10 Questions Your Website Needs to Answer (2024)

In the digital age, your websiteis a diverse storefront towhichthe traditional brick-and-mortar building just can’t compare. Now, it’s becoming easier and easier to reach new audiences in distant places, may it be across the United States or even abroad. As you connect with these vastly different people, who have different tastes but a shared interest, you need to make sure your website is enabling as many potential customers as possible to make a purchase. Your website, like a storefront, needs to be compelling and detailed, yet simple and intriguing. Ultimately, it needs to make the buyer comfortable and confident – the perfect precursor to a long-time, loyal customer-business relationship.

To start, youneed to make sure your website is answering the very basic questions your customer is asking.These answers can be represented in several different formats, some written and some graphical. We’ve compiled our top 10 questions that your website should answer, and lumped them into 3 sections: The Critical, About Your Product, and About Your Service.

Whip out your pen and paper and see if you can answer this short list:

The Critical

1. Who are you and What is your product?

This is arguably the most important thing you need to make sure your website is answer:What is your product?

If this isn’t immediately clear, visitors will likely bounce off your page right away. A confused, poorly organized website, with no clear or coherent product offering, just isn’t fun to look at. You need to clearly state who you are, what you do, and what your product is.

Here’s how:

  • Logo: Prominently display your business name/logo somewhere on the site.
  • Product: This is a two-fold strategy. First, you’ll probably need to use text to explain this, such as, “This product delivers these types of products.” Secondly, tell this story with imagery; have beautiful, bold and attractive photos of your product in real life, front and center.
  • Repetition: Remind visitors of who and what you are throughout their journey. Create multiple “call to action” on different pages and feature your product, in some form, as often as possible.

2. Why should I care?

So your visitors now know what it is you do. Why should they care?

This is where your value propositions come into play. These are the selling points behind your products; they’re the real reason why your customers are making that purchase and subscribing to your business. This appeals to people rationally and emotionally. That is to say, you should pitch your product in a way whichinspires botha need and a want by customers. Write down the best reasons why someone should purchase your product. Is this story told on your website?

Here’s how:

  • This can be embodied in a number of ways. First, it’s a good idea to list out the value propositions prominently, next to your product. These value propositions should also come to life with the images you’re using. For example, if your value proposition includes “7-9 paleo health snacks”, be sure that your product shot actually includes that number of items.
  • Keep this in mind when writing your website copy, like your FAQs, about, and other sections. Touching on how well you execute on your value proposition helps build confidence with the consumer. Make sure you’re fluent and well-spoken with what makes your business great.

3. How much is it?

Naturally, after someone is informed and interested, they’re going to ask the big question: What’s the cost?

Immediately, you need to think aboutprice sensitivity, which describes the phenomenon of howthe price of a product affects consumers’ purchasing behavior. Essentially, you want to be clear on price, while ensuring it also communicates comfortability. Althoughthis differs from product to product, and from consumer to consumer, there are a couple things you can do to answer this question in a way that will compel people to follow their interest in the product with their checkout:

  • Colors. Using the right colors on your checkout and product page can help people feel more confident (orange), trusting (blue), or peaceful and healthy(green).These emotions might just be what they need to get that feeling they needed to complete their purchase.
  • Highlight special offers, discounts, or final value propositions. For example, throwing on a __% off sticker/banner or “Free Bonus Gift” notice on the product page can help lend to justifying the purchase.

4. How can I buy your product?

If your visitors love your product idea and think the price is a steal, but cannot find the checkout button, you’re going to haveserious problems. This should be simple enough. However, if you’re looking at your website with “old eyes”, you might think your page is obvious. Have someone test your checkout while keeping this question mind. Ideally, your checkout buttons should be bold, attractive, and feature text with a strong call to action such as “Subscribe Today!” or “Start your Journey!” or whatever else might be most poignant to your niche.

About theProduct

5. What can I Expect?

Expectations are everything when it comes to satisfaction. If someone is underwhelmed, they become unsatisfied and are likely to cancel. If they’re satisfied, they’ll probably keep going and potentially become very loyal. If they’re blown away, they’re more likelyto stay on, and will probably talk it up to their friends and family, while becoming very loyal.

The goal with expectations is to be romantic, but realistic. You need to accurately describe the basic product offering in a beautiful way, while leavingroom for yourself to exceed expectations. For example, when naming product ranges, give yourself 3-4 products worth of wiggle room. 6-9, for instance, allows you to satisfy people with 6-7 products, but really blow away with 9 or 10. Similarly, if you procure amazing 7 items, you’re able to hit the lower range, while remaining in the zone of expectations.

Here’s how:

  • Accurately and concisely describe what’s included with words and images
  • Detail ship time, delivery time, and other details of the final experience
  • Provide an average of retail value, if that is important to your subscribers
  • Use images to show the emotion people can expect – a smiling shot of someone enjoying your box is a real plus.

6. What do other people think?

Word of mouth referrals isone of the most powerful customer acquisition methods, and people will often wonder, “What have people’s experience’s been?” You can replicate this phenomenon on your website by prominently displaying customer reviews, and using social network styled images to help them feel authentic and written by real people (they should be!). For example, under your product offering, consider showing 3-4 reviews by other customers, profiling a picture and quote.

7. When would I receive it?

Subscription services are still quite novel to most people, and while some ship immediately, others ship just once a month. Because of this, be sure that the shipping details around your product are super clear. This can be shown in checkout, on the product page, and should be listed in your help section or FAQs.This should cover things like ship date, time in transit, carrier, and delivery notes or suggestions, like if you need someone to sign for cold or perishable products.

About the Service

8. How do I contact you?

This is definitely a question everyone will look for, and when it comes to internet savvy shoppers, the ease of contacting a company is a big plus. The takeaway: make contacting you simple and straightforward! Don’t bury your contact form at the bottom of the page or on some distant page. Instead, consider integrating a help widget that scrolls with the user. Have a chat box ready and available, perhaps even prompting people for discussion (this has been shown to increase conversion a ton!).

9. How do I cancel?

It’s a fact: most people will want to know how to cancel the subscription. What’s more, they’ll want to feel like it’s hassle-free and easy to do so. They don’t want to have to fill out form, or submit a survey, just to get a request in the hands of an agent. Make your cancellation policy simple and clear, and avoid locking people into an extended contract or multi-month commitments with no wiggle room. Making it easy is one of the best ways to keep people satisfied and coming back, if they cancelled for something beyond your control (like finances or moving).

10.What are your credentials?

This plays a lot into trust, and for some niches, this goes a long way. If you’re positioning your business asthebest source for a certain type of curation, product quality, or other parameter, you’ll likely need to list out some qualifications that will impress your visitors and drive home the feeling of authenticity. This can be done easily and quickly with a short about page, perhaps featuring your team members, their interests, and their backgrounds. This doesn’t need to be exhaustive, and in some cases, your businesses might not really need this. Generally though, having a heart-warming story behind your business helps people feel compassion and that your brand ishuman.

How Does Your Website Stack Up?

Reviewthese questions your website needs to answer, sit back, and ask yourself if everything stacks up. Is your product clear? Do your value propositions tell the whole story? Are those simple, yet critical, customer service questions answered in beautiful ways? How about the nitty gritty stuff, like contacting you and canceling?

By doing a short, yet comprehensive, review of your website and making sure these elements are addressed, you can begin positioning yourself for a high converting website that encourages long-lasting, loyal customer relationships. Now get out there and start updating!

10 Questions Your Website Needs to Answer (2024)


10 Questions Your Website Needs to Answer? ›

Detailed Solution

A website (also written as a website) is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. A group of related web pages forms a website.

What are the ten key questions to ask when evaluating a website? ›

Website Evaluation Questions
  • Is the information accurate? Is the information reliable and free of errors? ...
  • Who is the author and what are his/her credentials? Is it clear who the author is? ...
  • How objective is the source? ...
  • How current is the information? ...
  • How extensive is the coverage of information?

What are 3 things every website should have? ›

7 Qualities of a Great Website
  • Well Designed and Functional. Your site reflects your company, your products, your services and ultimately your brand. ...
  • Easy to Use. ...
  • Optimized for Mobile. ...
  • Fresh, Quality Content. ...
  • Readily Accessible Contact and Location. ...
  • Clear Calls to Action. ...
  • Optimized for Search and the Social Web.

What is a website question answer? ›

Detailed Solution

A website (also written as a website) is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. A group of related web pages forms a website.

What should I put on my website frequently asked questions? ›

What should be included in an FAQ page?
  • Include common questions that are frequently asked by your customers or visitors. ...
  • Provide clear, concise, and easy-to-understand answers to each question. ...
  • Organize questions into categories to make it easier for users to find the information they're looking for.

What are the 3 questions every website should answer? ›

You need to clearly state who you are, what you do, and what your product is.

What are the 7 ways on evaluating a website? ›

How to evaluate websites
  • Authority/authorship.
  • Currency/timeliness.
  • Coverage/relevance.
  • Purpose/audience.
  • Accuracy/documentation.
  • Objectivity/thoroughness.
May 24, 2022

What are the 5 major components of a web page? ›

Understand the Most Important Parts of a Website Page to Create a Well Designed Site. Companies need to understand and optimize the five most vital components of a website page – navigation, headers and title tags, body content, images, and social buttons.

What are the 5 key purposes of a website? ›

What Is The Purpose Of A Website?
  • What Is A Website? A website is whatever the website owner wants it to be. ...
  • 1) Make Money. The most common purpose of a business website is to make money. ...
  • 2) Sell Products. ...
  • 3) Sell Services. ...
  • 4) Save Money. ...
  • 5) Build An Online Presence. ...
  • 6) Branding. ...
  • 7) Showcase Authority And Establish Trust.

What are 5 important things you should know when building a website? ›

10 Things to Consider When Designing and Developing a Website
  • Making Domain and Host Selections. ...
  • Backend Services (Software / CMS “Content Management System”) ...
  • Simple Design. ...
  • Successful Color Scheme. ...
  • Branding. ...
  • Functionality. ...
  • Navigation. ...
  • Usability.
Sep 1, 2022

What is the most asked question on the Web? ›

100 Most Asked Questions on Google
#QuestionMonthly Searches
1What to watch964,000
2What is my IP800,000
3When is Mother's Day 2024681,000
4How many weeks in a year486,000
96 more rows
Jul 18, 2024

What is a question answering website? ›

Definition. A question answering (QA) system returns exact answers to questions posed by users in natural language, together with evidence supporting those answers. A Web QA system maintains a corpus of Web pages and other Web resources in order to determine these answers and to provide the required evidence.

What is a website class 10? ›

A website is a collection of connected web pages. People visit websites using a computer of some form, which may include the computer built into mobile phones and televisions. The websites are stored on computers known as web servers. Website, a collection of web pages.

What are basic FAQ questions? ›

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is a set of common/obvious queries your web visitors or customers may have. Some common examples include questions about service hours, shipping and handling, product details, return policies, etc., depending on the industry.

What are the 6 guiding questions for evaluating websites? ›

There are six (6) criteria that should be applied when evaluating any Web site: authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage, and appearance.

What are FAQs in a website? ›

An FAQ page (short for Frequently Asked Question page) is a part of your website that provides answers to common questions, assuages concerns, and overcomes objections. It's a space where customers can delve into the finer details of your product or service, away from your sales-focused landing pages and homepage.

What are the 6 questions you should ask when evaluating a website for validity and reliability? ›

There are six (6) criteria that should be applied when evaluating any Web site: authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage, and appearance.

What questions do you ask when evaluating? ›

Some sample questions are:
  • What are the outputs, outcomes, objectives, and goals of the project?
  • Are outcomes, objectives, and goals achieved?
  • Are the project/program services/activities beneficial to the target population?
  • Do they have negative effects?

What are the 6 steps in evaluating a website? ›

  1. 6 Criteria for Websites. These six criteria deal with the content of Web sites rather than the graphics or site design. ...
  2. AUTHORITY. Authority reveals that the person, institution or agency responsible for a site has the qualifications and knowledge to do so. ...
  3. PURPOSE. ...
  4. COVERAGE. ...
  5. CURRENCY. ...

What are the six questions to ask when evaluating a source? ›

These six, one-word questions are an excellent way to help you evaluate an information source:
  • Who? Who wrote/created this information, and who are they in terms of this information and in this context? ...
  • What? What is the source? ...
  • When? When was this information gathered, posted, or published? ...
  • Where? ...
  • Why? ...
  • How?
Aug 26, 2024

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.