pennies on the dollar?

No one will be the wiser. You can often find brand-name clothing for just pennies on the dollar! Just make sure to give everything a good wash.

11. Fabric softener.

You don’t need it! The chemicals that are from fabric softener and the money that you spend on it are just outrageous. If you really want your clothes to smell like something, go with the wool dryer balls and essential oils combo I mentioned above.

If you still feel like you need fabric softener, white vinegar is a shockingly good fabric softener substitute. Just add 1/2 c. to your wash and tada! your clothes will be just as soft as they would if you had used a fabric softener.

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (6)

How to Stop Spending Money: Final Thoughts

Let’s be honest. None of these changes are earth-shattering.

But they all add up quickly! If you were to cut everything listed here out of your monthly spending, you could be looking at a monthly savings of around $700 or more!And, there’s nothing “too small” when it comes to personal finance – literally every single cent counts!

Sure, cutting out cable might be a hard pill to swallow, or saying “no” to the chips at the supermarket might make you a little hangry, but Seven. Hundred. Dollars. Each. Month. Eyes on the prize!

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (7)

Keep Your Motivation Going by Reading One of These Related Posts:

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11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (19) 11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (20)11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (21)11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (22)11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (23). 11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (24).

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (25). 11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (26). 11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (27)

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (28). 11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (29)

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (30). 11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (31). 11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (32)

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (33)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (34)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (35)

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (36).

11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (37)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (38)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (39)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (40)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (41)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (42)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (43)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (44)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (45)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (46)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (47)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (48)
11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (49)

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11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (50)

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11 Expenses to Stop Spending Money On (2024)


What should I stop spending money on? ›

50 Things to Stop Wasting Your Money On
  • ATM Fees. Paying for ATM fees is like feeding your money into a paper shredder. ...
  • Bottled Water. Not only does bottled water cost more, many cities' tap water is often as clean. ...
  • Bulk Groceries. ...
  • Cell Phone Data. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Fancy Gadgets. ...
  • Flavored Beverages. ...
  • Gasoline.
May 9, 2017

How could you reduce the amount of money you spend? ›

You just need to know where to look.
  1. Keep Track of Your Spending Habits. ...
  2. Create a Budget. ...
  3. Update Subscriptions. ...
  4. Save on Utility Costs. ...
  5. Cheaper Housing Options. ...
  6. Consolidate Debts. ...
  7. Shop for Cheaper Insurance. ...
  8. Eat at Home.
Mar 14, 2024

What is considered spending too much money? ›

Ideally, you should have between three months and one year of expenses saved in an emergency fund. Savings, even a little, should be a line item in your budget. If you don't have any savings at all, that is a red flag that you are spending too much money.

How do I stop spending money on food? ›

8 Tips to Reduce Your Food Bill
  1. Limit Eating Out. It's probably obvious, but takeout, that delicious ramen place, and even quick "cheap" burgers add up quickly. ...
  2. Plan Your Grocery Shopping. ...
  3. Reduce Food Waste. ...
  4. Buy in Bulk. ...
  5. Set a Food Budget. ...
  6. Plan for Leftovers. ...
  7. Meal Prep. ...
  8. Brew Your Own Coffee.
Dec 14, 2023

What is a no spend month? ›

For the no-spend challenge, you pay for essentials only for a set period of time. Thirty days is pretty common, so you might hear it called a no-spend month too. Basically you're covering your Four Walls (food, utilities, shelter and transportation) and other necessities, but you're saying no to all the extras.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How do I budget and stop wasting money? ›

Try the 50/30/20 rule as a simple budgeting framework. Allow up to 50% of your income for needs, including debt minimums. Leave 30% of your income for wants. Commit 20% of your income to savings and debt repayment beyond minimums.

What is the zero spend method? ›

What is zero-based budgeting? Zero-based budgeting is a method that has you allocate all of your money to expenses for needs and wants, as well as short- and long-term savings and debt payments. The goal is that your income minus your expenditures equals zero by the end of the month.

What is the 1 spending rule? ›

If you spend money on something and we're talking about a non-necessity something that you don't have to buy, you just want to buy and the cost of that item is more than one percent of your annual income before taxes you have to wait at least 24 hours before buying it and so what this means is if you make forty ...

Why can't I stop spending money? ›

"Overspending is often more than just a lapse in financial judgment; it frequently signals underlying emotional or psychological triggers. For instance, some people may overspend as a form of escapism, temporarily distracting themselves from stress or emotional pain," Hathai says.

How can I save up money? ›

What Is the Best Way To Save Money?
  1. Set goals. Set savings goals that motivate you, like saving up for a house or going on a dream vacation, and give yourself timelines for reaching them.
  2. Budget. Make a budget and make saving a necessary expense. ...
  3. Cut down on spending. ...
  4. Automate your saving. ...
  5. Pay off debt. ...
  6. Earn more.
Jan 11, 2024

What is a person who is wasteful in spending called? ›

Answer. The word closest in meaning to what you want is spendthrift. Spendthrift is a noun that means "a person who spends money in a careless or wasteful way."

What is the no spend challenge? ›

Updated Fri, Mar 29 2024. Liz Knueven. The “no-spend” challenge has been around for years but gained new life in 2024, thanks to TikTok and No Spend January at the beginning of the year. Participants are encouraged to go on a spending “fast” by abstaining from buying anything but the barest essentials.

What do you call someone who is careful with money? ›

Some common synonyms of frugal are economical, sparing, and thrifty. While all these words mean "careful in the use of one's money or resources," frugal implies absence of luxury and simplicity of lifestyle. ran a frugal household. When might economical be a better fit than frugal?

How do I train my brain to stop spending money? ›

6 ways to train your brain to save money
  1. Envision the future. ...
  2. Appreciate what you already have. ...
  3. Delete and unsubscribe. ...
  4. Only use money you've already got in the bank. ...
  5. Create separate savings accounts for separate expenses. ...
  6. Call your friends more often.

How do I stop spending money with ADHD? ›

Here are a few suggestions:
  1. Weekly review. Choose a day of the week to be your regular day to review your spending plan and budget. ...
  2. Consider making payments electronically. ...
  3. Savings account. ...
  4. Financial calendar. ...
  5. Money management timeline. ...
  6. Apps to help with money management.

How do I motivate myself to stop spending money? ›

How to Stop Spending Money
  1. Meal plan to save money. Meal planning is a great way to save money. ...
  2. Fun and frugal activities. ...
  3. Educate yourself. ...
  4. Cleaning saves money and sanity. ...
  5. Accountability buddy. ...
  6. Visualize your saving goals. ...
  7. Price comparison. ...
  8. Build good spending habits.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.