10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (2024)

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Knowledge areas are not covered in the PMBOK® Guide – Seventh Edition. Material on the Knowledge Areas can still be found in the PMI web guidance which members have access to, called Standards Plus.

This article reviews and explains the 10 project management Knowledge Areas from the PMBOK® Guide — Sixth Edition. You can view a PowerPoint of the Knowledge Areas and grab a PDF download below.

Knowledge Areas: Definition

What exactly are ‘Knowledge Areas’? And why are they so important they have capital letters?

PMI defines a Knowledge Area in the PMBOK® Guide — Sixth Edition Glossary like this:

An identified area of project management defined by its knowledge requirements and described in terms of its component processes, practices, inputs, outputs, tools, and techniques.

Basically,each Knowledge Area (which you might see abbreviated to KA) is a category ofconcepts and processes with a common goal. All the things you need to know anddo for successful risk management, for example, are bundled under the RiskManagement Knowledge Area.

How many knowledge areas are there in project management?

According to the PMBOK® Guide — Sixth Edition, there are 10. However, as with any discipline that requires working with cross-functional teams, you may find in reality you need to draw on other areas in order to get the job done.

These are all covered extensively in PMP® training like that from iZenBridge.

What are the project management Knowledge Areas?

The 10 Knowledge Areas of projectmanagement are:

  1. Integration Management
  2. Scope Management
  3. Schedule Management
  4. Cost Management
  5. Quality Management
  6. Resource Management
  7. Communications Management
  8. Risk Management
  9. Procurement Management
  10. Stakeholder Management.
10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (2)

They appear in that order as there is somelogic to how they map to the project lifecycle. For example, it helps to knowthe scope of a project before you plan the schedule. You need to know theresources before you communicate to them.

However, I don’t understand why Stakeholder Management is last — possibly because it got added in the PMBOK® Guide — Fifth Edition and was tacked on the end then. To me, it would make more sense to be addressed earlier.

Regardless: if you are going for the PMP® exam, you will have to memorize the Knowledge Areas and make sure you know them in the correct order (i.e. the order in the list above). Having said that, you don’t have to learn them in that order.

Knowledge Areas PPT & PDF

You can view a super-quick overview of eachof the project management Knowledge Areas in this Slideshare PowerPoint deck.

You can also download a PDF version of this presentation inside my project management resource library.

Let’s look at each of those in a bit more detail.

10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (3)

1. Integration Management

Project Integration Management is thehardest KA to get your head around because (in my opinion) it feels so vague.

The point of this whole Knowledge Area isto make it clear that everything about project management overlaps and needs tobe managed as a holistic whole.

In other words, you can’t ‘do’ schedule management and ignore what the impacts of that might be on people, risk, communications, cost and the rest. This is the domain where you have to manage interdependencies between pretty much everything on the project.

I have always thought having a whole KA tomake this point was excessive, but it is a really important concept.

This video gives you an overview of what it’s all about.

2. Scope Management

This Knowledge Area looks at everything todo with managing project scope. Ultimately, the end result is that once youhave worked through the relevant processes, you know what the project is goingto deliver.

That includes requirements (full or as fullas is appropriate at this point in time) and a work breakdown structure if youuse one.

Tip: Don’t get hung up on creating a WBS. If it isn’t a helpful tool for you, in real life you don’t have to use it! But you will need to know about them if you intend to go for the PMP® exam.

3. Schedule Management

Project Schedule Management is all about making a detailed plan to tell everyone when the project will deliver what is in the requirements.

Schedule management overlaps heavily with comms, as the timeline for the project is of major interest to stakeholders. It’s a key document that you’ll use to manage stakeholders’ expectations. And you use it to track progress.

There are a number of different techniques for tracking schedule progress including earned value management and percent complete. There is a whole other PMI practice standard for scheduling, so this KA doesn’t have a ton of detail in about the ‘how’.

In this KA, you cover everything to do withdefining the work required to deliver the scope, putting those tasks in theright order, estimating how long they will take to do and building the projectschedule.

The domain also covers keeping the schedule up to date.

You’ll often see schedule management and cost management (see below) on project management job descriptions, because they are the technical skills employers want to know you can do.

10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (4)

4. Cost Management

Cost management is basically managingproject funding.

Under the umbrella of cost management, youwill:

Many project managers on smaller projects don’t have the final say on how much money is allocated to their project, or final sign off on how it is spent. I think that’s unfortunate. If you are going to do the job, you should have authority to do it all.

However, I think many managers in the sponsorship role prefer to hold the purse strings themselves. It’s a shame, as they could delegate this to their project managers.

My personal feelings on whether you should have access to the budget or not aside, do what you need to do to understand how your organization expects you to handle finances on your project.

Whether it’s you raising purchase orders and approving invoices or your sponsor, get the process clear in your own head so that funding isn’t a cause of delay.

5. Quality Management

It would be nice to think that quality was something formal covered on every project, but in my experience, and the experience of the project managers I mentor, quality isn’t often considered formally.

Obviously it depends on your project. If you are opening a factory that makes bricks, you want every single brick to adhere to quality criteria that make it safe for building works.

Many knowledge work-related projects don’t take the same regimented approach to quality. However, it’s an important Knowledge Area to be aware of and use as appropriate to ensure a quality result on your project.

Project Quality Management involves preparing a quality management plan with metrics. Then you implement the plan, carrying out quality-related tasks and making course-corrections as necessary to keep your project delivering the outputs you expect.

10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (5)

6. Resource Management

Project Resource Management is so important! It’s the domain where you work out what you need to get the project done.

Resources are typically people but couldalso be other things like:

  • Equipmentor vehicles
  • IThardware and software
  • Materialslike sand, gravel or other components
  • Facilitiese.g. an office you have to rent for the duration of the project
  • Officegadgets like projectors.

I would count money as a resource as well. If you don’t have the funding, you won’t be doing your project.

This Knowledge Area covers planning how you are going to do resource management, estimating what resources you need, acquiring the resources you need and ensuring the physical resources you’re using are available as necessary.

You’ll also track the utilization of resources and take corrective action if necessary — for example if you’re getting through your resources at a quicker-than-planned rate.

The Resource Management Knowledge Area alsocovers developing your project team and managing the team.

Developing the team means:

  • Helpingthem improve their skills
  • Ensuringthey can work together effectively
  • Creatingan environment where the team can do their best work.

Managing the team means:

  • Tracking individual performance against planned work
  • Providing them with feedback on their contributions
  • Resolving problems individuals may have
  • Managing starters and leavers in the team so the team stays cohesive and changes don’t affect project performance.

That’s actually quite a lot for a project manager to do, especially if the people don’t work directly for you. Just do your best and be aware that you set the tone for the team’s culture.

Teamwork is so important, so focus on what you can do to make your project team a great place to work. Keep morale and enthusiasm high.

Read next: Team building ideas: Online scavenger hunt

10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (7)

7. Communications Management

In this Knowledge Area, you:

  • Create a communications management plan
  • ‘Do’ communications i.e. carry out your plan, send briefings out, give presentations or whatever
  • Monitor the success (or otherwise) of those
  • Make changes as appropriate to ensure your next communications are effectively received and acted on.

8. Risk Management

There’s a whole PMI credential on risk management, so that tells you risk management is a big deal for project managers.

The Risk Management Knowledge Area coversan adequate overview of what you need to do to manage risk on your project. Ifyou want more detailed guidance, there are plenty of books on the subject.

Within this KA, you’ll be:

  • Planning how to manage risk on the project and creating a risk management plan
  • Identifying risks
  • Analyzing risks (both qualitatively and quantitatively)
  • Planning the risk response based on your analysis
  • Carrying out the risk response activities
  • Monitoring risk to check the success (or otherwise) of your response activities, and taking action as necessary.

Basically, that’s the risk management process in a nutshell. You’ll be managing risk the whole way through the project. Anyone can raise a risk or take action to manage a risk.

Risk management is a team effort and this is a KA you’ll be using over and over again until it becomes second nature.

10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (8)

9. Procurement Management

If your project isn’t buying anything, you can skip this whole Knowledge Area in real life, although you’ll need to know it for the PMP® exam.

In the Procurement Management KnowledgeArea, you:

  • Plan theprocurements required and create a statement of work
  • Plan howyou will make decisions about vendors
  • Carry outthe procurement exercise to select a vendor
  • Manage therelationship with the vendor while they do the work
  • Close theprocurement contract at the end of the work.

Depending on what you are buying, and the type of organization you work in, you may have access to a specialist Purchasing team who can help with all of this. There is a lot of contracting involved and those negotiations can be quite challenging if you aren’t used to being in that environment.

10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (9)

10. Stakeholder Management

Project Stakeholder Management is my favorite Knowledge Area because I believe that projects are done through people.

I also believe that managing people is a slightly arrogant way to think about the work we do in this domain, so it’s preferable to think about it as stakeholder engagement.

In this KA you:

  • Identify the people involved and affected by the project — the stakeholders
  • Plan how you are going to engage them in your work: create a stakeholder engagement plan
  • Manage the activities you are going to use to engage them, and gather feedback on whether the activities were successful or not.
  • Act on the feedback to improve your stakeholder engagement work for next time.

This is also the area of the project where you are likely to have the most challenges, because people don’t act the way you sometimes expect them to. You’ll be dealing with conflict, negotiating, managing office politics.

10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (10)

For me, this is the most interesting part of project management and can also see you at the table with the most senior managers in the company.

This is also the domain where you are likely to be planning change management activities, if you don’t have a dedicated business change manager on the team.

So it’s worth spending some time learning the tools and techniques to support how you get work done through others, because they are so critical to your success and the project’s success!

Knowledge Areas Mnemonic

Struggling to remember all of this, in the right order? This video from covers five quick ways to memorise the 10 Knowledge Areas in the PMBOK Guide — Sixth Edition.


  • There are 10 project management Knowledge Areas, according to the PMBOK® Guide — Sixth Edition
  • They cover the major domains you need to know and use as a project manager
  • You might not use them all on each project
  • You’ll need to know them all for the PMP® exam.

Next steps

Now you know about the Knowledge Areas, you’ll also want to spend some time thinking about the practical skills you need as a project manager, things every project manager should know but that aren’t always taught on courses or in books!

Take a look at the 10 things project managers should know that go beyond the ‘simple’ textbook understanding — those are the skills to work on next.

iZenBridge has been reviewed and approved as a provider of project management training by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As a PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.), iZenBridge has agreed to abide by PMI-established quality assurance criteria. Find out more about their range of online and classroom courses on their website.

Join the free resource library to receive the Knowledge Area presentation as a PDF. Sign up here, I’ll message you back a link where you can download the templates.

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10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (11)
10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management (PMBOK 6) With PPT & PDF (2024)


Where can I download PMBOK 6th edition PDF? ›

PMBOK 6th Edition PDF is available for download to all PMI Members for free. You need to login to the PMI website with your PMI user ID / password, to download the PMBOK Guide PDF. The PDF file is password protected and when you try to open it, it will prompt you for a password.

How many knowledge areas are there in PMBOK 6th Edition? ›

How many knowledge areas are there in project management? According to the PMBOK® Guide — Sixth Edition, there are 10.

How can I remember the 10 knowledge areas of PMP? ›

Mnemonic to remember 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas
  1. I – Integration.
  2. Should – Scope.
  3. Serve – Schedule.
  4. Coffee – Cost.
  5. Queen – Quality.
  6. Radha – Resource.
  7. Comes with – Communication.
  8. Rana – Risk.
Oct 16, 2017

Can I get PMBOK for free? ›

Download the PMBOK® Guide for free

And now, enjoy unlimited access to PMIstandards+, the digital solution for original, how-to videos, templates, articles and graphics showing standards application in real-world projects.

Is PMBOK 6 or 7 better? ›

Instead, it focuses on broad guidelines or standards that project managers should follow in order to determine how to best manage a project. So, to answer your question on whether to refer to the 6th or 7th edition of the PMBOK guide, I recommend reading PMBOK 7.

What are the PMBOK 6 processes? ›

PMBOK 6 Process Groups

Process Group - The 5 process groups will remain the same: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & controlling and control.

Is PMP based on PMBOK 6 or 7? ›

PMP Exam is based on which edition of the PMBOK Guide? The PMP Exam is based on the PMP Exam Content Outline (ECO), and PMI is using both PMBOK Guide 6th and PMBOK Guide 7th Edition for question development.

Can I pass PMP without reading PMBOK? ›

No. You will need additional study material to pass the exam. Even though PMI has published Guide and it is considered as a reference book for the PMP exam, the exam is not based the Guide. The PMP exam is based on the tasks described in the Exam Content Outline.

What is the best way to study of PMBOK? ›

Top PMP Exam Tips
  1. Conquer the PMBOK® Guide. The PMP exam is based largely on the PMBOK® Guide. ...
  2. Use a Good PMP® Prep Book. ...
  3. Try PMP Exam Prep Workshops. ...
  4. Try Online PMP Exam Prep Workshops. ...
  5. Take Advantage of Online PMP Exam Simulators. ...
  6. Remember Flash Cards. ...
  7. Participate in Study Groups and Discussion Forums.
4 days ago

How do you memorize formulas for PMP exam? ›

The best way to memorize the PMP formulas is by understanding the concepts behind it. If you do not understand this, then you may find it hard to decide which formula to use in a particular context. You should also get used to using these formulas in real projects to understand how they work and how they are useful.

What are the ten key knowledge areas as mentioned in the Pmbok guide? ›

The 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas (PMBOK)
  • Project Integration Management.
  • Project Scope Management.
  • Project Time Management.
  • Project Cost Management.
  • Project Quality Management.
  • Project Human Resource Management.
  • Project Communications Management.
  • Project Risk Management.
Nov 27, 2019

How many of the ten project management knowledge areas include planning tasks? ›

Scope Management PMBOK Knowledge Area:

Four of them belong to planning. These are planning the scope management, collecting requirements, defining the scope, and creating WBS. Two processes belong to the monitoring and controlling process group.

Can I study for PMP on my own? ›

To answer the question, though, yes, you can study on your own. There are some things you must know, however, and some necessary conditions. No amount of real-life experience in project management can assure that you will pass the exam. In fact, without dedicated study, you almost certainly will not pass.

How long does it take to study PMBOK? ›

Remember that average PMP preparation takes around 70-85 hours of study. To get ready for the PMP exam, you must spare around 3-4 hours each day to pass the PMP exam in 30 days.

How much does PMBOK cost? ›

How Much Does the PMP Certification Exam Cost? The first time you take it, the PMP exam costs $555 for those without PMI membership. PMI members, on the other hand, pay $405. If you opt to become a PMI member at the time you sign up to take the exam, you'll still have to pay the nonmember rate.

Can I still use PMBOK 6th Edition? ›

The good news is that key learnings and concepts from the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition remain valid and are referenced in sections of the draft guide.

Where can I download PMBOK on PMI website? ›

PMBOK download for Members

Please log onto www.pmi.org with your username and password. Once logged in click the link Resources at the top of your screen. On the left hand side click 'Standards' and then 'Library of Global Standards'. All PMI Standards are available to you on this page.

How can I download PMBOK 7th edition for free? ›

Did you know that if you are a PMI member, the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)® Guide Seventh Edition in PDF format is available to download for FREE? You can get it by logging on to the PMI website with you User ID and password here.

Is PMBOK 6th edition still relevant? ›

Hence, the 6th Edition of PMBOK still remains relevant & important for the PMP Exam syllabus/ECO. It is the cornerstone of predictive project management techniques and this book will continue to be a very important resource for your PMP Exam preparation in 2023.

Is PMBOK 7 released? ›

The latest PMBOK edition, PMBOK 7, is set to launch August 1, 2021, and will include essential study material for prospective project managers.

Can you take PMP at home? ›

The online proctoring experience will be similar to the in-person option with additional advantages. You will be able to take the PMP certification exam from your home with your internet-connected PC or tablet. Taking an in-person exam requires finding a suitable PMP exam schedule in a Pearson VUE test center.

What is the difference between PMP and PMBOK? ›

PMBOK stands for Project Management Body of Knowledge, while PMP stands for Project Management Professional. One is a set of terminology and guidelines used in project management; the other is a professional certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI).

How do you pass the PMBOK exam? ›

Top PMP Exam Tips
  1. Conquer the PMBOK® Guide. The PMP exam is based largely on the PMBOK® Guide. ...
  2. Use a Good PMP® Prep Book. ...
  3. Try PMP Exam Prep Workshops. ...
  4. Try Online PMP Exam Prep Workshops. ...
  5. Take Advantage of Online PMP Exam Simulators. ...
  6. Remember Flash Cards. ...
  7. Participate in Study Groups and Discussion Forums.
Dec 21, 2022

What is difference between PMBOK 6 and PMBOK 7? ›

So, without further ado, here are the three fundamental differences between PMBOK 6 and PMBOK 7: PMI Has Shifted from Process Based Standard To Principle Based Standard. PMBOK 7 Is NOT A Replacement of PMBOK6. PMBOK® 6 Focuses on Knowledge Domains And PMBOK® 7 Focuses On The Performance Domains.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.