10K Training Plans for Beginner Runners (2024)

The 10K is popular with beginner runners, especially those who have done a 5K race but don't feel ready for the half-marathon.

Use this eight-week 10K training plan to help get you to the finish line. It assumes you can already run at least 2 miles. If you cannot comfortably run that distance, consider using therun/walk 10K training plan, alternating running and walking intervals.

Understanding the 10K Distance

A 10K race is 10 kilometers or 6.2 miles. It is twice the distance of a 5K which is 3.1 miles. A 10k is 10,000 meters or nearly 11,000 yards. Running this distance is 6.25 trips around a running track, usually 1,600 meters. People who compete in 10K races are considered long-distance runners.

A 10K can be a good option for beginners who may have already done a 5K and are looking to run their first distance race. It can also be completed in a run/walk format and some runners find that pacing themselves slow and steady can be more comfortable than running shorter distances at a faster pace.

Training for a 10K

If you haven't had a physical recently, visit your doctor toget cleared for running. If you've never run, the first step is tobuild up your running base mileage. Many people use the run/walk method to increase mileage and build endurance.

Don't worry about how fast you run during the initial stage of your 10K training. Instead, focus on running duration. Set a goal to be able to run for two miles or about 20 to 30 minutes before you start this training. Don't forget to warm up before your runs, and finish with a cooldown and stretching.

What Is a Good Half-Marathon Time?

Average 10K Time for Beginners

Once you establish an endurance base, you can start to track your pace for your training runs or to estimate your finishing time on race day. The average finishing time for a 10K varies substantially based on the level of training and other factors (like the type of course).

As a point of reference, elite and professional runners may finish a 10K in 30 minutes or less. For an average runner, the typical finishing time will be much longer. According to data compiled in the U.S. by Strava, the average running pace for adult men is 9:07 per mile and for women, it is 10:21 per mile.

Based on those numbers, the average 10K finishing time for a man would be 55:37. The average 10K finishing time for a woman would be 1:03:17.

As a beginning-level runner, your first goal might be to finish the event feeling strong. If you've completed a run/walk 10K, another reasonable goal might be to run for the entire event.

You can predict your estimated finishing time using a pace calculator. Simply input your typical pace for runs that are close to 6.2 miles in length and find out what your finishing time would be.

1-Week 10K Training Plan

You'll see activities scheduled for each day of the week on the 10K training plan below. But not every day is a training day. Some are rest days and some offer the option to participate in cross-training (CT) activities.

Cross-training gives your body a break from running but allows you to get some physical activity. You might choose low-impact activities (such as yoga or cycling) or exercises that focus on your upper body, such as strength training.

For both these 10K training plans you can switch days to accommodate your schedule. If you're busy on another day and prefer to work out on a Monday or Friday, swap a rest day for a run day.

Rest days: Mondays and Fridays are rest days. Rest is critical to recovery and injury prevention, so don't ignore it. Your muscles build and repair themselves during rest days. If you run every day without taking days off, you won't see much improvement. It's also good to sometimes get a mental break from running. If you run every day, you may get burnt out or injured.

Run days: On Tuesdays and Thursdays, run at a comfortable, conversational pace for the designated mileage. You should be able to speak and breathe easily at this pace. If your breathing gets out of control, slow your pace or take a walk break. If you feel good during the last mile, pick up the pace so you run at your anticipated 10K race pace.

Cross-training days: On Wednesdays, do a cross-training activity (biking, swimming, elliptical trainer) at an easy to moderate effort for 30 to 40 minutes. Strength training is also beneficial to get stronger and more injury-resistant. If you're feeling sluggish or sore, take a rest day.

Long run day: Saturday is your long run day. After you warm up, run at a comfortable, conversational pace for the designated mileage. If you're running outside and unsure how far you're running, figure out mileage using apps or sites such as MapMyRunor RunKeeper, or a GPS watch.

Active recovery day: Sunday is an active recovery day. Run at an easy, comfortable pace to loosen up your muscles. Or, you can do a run/walk combination for the indicated amount of time, or cross-train.


If your 10K training plan is interrupted by illness or vacation, resume your schedule where it left off. If the interruption is for more than a week, repeat the last week's workouts before progressing.

While you might use the treadmill for one workout per week, it's best to do road training for a road race. Your body will encounter different conditions in the real world than by running on a treadmill. Use the treadmill for one of your workouts each week, but the others (especially the long mileage on Saturday) should be done outdoors.

If the route of your 10K race includes hills, it is good to include them in your workouts. Your body will need to get used to bothuphill and downhill runningas they use the muscles differently.

10K Training Schedules

The two 10K training plans below are similar: one is for beginners—or those who have never participated in a 10K event.

The advanced beginner plan is for runners who can run 3 miles comfortably and can run four to fivedays per week. It'sappropriate for you if you've already run at least one 10K road race or have some running experience and are ready to race a 10K.

If you need more of a challenge, use theintermediate 10K schedule. It adds interval workouts andtempo runsto improve speed and finish time.

Beginner 10K Training Plan
1Rest1.5-mile runCT or Rest1.5-mile runRest2-mile run25 to 30 minutes run or CT
2Rest2-mile runCT or Rest2-mile runRest2.5-mile run25 to 30 minutes run or CT
3Rest2.5-mile runCT or Rest2-mile runRest3.5-mile run30 to 35 minutes run or CT
4Rest2.5-mile runCT or Rest2-mile runRest3.5-mile run35 minutes run or CT
5Rest3-mile runCT or Rest2.5-mile runRest4-mile run35 to 40 minutes run or CT
6Rest3-mile runCT2.5-mile runRest4.5-mile run35 to 40 minutes run or CT
7Rest3.5-mile runCT3-mile runRest5-mile run40 minutes run or CT
8Rest3-mile runCT or Rest2-mile runRestRest10K Race
Advanced Beginner 10K Training Plan
1Rest3 milesCT2.5 miles race paceRest3 miles30 min. EZ
2Rest3 milesCT3 miles race paceRest3.5 miles35-40 min. EZ
3Rest3.5 milesCT3.5 miles race paceRest4 miles35-40 min. EZ
4Rest4 milesCT3.5 miles race paceRest4.5 miles40-45 min. EZ
5Rest4 milesCT3 miles race paceRest5 miles40-45 min. EZ
6Rest4 milesCT3.5 miles race paceRest6 miles40-45 min. EZ
7Rest4 milesCT3 miles race paceRest7 miles40-45 min. EZ
8Rest3 milesCT or Rest3 milesRestRest10K Race

Tips for Successful 10K Training

Here are some additional tips for a successful 10K race day:

  • Give yourself adequate time to train. It's best to follow the full eight-week 10K training plan to progress gradually and ease your body into longer miles without setting yourself up for injuries.
  • Eat a balanced diet. You'll need plenty of nutritious carbs for energy, healthy fats for satiety, and protein for muscle growth and recovery. Familiarize yourself with the basics of a balanced diet and include a variety of foods in your meal plan.
  • Include strength training: Focusing on your core strength can help your running form and help you feel strong on race day.
  • Be consistent. There will be good and bad run days during training. The key is to stick to your 10K training plan as much as possible.
  • Utilize mental strategies. Long distance can also be physically and mentally challenging. Experiment with short walk breaks every mile to break up the distance, repeat a favorite motivational phrase in your head, or visualize yourself crossing the finish line and reaching your goal. Studies suggest that using mental imagery during training may help improve performance.

Preparing for 10K Race Day

You'll feel stronger and perform better on race day if you follow basic strategies to address nutrition, hydration, and gear. You'll want to test it all during training runs to ensure you feel your best on race day. Follow these 10K training tips to optimize your performance:

  • Eat the same foods you did in training: If you always have toast with peanut butter before a training run, do the same on race day to avoid unexpected digestive issues.
  • Test gear in advance so there are no surprises on 10K race day. On long runs, wear gear you might wear on the day of the event, considering possible weather conditions. Choose the best outfit, including your most comfortable sports bra and shorts—and prep it the night before your 10K so it is ready to go in the morning.
  • Experiment with hydration during training. You can use long run days or even shorter runs to find out how your body responds to different fluids. You may find that water works best for you or you might try a sports drink for longer workouts. Find out which sports drink will be offered on 10K race day to test it out in advance.
  • Optimize sleep to enhance recovery. Your body will perform better during training and race day if well-rested. Follow a regular sleep schedule to get the sleep you need.
  • Familiarize yourself with the course in advance. Visit the race website to see a course map. Are there multiple hills? Is part of the course off-road? Incorporate these elements into your training.
  • Pace yourself. On race day the excitement and atmosphere of the start line might lead you to go out fast and then burn out. Start slowly to save energy for the miles ahead. You can pick up the pace about halfway through the 10K if you feel good.

10K Training Plan: Bottom Line

It's important to stick to a 10K training plan that builds mileage slowly and helps prevent injuries. Prioritize rest and recovery, and focus on hydration and fuel to keep your body functioning at its best. If this will be yourfirst 10K, reviewroad race etiquette, and evenhow to take water from aid stations to be fully prepared on race day. Be sure to stay safe and enjoy the race.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a good time when running a 10K?

    If this is your first 10K, it may be best to set a goal to finish rather than to finish in a certain time. The average 10K finishing time for a man is 55:37. The average 10K finishing time for a woman is 1:03:17.

    Learn More:Good 10K Time for Beginners to Advanced Runners

  • How long do you need to train for a 10K race?

    It is best if you have at least eight weeks to train for your first 10K. If you are currently running, you may need less time.

    Learn More:How Long Does It Take to Train for a 10K?

  • What can you do when training becomes difficult?

    Make sure you are getting adequate sleep to make sure you have the energy to run. A balanced diet helps as well. There are also motivational strategies (such as a good running playlist) that you can use to boost motivation.

    Learn More:How to Stay Motivated to Run

  • What should you eat the night before running a 10K?

    You don't want to eat anything that is unfamiliar the night before your race. Choose a balanced meal that is familiar to you. Also try not to eat too late, especially if your race is early in the morning.

    Learn More:Proper Nutrition for Long Runs or Race Day

  • How much water should you drink during a 10K?

    Runners should drink 4 to 6 ounces every 20 minutes. During long runs of 90 minutes or more, it is recommended that you drink 5 to 10 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes.

    Learn More:How to Stay Hydrated During Your Runs

3 Sources

Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Fokkema T, de Vos R-J, Visser E, et al. Enhanced injury prevention programme for recreational runners (the SPRINT study): design of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2020;6(1). doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2020-000780

  2. Roy BA. Overreaching/overtraining. ACSM Health Fitness J. 2015;19(2):4-5. doi:10.1249/fit.0000000000000100

  3. Slimani M, Tod D, Chaabene H, Miarka B, Chamari K. Effects of mental imagery on muscular strength in healthy and patient participants: a systematic review.J Sports Sci Med. 2016;15(3):434-450. doi:

10K Training Plans for Beginner Runners (1)

By Christine Luff, ACE-CPT
Christine knows that the right fitness gear can improve your motivation and workouts. She uses her expertise and experience as a fitness writer and personal trainer to recommend products she can stand behind.

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10K Training Plans for Beginner Runners (2024)
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