10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was in Debt - Disease called Debt (2024)

I’ve been thinking back to not so long ago when we were heavily in debt, particularly about the things I know now that I wished I’d known back then.

In this post, I’ve listed 10 things I wish I’d known during the height of our debt. If you’re currently struggling with debt, I hope this post is of some help to you!

1. We weren’t alone

For a very long time, the hubby and I lived with a lot of guilt and embarrassment about the fact that we had so much debt.

There wasn’t a day that went by when I personally didn’t think about this and I remember worrying so much about what people would think of us both if they knew the state of our finances.

I looked at other people as if they were on a completely different level to me – better in some way – more knowledgeable about money related matters.

Debt gave us a low opinion of ourselves. It was only when I started this blog that I realised that lots of people have some kind of debt. It’s just that most people don’t talk about it! They might well be thinking about their debt everyday just like I did with ours, but because debt is still very much a taboo subject, we wouldn’t necessarily know.

The bottom line is – tons of people are in debt. Many people are in serious, life changing debt. It’s nothing to be embarrassed or feel guilty about because there is always of way out of debt. And that brings me onto my next point…

2. Getting out of debt would take less time than I thought

The hubby and I lived uncomfortably with our debt for 15 years before we finally became debt free. At one point, I thought we’d never be rid of it because I just couldn’t see a way out. The hubby had took a huge salary cut, my wages weren’t great because I was working part time around my daughter, and on the face of things, itdidn’t look good. Our debt management company said as much. Even our own bank advised us to go bankrupt.

We paid off £41K in 22 months, after being in debt for 15 years. How? Well to cut a long story short, we worked extremely hard, raised a lot of extra cash through side jobs and PPI refunds and in addition, we stripped our spending back to the bare minimum. We wore pretty much the same clothes during that time, ate the same foods from a meal plan and managed just fine without cableTV.

3. Debt Management Plans aren’t set in stone

Our debt management plan was supposed to last 10 years at least. For the first two years, we abided by our debt management plan, making those minimum payments on it as best we could. Once we started raising more cash, we were able to pay lump sums off and even negotiate some full and final settlement offers to reduce our debt some more.

Our debt management company didn’t encourage us to do this, probably because we were paying them a fee and they wanted to earn money from us for as long as possible. We don’t have too manyhard feelings about that because our debt management company was great in many other ways.

So, we realised this fact on our own – just because we were in a debt management plan, that didn’t mean we had to sit back and accept a life in debt for 10 years plus.

4. Going without would be so worth it

We made a lot of financial sacrifices during the time we were trying to get out of debt. We rarely bought new clothes – and by new, I mean secondhand – new to us. We lived with the same wardrobe during that time, replacing buttons here and there. We fixed things that broke. We still live without an expensive TV packageeven now we’re debt free.Those little sacrifices helped us to get out of debt faster. They were totally worth it!

5. There are tons of ways to make money other than selling on eBay

For a long time, I hunted for things to sell on eBay and at car boot sales. I’d exhausted pretty much anything worth selling. Then I discovered other ways to make money using the skills I had. You can read some of them in one of my eBooks, 101 Ways to Make Money from Home, if you’re interested. 🙂

6. Getting out of debt would only be possible if we made the effort

If we’d have known it would take 22 months to be free of £41K’s worth of debt, we’d have done it YEARS ago. If someone had told me that would be the case, I wouldn’t have believed them though. Maybe the timing wasn’t right back then, but we definitely never dreamed it would take less than two years to achieve debt freedom. I guess we had to be in the right place and in the right frame of mind in order to put in the amount of effort it took to get out of debt.

7. Our debt was our own fault

I said earlier about the fact that we felt guilty and embarrassed about our debts for such a long time. Yet even then, we questioned why this was happening to us. Why did our creditors lend us so much money over the years? It was practically handed to us on a plate!

Once we made the connection that our debt occurred because of the way we handled our finances and how we reacted to life changes, we realised that only we ourselves could get us outof debt. By life changes, one example I’m thinking of is when my hubby lost his job. We carried on living pretty much as we did when he had a great job instead of making cutbacks and getting some savings in place. We didn’t worry back then and this alone led to us really struggling later on in life.

8. A financial miracle wasn’t going to happen (for us)

I kid you not, I dreamed of winning the lottery every morning whilst driving to work. By the time I’d arrived at work, I’d already decided how to spend it in my mind. I’d buy my parents and other family members a house and then we’d get a little place of our own. The first thing we’d do is phone up ourcreditors and get the debts paid off. It was nothing more than a dream and the sooner I stopped waiting around hoping for a financial miracle, the sooner I would have got on with the task I needed to do.

9. Being in debt has a silver lining

I never, ever, thought anything good could come of debt. But truly, there are positives to be taken from being in debt. For me personally, I’ve learned about managing money, budgeting and self-control. In addition, our debts have given me a multitude of job opportunities which all stem from this very blog.

10. We had rights

I briefly mentioned earlier about the fact that our debts caused us to have a low opinion of ourselves. We felt lower than low many times and often lived in fear of phone calls from creditors and baliffs knocking on our door. We couldn’t bear to look at our mail in case we saw more interest charges on a credit card statement. We didn’t even check our bank account (not recommended!) because it made us feel so much worse looking at the state of our overdraft.

This fear that we were living in became much more prominent after our daughter was born. I kicked myself repeatedly for all the mistakes we’d made previously, because we’d put her quality of life at risk. That might sound extreme but it’s how I felt back then.

After I started this blog and read more and more information about debt, I realised that everyone in debt has rights, including us. There are such things as priority debts and non-priority debts and providing we weren’t falling behind on priority debts, like a mortgage or rent for example, then our home would be safe.

As for non-priority debts (these are the likes of credit cards and loans) which is what our debt consisted of, as long we communicated with our creditors to arrange a payment that we could afford, things would be ok. So even though we were getting chasing phone calls from creditors that frightened the life out of us, all we would have had to say (and prove) was that we could only afford to give them X amount per month.


Getting out of debt is absolutely possible, providing you knuckle down and do what it takes to get it paid off. That will mean making some lifestyle changes and taking a different view on money altogether.

There is a wealth of information on the internet to help you kick off your journey to debt freedom. As a starting point, check out the debt section of this blog and perhaps read a couple of great personal financebooks like Dave Ramsey’s “The Total Money Makeover”10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was in Debt - Disease called Debt (2) and Thomas J Stanley’s “The Millionaire Next Door”10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was in Debt - Disease called Debt (3).

What financial wisdom do you know now that you’d like to share with others?

*Affiliate links to books I highly recommend are contained in this post. Disease Called Debtis a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

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10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was in Debt - Disease called Debt (2024)


How to enjoy life when in debt? ›

How to manage debt (and still have fun)
  1. Set up a budget to track your expenses and spending. ...
  2. Use cash for everyday purchases like groceries and eating out. ...
  3. Carefully monitor your credit card spending each month. ...
  4. Pay more than the minimum amount due. ...
  5. Pay off the credit card with the highest interest rate first.

Why are some people always in debt? ›

A variety of issues can cause debt. Some causes may be the result of expensive life events, such as having children or moving to a new house, while others may stem from poor money management or failure to meet payments on time.

How to be okay with being in debt? ›

Coping with financial worries
  1. Stay active. Keep seeing your friends, keep your CV up to date, and try to keep paying the bills. ...
  2. Get advice. If you're going into debt, get advice on how to prioritise your debts. ...
  3. Do not drink too much alcohol. ...
  4. Do not give up your daily routine.

What help is available to people overwhelmed by debt? ›

A reputable credit counseling organization can give you advice on managing your money and debts, help you develop a budget, offer you free educational materials and workshops, and help you make a plan to repay your debt.

At what age should you be debt free? ›

According to Experian, as of the third quarter of 2023, the average American held $104,215 in debt. You're probably very familiar with the negative side effects of debt and how hard paying it down can be, but do you know that by age 45, you should be debt free?

How much debt is considered severe? ›

Key takeaways

Debt-to-income ratio is your monthly debt obligations compared to your gross monthly income (before taxes), expressed as a percentage. A good debt-to-income ratio is less than or equal to 36%. Any debt-to-income ratio above 43% is considered to be too much debt.

How do you recover from crippling debt? ›

If you're ready to get out of debt, start with the following steps.
  1. Pay more than the minimum payment. Go through your budget and decide how much extra you can put toward your debt. ...
  2. Try the debt snowball. ...
  3. Refinance debt. ...
  4. Commit windfalls to debt. ...
  5. Settle for less than you owe. ...
  6. Re-examine your budget.
Dec 6, 2023

How do you clear debt you can't afford? ›

You can apply for your own bankruptcy or a creditor can make you bankrupt. Your financial affairs will be dealt with by the official receiver. Valuable assets are usually sold to raise money to pay your creditors. At the end of your bankruptcy most debts are written off.

What is the number 1 cause of debt? ›

Medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US, destroying countless families. Wiping out medical debt with Medicare for All isn't just about compassion; it's about fiscal responsibility.

What does the average person have in debt? ›

The average debt in America is $104,215 across mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards. Debt peaks between ages 40 and 49 among consumers with excellent credit scores.

Who is the person with the most debt? ›

Jerome Kerviel, The Most Indebted Person In The World, Owes $6.3 Billion To Former Employer, Societe Generale. In a hyper-competitive world where everyone strives to be the biggest, boldest and most famous, no one covets Jerome Kerviel record-breaking achievement. He is the most indebted person in the world.

How to stop obsessing over debt? ›

How to stop obsessing over your debt, according to experts
  1. Realize that debt is often a part of life. Don't assume that just because you have debt, you're bad with money. ...
  2. Consider how much debt you actually have. ...
  3. Ask yourself whether you're making progress. ...
  4. Consider the “why” behind your debt.
Dec 19, 2019

How to mentally deal with debt? ›

How to Deal with Debt Stress and Get Debt Relief
  1. “Debt Stress Syndrome”: How Debt Can Cause Health Problems. ...
  2. 1) Face Your Money Problems Head On. ...
  3. 2) Make a Plan to Pay Off Debt. ...
  4. 3) Identify Your Spending Habits and Make Changes. ...
  5. 4) Take Care of Yourself. ...
  6. 5) Get Debt Help From a Non-Profit Credit Counselling Service.

How do you survive debt problems? ›

  1. Identify the problem. ...
  2. Make a budget to help you resolve your financial problems. ...
  3. Lower your expenses. ...
  4. Pay in cash. ...
  5. Stop taking on debt to avoid aggravating your financial problems. ...
  6. Avoid buying new. ...
  7. Meet with your advisor to discuss your financial problems. ...
  8. Increase your income.
Jan 29, 2024

How do you accept being in debt? ›

How to stop obsessing over your debt, according to experts
  1. Realize that debt is often a part of life. Don't assume that just because you have debt, you're bad with money. ...
  2. Consider how much debt you actually have. ...
  3. Ask yourself whether you're making progress. ...
  4. Consider the “why” behind your debt.
Dec 19, 2019

How do people cope with debt? ›

Talk to someone you trust about your worries. Get debt advice if you need it. Make your creditors aware of any issues you have and how they can support you. Take small steps towards a better financial future.

How to stay sane while paying off debt? ›

It's all about building and establishing momentum.
  1. Define Your Long-term Goals. Gain clarity on why you're embarking on this mission to becoming debt-free. ...
  2. Review Your Budget Every Month. ...
  3. Siphon Off Money Into an Emergency Savings Fund. ...
  4. Find Ways to Make the Challenge Fun. ...
  5. Choose Your Sacrifices – and Rewards.
Apr 29, 2024

How do you survive debt? ›

7 steps to more effectively manage and reduce your debt
  1. Take account of your accounts. ...
  2. Check your credit report. ...
  3. Look for opportunities to consolidate. ...
  4. Be honest about your spending. ...
  5. Determine how much you have to pay. ...
  6. Figure out how much extra you can budget. ...
  7. Determine your debt-reduction strategy.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.