10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (2024)

Texting for your business should be simple.

After all, it’s simple to send a text message from your phone to your friends and family, right?

Unfortunately, it’s not quite so clear-cut.

But it can be understood! And this article will help break it down for you, so that you can really reach the people you’re trying to reach—with text messaging.

We’ll go through some terms you may hear and different methods you can use to send your text messages.

And specifically, we’ll walk you through what a 10DLC phone number is and how it relates to the other types of phone numbers you can use for business messaging in the current climate.

First off…

What is A2P?

When you send a personal text message to your friends and family, this is called P2P (“person-to-person”) messaging.

But any kind of messaging you do through a texting system (rather than personally through your phone) is called A2P (“application-to-person”) messaging.

This article is concerned with A2P messaging and how you can be most effective with it.

What is 10DLC?

10DLC refers to “10-digit long code,” usually in the context of A2P messaging.

A 10DLC is a 10-digit phone number you can use for your business that looks like a “normal” 10-digit phone number with a geographical area code.

This is in contrast to toll-free phone numbers, which have an “800” area code (rather than an area code that is local to a geographical area), or in contrast to short codes, which are less than 10 digits.

10DLC’s, toll-free numbers, and short codes are the three primary number types that businesses can use to engage in A2P text messaging.

What is brand registration?

Brand registration is filling out a form to answer questions about your business so that you can register your brand information with the mobile carriers (i.e., Verizon and T-Mobile).

While doing this is not required in order to send messages, if you don’t register your brand, you will almost certainly run into message delivery problems. That’s because the mobile carriers are vigilant about filtering out A2P messages that they deem to be potential spam.

Registering your brand allows the mobile carriers to “pre-vet” your messaging traffic so that they recognize your traffic as legitimate. Therefore, they will be less likely to filter out the messages as spam.

Do I need to register my brand?

As mentioned, while you don’t technically need to register your brand in order to send messages, it is highly recommended that you do.

If you don’t register, you will likely have poor message delivery and many if not all of your messages will never make it to your recipients’ devices.

If you want to send via a short code phone number, it is required to register your information. (See more on short code phone numbers below.)

What happens if I don’t register my brand?

If you don’t register your brand, you can still send A2P messages through a 10DLC phone number.

There are no penalties for not registering your brand. However, there is a strong chance your messages will not be delivered to recipient devices.

How do I register my brand?

Your SMS service provider will provide you with a simple form you can fill out.

This form will ask you basic questions about your business/organization and about your messaging campaigns.

It will ask you for information such as:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Company name
  • Brand name
  • Street address
  • Country
  • State (if in the US)
  • Vertical that you serve
  • EIN/tax ID
  • Website URL
  • Examples of messages you’ll be sending

Once it’s filled out, your SMS service provider will submit the form to the mobile carriers on your behalf and wait for approval.

With Mobile Text Alerts, your brand registration form is accessible by clicking the “Please Complete Brand Registration” link on your main Dashboard screen.

How long does it take to register?

Registering your brand for using a 10DLC or toll-free number usually takes around 3-10 business days.

If you’re applying for and registering a dedicated short code, the process may take several weeks. (You can still send messages via a 10DLC or toll-free number in the meantime.)

What does the registration process look like?

The registration process involves filling out a simple form.

It will ask you basic questions about your business, such as its name, address, and business type.

It will also ask you questions about your intended use for A2P messaging, such as how you go about collecting opt-ins and what an example message would be.

The form generally should not take more than 10 minutes to fill out.

10DLC vs toll-free vs short code

10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (1)10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (2)

10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (3)10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (4)

10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (5)10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (6)

There are three different options for what kind of phone number you can use to send out mass text messages to your business’s SMS list.

These options include:

  • 10-digit long code or 10DLC (example: 402-420-2000)
  • Toll-free number (example: 800-780-8000)
  • Dedicated short code (example: 52001)

Let’s go through each of these options so you can evaluate which one is the best for you (hint: although we’ve recommended 10DLC’s in the past, we would currently recommend toll-free numbers for most businesses).

Option 1: Ten-digit long code (10DLC)

10-digit long codes (10DLC's) for A2P are local 10-digit phone numbers (example: 402-420-2000).

10DLC's allow you to send mass text messages at an affordable cost, using a local area code that feels more personable to recipients. These benefits make 10DLC an excellent SMS solution for many businesses.

10DLC numbers are ideal for small businesses who want to run effective SMS marketing campaigns and want their messages to feel more personable.

Pros for using 10DLC phone numbers

  • 10DLC's may improve SMS engagement rates. (Receiving a text from a 10-digit number with a local area code feels more personal than receiving a text from a 5-digit short code or toll-free number.)
  • 10DLC's have much lower costs than dedicated short codes, and in many cases are included for free.
  • Unregistered 10DLC's typically have better delivery rates than unregistered toll-free numbers.

Cons for using 10DLC phone numbers

  • The registration process costs $15/month (as opposed to toll-free numbers, which are free to register) if you have a low-volume plan.
  • Unregistered 10DLC’s have throughputs of only 60 messages per minute, which is much lower than toll-free numbers or short codes.
  • Registered 10DLC's have throughputs of around 150 messages per minute, which is much lower than toll-free numbers or short codes.
  • 10DLC’s have a daily limit of around 2,000 messages.
  • 10DLC registration requires that your business/organization has an EIN/tax ID, so it is not always a good solution for sole proprietors or new businesses.
  • 10DLC’s aren’t as convenient as dedicated short codes, because they are longer numbers.

Who should use 10DLC phone numbers?

By using 10-digit long codes (10DLC's), businesses can affordably send mass messages through a personable phone number with a local area code.

10DLC’s sometimes have a small fee (as opposed to toll-free numbers, which are free), so that may be a barrier for smaller businesses.

10DLC’s also have slower messaging speeds than toll-free numbers or dedicated short codes, so that may be a barrier for larger businesses.

We would generally recommend a toll-free number as opposed to a 10DLC, since toll-free numbers are free and have higher messaging speeds.

But if you’re a business that doesn’t have a huge amount of messages to send at once, you may find that having the personableness of a local area code in your phone number is worth the cons.

How to get 10DLC phone numbers?

You can get a free 10DLC with your Mobile Text Alerts account—however, if you would like to register the phone number for better message delivery, the cost is $15/month on the lower plans (it is, however, included for free on most plans).

Option 2: Text-enabled toll-free number

Toll-free SMS numbers are 10-digit numbers with an 800 “area code” as the initial digits (example: 800-780-8000).

Text-enabled toll-free numbers allow you to send messages at decent messaging speeds without adding extra fees.

All accounts at Mobile Text Alerts include a dedicated toll-free number for free.

Pros for using a toll-free number

  • The registration process for toll-free numbers is free.
  • Toll-free numbers usually allow for higher messaging speeds than 10DLC’s (1,200 messages per minute as opposed to 150 messages per minute).
  • Toll-free number registration doesn’t require an EIN/tax ID, so sole proprietors and very small businesses may have an easier time getting registered.
  • Toll-free numbers have no daily limits, unlike 10DLC’s which have a daily limit of around 2,000.

Cons for using a toll-free number

  • Toll-free numbers generally have much slower messaging speeds than short codes (though they are faster than 10DLC’s).
  • Toll-free numbers may not seem as personable (and therefore not get as much engagement) as 10DLC’s because the “area code” is a generic 800 number.
  • Toll-free numbers aren’t as convenient as dedicated short codes, because they are longer numbers.

Who should use a toll-free number?

Toll-free numbers are available for nearly all businesses in need of a mass SMS solution that won’t break the bank.

In the current climate, we would generally recommend toll-free numbers over 10DLC’s because registration for toll-free numbers is always free, and they have faster messaging speeds.

But you do sacrifice the benefit of a personal area code, and businesses with a more robust budget may want to consider a dedicated short code.

How to get a toll-free number?

A dedicated toll-free number is included for free with any Mobile Text Alerts subscription. You can get started in seconds to test it out for yourself and for your business today.

Option 3: Dedicated short code

Get a Free 14-Day Trial with Mobile Text Alerts

10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (8)10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (9)

Dedicated short codes (example: 52001) come with some good benefits, including:

  • The best throughput (rate of messages sent per second)
  • The most convenience (since they are short, easy to remember, and easy to type into a phone)

Dedicated short codes allow you to send 100s or 1000s of messages at once with high deliverability rates.

There are 3 types of dedicated short codes. You can lease each one of these short codes or migrate your existing dedicated code through Mobile Text Alerts.

Premium short code

Premium short codes allow you to spell out your brand name or a significant word using a mobile phone’s dialpad. Examples include: 827438 for “Target” or 262966 for “Amazon." These codes allow memorable customization, but may be pricier than other options.

Vanity short code

Vanity short codes are 5 to 6 digit numbers that you can select from a list of available codes. With this option you can choose a code that is easy for your customers to remember.

Depending on the options available, you may even be able to select a code that fits your brand without paying the full price of leasing a premium short code.

Random short code

Random short codes are short numbers that are randomly assigned.

The benefit of choosing a random short code is that you receive all the same short code features for a lower cost than a premium or vanity short code.

Pros for using a dedicated short code

  • Dedicated short codes have a much higher SMS throughput volume (starting as high as 350 messages per second or 21,000 messages per minute). So messages will go out faster than with 10-digit numbers.
  • Dedicated short codes are convenient for your audience to interact with, because they are typically around 5 digits or so.

Cons for using a dedicated short code

  • Registration is required in order to use a short code in any capacity.
  • Dedicated short codes are the most costly SMS marketing option, with a one-time $2,500 provisioning fee and a $600/month leasing fee (premium and vanity codes may cost more).
  • Set-up time is significantly longer than other options, as it can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months to get final approval from the mobile carriers.

Who should use dedicated short codes?

If money were no object, dedicated short codes would generally be the best option for most businesses, because they have significantly higher messaging speeds and are conveniently succinct.

However, since the cost is significantly more than other messaging options, we would recommend dedicated short codes as the best fit for businesses with a more robust budget who have a large number of messages to send on a regular basis.

How to get a dedicated short code?

If you have any questions about short codes or if you’d like to lease a dedicated short code for your business, you can contact us or book a call with one of our experts.

10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (10)10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (11)

Message throughput per number type (messaging speed), and daily messaging limits

Here’s a breakdown of the message throughputs (messaging speeds) and daily messaging limits you’ll get based on the different phone number types…

(Note that the following throughputs are for registered phone numbers only.)

10DLC throughput and limits

10DLC’s will give you the lowest throughput, at 150 text messages per minute.

Below are some examples of how long it would take your messages to deliver under this throughput.

  • If you sent 1,000 messages, it would take 7 minutes to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 5,000 messages, it would take 34 minutes to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 10,000 messages, it would take 67 minutes to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 25,000 messages, it would take 167 minutes (~3 hours) to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 100,000 messages, it would take 667 minutes (~11 hours) to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 1 million messages, it would take 6,667 minutes (~111 hours) to fully deliver.

The daily limit for 10DLC’s is actually only 2,000 messages per day, but can in some cases can be increased (increases may incur fees from the mobile carriers).

Toll-free throughput and limits

Toll-free numbers will give you significantly higher throughput than 10DLC’s, at 1,200 text messages per minute.

Below are some examples of how long it would take your messages to deliver under this throughput.

  • If you sent 1,000 messages, it would take less than 1 minute to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 5,000 messages, it would take 5 minutes to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 10,000 messages, it would take 9 minutes to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 25,000 messages, it would take 21 minutes to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 100,000 messages, it would take 84 minutes to fully deliver.
  • If you sent 1 million messages, it would take 834 minutes (14 hours) to fully deliver.

Unlike 10DLC’s, toll-free numbers have no daily limits.

Short code throughput and limits

Short code numbers give you the highest throughput by far, at as much as 21,000 text messages per minute.

Below are some examples of how long it would take your messages to deliver under this throughput.

  • If you send 1,000 messages, it would take less than 1 minute to fully deliver.
  • If you send 5,000 messages, it would take less than 1 minute to fully deliver.
  • If you send 10,000 messages, it would take less than 1 minute to fully deliver.
  • If you send 25,000 messages, it would take 2 minutes to fully deliver.
  • If you send 100,000 messages, it would take 5 minutes to fully deliver.
  • If you send 1 million messages, it would take 48 minutes to fully deliver.

Unlike 10DLC’s, short code numbers have no daily limits.

How much does all of this cost?

The cost for using 10DLC’s vs. toll-free numbers vs. short codes will vary.

Here are some of the basic fees…


  • Using an unregistered 10DLC is free for any plan at Mobile Text Alerts.
  • Using a registered 10DLC is free if you’re on a plan that allows 2,000 messages per month or more.
  • Using a registered 10DLC is $15/month if you’re on a plan that allows less than 2,000 messages per month.

Toll-free numbers

Using toll-free numbers is free for any plan at Mobile Text Alerts.

Short code

  • Applying for a dedicated short code is an initial fee of $2,500.
  • Using a dedicated short code is at least $600 per month. (It may be more if you use a premium or vanity short code.)

Messaging plans

The fees listed above do not include the cost of messaging plans.

For messaging plans at Mobile Text Alerts, costs vary widely depending on how many messages you need to send. They start at $20/month for the smallest plan (allowing up to 500 messages per month).

Message compliance issues

One reason the conversation regarding 10DLC’s exists is because of compliance issues with the mobile carrier regulations.

In order to get your message traffic registered, you’ll need to comply with the mobile carrier guidelines.

Some of these include:

  • Get clear opt-in consent from your recipients before sending them messages (your registration form will ask how you obtain this consent).
  • Clearly identify your business in your messages.
  • Include opt-out instructions (for example, “Reply STOP to opt out”).
  • Refrain from sending messages containing potentially sensitive or objectionable content, including, but not limited to:
    • Loans
    • Cannabis
    • CBD
    • Sex
    • Alcohol
    • Tobacco
    • Firearms
    • “Work-from-home” opportunities
    • Mystery shopping
    • Gambling
    • Stock trading


Below are some answers to other common questions and summaries of some of the information listed above…

What is a 10DLC number?

10DLC refers to a “10-digit long code.”

This refers to a phone number that contains 10 digits, including a geographical area code at the beginning (for example, 402-464-5465).

What is A2P 10DLC?

“A2P” stands for “application to person” and “10DLC” stands for “10-digit long code.”

A2P refers to businesses and organizations sending messages to recipients via a text messaging system (as opposed to “person to person” messaging, which is “regular” personal messaging from one person to another).

10DLC refers to a 10-digit phone number with a “local” area code (as opposed to a toll-free number, which is 10 digits but contains an “800” area code).

What is A2P 10DLC registration?

A2P 10DLC (see “What is A2P 10DLC” above) registration is the process of registering your brand with the mobile carriers so that you can send A2P messages via a 10DLC without running into message delivery issues.

The registration is completed by submitting a form with your SMS platform or API provider, which your provider can then submit on your behalf for approval with the mobile carriers.

What is 10DLC compliance?

10DLC compliance refers to registering and using your 10DLC in compliance with the mobile carrier guidelines.

This would include guidelines such as obtaining clear opt-in consent, clearly identifying your business, giving clear opt-out instructions, and refraining from sending objectionable content.

Failure to adhere with mobile carrier compliance regulations will likely result in your messages not getting delivered as the mobile carriers may filter them out.

How long does 10DLC registration take?

Registering your 10DLC typically takes 3–10 business days.

If you decide to register a toll-free number instead, it typical takes about 7 business days.

Additionally, if you want to apply for and register a dedicated short code, it can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months.

What is a 10DLC campaign?

A 10DLC campaign is an SMS or MMS marketing campaign that’s sent through a 10DLC phone number.

These types of campaigns can involve a single message sent to your customers or prospects, or you can send a series of messages.

These messages can also be automated, or they can be one-offs.

You can monitor the results for your entire campaign in your Mobile Text Alerts dashboard.

How to register 10DLC?

You can register a 10DLC by first creating an account with an SMS service such as Mobile Text Alerts.

With Mobile Text Alerts, you’ll have access to a 10DLC for free.

Once you log in, you can register your 10DLC by filling out the brand registration form that’s available on your main dashboard page.

Get a phone number to send SMS for your business

You can get a 10DLC, toll-free, or short code phone number for your own business and can start for free now.

Go ahead and get your free account to test it out.

You’ll be able to get access to a free unregistered 10DLC or toll-free number for testing (no credit card needed).

You can upgrade your account and register your brand at any time.

10DLC vs Toll-Free vs Short Code: What Is 10DLC? [2024] | Mobile Text Alerts (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.