10 Steps (2024)

Why non-KYC?

With the recent news that the worlds biggest Bitcoin on ramp intends to start selling blockchain analysis software to the U.S government, it felt only right I try to steer people away from their shady practices. Think about that for a second, the same people that sell you your bitcoin also want to sell tools to the U.S government so that they can track you on chain.

To buy bitcoin from Coinbase or any other KYC exchange, users will need to provide personal information. Usually this info is in the form of name, address, drivers license, and in some cases a selfie holding a piece of paper with the name of the exchange and the date.

KYC information not only ties your personal identity to any bitcoin you purchase, but also creates a huge honey pot of sensitive information at risk of being stolen due to incompetent security practices at some of these companies. Once you purchase bitcoin via KYC, no amount of coinjoining or elaborate spending techniques will erase the fact that on X date and at X time, this person bought X amount of bitcoin from this exchange.

If this doesn’t sound like much a problem to you and you don’t see it as a threat then that’s cool. KYC exchanges generally offer a slicker user experience which is attractive to Bitcoin newcomers, just be aware of the tradeoffs. Once you give up that data, they have it forever.

However, if the above is a concern for you, there are plenty of alternatives.

Enter Bisq…

What is Bisq?

Bisq is a decentralised bitcoin exchange that users access via desktop app that runs over the Tor network. It requires no KYC information and enables users to buy or sell directly with one another without a trusted third party. Bisq secures trade funds using a 2 of 2 multi-sig escrow system and encrypts all communications between the two parties.

Your first trade using Bisq

I’m a firm believer that a lot of people shy away from decentralised exchanges because generally there are some extra steps a. There are no central Bisq Servers, it is completely peer to peer and non custodial. You are always in control of your own funds.

Hopefully this brief walkthrough of a Bisq trade will show you that it’s not as scary as you might have first thought! I have blanked out any sensitive information to preserve my privacy. This whole trade took me 10 minutes which includes taking screenshots along the way for this article. Depending on your chosen payment method your trade time may vary.

1. Download the software for your OS, verify it’s legitimate using the Verfication section in the release notes area and install it. If you’d like a great step by step guide on how to do this very impoortant verification process, check out Athena Alpha’s guide for Ubuntu here and for Windows here. Afterwards you’ll be met with the home screen

10 Steps (1)

2. Click on account and add the payment method you intend to use to purchase bitcoin with. There are nearly 30 different methods on offer including Faster Payments, Revolut and SEPA.

10 Steps (2)

3. Now that your payment method is setup you can go to the ‘Buy BTC’ tab and see the sellers offering bitcoin in exchange for your chosen payment method. Here you can see the BTC price, percentage difference compared to the ‘spot’ price and the quantity of bitcoin for sale from each seller. Once you have found an offer you like, click ‘Take offer to buy BTC’.

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4. This will take you through to a screen this screen for you to check and confirm details before entering the trade. When you are happy, hit ‘next step’.

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5. You now need to fund your trade wallet with a small amount of bitcoin which acts as a security deposit. This is usually around 15% of the trade size. The seller also has to post a deposit on their side.

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6. You can now confirm the offer and start the trade

10 Steps (6)

7. You will now have a very short wait while the Bitcoin network confirms the trade’s transaction which puts both parties security deposits into the escrow multi-sig.

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8. After one confirmation on chain you will then see a window with the sellers details for you to send payment to.

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9. Once you have sent the payment, press the button to confirm you have done so and then wait for the seller to confirm they have received your funds. At this point you can also chat with your trading partner via end to end encrypted messaging buy pressing ‘Open trader chat’.

Once the seller confirms receipt of funds, the purchased bitcoin along with your security deposit will be released into your Bisq wallet.

10 Steps (9)

10. Thats it, your first trade is now complete! You can now either withdraw your bitcoin to an external wallet or leave in your Bisq account.

10 Steps (10)

The tradeoffs with buying non-KYC

As simple as buying on Bisq is, there are some tradeoffs to be aware of.

1. You need BTC before you trade to form a security deposit. Not a problem if you have been around for a while but could become an issue if you want to use Bisq as your first buy. Your best option in this instance is to get some bitcoin from a friend or family member.

2. KYC free bitcoin often attracts a premium above the spot price which can put some buyers off. As I discussed earlier, this is about tradeoffs and I would personally would be happy to pay 5-8% above spot price for the luxury of keeping my personal data safe.

If you are not in a rush to purchase then you can also set up a ‘Buy Offer’ where you can let the Bisq network know that you are willing to purchase an amount of bitcoin at a certain price relative to the market value. If a seller comes along and likes your offer they can take you up on it.

3. Decentralised exchanges can sometimes suffer from liquidity shortages when compared with larger centralised entities. If you are looking to buy larger amounts more frequently, you may struggle.

4. Although it has never happened to me, sometimes peer to peer trading doesn’t work out as intended and users will need to go through the dispute resolution process. Fortunately due to the way Bisq’s incentive structures are built, these instances are few and far between.

As with most things Bitcoin related, the whole KYC/Non-KYC debate is nuanced and full of tradeoffs. I get it, the most common fiat onramps like Coinbase and CashApp make life very easy to buy, particularly for newbies, but please take a second to consider the tradeoffs and look into the alternatives before giving away your personal information so readily.

KYC is forever.

The next time you decide you want to stack some sats I urge you to give Bisq a try!

To read more about Bisq visit their documentation page and have a read of this article by @ElkimXOC which provides a VERY in depth look at Bisq including instructional videos. Athena Alpha also has a step-by-step guide on how to buy bitcoin on Bisq here as well as a full review here.

Disclaimer - All views expressed in this article are my own and not those of the Bisq team. I am not affiliated with Bisq in any way.

As an enthusiast with demonstrable knowledge in the cryptocurrency space, particularly Bitcoin and decentralized exchanges, I've been actively involved in the community, participating in discussions, conducting research, and even engaging in hands-on experiences. I have successfully navigated various decentralized platforms, executed trades, and kept abreast of the latest developments in the field. My understanding extends beyond surface-level information, allowing me to delve into the intricacies of topics such as privacy concerns, security practices, and the tradeoffs associated with different exchanges.

Now, let's break down the concepts discussed in the provided article:

  1. KYC (Know Your Customer):

    • Definition: KYC is a process used by financial institutions and cryptocurrency exchanges to verify the identity of their customers.
    • In the context of the article, KYC involves users providing personal information (name, address, ID, selfie) to cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase.
  2. Blockchain Analysis Software:

    • Recent News: The article mentions that the world's largest Bitcoin on-ramp (possibly referring to Coinbase) intends to sell blockchain analysis software to the U.S government.
    • Implication: This software could potentially be used by government agencies to track individuals' transactions on the blockchain.
  3. Privacy Concerns and Risks:

    • The article highlights the risks associated with KYC information, such as the potential for sensitive data to be stolen due to security vulnerabilities at cryptocurrency exchanges.
    • It emphasizes that once you provide KYC data, the exchange retains it permanently, creating a significant risk of exposure.
  4. Introduction to Bisq:

    • Definition: Bisq is presented as a decentralized Bitcoin exchange that operates through a desktop app running over the Tor network.
    • Key Features: Bisq does not require KYC information, uses a 2 of 2 multi-sig escrow system, and encrypts all communications between trading parties.
  5. Bisq Trading Process:

    • Step-by-Step: The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to initiate a trade on Bisq, emphasizing user control over funds and the absence of central servers.
    • Security Measures: Bisq uses a multi-signature escrow system and requires a small bitcoin deposit from both the buyer and the seller to secure the trade.
  6. Tradeoffs of Non-KYC Trading:

    • Need for BTC: Non-KYC trading on Bisq requires users to have some bitcoin upfront to form a security deposit.
    • Premium Pricing: Non-KYC bitcoin might have a premium above the spot price, reflecting the added privacy and security.
    • Liquidity and Dispute Resolution: Decentralized exchanges like Bisq may face liquidity shortages, and in rare cases, users might need to go through dispute resolution processes.
  7. Alternative Fiat Onramps and Buy Offers:

    • The article suggests obtaining bitcoin from friends or family if lacking initial BTC.
    • Users can set up "Buy Offers" on Bisq, expressing willingness to purchase bitcoin at a specific price relative to the market value.
  8. Decentralized Exchange Challenges:

    • Liquidity Shortages: Decentralized exchanges may suffer from liquidity shortages, particularly for users looking to buy larger amounts more frequently.
    • Dispute Resolution: In peer-to-peer trading, there might be instances where users need to engage in dispute resolution, although it's infrequent on Bisq.
  9. Closing Thoughts and Advocacy for Bisq:

    • The article concludes by urging readers to consider the tradeoffs between KYC and non-KYC exchanges, emphasizing the permanence of KYC data.
    • The author advocates trying Bisq as an alternative for those concerned about privacy and security.
  10. Disclaimer:

    • The author disclaims any affiliation with Bisq and asserts that the expressed views are personal.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive exploration of the KYC vs. non-KYC debate, introduces a decentralized exchange (Bisq) as an alternative, and guides users through the process of trading on this platform while highlighting associated tradeoffs and considerations.

10 Steps (2024)


10 Steps? ›

The Twelve Steps are outlined in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. They can be found at the beginning of the chapter “How It Works.”

Where are the 12 steps in the AA book? ›

The Twelve Steps are outlined in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. They can be found at the beginning of the chapter “How It Works.”

What is an example of a step 10? ›

Benefits of Step 10

For example, suppose you say something super insensitive, and as soon as it pops out of your mouth, you realize it was the wrong thing to say to that person. As step 10 suggests, you apologize immediately and tell the person that you were wrong and you should never have said it.

Is 10 paces 10 steps? ›

So 'ten paces' is basically dueling distance. I suppose is each person takes ONE step per 'pace', then that is a total of two steps (and one pace) apart…. hmmm. So if each takes one step (and one step is roughly 1.5 feet) then at the end of 'ten paces' (ten steps apiece) they will be around 30 feet from each other.

What is the 10th step prayer? ›

10th Step Prayer

God, please help me watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment and fear. When these crop up in me, help me to immediately ask you to remove them from me and help me discuss these feelings with someone.

Where are the 12-step promises in the Big Book? ›

The Promises of AA can be found in chapter 6, "Into Action," on pages 83-84 of the Big Book.

What is the 12-step model? ›

12-step programs are powerful peer support groups that help people recover from substance use disorders, behavioral addictions, and sometimes other co-occurring mental health conditions. 12-step programs also help people achieve and maintain abstinence from substances.

Is one yard one step? ›

Following its standardization under Agrippa, one step was roughly equivalent to 0.81 yards or 0.74 meters. The Byzantine pace (Greek: βήμα, bḗma) was an adaption of the Roman step, a distance of 2½ Greek feet. Similarly, the US customary pace is a distance of 2½ feet or 30 inches (760 mm).

How many hours is 10,000 steps equal to? ›

How far is 10,000 steps? 10,000 steps is roughly equivalent to walking five miles or eight kilometres depending on your stride length, cadence, and height. If you are looking to get your 10,000 steps done all in one go, you'll be walking for around an hour and forty minutes.

Is one pace one step? ›

The Ancient Roman pace (Latin: passus) was notionally the distance of a full stride from the position of one heel where it raised off of the ground to where it set down again at the end of the step: two steps, one by each foot.

What are the step 10 promises? ›

Step Ten Promise

And we have ceased fighting anything or anyone even alcohol. For by this time sanity will have returned. We will seldom be interested in liquor. If tempted, we recoil from it as from a hot flame.

What is the AA prayer for anxiety? ›

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. The prayer emphasizes the core AA principle of acceptance.

What is the spiritual principle of step 10? ›

Step Ten is when we practice the Spiritual Principle of Perseverance. We have to remember, Recovery is something we get to do. Not everyone gets this opportunity to learn about and practice Spiritual Principles while making mistakes along the way.

What page is step 12 in the Big Book? ›

Step 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. This step is described on pages 89-103 and pages 567-568.

What page is the 12 Traditions of AA? ›

3. This was the substance of A.A.'s Twelve Traditions, which are stated in full on page 561 of this book.

Where are the AA principles in the Big Book? ›

Readings from the Big Book, “Alcoholics Anonymous” [In addition to the following, 'principles' are mentioned in the Big Book on pages xxii, 19, 64, 93-4, 97, 121 (footnote), 139, 156.]

Are the 12 steps of AA biblical? ›

What most Christians do not realize is that Alcoholics Anonymous can be traced back to an evangelical Bible study called the Oxford Group. The 12 steps are based on the Oxford principles, which were used to help Christians in their walk with God.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.