10 Must-Know Tips For Keeping Your Personal Data Safe (2024)

People from around the globe spend over 7 hours online every day. It’s debatable whether this is good or bad, but it’s a fact, and the numbers keep increasing.

Even though the internet and digital technologies help and make our lives easier, they also carry certain dangers. The number of data breaches keeps growing each year, and online security is becoming a big issue.

Both individuals and companies need to protect their data online. Luckily, there are several ways you can do this effectively. Here are some basic tips to follow.

Encrypt your data with a VPN

One of the most efficient ways to protect your data is to start using a VPN service. VPN stands for a virtual private network, a service that enables you to select a server and location you want to use to connect to the internet. The technology has been in use since 2005 and is well-tested and safe to use.

It provides a couple of noteworthy benefits. VPN service providers use industry-grade encryption protocols such as OpenVPN, IPSec/IKEv2, and L2TP/IPSec to provide end-to-end encryption to you. It means that when using a VPN, your data will be scrambled. Even if someone manages to tap into your connection and steal your data, they won’t be able to decipher and use it.

Besides encrypting your data and making it unusable for everyone but you, VPN also masks your IP address and assigns you a new one, thus protecting your privacy and anonymity. Additionally, since you can choose servers in multiple locations worldwide, you can circumvent geo-blocked content.

Don’t save passwords to your browser

Many browsers and apps have the convenient option to store your passwords, but if you lose your device, it gets stolen, or somebody else uses your workstation, they will have full access to any accounts you stored passwords for.

To avoid this, you should disable automatic password storing and delete the passwords you’ve saved so far. If you find autofill a must-have convenience, you should use a proper password manager to store your passwords safely. Password managers enable you to keep your passwords in one location and lock them behind a master password. The best password managers are cross-device compatible, allowing you to conveniently store your passwords on both mobile and desktop devices.

Avoid using public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is as convenient as autofill. You can save extra data on your plan or avoid significant charges when traveling. However, that public and free Wi-Fi in the airport or restaurant doesn’t come without risks.

Most of the public Wi-Fi networks are unsecured. A hacker can easily take control of the network and tap into your connection. They can see what websites you visit, your accounts, and passwords, or install malware on your device to track your activity and steal your data, even when you are no longer using public Wi-Fi.

Update all your tools, apps, and OS

Every app and tool you use, including your OS, is a piece of software that requires regular updates. These updates don’t just include the new and improved features but also vulnerability patches and security updates.

For instance, one of the latest Microsoft Windows security updates patches the vulnerability that enabled hackers to connect anonymously and gain access to Windows OS devices. It’s paramount to update your OS and app toolkit to prevent vulnerability exploits and keep your data safe.

Don’t click on unfamiliar attachments and links

10 Must-Know Tips For Keeping Your Personal Data Safe (1)Checking and responding to emails has become a daily routine for many people. Since it’s one of the most popular communication channels, cybercriminals will often use it to get their hands on your data. To do it, they use so-called phishing links. Once you click this link, chances are that your device will get infected with malware. Here is what a typical phishing email looks like.

Image source: Norton

At first glance, there is nothing out of the ordinary in the email above. The bank states that there was unusual activity on the online account. However, if you inspect the email in detail, you will notice that the SunTrust bank email in the “From” field is missing the letter “R”.

If you click on the link, it will take you to a fake page where you’ll be asked to enter your password, username, or ID, allowing the perpetrator to access your bank account.

While the safest practice is to avoid clicking on unfamiliar attachments and links, the best one would be to learn to spot a phishing email. Generally speaking, you should avoid clicking on links in emails that ask you to verify your personal information, with email addresses that are too long and suspicious, and include copy that inspires fear of missing out or panic.

Don’t share personal information with anyone

Many people take internet security lightly. They share their private data willingly and without any concerns whatsoever. They share their location on social media, take time to fill out surveys to get free goodies, and subscribe to email lists to get access to bonus perks on websites.

The first line of your personal data defense is you. If you share your personal information online, you risk having it leaked once the company you shared data with gets hacked.

You can significantly improve your data security if you keep it private and away from sites such as social media. If you want to share it online, read the Privacy Policy of the site you are using to ensure they don’t store and share your data with third parties.

Use cybersecurity products

Top-notch cybersecurity products are not only reserved for businesses. Every popular cybersecurity product has a version for personal use. These products are developed to perform real-time device and connection monitoring and early malware detection, and can help clean your device from malware and viruses.

They automatically scan USB thumb drives to keep malicious software out of your devices. You should at least utilize a firewall and antivirus software to keep your devices safe and protect your data.

Don’t use your personal devices at work

While Bring Your Own Device has become a common practice in many organizations, you should carefully consider whether to use your personal phone or laptop at work. Many organizations require employees to go online through the company’s encrypted private network. They also might have different access control and data democratization solutions in place.

It simply means that all your personal data will pass through the network operated and managed by the company. In other words, the company can look at your data, and it may even get stored, exposing you to data leak risks should the company fall victim to a cybersecurity attack.

Monitor activity on your devices and tools

Monitoring activity across accounts, reports, activity, and tools is essential. A cyberattack such as a sudden massive data upload doesn’t look like a day-to-day activity. Monitoring can help discover discrepancies, safeguard your data, and prevent cybersecurity breaches.

The best way to do it is to use the tools developed explicitly for monitoring user, device, and network activity. There are many tools in this category, including Nagios Core for monitoring network activity, Apps Tracker for tracking app usage, or Kiwi Application Monitor for getting notifications when apps run external programs.

These tools come with real-time notification and instant kill switches to help you keep your data safe, whether the stakes are high or low.

Backup your data

Modern devices enable you to wipe them clean remotely. It’s a handy feature if you lose your device or it gets stolen. When you wipe the device clean, nobody can access your data – but neither can you.

That’s why you should consider backing up your data. Cloud storage solutions are readily available, so back up your data in the cloud to keep it safe.


The average number of data breaches and cyberattacks has increased by 15% compared to last year’s figures. Adopting the best cybersecurity practices is the only way to protect your data. The tips mentioned above will help keep your data safe and provide peace of mind.

However, cybercriminals are constantly working on new ways to get their hands on personal data. Don’t rely on the current best practice for too long. Instead, keep tabs on the most recent threats to learn how to address them properly.

I am an information security enthusiast with a profound understanding of cybersecurity concepts and practical applications. My expertise is rooted in years of hands-on experience, research, and continuous learning in the field of online security. I have actively followed the evolution of digital technologies and their impact on privacy and data protection. My commitment to staying updated on the latest trends and threats in cybersecurity positions me as a reliable source for providing valuable insights on safeguarding data in today's digital landscape.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article:

  1. VPN (Virtual Private Network):

    • Definition: A VPN is a virtual private network that allows users to create a secure connection to another network over the Internet. It enables users to encrypt their data and browse the internet anonymously by masking their IP addresses.
    • Encryption Protocols: OpenVPN, IPSec/IKEv2, L2TP/IPSec.
    • Benefits: Data encryption, IP address masking, and access to geo-blocked content.
  2. Password Management:

    • Importance: Disabling automatic password storing in browsers and using a password manager.
    • Functionality: Password managers store passwords securely behind a master password, ensuring cross-device compatibility.
  3. Public Wi-Fi Risks:

    • Risks: Unsecured public Wi-Fi networks can be exploited by hackers to intercept data, including passwords and sensitive information.
    • Recommendation: Caution against using public Wi-Fi and opting for more secure alternatives.
  4. Software and OS Updates:

    • Significance: Regular updates include new features, patches for vulnerabilities, and security updates.
    • Example: Recent Windows security updates patching vulnerabilities exploited by hackers.
  5. Phishing Awareness:

    • Threat: Phishing emails attempt to deceive users into revealing sensitive information.
    • Recommendations: Avoid clicking on unfamiliar attachments and links, learn to identify phishing emails.
  6. Data Privacy:

    • Risks: Sharing personal information online can lead to data leaks if the platform is compromised.
    • Best Practices: Keep personal information private, read Privacy Policies, and be cautious about sharing on social media.
  7. Cybersecurity Products:

    • Accessibility: High-quality cybersecurity products are available for personal use, offering real-time monitoring and malware detection.
    • Functions: Firewall and antivirus software for device protection.
  8. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device):

    • Risks: Using personal devices at work may expose personal data to the company's network.
    • Considerations: Evaluate company policies and security measures before using personal devices at work.
  9. Monitoring Activity:

    • Importance: Regular monitoring helps detect anomalies, safeguard data, and prevent cybersecurity breaches.
    • Tools: Nagios Core, Apps Tracker, Kiwi Application Monitor for monitoring network and device activity.
  10. Data Backup:

    • Importance: Cloud storage solutions provide a secure backup for data, preventing loss in case of device theft or loss.
    • Recommendation: Back up data regularly to cloud storage for added security.

In conclusion, implementing the mentioned cybersecurity practices is crucial in the face of increasing cyber threats. However, it's essential to stay vigilant and adapt to emerging threats by staying informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and best practices.

10 Must-Know Tips For Keeping Your Personal Data Safe (2024)


What are 5 ways to secure data? ›

Here are some practical steps you and your staff can take to improve your data security.
  • Back up your data. ...
  • Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication. ...
  • Be aware of your surroundings. ...
  • Be wary of suspicious emails. ...
  • Install anti-virus and malware protection. ...
  • Protect your device when it's unattended.
Apr 19, 2023

How to keep personal data safe? ›

Top tips for staying secure online
  1. Top tips for staying secure online.
  2. Use a strong and separate password for your email.
  3. Install the latest software and app updates.
  4. Turn on 2-step verification (2SV)
  5. Password managers: using browsers and apps to safely store your passwords.
  6. Backing up your data.
  7. Three random words.

What are 4 ways to protect your personal information? ›

What Can I Do to Protect My Personal Information?
  • create strong and unique passwords for online accounts.
  • shop safe on the Internet using secure online payment services.
  • stay aware of the risks of using the Internet, email and social engineering tactics (such as phishing.)

How can we protect our data class 10? ›

Securing Your Devices and Networks
  1. Encrypt your data. ...
  2. Backup your data. ...
  3. Make your old computers' hard drives unreadable. ...
  4. Secure your wireless network at your home or business. ...
  5. Use a firewall. ...
  6. Encrypt data on your USB drives and SIM cards. ...
  7. Disable file and media sharing if you don't need it.

What are the 7 data protection? ›

Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency; ▪ Purpose limitation; ▪ Data minimisation; ▪ Accuracy; ▪ Storage limitation; ▪ Integrity and confidentiality; and ▪ Accountability.

What are the four 4 elements of data security? ›

In general, data security can be broken down into four main elements: Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity, and Availability.

Why keep personal data safe? ›

And you have to protect it. This is because if personal data falls into the wrong hands, people could be harmed. Depending on the situation, they could become victims of identity theft, discrimination or even physical harm.

Who keeps personal data safe? ›

Employers must keep their employees' personal data safe, secure and up to date.

What is the #1 type of identity theft? ›

There are various forms of identity theft, but the most common is financial. Identity theft protection keeps track of people's credit reports, financial activity, and Social Security number use.

How to keep SSN safe? ›

  1. Never list an SSN when posting a paper record on a public bulletin board.
  2. Never send SSNs via an electronic format.
  3. Never have a computer log-in system where a person has to use their SSN.
  4. Never use SSNs on ID cards.
  5. Never send SSNs on postcards.
  6. Never store SSNs on unprotected computer systems.

What are 3 main pieces of personal information that you should protect? ›

Pay particular attention to how you keep personally identifying information: Social Security numbers, credit card or financial information, and other sensitive data. That's what thieves use most often to commit fraud or identity theft.

Where is the safest place to keep passwords? ›

The safest and easiest place to store your passwords is in a password manager such as Dashlane or 1Password. A password manager is an application that stores all your passwords in an encrypted database, which can only be unlocked with a single master password.

What is the biggest change in how we protect data? ›

Some of the biggest data security changes in 2024 include adhering to data governance guidelines, data encryption, authentication, advanced phishing and AI-enhanced attacks. Business owners need to implement these changes to protect sensitive data from landing in the wrong hands.

What is personal data privacy? ›

Data privacy generally means the ability of a person to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent personal information about them is shared with or communicated to others. This personal information can be one's name, location, contact information, or online or real-world behavior.

What are top 5 key elements of an information security? ›

The U.S. Department of Defense has promulgated the Five Pillars of Information Assurance model that includes the protection of confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, and non-repudiation of user data.

What are 3 strategies for keeping information secure? ›

In general:
  • Keep high-level Protected Data (e.g., SSN's, credit card information, student records, health information, etc.) ...
  • Securely remove sensitive data files from your system when they are no longer needed.
  • Always use encryption when storing or transmitting sensitive data.

What are the six protection methods to data security? ›

By implementing robust data protection techniques such as encryption, access controls, data backup and disaster recovery, DLP, IDPS, and employee training, organizations can fortify their data against potential threats.

What are the 3 A's of data security? ›

In the realm of cybersecurity, there are three essential components that form the foundation of protection. They are known as the 3 A's – Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control. Each plays a crucial role in safeguarding your sensitive information and preventing unauthorized access to your systems.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.