10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (2024)

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (1)

In this article, Logistics Bureau’s Mal Walker, who has spent decades exploring all aspects of warehousing, offers some valuable tips on warehouse design and operation.

Over the years, Mal has come to appreciate that there is real science behinddistribution centre design, operation, and flow management. He has delved deeply into it and identified ten principles foroptimising warehouse performance.

Let’s take a look at them one by one:

1) Minimal Touch of Goods

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (2)

We want to get as close as possible tozero handling of productsin the warehouse. Unless it is fully automated, the average warehouse will involveseven or eight instancesin which products are handled. That means that people actually pick something up and put it down seven to eight times, either manually or using MHE. If you can get that down tothree or four timesyour warehouse performance will improve.

2)One-Way Flow

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (3)

One-way flow is really important, not only that of the goods in the warehouse, but also of vehicles around the warehouse.

One-way flow is a really good principle to apply during the design process because it allows you to plan your picking path through the warehouse as well as your replenishment paths.

In terms of vehicles, in Australia, we run trucks generally in a clockwise direction around the warehouse. The reason for this is so that drivers can reverse on the right side if they have to back into a dock. In the United States and many other parts of the world, it’s the other way around—counter-clockwise.

3) Triadic Warehousing

The vast majority of warehouses we see today are based onthe triadic design—in other words, divided into three zones:

  • Fast-moving product
  • Medium-moving product
  • Slow-moving product
A warehouse that has no zones would be non-triadic. But we may have both triadic and non-triadic in the same warehouse due to the increasing reliance on automation.

In the automated section of a warehouse, you don’t need to know where the stock is because the crane or the automatic storage and retrieval system will find it. But in the section that is operated manually, thecorrect placement of stockis critical.

4) Inventory Control

Inventory control is about having the right amount of stock to meetcustomer demand. We have to track the movement of products because that drives the physical process in the warehouse.It’s important to look at sales but also at the volume of the goods that are moving as well.

5) Efficient Labour

We have tooptimise the labourthat we’ve got. We do that by looking at the hours we’re putting into the distribution centre and measuring what the output is.

6) Benchmarking

Business benchmarking is seen as one of the smartest management tools around. We use this nifty process tomeasure our performanceagainst that of peers and even competitors.

When it comes to warehousing, you need to determine the following:

  • What would the best-in-class pick rates be for your warehouse?
  • What are your rivals doing?
  • How does your performance rate against industry standards?

7) Selecting the Materials Handling System

In this day and age, we’re seeing lots of what we callSKU proliferation. Companies are increasing the range of products that they are holding and it’s a real battle, because every time you increase the number of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) you’re holding, you have to increase the logistics activity in the warehouse.

If you have a low number of SKUs and a low volume, you’re going to have a very simple materials handling system. It’s going to be very basic.

But, as the volume increases, you may start introducing a medium level of mechanisation. As your number of SKUs grows, you may start to consider mechanisation even if volume has not increased.

Sometimes the volume stays the same but the SKUs increase, as highlighted by the following example.

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (4)

The Beer-on-Tap Example:In the old days, when you went into a pub you would have four or five beers on tap. Today, though, when you go into a pub you have a choice of 25 or more—and there’s probably about another 50 friends in the cabinet behind the bar—a very good example ofSKU proliferation.

When we have a very high volume and a high number of SKUs, we may look at a highly mechanised system. You have to do some analysis to work out where you are and then choose the materials handling system to suit.

8) Know Your Data

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (5)

This is where we look at all thetransactional value dataand information that’s coming in, such as:

  • What we’re receiving
  • What we’re picking, packing, and dispatching
  • What we’re receiving in terms of returns
  • Other value-adding activities

I’m going to tell you a secret now—never design your warehouse on averages.

If you design for averages, guess what? You’re going to be right half the time but wrong the other half. So we really have to look at thepeaks and the troughs—and that’s where statistics come in. We need to use some mathematics to get things right.

9) Warehouse Management Software

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (6)

It’s very important that you have a management system to help with the daily tasks, particularly as the complexity increases. You can spend a lot of money on awarehouse management system, but there are also some systems that are not so costly. These days even lower-cost systems support all types ofradio frequency pickingand alsovoice picking, where the picker wears a headset and works hands-free. Some of those technologies are really valuable.

10) Consult Widely

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (7)

This one is critically important if we’re into a warehousing development project or just improving our current operations—we have to consult widely. Long gone are the days when we just have two or three people sitting in a room taking all the decisions.

You know, when I’m working with a company I’ll go and talk to the forklift driver, the receptionist, the managing director, and even the suppliers just to find out what’s going on and what the requirements are for that particular warehouse. People who are unloading containers at a dock will often tell you about the dynamics that they have to deal with on a day to day basis.

We also need to consult with architects, engineers, and environmental people. It’s important to consult widely so that we haveinputs from many sources.

Some Tips on Warehouse Design

There are three methods of laying out a warehouse.

The U-Shaped Design

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (8)

The picture above, a screenshotfrom a videoof a seminar Mal gave on the subject, shows theU-shaped design, where you’re receiving in one area and dispatching from another.

This is atriadic warehouse. See how it’s laid out:fast, medium, and slow. The benefit of this design is that it has the docks at one end of the building and is the most economical from aland-use perspective.

The I-Shaped Design

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (9)

This one receives at one end and dispatches at the other end. This uses up more land because you have to have a hard stand at one end and a hard stand at the other. But it’s good if you have ahigh volume flowbecause you can get a lot of volume coming through here, and you’re separating the receiving and dispatch functions.

The L-Shaped Design

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (10)

This is where you have receiving and dispatch in the same area. This design is really good forcross-docking, where we’re bringing stock in and then sending it out fairly soon after. We may never even put it into the racking. We bring it in and we dispatch it.

Now the interesting thing is that in some cases we may have two, or even three, of those designs in the one warehouse. It might be the case where you’re dealing withbulk goodscoming into a warehouse and going out to a bulk customer.

If you have awholesale network, you’re bringing stock in at one end, you cross-dock it, and send it out to a whole bunch of stores.

If it’s a retailer network, you’ll be bringing it in, putting it away, and then picking and packing it, and distributing it into small vans that are going around the city making deliveries.

We might actually employ all three of those in one warehouse, so it’s good to know them because the design and the requirement will determine whattype and shapethe warehouse will be.

The Importance of Slotting

Slotting is a very important part of your process. If you correctly slot product into the zones in a triadic warehouse, you can potentially achieve20-30% percent savingsin operating labour costs.

If you have a product in the wrong slot, you might find that you have long travel distances. Your inventory control is not there, you’re not rotating your stock. So it’s really important to slot the product correctly at the start according to the volume and the movement in the warehouse.

But once you’ve done that, we recommend that you revisit it once or twice a year. There is some really good software available to do that.You just feed in the transactions and the software will revise thelayout of the warehousefor you. Once you know what the revised layout is, you spend some time moving stuff around and save maybe 20-30% of the labour cost.

Efficient Labour

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (11)

I call it theovertime bug, and many companies suffer from it. So, why do people work overtime? Because they can put a few extra bucks in their pocket. But if it’s your warehouse and your staff are working overtime and you’re paying for it, that’s not good, is it? So what we try to do is work out just how efficient is our labour.

What we need to do is look at ournormal hours of work versus overtime, look at thelines picked per day, and the number of cartons or pallets picked in the period. We can now use this formula to measure theorder lines picked per labour hour.

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (12)

If you want to know how you are doing, just look at the order lines picked per labour hour, per day, per week, or per month if you like. But you also need to compare that from period to period. That’s because if your order lines picked per hour is low but you’re working a lot of overtime, you need to say, “What’s going on? What are they doing? No one’s working during the day, they all work after five o’clock!”

Perfect Warehouse Design

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (13)

In terms of perfect warehouse design, the following three factors are involved:

Layout:Here we’re looking at thestorage volumeand thethroughput. These are critical things so we need to get them right from the outset. If it’s an existing warehouse, sometimes we need to go back and check it because of possible increases in SKUs and volumes.

Process:This is related to the inbound and the outbound.A warehouse is just a box—it’s a buffer between supply and demand, that’s all it is. But we need to manage the inbound and outbound stocks effectively so that the process is as efficient as possible.

Technology:Here we need to decide: What is the storage media? What level of automation do we need to put in? We need to get that right.

If we’re able to balance all three aspects, we have every opportunity of getting the perfect warehouse design.

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About The Author:Rob O’Byrnespent 20 years in the British Army before moving to Australia and entering corporate management consulting in the area ofSupply Chain. In 1997 he founded theLogistics Bureau Group.

With a focus on Empowering others to succeed, Rob's businesses are an active participant in theB1G1 giving programand also fund aSocial Enterprisein the Southern Philippines.

10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation (2024)


10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation? ›

The principles of warehouse operations include warehouse inventory levels, effective workforce, material handling equipment, warehouse layout, and effective warehouse management software.

What are the principles of design and operations for warehousing? ›

The principles of warehouse operations include warehouse inventory levels, effective workforce, material handling equipment, warehouse layout, and effective warehouse management software.

What are the principles of warehouse layout design? ›

Your warehouse design layout should ensure the uninterrupted flow of equipment, personnel, and goods so your warehouse will function smoothly. When your warehouse layout design is planned strategically, you can avoid disruptions and inefficient routes so that each operation can be facilitated sequentially.

What is the best warehouse design layout? ›

U-Shaped – this warehouse floor plan is the most common because it is straightforward and makes picking and packing easy. In this warehouse flow, inventory is placed in a semi-circle shape.

What are key factors to consider when planning and designing a warehouse? ›

6 Key Considerations for Warehouse, Manufacturing, and Logistics Facility Design
  • Strategic facility planning.
  • Use of automation.
  • Facility size and opportunities for expansion.
  • Employee safety and comfort.
  • Sustainable design.
  • Specialized uses and equipment.
Mar 18, 2024

What are the 5S principles of warehousing? ›

Lean Warehousing: The 5S Method
  • Sort. This is the process of objectively evaluating which things are necessary and getting rid of the things you do not need. ...
  • Straighten. This is the practice of storing everything in an orderly manner so that it can be utilized efficiently for everyone. ...
  • Shine. ...
  • Standardize. ...
  • Sustain.

What are the fundamentals of warehouse operation? ›

We'll cover each of these topics in more detail below.
  • Receiving Goods. ...
  • Putaway: Organization and Storage of Inventory. ...
  • Inventory Management (Asset Tracking Solutions) ...
  • Integrating and Maintaining a Warehouse Management System (WMS) ...
  • Managing Workforce. ...
  • Integration of New Technology.
Mar 19, 2024

What is a poor warehouse layout? ›

A clear indicator of a poor warehouse layout is the inefficient use of space. Warehouses should maximize vertical space with appropriate racking systems and minimize wasted floor space. If aisles are too wide, you are wasting valuable storage area; if they are too narrow, it hampers movement and safety.

How to optimize warehouse layout? ›

7 Steps to Plan the Perfect Warehouse Layout
  1. Define the overall purpose of the warehouse. ...
  2. Create a warehouse diagram and calculate total storage area. ...
  3. Consider storage requirements. ...
  4. Evaluate material handling equipment needs. ...
  5. Map it out and optimize space. ...
  6. Test traffic flow. ...
  7. Implement the layout.
Jul 9, 2023

What is the most common warehouse design? ›

A U-Shaped warehouse layout is the most common layout. In this layout the shipping and receiving docks are located next to one another, offering shared utilization of dock resources such as personnel and material handling products. This layout also minimizes product handling, offering high cross-docking capabilities.

What is the Pqrst key in designing a warehouse? ›

Part (A) : PQRST key basically stands for : P stands for Product , Q stands for Quantity , R stands for Route ,S stands for Support , T stands for Time Importance of PQRST Key in designing a Warehouse: It allows you to systematically collect importan

What is the first step in designing of a warehouse? ›

The first step to effective warehouse design is to evaluate the current layout and identify its strengths and weaknesses. An in-depth layout evaluation should consider factors such as product flow, storage capacity, worker productivity, and safety.

What are the three operations of warehousing? ›

These three core operations – receiving inbound goods, fulfilling orders by picking and packing, and shipping outbound orders – form the backbone of most warehouse operations.

What are the five warehouse operations? ›

8 key warehouse management processes
  • Receiving. Before any other activities can take place, a business needs to get inventory into its warehouse. ...
  • Put-away. Once inventory has been received, it needs to go somewhere. ...
  • Inventory storage. ...
  • Picking. ...
  • Packing. ...
  • Shipping. ...
  • Slotting. ...
  • Reporting.

What are the five objectives of warehouse design and layout? ›

Five core components of a warehouse layout are receiving, storage, packing, shipping and office areas. Automated solutions, such as warehouse management systems, can help companies design and implement better warehouse layouts.

What is the guiding principle of designing a data warehouse? ›

Principles of data warehouse architecture

Data warehouses should fulfill the following properties in their architecture design: Separation of layers: Introducing layers into your data warehouse architecture helps ensure more effortless scalability and makes it easier for the warehouse to adapt to growing data needs.

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